Is Teen Age Riot the greatest pop rock song of all time?

Is Teen Age Riot the greatest pop rock song of all time?

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Kool Thing ;)


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that isnt rumours

How come that's the only good song Sonic youth have?

uuuuuummm that's actually Books about UFOs sweetie

That honor belongs to Cortez the killer

It's not even Sonic Youths best pop song

Never understood the hype for that song. Like 80% of the album is better, I'd even go so far as to say every track between it and Providence is better.

Nearly every song on Rather Ripped makes for better pop IMO.

I love a lot of noise rock and post punk and so much shit Sonic Youth has released but I could never get the hype for Daydream Nation. It sounds so fucking flat and spineless. The Sprawl is a great track though.

It's probably the worst song on the album honestly. Still a good song obviously but compared to Rain King or Hey, Joni it's not that great. I see the same thing with Swans Filth, Stay Here is by far the worst song on the record but it gets memed for some reason

The guitar interplay on Daydream Nation is crazy good even if the production isn't the best. It's just an incredibly well performed set of songs.

Wow! This guys have such unpopular opinions, I think they must be very smart and sophisticated!

yeah for me its the guitars. The interplay between guitars on the first four tracks alone is enough to send me to fucking space

I'm all ears as to why that song is better than Hey Joni, Silver Rocket, Candle, 'Cross The Breeze, The Sprawl, etc.

the production is a bit cramped when it comes to the guitars, but i'd argue the mix on the album is pretty spectacular.

the guitars are recorded permanently "in the red," (they're slightly blown out) so you're getting anywhere from slight to a significant amount of microphone distortion on them. this was lee ranaldo's idea, and i'm pretty sure he was borrowing the idea from Dinosaur Jr, whose album "You're Living All Over Me" has every instrument being distorted in the same way.

it gives the album a lot of edge. on the trilogy that closes the album this type of microphone distortion is genius, it really brings out the textures the two guitarists create around the bass melody (and i do think sonic youth's big angle was guitar textures), however on chiller cuts (like teen age riot) it makes the mix sound a bit cramped.


Attached: the_cure85_t1000.jpg (1000x768, 100K)

Huh, the more you know.

When Mascis sent a copy of the album to SST they told him it was so loud that he had distorted the tape, which he of course said it was intended to sound that way.

I know next to nothing about production, was Mascis the first person to do this?

I absolutely love this song and how it sounds optimistic and upbeat compared to the rest of the album especially Trilogy or Candle/Rain King, it almost feels like it doesn't belong on the album so I can kind of understand This is the song along with Total Trash that made me want to learn guitar and I don't know how many strings I have broken trying to tune my guitar in GABDEG or GGDDGG or whatever tuning in my early attempts to play this song

Ummmm you meant to say Sonic Nurse sweetie