"Can you please play music that has words in it user?"

"Can you please play music that has words in it user?"

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>puts Cocteau Twins

based as fuck band

I can't understand what he's saying

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Why are normies so afraid of instrumental music? I played some Aphex Twin in the car once and my mom thought it was "mind control" music with hidden messages in it.

Is your mom 13?

i played some aphex once with my friends and they said it sounded like royalty free music

>implying that stuff isn't real

if your parents weren't blasting darude and throwing free weights around you had pleb parents

>plays aquarius

It is to some degree, it is way easier to brainwash people with words and some finesse tho.

remind her that the actual mind control music is beethoven's 9th



>can you please stop shoving your music taste you developed by browsing Yea Forums to cope with your insecurities and lack of a personality down our throats just to feel superior, user?

why are people not allowed to like weird music?

Why are people not allowed to judge weird music?

who's saying you can't?

Well unless you live in a fascist state you are allowed to listen to whatever music you want. In the same way, people can judge you for listening to Nicole 12 while carpooling.

it does

i probably wouldn't want to carpool with somebody who comes at me with oddly specific and detailed criticism about the music i'm playing but alright dude

Nobodies "coming at you". The rest of the car just isn't interested in listening to GG Allin masturbate for the 30 minutes it takes to get to work.

don't be so hard on yourself

Just having a laugh really.

I know this sounds like euphoric tipping but it's true: inclination towards intrumental music is correlated with high iq

this is also why it's not popular among normies or 99% of Yea Forums


>OMG user, this sounds like mind control music and it has hidden messages in it :O
meanwhile top 40 that's supposed to be "safe"
>sex sex party weed drugs xanax nigga money lambo finna bitcha pulla ima rari capitalism good

Most people just want something to relate to, and it's much harder when you don't have lyrics for that.

underage spotted

>song is over 5 minutes
wow this is too long

i'm pretty sure there was some study that showed most people hear simple timbre when they listen to music where as musicians and people who love music hear harmony and melody. which is what explains why when you show most people music that relies on attention to subtle variations in sonic structures and harmony they have almost zero response, as if they hear nothing. i think without lyrics most people are completely lost because they don't even know what it is they should be listening to.

>Yeah sure no problem haha I'll play some Drake
>*actually plays Art Decade like a boss*

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One more word and I'm turning this fucking car around.

kek they were absolutely correct

Based friends.

Based and truth-pilled

that was a cool rec. thx user! i dig it

>hanging out with friends
>watching tv
>weather channel comes on
>"haha is this your music user?"

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in other words, those people are npc's who cant possibly be creative for 3 minutes and try to relate to something without lyrics

go to bed thoughty2


tough, but fair

>puts on Pierrot Lunaire

instrumental > music with vocals
singing ruined music as a whole
people just sing about sex now

Nice brainlet take.

>when people try to tell me lyrics are important in music

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Music with vocals is usually just overall more interesting. It's natural for human to be able to connect with human voices more and it's not like if a song has vocals it can't have instrumental parts too to be more varied, while instrumentals by definition can't have vocals.

thanks for stating the obvious genius

music with vocals but no lyircs>music with no vocals>music with vocals with lyrics

Based and redpilled

i strive to be this based

thats like me except it happens when the TV fucks up and you hear static. Fucking plebs

I can't believe I'm enjoying this foreign song even though I don't understand the lyrics

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Whoa projecting much buddy?

this really is the though process behind elitism most of the time tho

fucking nailed it

my roommate only listens to Disney and Top 40, anything I play that has an instrumental intro longer than 20 seconds he says "this is horrible" and whines all the way through

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music is just a gay version of talking or doing math equations

If you’re posting in this thread talking about playing Yea Forumscore in front of your friends and family and the reactions you got, you’re the cringey one, not them.

Go back to twitter

Hold on, at around 12 minutes there's some background "oooooh"s.

cable news isn't music though

he sounds incredibly gay and his opinion shouldn't matter


>being such a fucking autist that you can't realize that normies don't like anything that goes against the pop formula
>being such a tourist that you can't find good music to play that normies also enjoy

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>Aphex Twin

its is. its autistic clicking for autismos.

Not even that. Just throw together any music that's appeared in a Grand Theft Auto game and normies will be perfectly fine with it.