He is fucking right
He is fucking right
Other urls found in this thread:
what does he say i dont wanna watch it
what metal is "good" according to the Snob
metal with complex rythems and structures like dream theater, while burzum sounds like cat screeching
Uh. I'm not into metal but I'm watching the video now. He's saying Burzum is boring, badly produced and repetitive compared to Dream Theater.
It's really funny how he describes a lick using only scale degrees though. Metal is great.
>burzum is bad because it's black metal
>dream theater is good because it's not black metal
DT is autism music
>good metal
even varg had enough of that shit
he just doesnt want to admit liking it because it has black roots.
dream theater is the most boring, pretentious shit I've ever heard and no one but complete cuckolds listen to them. imagine tryna get a girl that isn't an ogre to listen to dream theater. burzum makes goth chicks wet af
op is confirmed virgin
>badly produced and repetitive
this guy deserve to fall of a roof
>good metal
Oxymoron general?
This just screams "I have never seen a vagina"
Fuck you OP. I like DeeTee but posting this fag is an invitation for all the mongoloids to poop all over them
Not that user but
>n-no you!
Amazing rebuttal, you sure showed him.
Dream Theater is essential wimp core metal
What I'm saying is bitches don't give a shit what music you listen to retard
Oh is that what that meant okay
I'm not watching that video but all I know is rifflets will be eternally btfo
burzum more like retardzum
dream theater is shit but petrucci is a beast. rudess is based too.
How fucking gay do you have to be to listen to dream theater
-thing i dont like is objectively bad
A. I fucking hate Burzum, the majority of Burzum fans are not metelheads to begin with, faggot hipsters who literally learned about it from THIS very board and don't own a single Judas Priest album. Fuck Burzum and fuck people who like them.
B. Dream Theater is boring they have some decent songs but overall I'm not a fan of theirs, if it comes to the "big two" poster boys for so called "prog metal" Queensryche is way fucking better even though the two bands sound nothing alike, whatever.
That being said, fuck that gopher looking fucking faggot, he is such a narcissistic faggot who thinks he's way more intelligent, charming, and attractive than he actually is....no joe blow, you're a fucking idiot and your opinion doesn't mean more suddenly because you bought some fancy equipment and decided to record your shitty opinions. Fuck that guy and fuck you for shilling him here, unless you are him, in which case fuck YOU faggot.
I don't know what I hate more, theoryfags or metalfags
Burzum? more like DUMBzum lmao
>the majority of burz fans are not metalheads to begin with
boo hoo. so what?
I don't let English chefs tell me how to make me a hamburger, I don't let non metal fans tell me what good metal is
Burzum is fucking horrible and barely qualifies as music at all. Inb4 "It's supposed to sound like shit". I fucking hate black metal.
Dream Theater sucks too
>black roots.
burzum IS black metal you moron
you're a loser incel that treats metal like religion.
Judas Priest is boring together with 90% of pre 90s albums
You have no right to call anyone an incel if you listen to fucking burzum. It's garbage. Total trash. Throw it in the bin.
have sex
Lmao youtube
This isn't black metal or even metal at all, it's ambient. Better than their black metal shit though I'll give you that.
Kind of, yeah. If you watch the video it's not clear that he actually knows what Burzum is.
I want bad things to happen to this cunt
I don't know, cheesy DT (pre Rudess) was best DT. Agree with him being based.
this user gets it
florida death metal is heavy metal's logical conclusion
that burger looks good
black metal is not boring he must listen liturgy, krallice, dso etc.