What’s his IQ?
What’s his IQ?
lower than he thinks
1488 haha
verbal: 120+
general: 110+
Morrissey lately, tho
so it could still be pretty high then
he's a smug racist, not an angry racist
are americans forced by the government to take IQ tests?
never heard of a person irl who ever did an actual IQ test
also IQ is never brought up in conversations here
>also IQ is never brought up in conversations here
It's drivel manufactured by the 1% to sow division among the working class and keep em fighting each other.
they do them in school
people take them because they think they're smart and they also think that IQ indicates intelligence as a whole.
160 clearly
takes a thinking man to be in a leftist industry with right-wing political views
you're hardly less retarded than /pol/ talking about things being manufactured by the jews
He's not even that right wing, he hates Trump
>takes a thinking man to be in a leftist industry with right-wing political views
being le ebin contrarian is more profitable for people like him who don't really have much to look for musically
what would take a thinking man is making actually good music
I took an IQ test and got over 140 by clicking random answers really fast.
you didn't take an IQ test
realizing IQ tests are bullshit grants you a result of at least 140
IQ is useless, especially when used to indicate the "value" of an individual. A 90 IQ normie salesman is more valuable to a sales company than a 140 IQ sperg that can barely pick up a phone.
When did I say that IQ should be used as the main indicator of a person's innate value?
>IQ is useless
Now that's truly moronic. I hope you're also willing to say that the entirety of all psychological measures ever invented are useless, as IQ is better than or equal to pretty much all of them in terms of predictive validity. It's basically the best overall predictor of life outcomes in general.
>90 IQ normie salesman is more valuable to a sales company than a 140 IQ sperg that can barely pick up a phone.
truly idiotic strawman of what pretty much anyone pro-IQ believes, even /pol/tards.
>You can't get good results by clicking randomly
It sounds like you took an online iq test
So it’s not a real iq test
Dats da full scor!
>also think that IQ indicates intelligence as a whole
That's literally what IQ is
IQ is a measure of how good a person is at solving a particular puzzle, and then someone else comes along and decides which puzzles are important and which aren't. Again, all for the purpose of sowing division among the working class while the 1% eat your money and chuckle to themselves
we were given IQ tests in elementary in middle school to decide whether we should take the "gifted" classes.
I also see people talking about it in general when they're talking about Basketball. instead of saying "this guy is strategically proficient" they will just say "he has high IQ".
You didn't actually respond to any of my points.
>IQ is a measure of how good a person is at solving a particular puzzle
No, IQ is a measure of how good you are at solving a specific set of problem solving tasks that are known to be correlated well with how you do on other problem solving tasks, which is why it predicts things like job performance and academic performance so well. This works because of one of the most well-studied constructs in psychology - the G-factor, or general cognitive ability. Briefly, if you administer a set of tests measuring superficially different cognitive abilities to a group of people, you will find that the people who are better on one specific test also tend to be better than the mean on another test. On average, people who score well on tests of abstract pattern recognition like Raven's Matrices also do well (although not quite as well) on measures as distinct as simple reaction time and vocabulary. You will also find that some tests tend to predict general performance on other tests better than others; for example, you backward digit span is a better predictor of general performance than your forward digit span. This is due to the G-factor, and the extent to which a given test is a predictor of general performance is its G-loading. IQ tests are highly G-loaded; they also test a variety of specific factors, but the lion's share of the considerable predictive validity of IQ tests is due to their high G-loading. Things like SAT scores and GRE scores are also reasonably highly G-loaded - that's why they're useful for colleges in predicting academic performance, and are often used as a proxy for IQ by researchers and internet racists alike.
This is because smart irishmen move to england, and morrissey's family would be included in that.
I don't get it
I googled and got that JPEGMAFIA releases songs called both 1488 and I hope morrissey dies
Is that it?
Some IQs are bigger than others
The chadder you look the less you know
1488 is a nazi self identification number
14 = 14 words (We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children)
88 = HH, Heil Hitler (H is the 8th letter of the alphabet)
infinite . either way it wouldn’t matter considering he’s the most stunning man in existence
some brains are bigger than others
"The judge also ranked the band members by IQ, with Marr "probably the more intelligent of the four", Rourke and Joyce "unintellectual", and Morrissey presumably somewhere in between.[88]"
He's average. Marr was really the only high IQ member of the band.
You can be right wing without supporting Trump. Why does everyone make these shitty leaps in logic where right wing = drumpf and left wing = 'le sjw xDd'?
I'm socially right/economically left, trump is a faggot.
how far socially right?
>you can't be right wing and hate Trump (aka kike cucksucker) at the same time
This is your brain on leftism.
Isn't it curious that Morrissey hates Trump? Narcissistic people tend to like one another.
and you can be left wing without supporting mass immigration.
or america
which is something only a nazi would know, fuck off this board you're not wanted here
lmao ur a gay