Have you ever discovered an album or artist that you now love through Scaruffi?

Have you ever discovered an album or artist that you now love through Scaruffi?
For me, its Roy Montgomery.

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scaruffi’s fav album didn’t come out in 1967 dumbass

Definitely Tim Buckley.

This. I knew of him before but couldn't see the appeal of Lorca. After reading his review I gave it another chance (on 4acodmt). the instrumentals and his voice just naturally grow and breath in time, it's the best album I've ever heard, well above even the ones scaruffi rates higher that I've listened to ad nauseum. I think some lower rated albums should be higher, but I understand his love for truly experimental music which is purely creative. The only record that I haven't been able to get into that he rates highly is Twin Infinitives, perhaps I am due for another trip

The Beatles. I love them.

Got around to listening to “The Shape of Jazz to Come” thanks to him. Also the Flying Burrito Brothers

Science Fiction>The shape of Jazz to come. Civilization Day is an insane track.


He put me onto Type O Negative desu. Slow Deep and Hard and Bloody Kisses are amazing.

Scruffy gets a lot of shit but I trust him more than I do some faggot like Christgau.

I don't read scruffy but I checked out pere ubu because of him

Korn, Aqua, the list could go on...


I was feeling some angsty stuff last night so I checked out that record but couldn't get past the vocals. The mixing and guitar tones are fucking stellar but the vocals seem corny to me. I ended up just listening to NIN for my angst.

I get that, Peter Steele's vocals are a bit of an acquired taste. He either does the deep silly baritone or that growly half-Danzig-half-Dave Mustaine thing. NIN are good though.

I'm tired of seeing this stupid pastanigger's face everytime I click this board

Scaruffi is the only reviewer that's shilled on here that actually has good taste. Lester Bangs is a better writer though


also Troitski is better but he's a critic also so fuck em' too.

Roy Montgomery for me too. What a gem.


What you gonna do about it, kiddo?

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This but unironically.

I'm a scaruffi drone so at least 70-80% of my top 500

>fuck critics and their shitty taste
>go listen to entry-level as fuck soul artist
yeah, fuck off

Scaruffs was the first critic I ever came across whose taste seemed reliable enough to get recommendations from.
He introduced me to a lot of great music, but also motivated me into listening to artists I was already aware of.

So he's responsible for a lot of my taste.

Anyone on here who accuses him of being a hack either never looked at his reviews or has shit taste and he rated one of their favorite albums poorly


I found his site thanks to Yea Forums back in 2010 but never really cared much for it or his opinions, I only knew he was a harsh critic and much hard to impress, 2010 me was more of a pitchfork drone. I got into a lot of music and again stumbled on his site in 2013 except this time I looked up my favorite artists and was surprised to see he rated highly the albums I liked the most in a discography (ex: my favorite Nico album, Desershore, which rated 9/10 and is not exactly a fan favorite). That made me start consulting his site more often to give me a head-start on certain discographies, 90% of the time I find myself agreeing with his ratings or at the least with the rank amongst discographies and artists. The thing that just cemented my trust for him was Stabscotch - Uncanny Valley which I used to believe it was a masterpiece, then he came along and all doubt dissipated.



I never browse his site but he's such an influence on Yea Forums that inevitibly he's influenced my taste in my ways. Even if I can't really give specific examples.


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robbie basho, that sandy dude, lubricated goat, us maple, yono kit

I'll never understand why traditional critics and fans rate the marble index so highly when on desertshore her and Cale do everything better

Robert Wyatt's Rock Bottom is one of my favorite albums of all time, it's a masterpiece and I would probably never even have given it a chance unless Scaruffi didn't think so highly of it