Post a bands/artists objectively best album
Post a bands/artists objectively best album
bet you think you're real clever for posting that one, huh?
Extremely poor opinion.
the moon and antartica, lonesome crowded west, this is a long drive, interstate 8 and building nothing out of something are all better than Good News.
The cure - disintegration
wtf im not getting (yous) when you reply to me??
you don't deserve them
Imagine thinking this silly quirkfest crap is better than TLCW or M&A
You can NOT refute this
Contesting with liftyourskinny.
>Do you think that the end of the world is coming?
absolutely and utterly wrong
nice b8 but their best album is Strangers to Ourselves
Here's your (You)
So much bait itt
Pretty much this. Lonesome Crowded West is best Modest Mouse, there's only a few good tracks on Good News.
Contrarian but I haven't listened so I don't know if you're right.
This album is shit and it annoys the fuck out of me.
There's a reason why it has that acronym
I love how all of them are dead
thought Marky was still kickin when did he finally give out?
they meant all the original members
This is true. Moon and Antarctica is an actual masterpiece but Good News gets far too much hate. Dance Hall and Blame it on the Tetons are duds just about everything else ranges from good to great. It's damn solid for an indie-pop record.
ahh ok. yea they dead. Kinda ironic Marky outlived every one of them lol
Did they pioneer meme text?
yea Satin in a Coffin is a fucking jam, so is Good Times are Killing Me
Unicorns Are People Too is just as good
Based. All their other albums are boring as hell but F#A# is a masterpiece