Relentless edition
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Relentless edition? We need that for this chart.
I need recs for the Badass Drumming chart. Post suggestions on albums with nonstop blast beats and insane drumming. More loud BDM snares are preferred.
Here's a picture of essential bands you should know. Can you list them all?
no autopsy?
wait just seen it i'm a fag
I think drums are the most important instrument in metal. They give the songs a lot of power. What do you think?
Drums and guitars. A good metal track needs both solid drumming and RIFFZ, just one won't do, has to be both
I have a perfect song for that. I'll post it in a sec.
Check this out.
Inquisition combines drumming and riffs perfectly. They are a very good band.
Oh yeah, that's the good shit
>Autopsy logo at the very top and extremely visible
Post your favorite band logos. Incantations logo is my favorite. It looks so evil.
Darkthrone is very good, too.
I used to think Bethlehem's was a little overdesigned, but I've really came around to it
Fuck it. More logos! I better not get banned for this.
Once last time. I can't risk getting banned.
I love Beherit
making the pictures black and white make them look more grim.
You know, you guys can still talk while I'm posting here. Why does everyone just stop talking?
One more band picture. Don't ban me, mods!
Whoa, these dudes are hardcore! Posing like retards in a cemetery!
Yeah... This is considered spam? What?
All my posts are on topic. Why the fuck would you ban me?
I understand complaining about the mods can get you banned, but still.
i know right? today the first images that come to mind for metal are fat dudes with their arms folded standing in some industrial warehouse
They're just being silly
gorguts is so bad
even when they were based when they did just considered dead they sucked
Meanwhile we get people like God roaming around here posting his metalhead gf.
Do you see the problem here?
If you guys want me to leave, fine. I'll stay on Yea Forums and never come back.
+ for Adramelech
i know only gore
post some links would be helpful
man i love "frost"
Was going to post this. Always has been my favorite logo.
I love the blast beats in this.
and rob you of the fun of googling some of this shit? i think not.
also remember that i know nothing more, only gore
I love these album covers
Can't get enough blast beats.
>butchered at birth
>clearly a grown woman
What did they mean by this?
I swear to god, if I fucking get banned again for posting music, i will kill myself.
Skelly on the left is holding a baby
>not noticing the one on the left holding a newborn
>not seeing all the dead babies hanging in the background
stop being so afraid of getting banned that you have to point it out in every single post, this will only get you banned in the long run.
man up or wimp out, the choice is yours.
If a bunch of posts get removed. You know what happened.
Best Sodom album, imo.
don't really care
Good! The less people who care, the better.
melodeath sucks
What's your favorite Incantation song? I think mine is Christening the Afterbirth. That synth part really gets me.
This album is incredible. Listen to the riffs near the end of this song.
I would never pick this chart as being “albums with good drumming”
Post your suggestions, then.
Why the fuck are you just complaining about it? If you know better albums, post them.
what are you cold blooded bastards currently blasting?
This classic. Better than Altars, imo.
I'll be back to post more metal later. Some of you can't stand me for some reason.
try listening to metal and lurking for about a year then come back.
good luck
I got a better idea! Try reading the posts I'm making!
They cute
i can't read so no
>giving him (you)s instead of reporting and ignoring him
You're almost as bad user
I fucking hate people like you. Kill yourself.
You don't think this sounds good enough? Are you retarded?
>You're almost as bad user
i know, i'm just bored
I am going back to Yea Forums now thanks to this idiot. Thanks a lot, dumbass.
Hey look! This guy doesn't like Devourment!
Wait, what?
Everyone point and laugh at him.
Because barely any of those have particularly good drumming compared to any of the countless other metal albums out there that are considered great.
>LOL those bands on that chart suck! They can't play drums at all!
Stay blasted samefag lmao
Define good drumming. If you say "technical" I already know your opinion is not worth taking seriously.
Not this time.
Just fucking shut up and listen to these! Are you not fucking reading the thread?
This was a good rec in one of the recent threads
I sure hope you are fucking trolling. No one can be this retarded.
Kill yourselves. I have to take a break now because of your foolishness.
Is it just me or is this guy fucking insane
it's not only you, he is absolutely batshit insane.
why would anyone repeat the exact same thing and expect a different outcome over and over?
Retards are butthurt.
Yeah... now i know why Yea Forums is better. You fucking idiots can't take a joke. Fuck off.
Only chart you ever need. Everything else belongs in the trash.
I don't understand this meme.
Fuck it I'm done. You better be dead by the time I get back here.
Reminder that if you don't remember Jesseposting and Genexusposting you're a fucking newfag and should fuck off already
>the diarrhea of anne frank
haha sold it, checking it out now
>that solo
Pure wank and I love it.
Can you imagine working at a mental institution and dealing with multiple people like this at a time? How fucking exhausting
Maybe Xasthur's.
Personally, I prefer M-16.
I literally assist autistic people every day at my job and they’re far less insufferable than this
This is probably my favourite honestly. Such a good design, the perfect band logo
Stop getting butthurt
Akercocke has probably the best drummer I've ever heard. I remeber at college letting one of my music lecturers hear them and he insisted it's a drum machine because a man can't play like that.
>Aw... chartanon is making the other anons cry! How sad!
You need to calm down sweetie
it's probably because of the clicky sound of the drums.
>I keep on reading chartanons posts and make myself get upset. Why does this keep happening to me?
He said no one can hit the kicks so quickly and metronmically.
More Chad Metal. I would suggest listening to this.
some drummers are inhumane, that is true.
i meant more like the drums sound very mechanical/digital, too perfect to be true kinda.
maybe they cheated in the studio who knows?
Yeah I know what you mean. I've seen him live. He really is that good.
Have you guys listened to this yet? We need more albums like this added to the chart.
like i said some people are just mad
like this fucking guy, nuts
a lot of the grind/death metal dudes can actually play like that. In the studio they sometimes quantize the hits to make it sound more "perfect"
i know, i just prefer drums that sound organic (like there is an actual human being behind the kit) over digitalized triggered clicky drums which sound very fake.
You will become a Chad if you listen to this!
Stop being a pussy
One more time for Bolt Thrower. Ultimate Chad Metal.
Sorry chartfag this is what real chad metal looks like
Fuck. You are right. I'll post this instead.
You guys don't want to end up like these faggots, right? Listen to real metal, dumb fucks.
If you enjoy this, you should probably kill yourself.
how can a band of cringy twinks make such brutal metal?
based black jesus
Fuck Scene Kids. I hope they cut their wrists and die!
I wanna fug the guy in the middle
At least he's finally posting music he actually listens to
Man! I sure wish I was as confident as that guy on the cover! He's a fucking alpha!
10/10 album right here
This slaps
Yeah! That's right! I am the alpha around here! Go fuck yourself you pussies! HAHAHA
Only the strongest survive.
>He can't even take a joke, so now he's spamming "Chad" metal again
Stay mad kid
Be a man
Stop being a pussy and listen to it you fucking emo faggot.
Go listen to Weezer.
I see someone recently discovered death metal, well good for you user.
I'm about to fucking kill all of you. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!
>charfag thinks he can't tell when he samefags
unironically kill yourself go back to r/metal
I will fucking murder you and your whole family, you son of a bitch! Don't make me shove a dildo up your ass!
This whole thing started because he had recently discovered BM and was trying to fit in. But now he started listening to DM and he's 100% NOT seeking validation from us. Kids these days huh?
I will fucking shove 10 dildos up your ass at once and make you swallow each one, you cock sucking son of a bitch!!
I will kill you and your dog! FUCK OFF AND DIE!
Best Death album
oh no please don't reply with babby tier entry level black metal bands please I'm so scared
I hope you like getting shit smeared all over you! I will take a dump over your face!
Wtf, i wasn't even being mean, i think it's good that you finally got into some of the stuff you tried doing charts of.
Yeah he'll grow up eventually (hopefully).
Now tell me stranger what are you currently blasting?
>24 IPs excluding mine
>145 posts
Prepare to die, faggot!
stop being nice to him
These fucking threads were never good but holly shit
This album has pretty good drumming.
You guys are a bunch of losers. Just stop! Be a man!
Stop relying on other people.
>giving him (you)s
Anyway, I'm blasting some goofy shit right now
Some kid has been spamming us and the mods refuse to permaban him. By this point more than 100 posts itt are his. Just report and ignore him.
You are a fucking idiot to. You don't even know what spam means.
I am about to kill you too if you don't fucking look up the definition of spam, you fucking retard.
Eat shit and die.
Can't help it, i feel sorry for him like any other broken man.
Yeah yeah i know, jokes on me for being a fool.
I'm about 1 minute in and yes this is pretty goofy.
>Literally can't keep himself from coming back despite 9 total days of ban and a general that dies the instant he spams bullshit
Remember, the real mealheads are on Yea Forums
>new to metal
>new to Yea Forums too
dare I say pottery?
why do soiboys get so triggered by m8l8th?
He's obsessed and /meal/'s his sour grapes. He also thinks spamming=trolling. Also, reminder that he himself has admitted to being a (deluded) troll and the reason he's always saying he'll go back to Yea Forums is because he can't get banned there.
Kek, he admits to "fucking with" us (therefore trolling) here as well.
You know how they say if you dont have real problems, responsibilities, worries in life you make things up to care and be pissed about?
Imagine being bothered by this guy
Reposting the /metalkinolist/
>Heavy Metal Parking Lot
>Dead hands dig deep
>Decline of Western Civilization Part II
>Heavy Metal: A Headbangers Journey
>The Mentors: Kings of Sleaze
>Metal Down Under
>Heavy Metal Britannia
>Some Kind of Monster
>Once Upon A Time In Norway
>Until the Light Takes Us
>Satan Rides the Media
>Det svarte alvor
>Death by Metal
>The Growl
>Death Metal: A Documentary
>Centuries of Torment
>Last Days Here
>Slow Southern Steel
>Such Hawks Such Hounds
>Loputon Gehennan Liekki (The Eternal Flame of Gehenna)
>Black Metal: A Documentary
>Black Metal's Unexplored Fringes
>Phallus In Wonderland
>Tenacious D
>Heavy Trip
>Detroit Metal City
>Trick Or Treat (1986)
>Black Roses
>This Is Spinal Tap
>The Gate
>The Gate II
>Todd and the Book of Pure Evil
>Detroit Metal City
>Legend of Black Heaven
>The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal
>Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal & Grindcore
>Lords of Chaos
>Black Metal
>I Am Ozzy
>Official Truth 101 Proof
>Metalion: Slayer Mag Diaries
>The Devil's Cradle
>Only Death is Real
>Detroit Metal City
>Black Metal (Oni Press)
DMCanon, is that you?
because its fucking shite
Seems like you whiney soiboy cuckolds have such strong opinions about the band. If its simply a poor quality band why would you care so much?
Any metal gusic here?
I don't care at all. I just said its fucking shite. Deal with it retard.
>Seems like you whiney soiboy cuckolds have such strong opinions about the band. If its simply a poor quality band why would you care so much?
control f on the last thread for m8l8th and see all the fucking limp wristed soi boy cucks bitching about it
You were probably one of them
a few weeks ago he was telling me he'd 'been here forever' fucking typical newfaggery lmao
Finally. holy fuck
I need to get gorepilled, help me on this task
>chartfag gets banned again
>half the thread gone
>"I-I don't samefag"
just permaban this faggot please
based post more dsbm
It's pretty good, bros
>tfw chartfag being a sperg makes everyone assume the roll chart was his creation and gets shit on
groove, noise or a bit of both?
whats some good mathcore with actually really fucking good drumming
I saw these guys and Tomb Mold in Raleigh on Monday, they really stole the show for me.
Related question: there were lots of attractive girls at the show who didn't look like obvious metal girls. Some of them looked like they were there with a friend or two or by themselves. It made me wonder, if one is trying to find a metal gf, and metal shows are the most open location to find them, how does one approach someone at a show? Do people even do that? Seems difficult, it's fucking loud.
give me the grooviest shit you have
>how does one approach someone at a show?
if you find out let us know I'm so lonely bros
You don't talk while the band's playing, you talk in between bands. Offering beer and/or weed is my go-to introduction, and band shirts is the easiest opener discussion.
Also I assume people didn't look metal at a Tomb Mold show because it's a reddit band that's popular within the hipster scene. I've got nothing against the band fwiw
fucking normies
here you go, a mix of horror gore, medical gore and some porno sleaze(the grooviest).
Fair enough, that's good advice. I guess it's the same situation where if I'm shy at a normal bar I'm shy at a metal show of all things, but I'll do my best next time.
I was one of maybe 4 guys at the show who had on a patch vest, which got me props from one of the local opener's bassist and my Demilich shirt got me props from Tomb Mold's guitarist
We're all gonna make it, brother
Literally just get two beers and approach the first lone person you see. Either they're waiting for another friend to come back from the bar and you now have two beers, or you now have a new friend. If it's the former, the most they'll think of you is "What a cool dude offering beer", no normal person will think you're weird/a cunt. 90% of the time it's the latter anyway.
>tomb mold is reddit
oh great, so any discussion of them will just be bogged down in /metal/. I was actually gonna ask what anons thought of the new album.
What did he mean by this?
thx my dude
now there is a man who is confident with his sexuality...
Meh, like Phrenelith and Pissgrave it'll pass and they'll likely end up labelled as overrated darkdescentcore. I actually haven't gotten around to their latest, is it worth the listen? I enjoyed their other records, I assume Planetary Clairvoyance is just as good.
For such an edgy guy who cuts himself and acts like a retard on interviews, you wouldn't think he'd be so insecure... right?
I remember reading in an interview he did for Evolution of the Cult that an old man would pay him and his friends to piss in his mouth, there was a line like "he would tell us to be careful not to get it into his eyes, because it burns and then we'd pee on his eyes".
Unfortunately, I don't have the book with me, so I can't post proof, remind me in late September if you care that much about it.
I thought metalheads were hardcore with their hate all humans attitude but they can't even approach a girl at a show
you are thinking of the blackies, the bastard black sheep of the metal family
Girls approach me. Being handsome has its benefits.
I enjoyed Lord of The lost, early Ghost music, Nekrogoblikon, RATM, Avatar, Tid, but cant find anything that i would enjoy now, anyone has any suggestions? Spotify aint giving me shit, constantly forcefeeding me band like Eluveiti, Turisas, Freedom call or bands of that sort which are not my jazz in the slightest, preferably no female vocalists
Anyone knows more melogrind?
No such thing so no, you might have better luck finding melodeath.
Take the surf pill.
Hi fellow Raleigh user
Explain? Pardon the ignorance, im usually on other boards and don't know the culture here, but im really out of ideas of where/how to find moozik
Not allowed to talk to women, sorry. GF's rules
Greenville, actually, but Raleigh is p cool desu
I mean when everything else seem boring you should try something new and surf is pretty damn good, mostly instrumental too so no vocals that will bother you, only the glorious clean sound of the surf guitar.
He means listen to surf rock, and I support his post
It's difficult to rec music based on what you enjoy, the general theme is overproduced german buttmetal but half of the bands you posted don't have anything in common.
Los Mortems > The Mayhems/Burzums/Darkthrones etc.
and you know it's true.
Hawaii Samurai is superior to every other surf act though
Crank the fuck out of that spring reverb and tremolo pick the fuck out of that bass
what do you metal fags think of pic related?
>the general theme is overproduced german buttmetal
ey, thats literally only Lord of the Lost
Looking at it, its mostly swedish music, i absolutely do not mind strong vocal lead, but the voice has to be worth it (RATM is an exception, its here for the instrumentals and nostalgia)
Was Black Sabbath's ST truly the first Heavy Metal album through and through?
Also, did the song Black Sabbath or Electric Funeral birth Doom Metal?
My AOTY so far
Possibly the greatest death metal album
Is this the kind of person we have here? Happy I dont come here often.
The answer is pretty obvious.
I know desu and even as i love the raw surf, The Madeiras and Insect Surfers are the two greatest surf bands. Some of the Hawaiian Samurai dudes are also in a bunch of other cool surf bands like Arno De Cea and the Clockwork Wizards and Demon Vendetta.
To be fair the album has it's fair share of blues rock moments and even psychedelic influences
My bad for putting Tid and Avatar in the same group, in my defense I'd literally never heard of either before this thread. I still can't rec anything based on what you posted, but if you like Swedish music the Swedish death metal scene was huge and still influencial. This is the usual starting point
You obviously know a lot more about surf than I do, thanks for the recs m8
Your Tool 2019 album rating estimate.
In reality I think it's going to be around a 6.5-7/10, but the optimist in me wants it to be a perfect 10.
Yo, i find that TID has absolute bangers in form of Dumhettens gudinna
and Aurora Surrealis
or Lucid Sanndrom, but they have very few songs sadly
This is my favorite metal album ever. Can you post an album that can surpass this?
Seven churces has it's fair share of thrash metal and even heavy metal influences...
However it is regarded as the birth of death metal.
Not really, but i agree 100% that Hawaii Samurai is some gnarly stuff and i wish there were more similar raw surf like that.
The sax part in Surf N Destroy gets me every time.
no I wasnt
stop using meme buzzwords you fucking faggot i would beat the shit out of you
AMONG ALL METAL GENRES? This is a stupid comparison to do imo.
However this is my try. I am posting something that does not create a new genre, nor is it the best album in their genre. Therefore I presume your album is based off of pure personal choice.
Thus, here it is:
Likewise. I kinda want to buy a spring pedal and make my own, surf can't be that hard to play. Just watch me, I'll create cavern surf
No, metal doesn't have a defined definite starting point, no matter how much Black Sabbath fanboys want to believe. Black Sabbath didn't just one day magically invent the genre, the genre happened over a period of time with bands adding their own flavors into their albums with other bands trying to one up them, etc etc. There were other bands before and around the same time as BS that were just as heavy, but they don't get the recognition and BS wins because muh fanboyism. Back in those days everyone was listening to each other's music, taking shit that they liked from the albums they listened to, for instance if a guitarist uses a little more fuzz, other guitarists hear it, like it, then add it into their own songs. Or one band's singer screams a little more than singing on a song or two, other bands hear it, and they implement it into their own style... You don't just one day invent a winning recipe. There's trial and error, and it evolves over time, and metal is still evolving. Look at all the subgenres that finally have died off, like rap metal, no one gives a fuck about that shit no more, it was a losing recipe from the start and it was eventually discarded into the trash where it belongs.
Also, Black Sabbath is just a blues influenced hard rock band
Do it, the world needs more modern surf crossover.
This after the 1minute mark is so good.
>rap metal dying off
I'd argue with the rise of folks like SuicideboyS, Ghostemane, and even Denzel Curry to an extent that metal/rap/trap/hardcore is reaching a new golden age of fusion
just sounds like a shit Altars Of Grief
Is Whiplash based?
how is this gusic?
pic related is what first came to mind
There should be a /surf/ general, this is fucking brilliant
Either way his main point still stands, music evolves organically and there aren't many precise points where things are created when you consider the larger picture.
based and dinopilled
>the weak basedshit blackgaze cuck vs the neandertal caveman RIFFS afficionado
I want every album that I listen to to be a 10
Absolutely based
soicucks can't riff
>Altars Of Grief
They're trash, one of the worst bands from Canada. Listen to the rest of the Old Forest album, it btfo AOG entire discography.
Tool sucks, son.
I thought Primus sucked, user
They do too.
What are some albums that literally OOZE testosterone?
Maybe, i doubt the rest of mu like surf anyway.
Have another great surf song.
That low t, eh?
goin to see rivers of nihil tonight and cant decide which shirt to wear to show off my elitism.
what do bros?
Go shirtless and buy a shirt at the show
Where a shirt that reads "I'll suck every dick in the building"
while i respect your dubs, i never wear the merch of the band im seeing at their show
you gone be there bb?
>you gone be there bb?
No, I don't go to dick sucking conventions
you missin out. im hella cute
Blastin this masterpiece right now
Why is there no other album like Filosofem which is not from Burzum?! I've been searching for years and haven't found anything. Nothing evokes that special feeling in me.
Guess I'll fuck off then
Why doesn't this guy just off himself? Claiming he's all for suicide and death, what a fucking pussy.
I got recommended Evilfeast once as an attempt to copy that album.
It comes close, but fuck why can no one after all these years get that FUZZ that varg manages by making his guitar sound as shit as possible?
I don't listen to what Niklas says, but I assume he justifies it like Malefic does - "I don't sing about killing myself, I sing about reasons you should think about killing yourself". Not his exact words but it's close enough.
To Violate the Oblivious by Xasthur bares some similarities to Filosofem, it has those slow riffs with electronic backing (i.e the synths)
>but fuck why can no one after all these years get that FUZZ that varg manages by making his guitar sound as shit as possible
THIS. I never heard that anywhere else.
Blackies need to listen to more old raw hardcore so they know how to.
I bet even Varg did so considering he was in Old Funeral at some point who even covered Agathocles.
This shows just how blurred the line can get sometimes, holy shit
If you hid the band name and told me this was an old blackthrash demo I'd believe you
Hardcore was the first extreme genre really and all extreme metal genres borrowed lots of stuff from these old hardcore bands.
That GISM song was recorded in 1983, same year as Kill 'Em All and GISM make Metallica sound like Backstreet Boys in comparison.
If you ask me having an Instagram at all is pretty gay, Nikki
I mean Whitehouse and Incapacitants have been extreme since the early 80s as well, out of curiosity I'd love to know about any extreme hardcore out prior to GISM if there was any. Youtube is recommending L.S.D. (1983) which is great
the debut oozes even more
Early UK (and European d-beat mangel, käng), early US East coast thrashcore and early Japanese hardcore (most remained obscure pre-internet tho)
Shitlickers had an amazing tone for 1982, thanks for the recs
They had indeed, they were also very influential both in Sweden, the rest of Europe and other places. Maybe not as influential as these guys but.
This you should blast loudly.
imagine thinking knocked loose is anything other than shit
It's up
Brings me back to high school, used to be really into punk and grind for a while back then. You wouldn't happen to know any good books on the subject? I liked Choosing Death a lot
Nah not really, not sure there even are books on the subject of hardcore and grind.
I usually just check out recent discography releases by unknown bands released by labels who were into that kind of stuff in the early 80's.
F.O.A.D. Records from Italy are releasing tons of these old hardcore/grind classics from all over the world these days. These releases usually come with a lengthy biography and history of the band usually written by someone in the band or had some sort of ties to it.
song name?
A good way to show off your elitism would be to not go to a goddamn Rivers of le quirky we put saxophones in our wank band you fucking cactus
Definitely worth a listen. Songwriting improved a lot but they've maintained their sound. Only complaint so far is that the production is a little too clean.
Really missing the point
Daily reminder that slam sucks.
Daily reminder that Slam doesn't suck
sorry I was too busy hating everything and being trve kvlt to learn social skills
pissgrave slaps though
Daily reminder that most slam is overproduced corebait but there is some really good shit.
Can we talk how based is Virgin Steele?
Based Brazilian /metal/ poster
Don't mind me just posting the best metal album in history.
Fixed the cover for you, user
Most interesting split I've listened to in a while.
>Tracks 1-2
Borderline war sounding black/death.
>Tracks 3-28
Forgettable generic grind.
>Tracks 29-30.
GBK worship
>Track 31
Assumed it would be DsO worship based on the name, suddenly SAXOPHONE. Surprisingly good.
That’s a good ass metal album
This sounds like something you'd hear on an old JRPG
swedish edition
we don't like metalcore around these parts
of course
I am better than all of you.
It's time to realise that they are getting old, and that it won't sound like good ol' Tool. I am going for a solid 6 desu.
The two new songs are decent but I am holding out for some new material that's different and going in a new direction, playing it safe would be pretty boring.
Prove it
>shartfag comes back
>immediately gets banned
Pentagram S/T >>>>>>>>> Relentless
The original tracklist is way better desu
>"Why yes, I think that Day of Reckoning is the best Pentagram album, how did you know?"
damn, this is really good
what's with all the non-metal
also it's missing pic related
never heard of it, what do they play
this is as close as you'll ever get, anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something
absolute shite
Seven Churches is just thrash
where did it go so wrong anons? How do you go from this to whatever the hell they do now?
Hating bands for not doing tr00kvlt blkk mtlll is as trend-hoppingly vapid as quitting black metal in favour of hyper-polished "modern" blackened death, if not moreso. Behemoth's black metal output, by the way, was painfully mediocre. The only thing that saved it was its atmosphere, a similar case than that of early Dimmu Borgir.
what is your opinion of Mushroomhead? They were one of the first bands I got to see live when I was younger and they put on a fucking show.
when I saw
I was born
and I was dead
esoteric humanism army
Underrated and very based.
Don't fuck with me like that
Sons Of Darkness II, A.K.A. Damned In Black III: This Time Even More Predictable
the riffs on the title track and Unearthly Kingdom are kino
unoriginal, refried, cliched, bland, soulless, boring kino
stop posting cringe, bro
I'm not the one posting All Shall Fall
Well I found the song you were referencing and now I regret asking
don't diss krautrock, man
I don't see them on that website.
>hate forest vocals
this great album. really sucks that the vocalist died
>demilich vocals
is that the newest Sloth single
t. numale
Ep by thot purge
what makes you say that, user
Im obligated to shill these guys cuz the singer was nice/drunk and sold me the album for cheap. But theyre also pretty good
What the fuck is up with that guy anyways?
I feel that way about Inter Arma. They all liked my shirt and ended up throwing me a couple patches, a ton of stickers, and a beer coozie when I bought one of their shirts for 10 bucks. They remembered me two years later when I saw them again. My heart was actually touched.
seems to me to just be a dedicated troll who wants to wear down metallum's patience and policies. I say godspeed to them. the reviews they get are so butthurty it's like pottery
That's pretty neat user
I don't really like Ne Obliviscaris, but their violinist remembered my me two years later as well because of a tattoo
Thoughts on Obscura?
lol the fact you even think you're a chad, your music taste sucks balls.
>Chris Fronzak
The guy is a literal cuck, so much that his wife left him and took his 2 kids.
tech death sucks
necrophagist for söÿböïs
No u
bro let me in please bro its starting to rain
Women BTFO
I want a new Necrophagist album so much.
based beyond human comprehension
WHY THE FUCK IS TRAVELLER SO GOOD? Literally every song stands out, not a single point of filler.
wshy? comebacks are always shit; 100% of the time the band should have remained dead with an irreproachable legacy
bro you're already on the inside bro
fuck off with this furry shit
>he doesn't want to be a bipedal space pirate bear
shit taste
It was a good day.
fuggg I meant wolf
Very true. I just loved those two albums they released and wanted more. Bands like Obscura are fine, but there something special about Necrophagist.
Laura's tits were nice IRL. Too bad she's pretty haggard in other regards.
>Bands like Obscura are fine
they really aren't, but I agree with the rest of the post
Would you rather:
>Play guitar like your favorite player
>Sing like your favorite singer
Definitely sing like Dead
Playing an instrument > singing
im me and im special because there is only one me so neither
This is the bitch answer but definitely guitar, cause I can get more money from playing like Anders from Katatonia than I can from singing like Icare from Gris
literally no one can wail like that guy though
Does anybody on here happen to know the name of what I believe to be an industrial metal album with a cover that looked like an eye peeping out of a metal hole?
The only song I remember off of it was something that had the word "Christ" in the title. I believe the lyrics were about this "Christ" character. No, I don't remember how it goes.
The album cover was greenish.
nice reddit spacing
in the meantime, just listen to spawn of possession albums and forget they split too, or settle with modern tech death like archspire
>there is only one me
thank fuck for that