This is Claire. Please say something nice about her. Every nicepost will give her energy

This is Claire. Please say something nice about her. Every nicepost will give her energy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love Grimes!

Attached: grimes_53259939_389936451587762_2839581567532259913_n.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

nasty lingering farts!

She looks like more of a gnome than a goblin in this pic

take your hack and fuck off

I care aboot Claire

Attached: 0fce77b0c364ccea2fe7c2ddc0c63db9.jpg (800x533, 52K)

thats great fag, go make a blog

but I already have one

She looks desperate for attention

protip: Yea Forums is not your blog

I'm trying to have a thread about a musical genius while you're making off-topic shitposts, so maybe it's time for you to leave

public forum, if you can "ooooooooo I CARE"
than anyone can come in and say they dont.
this isnt your blogspot. go back

You must be lost nigga, this is a grime thread

>this isnt your blogspot. go back
take your own advice

Yea Forums-related

Attached: opegafzghH1r7z66ao1_r1_1280.jpg (1280x851, 215K)

>n-n-n-n-n-n-no u
im not blogging, retard

musks meal

did you come here just to whine?

thats the ugliest man i've ever seen

if you were at all functionally literate you would know the answer to that

you must be pretty upset to be crying like this on a public forum for all to see

>leave me be I’m trying to have a waifu thread
Uh huh

I didn't say that you had to leave but please calm down and stay on topic.

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someone post that god awful live guitar playing she did thats posted on youtube, i need a good laugh

>I'm trying to have a thread about a musical genius
Where is it? I can't see it!

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Something about her face just makes me happy, idk if it's the hair or eyebrows or ears it's just happy

you're posting in it bud

she's an (art) angel

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Nah, I'm not.

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that big hooter got a nice whiff of elons musk

are you Erwin Schrödinger?

>u blogging (no)
>u whining (no)
>u crying (no)
"your" thread is a dumpster fire pal, and its your doing

God, I really hate all the shitty tattoos she got over the years. It made her really fucking ugly.

sure thing, bud


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a piece of crap? a stain?
thats rude user

Her hand tats are hideous, and those ugly legs tats are even worse.

Isn't her legal name "c" now, not Claire?

Yes, but the photo that I posted is from when she was still Claire.

>Isn't her legal name "c" now
What the fuck did she mean by this?

it's the symbol for the speed of light

> “I’m like, I don’t want to use that name anymore. I don’t want to use that face anymore. Because it now stands for something that I don’t agree with.” -C

What a nut

Is she still banging elon musk?

>Because it now stands for something that I don’t agree with.
what did she mean by this?


grime thread?
anyone got any recs




grimes is unbelievably awesome

Didn't she get raped by a black guy?


How gimmicky.


t. the black guy who did it

lmao just lmao grimes haters are even more autistic and pathetic as grimesfags just kill yourselves my dudes also Swans and Slint objectively suck ass

literally sucking off capitalism, corporatacracy, and the patriarchy

doctor it how you want, she's the very definition of a sellout and a whore

Doubtful she has ever taken a basic college level physics class

Is Grimes for sexual yet?

claire i love u pls marry me


I believe all colleges have a mandatory basic physics class so you're wrong


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not nice, kys

glorious music, I hold halfaxa in really high regard

Grimes looks fucking retarded therefore she is fucking retarded

I wish all the females could be replaced with Claires

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she's the patron saint of my heart

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and males also

hentai is important

That definitely isn't true at all

I want an anime harem of claires

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I want all waifufags put to the torch

I wish that she had 10000gb worth of music

why this board hate grims so much?

saturn princess

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Grimes is stupid, retarded, ugly, deformed, etc....did I miss anything?

i love her more than my life

I like her eyes.

>did I miss anything?

she's everything to me

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best eyes

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her eyes are hazel just like mine

Because of you waifufags
What a Stupid Question

You are less than nothing to her
Worse than the kpoppers

it's okay to love somebody who doesn't know that you exist

what about music?

The nicest thing I can say about her is she's not as bad as Miley Cyrus
now fuck off

i want to astro-glide with Grimes

she deserves more love

now listen to more of her music in order to have a valid opinion

a cute

Gross. Go away.

>hurr U don’t gots a valid opinion if u don’t love mah waifu
Fuck off kid

This is so bad it hurts.

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>She got a tattoo on her hand that says beautiful....

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She's gonna create a black hole if she keeps shoving her head further up her ass.