What thinks Yea Forums about this album?

What thinks Yea Forums about this album?

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It I like.

Caravan with a drum sola.


frank zappa was always that guy in the bakc of the class that could have gotten As but he just didn't give a fuck and got Ds to get by. He's a total badass and I must say that this album is his crowning achievement. Another Great one is We're Only in it for the Money". Check it out sometime

Wuts an sola?

This minus the badass part.

It’s the ultimate pleb filter

It makes zoomers seethe

I like it. My only gripes are that the breakup songs round the middle get a bit samey, and the final song is way too long, boring and pretentious.

>and the final song is way too long, boring and pretentious
he didn't even finish it. The studio made him release it as is in its unfinished state.

I must say that you're totally wrong about FO! being his greatest achievement.

Great album. Too bad the final track is an unfinished turd.

im a zoomer and i love this album and the fact it was released on my birthday makes me love it a lot more

Early Zappa is the peak of music
Uncle Meat > Lumpy Gravy > Weasels > WOIIFTM > Burnt Weeny > Freak Out! > Absolutely Free
Literally all of them are great though

the ultimate zoomer filter is Parliament and Deep Purple but Zappa is close.

It seems like it's great but really it's just lots of piss-taking mid-60s pop and doo-wop. The weirder songs are memorable but the value of something like Wowie Zowie seems debatable.

I like Absolutely Free a lot more.

How can his crowning achievement be his first album? weird choice of words

A lot of 60s Zappa is just jokes (both in instrumental and lyrical form) about the popular music and thought of that period of time. I guess if you really appreciate that historical aspect then early Zappa is for you. I don't think these albums have a lot of replay value, though. It's more like "this album was something different at the time and it has some social commentary too" which is why people give it such high ratings.

But the recording quality is pretty bad and the playing isn't great either. If you're new to Zappa, Freak Out might be the worst place to start especially if you're not extremely aware of the context of the album.

The best Mothers album followed by Uncle Meat and Absolutely Free

People love to write Zappa off as a joke.

For fucks sake he wrote humorous things sometimes because there are humorous parts of life. The majority of his work is serious and innovative. Not just “lol jokes”

FO is a good contender. I'd say Absolutely Free or Uncle Meat.

burnt weeny is overrated af