fuck clc
Other urls found in this thread:
no ugly chewy pictures exist
[cute gook gibberish] aha~
[more cute gook gibberish] you and me
nayeon mentioned
up with upsee, but down with what you said.
Very true
based cancerbro
what's her right eye looking at?
any sharkman in?
watching this does feel a bit weird. after careful thought i've decided that i don't want any non-asians in kpop
>been out roaming the city perving on scantily clad cuties from behind my sunglasses for a couple hours
>back to kpg now and I'm poppin hard at the sight of nuggus that I don't even pay any attention to normally
the power of a good warmup boys
post feet
so blasters will save slutpop...
man this webm hits kinda hard
namjoo best girl
berry good are disbanding and their company needs a replacement
Did they actually make a real group?
what exactly do groups do while touring in foreign countries?
Are they literally under house arrest with no public appearances?
unless its your debut concept and overall 'business model' slutpop is your company admitting its groups defeat and just last ditch efforting with as much skin and suggestive choreo they can get away with while still promoting among mainstream idol groups.
come on man; you dont have to do this...
who told you that?
probably depends on the group. i'm sure the more established groups do whatever the fuck they want.
was. until she fell for the ps meme and ruined what she had.
wow i can never jack off to sexy kpop idols now that ive thought about it that way
between rehearsals and travel it seems like they'd barely have any free time at all
Any nugu group I should look out for?
hell yes
i wanna fuck yeeun, yujin and seungyeon in a threesome
f(x) airplane is the superior airplane
Come with me. Airplane. Love.
Come with me. Airplane. Love.
that's some sophisticated dildo
rate my harem
>watching this does feel a bit weird
>"a bit"
I can almost smell mix of urine and rancid fat stink emitted from their apocrine glands. I bet they're already cellulite-ridden too. Whiteoids have no business kpop.
This needs to be exterminated ASAP. No messing around either. Complete annihilation by fire!!
Habin just ruins it.
Busters are nice.
Doytoy lips wrapped around your...
but luna is really cute fren
Word, pink tape also has the superior signal.
naeun version 2.1, better version of that uggo from wonder girls, nice, lol, nice.
the clc hate on here is puzzling to me. after red velvet tanked theirs recently, clc have one of the top gg discographies of all time.
brainlets do not need to reply
With lots of groups debuting with underage girls going full slutpop at debut is extremely risky.
I do think it’s possible to transition from one concept to another as purepop -> lady/slutpop is almost required and cutepop has a limited shelf duration.
When does a group stop being Nugu?
I mostly use it to describe groups who have 0 identity, the kpop equivalent of Muzak.
absolutely based
wtf, i thought this was supposed to be a pure group.
more like get that roastie out of my face
blackpink have the best discography honestly
i don't disagree, but uhsn is too much. as an aside i did like lana's debut
they are
Apologize to Naeun and Sohee
Few, or no votes in music shows, low-low med fan base, don't hear about them too much.
DIA in my opinion is nugu.
A true k-pop connoisseur, cheers mate!
big stupid BABY
I only listen to Twice and CLC
red velvet seems overrated to me I only found 3 songs that I like from them
>it'z icy preorders will get an it'z different booklet and photocard
based jyp blesses midzys
yikes dude
the default/nautral concept progression starts with purepop/cutepop for sure and should, as they get older, get into crush/ladypop stuff. when its fullblown slutpop thats when you know theres a lack of faith in the overall product from the higher ups. in short, i agree 100%.
busters chaeyeon is my new jinsol
any sharkman in
it's not the same
nah, namjoo still looks pretty. I'm not sure what happened with the horrible nosejob she had. It was either fixed promptly or she just promoted I'm So Sick while she was still recovering from it. Her personality hasn't changed a bit either, and that's her best part.
no, it's just for one MV
finally an attractive girl
>I only found 3 songs that I like from them
which ones are those? i think much of their early stuff is great and the perfect red velvet is a very good album in general. but they slowly dropped off after bad boy and ended up with the aids that is zimzalabim
what's the best asian country with the hottest women?
>when its fullblown slutpop thats when you know theres a lack of faith in the overall product from the higher ups
How do you explain Blackpink then?
Big3 or BH or OTR/Stone or probably Cre.ker groups are never nugu.
In general I think anything that has under 1m views in a month after release or sells in the low 1000s as physicals is nugu as fuck.
this is not a sex tourism thread
yg doesn't count. it's marketed towards sea and poc
has literally any good kpop come out in 2k19
I really don't think so
Jennie: Needs no introduction. #1 in kpop history.
Rose: The biggest druggie. Likes that YG stash and doesn't say no when she's sedated af. Likes to be manhandled and dominated. Often seen together with Jennie entering a limousine with tinted windows at night.
Lisa: Her Thai genetics can't be controlled for long. She tries to stay civilized but her ovaries are screaming when she's in heat, so she tries to vent it on stage by being super slutty. She comes off that way, but she actually wants to be monogamous and like all Thais dreams of being married to a white man.
Jisoo: The only member in the group who has traditional Korean values. She sees what's going on around her but doesn't say anything because she doesn't want bad blood and she understands Jennie's actions are for the better of the whole group, so in a secret way she is thankful for Jennie. She just stays by herself in the dorm and doesn't ask Jennie and Rose where they have been last night. She just makes a can of coffee for everyone and says "Good morning" as if nothing happened and tries to spread good mood at the breakfast table. Occasionally she vacuums Jennie's room and cleans up when the old sweaty clothes stack up at the floor and the stench spreads outside to the rest of the house. She always tries to avoid Jennie when she is about to leave the house in the evening, but sometimes she walks into her in the hallway as she's standing there in short skirt and high heels. Jisoo then pushes her hand with a short but tender motion and says: "Please take care of yourself." with a lowered face, then disappears in her room as she hears Jennie close the door behind her.
i didn't know taeha left...
dumb question retard
>Her personality hasn't changed a bit either, and that's her best part.
100% apink in general is full with interesting personalities. probably accounts for why theyve been so steady for so long.
you just know most of twice is seething that they will never have that tummy
I know I'll get a lot of shit and I can't deny the polarizing nature of my statement, but unironically China. Yes, there are large-faced goblins shitting on the street, but if you compare the average of educated middle class women in Asian countries, China is pretty amazing. Thailand is great too when you look at daughters from upper-middle class families.
you've got shit taste kid
The ReVe Festival Day 2 will be a studio album and another masterpiece
Post god tier Kpop
CLC since crystle has had a pretty top notch discography but Twice has so much filler even if you just listen to Korean singles (the jpop ones all suck).
RV isn’t for everyone, you need to have a 148IQ or higher but they have one of the best discographies in kpop especially if you count their bsides.
[power gap]
Any tips or stuff to do for a foreigner in Japan and Korea?
What do you mean user?
Good taste
here you go bro
just look at how much fun their concerts are. i'm pretty sure no other group interacts with their fans this much.
rent free
holy shit she looks like yuqi so much
there hasn't been a single good kpop song in the last 20 years
shit tier bait
share #32 pls
I feel like Bomi and Hayoung have changed the most out of the girls in terms of physicality and personality but yeah in general they’ve been consistently entertaining.
I think they debuted at a time when ‘genuine” personalities were more valued and there was lots of variety to show them off
Share lucky number 7 too.
oh, you dont have to sell me on that. ive always been a big apink fan, just not namjoo's nosejob. gfriend has a great relationship like this with their fans, i like groups like this.
May I ask why №32 exactly?
not bait, i'm just a bitter faggot that doesn't like anything
Bad boy, Peakaboo and Kingdom Come
From the older tracks I also checked russian roulette, red flavor and some others but I didn't like them so I stopped there
hayoung for sure, she was (and still is) a child when they debuted. bomi i think gained confidence and thats where her change came from, hayoung just 'grew up' in every sense of the phrase lol
God damn, Wendy is such a cutie
i like that number, thanks
Fuck sake, why did it have to be shitpink?
Well yeah, Hayoung is an obvious one since she was a literal kid when they debuted (iirc she was 13). Apink have been together for 9 years and Hayoung is only 22. Let that sink in.
do you like any group or you just come here to talk about twice?
can't you appreciate the good thighs anyway you faggot
jinsol is 100 times hotter
More tightness, user.
Why do you have to be so pocky. Jennie is a good slut and the songs aren't half bad either.
Sounds very accurate.
>She always tries to avoid Jennie when she is about to leave the house in the evening, but sometimes she walks into her in the hallway as she's standing there in short skirt and high heels. Jisoo then pushes her hand with a short but tender motion and says: "Please take care of yourself." with a lowered face, then disappears in her room as she hears Jennie close the door behind her.
Poor Jisoo. I bet if she knew what she has to endure, she probably would have stayed out of a group together with Jennie.
i suppose you're not one to like rookie, right?
anyways, rv always had amazing b-sides.
my favourite is actually from rbb:
I can, of course, but fuck sake.
If the folder goes up to 74, please share that number.
her nose is still fucked
it looks like michael jackson's nose
I meant picky.
Pocky sounds like some slang from the 90s.
Jennie is a good slut, but overall she's overrated ugly trash. Again, good slut though.
The songs are bad, never say they are even okay again please.
>whiteoids in kpop
happily ever after is the second best drum n bass kpop song
why are they so cheap?
post the most senior idol in that folder juseyo
who are the most fertile idols to impregnate these days?
i'm so
which one is the best?
that's luna? damn, we might have the most based user in a while
kys fag
yuqi is peaking fertility. her womb is literally trembling
the russian girl is the only decent looking one
she seems insufferable
If you think that BP's songs are bad then you're listening to them too much.
They're great when you hear them once every few months. Really stupid but catchy enough to be enjoyable for a few good minutes.
is that thing actually real? Jennie and Lisa do seem like sluts, but I doubt they go out and get dick every friday night. Any proof boi?
I think this song is shit, does that mean i have a low iq?
>not wearing pasties over genitalia
>that flipped finger phallus symbol right next to her snatch
Obviously staged. They know exactly what they're doing and this was planned 100%.
thats a foursome idiot
its really shit. even reveluvs agree
wow i didn't know they had songs like this. thank you
nope, rvniggers will say anything to help cope with how shitty the last two years have been to them
fucks sake, i'm a moron
he's only watching
no way it's shit. but there are better RV songs.
I don't really know how old they are.
This was probably the oldest but I'm going by the looks only.
I'll have to disagree. See, I've actually tried doing this, because for some reason I kind of want to like them, just because of Lisa. Her rapping is honestly decent.
But I just can't. Teddy ruins everything he touches. I don't like Roses voice, Jisoos either. Jennie is subpar in everything.
Sure. Dive right in.
>gfriend compass is the superior airplane
yeseo is a woman now
best slut
based nagi nemoto poster
blackpink songs are good though and rosie and jisoo have the best voices in kpop right now and lisa and jennie are the best rappers
Why do you call her a slut? You do know that the song lyrics are not made by them? Some fucking random guy does and they give it to them. It's purely and image that YG wants you to believe that Lisa and Jennie are the sluts and Jisoo and Rose are the good christian Korean girls.
any sharkman in
this webm reminds me... i dont complain about jisooshitter because ive been here long enough to have dealth with babyshitter and have become completely numb to it.
>I doubt they go out and get dick every friday night
Not like that. Jennie is the only super slut among them. And she isn't fucking 'just anyone' but is utilized in a calculated way by YG. She's basically a real life Nikita, being sent to rich investors to pull in deals and make connections to further the groups' success. Blackpink is a gigantic media act with unprecedented budget, but that's because no other group in history had so many endorsements and investors backing them. Jennie is just the 'secret weapon' that finalizes deals. Lisa isn't really a slut, she's just Thai.
that's not wheels retard
i didnt say it was, it just gave me a vietnam style flashback and i felt like sharing friend.
a freaking baby
Let's agree to disagree.
chaeryeong mogging
>fuck sake
I miss living outside of the capital
you just know out of all the pics she chose the one that gave a peek at her panties
She can act different on camera in variety shows, and instagram you know? Why does she have to try extra hard to be a slut?
Just check this single kpg, it's filled with her posing slutty.
Why are you asking me anyway, he said she's a slut in the first place and I simply agreed?
Fine by me kind user.
her best pics tbqh
it isn't great, but then again, I really like rookie that was a bit marmite desu
she knows what she's selling
nice body but the face looks like a 10 yo's
omo she's getting thick
jet is better than both of them
wow, she's pure
watch the vids she posts, she obviously is advertising herself
will sm ever debut a new gg?
Yeah, next year.
plus apart from sorn all the girls are hot
post someone attractive
Post pure idols, faggots
they have a separate piece for a non-specified group in the budget for it at least.
but that could be another NCT unit or something
lovu rompompom
>wow, how can she dance with THOSE things on her chest?
>That doesn't mean they fuck every hot random guy that stumbles upon them
They don't and nobody has ever said that. Jennie is basically a super high class escort. Imagine scenario:
>YG in conference with investor
>negotiate huge transaction details
>investor not fully up to terms with YG's demands
>typical 'business man' chat starts...
>"Well, if one of the group members could join our business dinner next week, I'm sure it would enhance the prospect of your proposal and we'd find an adequate agreement, bla bla bla..."
>Jennie plays escort for investor CEO and later joins him in a 5-star hotel for the night
>YG receives full benefits of his proposed deal due to 'full satisfaction' of investor
She doesn't fuck around random guys silly. She's a pro.
finally an attractive girl
은비 가슴
literally looks like every korean women ever
post an idol with thicc thighs and a small waist
she's a freakin baby you sick freaks
That's the appeal.
hopefully we get a true successor to snsd and not some experimental group like rv that appeals to roasties an homos
those melon crushers
ugh, she's disgusting
>GWSN already has more songs than BLACKPINK
long gone now
No comment. Joy is actually my ult bias.
that's the appeal
new SMGG might be waiting for that rich Chinese girl whose dad makes sure it won't lose them money to debut.
>Fuck CLC
Man, I wish
Nice throwback.
momo's haircut is so awful
>hopefully we get a true successor to snsd
Will never happen.
>all those thighs
as much as I hate to admit it Dubu needs to work on her legs
ugliest shit of all time
it really is. jeongo too.
yes only lesbos like hwasuggo
Already happend, we have twice
Wow legs, never seen those!
2 1 3 1 10 8 5 4 5
>we won't get churrup jeongers back anytime soon
We need thick Dubu again
most girls these days are some fat fucking feminists who take no care of themselves at all, so I understand why this guys likes those thighs, because they are pretty ripe for some breeding
all straight men like her you`re just a faggot
what the fuck man
reminder that mina is dead
sana and cub look awful
lol no we don't.
next to cub on ugliness
It's so wooden and unnatural. You can tell she practiced this in front of the mirror trying to be sexy and was probably like: "Okay, okay, so tonight I'm doing it first time on stage OMG so nervous"
ugliest idol of all time
>gonna have to start counting members for every twice picture like snsd
come back to us mina goddamn it
They're being slept on for a good reason, Mnet's
new sugarbabies don't deserve a dime of ad revenue
don't call it a bop tho. user will get mad again
Thats a very unpopular opinion
>passive aggressive replying like a little bitch
you can go wash your snatch now
trips confirm
This: They're both catastrophes.
signal cub mogs your fave in her sleep
down with downsee
that title belongs to sluggo
7 5 10 3 6 2 4
it's amazing how you completely missed her joke
i fucking love purepop
I think she's just not horny at all.
saebom got too skinny so i dropped them
6 7 4 3 4 3 6
hello daisy
traitor bitch
your both wrong
kys spic
>those delusions
all 3 of your are wrong, is babysoul and its not even close
hwasa is way uglier than cub
it's nayeon
imagine the smell
make it a jennie thread
nice try but bunny is beautiful even without filters/photoshop
we can all agree that all those idols are ugly as fuck, it’s not a contest on who’s the ugliest since that changes with each person’s preferences
blackpink thread next friends
I threw up in my mouth
probably on overwhelming indoor over-chlorinated pool smell
10 7 8 6 0 9 7
was this a response to
Reminder Twice in hawaii airing today on AbemaTV for 3 days
Nice esl, niglet
She actually has a really great hairline. No recession at all. Most kpops are receded af at the front and hide it underneath vellus hairs.