This shit infuriates me so much

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yep i hate the lack of diversity in indie too

if shit like this infuriates you you should take a break from the internet and reevaluate your priorities in life

>Diversity = more black people
Stop calling this diversity. Just admit your white guilt and ask pretend that listening to niggers will make everything better.

take Charli's advice.

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For me, it's the west indies.

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yep I hate redditors who come here to shit up my Yea Forums with their shit music taste too

Say we're going to rise again like a raging fire
As the sun shines you know we gonna take it higher

not OP but this infuriates me because theres nothing stopping black people from making indie music, the person is complaining that most black people dont want to make indie as if its a problem that needs to be fixed and not just people making the types of music they want

Go back OP

anything that has "too much" white people will inevitably get criticized for it by people who don't give a shit about the culture beyond political posturing

imagine getting mad over a reddit post go back

also, reminder to everyone to listen to A.R. Kane

How is more blacks in a traditionally white genre not an example of diversity, you absolute brainlet?

why should it matter? why is it even a problem?

>yeah, i want to ""diversify"" my taste
>but ONLY if it's still white music
what an asshole

That's a different argument than you were originally making.

We're not arguing it is, we're saying that you make no sense by saying that wouldn't be diversity when it obviously would.

I'm not that guy, schizo retard.

>going to Yea Forums to complain about reddit
just stay there you dumb fuck

Black people can do indie, they're not barred from it or some shit. They're just so hellbent on being retards that they turn to Rap instead.
One of the best Indie Rock albums ever made (Silent Alarm) was made by a band that was fronted by a black man.

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because black indie music would be terrible, same reason everyone thinks white rappers are corny.

Explain to me why diversity is always just blacks then? Why not asians, indians etc. Even fucking whites themselves are diverse by country. Why is it always we need more blacks?

>Sacrificing artistic integrity in the name of "more black people" is a good thing
Blacks suck at indie and propping up mediocre black indie artists in the name of diversity is retarded.

>listens to indie
>is an insufferable cuck
Every time

Hate reddit

>diversity = black
I'm so sick of this cryptoracist bullshit. Why don't you listen to some polish post punk? Some russian new wave? Hell some indian jazz or something

They're not barred from it, it just doesn't appeal to black people. It's music that appeals to rich white hipsters and art school college kids. Do those subcultures vibe with the average black person?

Indie rock is just a label made by major labels to trick kids into thinking they are supporting independent music while still supporting major labels. Absolute trash.

this, imagine some black kids making music that sounds like weezer or american football or AJJ or some really white people indie bullshit, it'd be cringe like g eazy and macklemore are

>going on r*ddit
this shit infuriates me so much. stay there faggot.

this, fuck off

kek this exactly what’s going to happen. the genre is dead so they make it all about wymyn and blacks. this happened in the literary scene about a decade ago and now it’s infesting all of the arts

No it wouldn't, because hip hop is steeped in black culture while indie rock is not. Indie rock is just generic rock music without a strict cultural element, that's why white people don't fit in hip hop. A black man making indie rock would just sound like any other indie rock band and it'd sound fine. A white guy making rap would be out of touch with the culture surrounding it and his voice would not flow well with the beat because hip hop rhythms are not designed for the white vocal inflection.

As a poc I don't trust people who listen to shoegaze or indie rock, 0 people of color in those genres. Look at any concert of these bands or photos of these bands shit looks like a 1950s Alabama segregated school.

Your culture sucks.

Right back at you whitey
Guess what man even your own people think your culture is uncool and prefer black culture lmao

enjoy being cool in prison or under the ground lmao

americans aren't white ooga booga

fucking kek, yeah at least my own culture isn’t trying to literally kill me in the streets

to be fair wiggers exist here in france but that is largely thanks to USA media export

Inshallah brother

Niggas make pretty good Psych Rock though.

This. Black people have a lot of musical talent but they all blow it away in favor of doing shitty rap because that's what everyone else does.
Stevie Wonder is a pretty good example of a black man with musical talent.

what if i told you music was subjective and rap sounds great to us, speaks to us, and is what we want to make like you want to make rock music or weezer led zeppelin mac demarco mayonaise cover bands

what are you going on about?

lmfao shut up wh*te boi

and that infuriates you?
maybe a mild annoyance

Idk aren’t genre labels like barely things anyway? Why can’t you call frank ocean or tyler the creator indie rock?

>White male = rock
>White female = pop
>Black male = hip hop
>Black female = R&b

They’re all good, so just listen to them all.

read a book fag
we want to make rap, you dont get it that's ok, i dont expect you to

we dont get your shitty indie rock about how girls dont want to suck your lil peepee, that's cool bro, you make that, we make our shit

Does rap sound great to you because it is objectively good, or because you have been steeped in it your whole life, socialized within its haze, and stained with its influence?

And we don't get your shitty mass produced garage band-tier beats that all sound the same.
It's a win-win. Now stop larping as a black guy.

Indie rock sucks, it's low test limp shit.

>not realizing that indie rock is the most artistically vapid genre in history to begin with so promoting artists based on accessory traits like race rather than """""talent""""" is entirely justified

>you can only empathize with people of the same color
ayy lmao

indie rock has always been image based posturing bullshit since the beginning, it's always been built around this "2deep4u" obscure culture and "cool kid" image while being poorly played generic rock music.

Indie rock is super fucking gay.

He gets it

you could say the same thing about your boring doomer indeshit or dadrock cracker

Sure, and those are objectively bad genres as well.

1. (You) are probably a cracker LARPing as a black.
2. I didn't mention indie rock, which is the most soulless form of rock. I was also talking about shitty rap that's mass produced and is as superfluous and identical as pop. Besides, other majority-black music forms, e.g. jazz, blues, soul.
>weezer led zeppelin mac demarco mayonnaise cover bands

>this shit infuriates me so much
That Indie Rock is mostly white?

I agree.

Yet those people at those shows are respectful, kind, and tolerant of others different to themselves unlike you fucking animals.

I'm suddenly reminded me of an interview with Kele Okereke, where he moaned about how racist the British Indie scene is and how it's "too white."

Ungrateful fuck, if it wasn't for these supposedly racist white Indie kids buying your records and going to your gigs you wouldn't have your career.

Kele killed Bloc Party as well. Tong and Moakes left because they didn't like the direction he was taking the band.

indey soft rock sucks
in part because it's been dead for ten years and in part because people like this listen to it
reenter reddit and whine about reddit on reddit. i don't give a fuck
you want diverthe neu pock thtuff go listen to "neo-soul" go listen to īgo

Anything indie past like Dinosaur Jr, Pavement, Guided by Voices era is mostly shit. 2000s indie is when it started getting all absorbed in that Brooklyn millennial hipster Urban Outfitters pitchfork subculture and safe generic corporate trash like everything else.

tv on the radio with return to cookie mountain too.

because of people like this I don't like to admit to liking indie in public

Maybe they just are not interestend in making Indie rock?

>when black people make music it comes from their culture, when white people make music it comes from... thin air?

What culture goes into indie rock? Using music obscurity as a fashion accessory?