Why would interscope be against billie getting that hip hop cred when her entire image is based on hip hop?

why would interscope be against billie getting that hip hop cred when her entire image is based on hip hop?

if her label was against it then how did she even land a gig on a rap song from a fairly established artist when she was just a youtube algorithm popstar at the time?

is denzel just lying?

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was his period key broken?

She is an industry plant. End of discussion user

You know how I know you're young? You actually think pop music matters. Like the inner workings. It doesn't. It's just mass music made for money. Stop being surprised.

It's all just part of the attitude you cop when you're famous for making music but don't actually make any music. Everything just becomes the passive aggressive, defensive fagginess.

wow you're so woke

wow you're so woke

The fact she was left uncredited is proof her label controls her.

A slave doesn't have to be obedient to the master 24/7.

he is getting a fuckton of money user, you dont do anything that might upset that.
he says what he needs to and performs when he is told to.

You know how I know you're young? You think that pop music is incapable of musical value and talk like an elitist metalhead in a youtube comment.

Learn to code, p4k.

>why would interscope be against billie getting that hip hop cred when her entire image is based on hip hop?
Because the song she did is political and little girls can't sing about politics. Already at the time when she did this feature she was dressing like she is now and taking pics with rappers for her IG. Obviously the label wasn't against that.

>if her label was against it then how did she even land a gig on a rap song from a fairly established artist when she was just a youtube algorithm popstar at the time?
She got her name taken off the song's credits because of the label. The fact they got the final say in this case is proof she's powerless against them. Artists with genuine creative control can defy their labels without punishment.

>is denzel just lying?
Keep in mind, he also defends X and Chris Brown. He clearly prioritizes loyalty to friends.

Dude we had a similar thread about this yesterday.

Poor guy sold his soul to a racist white bitch yet he can’t see it.

>You think that pop music is incapable of musical value
it absolutely is, its music made for the masses that dont care about musical value
>talk like an elitist metalhead
there is nothing wrong with elitism and if you think there is you need to go back



Protip: this was recorded before X was clout martyred and the labels decided to cash in on his memory. After X died Billie became his female clone with Interscope’s blessing.

its funny how "personal growth" under capitalism is equivocal to being more marketable or making more money. really sad desu. i dont have anything against billie or denzel just sad that capitalism has forced artists to think in such a way.

die commie

imagine your whole music taste being based around being a contrarian

go have some fun pleb, it's allowed


why do people keep using that word incorrectly

denzel already knows he's a puppet on a string. he's just doing what he's told.

I honestly think he's in love with her. Think about it. Watch the videos of them playing ninja and tell me he's not flirting with her.

>"stop criticizing my industry plant child bride and be happy"
>"don't speak ill of the dead bruh let Jahseh rest in peace"
He really needs to stop making excuses for his shitty choice of friends.

>Billie Eilish: Out of Africa
Fucking kek.

You a newbie? We have the exact same billie eilish threads made everyday by the exact same person with the exact same topics . Been like this for months now

Good goy, you can have another 360 deal for that.

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>selling your soul to a bitch

why is a black dude ten years older than her “her friend”?

He's only seven years older than her.

He's wrong and right. Economic models based on infinite growth aren't "capitalist", and the music industry is preoccupied with everything other than music.
I imagine it's because music puts your ego on display for the world to see, and that's too much for most people to handle, especially when they think they want it.

What a sellout

that’s not much better

>just "her friend"
I'm sure.

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Dude, don't accuse molestation victims of being sexual predators.

S*xual f*vours

poptimists are the biggest contrarians going
>i used to love the most elitist fucking shit but now pop is where it's at man

Do the people claiming: "Shillie isn't an industry plant, her only 'team' is her brother" not realize her brother IS an industry professional?

artist label drama is so fucking retarded

It wouldn't happen if the artist had creative control.