Alright, it's time to upgrade.
What's the best headphones you can get for under 500$, any form wired or wireless.
(thinking about pic related)
Talk about your gear here.
Alright, it's time to upgrade.
What's the best headphones you can get for under 500$, any form wired or wireless.
(thinking about pic related)
Talk about your gear here.
Other urls found in this thread:
I really like my HD600s. I use alongside an ODAC and 02 amp that have served me well for what must be six or seven years now. I used to have AKG K701s, those were decent as well but soundstage very exaggerated.
When I did my research that was the best value setup you can get, I am not sure how much has changed.
Stax 3100
Are these comfortable for long sessions?
Hows the head clamping?
jvc flats
Very comfortable, you could wear them all day quite easily.
running a Topping D10 and a JDS Labs Atom which is really the best audio chain for the least money this hobby has ever seen, its pretty ridiculous, the D10 is audibly transparent and is both cheaper and lacks the intermodulation distortion hump of its more expensive siblings. and the JDS has gobs of functionally distortion free power, unless you want balanced for some reason this is all you ever need.
i feed a pair of Focal Clears with that stack. it took a long time for me to find a pair of cans that i could justify replacing my HD600s with but ever sense i picked these up the senns have been gathering dust.
Hmm, those do look really good, I can’t see myself replacing the HD600s anytime soon but I will look at those if I do.
Are there any good earbuds? I can't stand over the ear headphones cause no matter what kind I use, they always give me a headache at a point.
honestly the HD600 is so fucking good that just sticking with them is a decent plan.
there are tons depending on what you are looking for. try googling around for IEM which stands for in ear monitor, the fancy name for ear bud. there are some great bang for your buck models out there like the Onemore triple driver, the Tin Audio T2, and the Etymotic lineup. but if you are seeking the top of the top tier IEMs go all the way up to the kilobucks just like over ears.
>D10 lacks the intermodulation distortion hump of its more expensive siblings
What do you mean? I own a D30. I thought the guy on audiosciencereview said it's the best budget DAC and measures slightly better than the D10. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
the chip they used in a lot of toppings has a bump in IDM through the middle range in a lot of designs. Pic related from the D50 review. The D10 for whatever reason does not display this hump. At the end of the day it's in all practical applications, inaudible. But for the OCD audiophile there's some satisfaction in knowing it's not there in your dac
Go fuck yourself it's music related
No, it clearly isn’t
You use headphones to listen to music you autist
People on Yea Forums don’t talk about what TVs they use. People on Yea Forums don’t talk about what tablets or ebook readers they use. This is no different. Go back.
It looks like the D30 measures a lot worse than the D10 for some reason (which was a straight line down from -50 on the graph I saw) but do you know if the IMD on the D30 is still inaudible to the human ear?
So new he doesn’t know how to link to other boards. Typical.
>People on Yea Forums don’t talk about what tablets or ebook readers they use
Yes they do, there’s a thread where they are discussing the Kindle Oasis right now.
False equivalency. Discussing a newly released product isn’t the same as “please tell me what to buy i’m retarded and require fellow retards to spoonfeed me”.
still new with this sorta shit so sorry for the retardation but what is the purpose of these?
If I have volume control on PC and a receiver for my turntable does this offer anything for me?
I do know how to link to other boards by the ways, why don’t you fuck off to faggot?
The fact that you feel the need to defend yourself on something so mundane says a lot more about you than it does me. Maybe you should be returning to reddit instead of shitting up another board.
Yeah it still measures very very well. Most quality dacs are going to be pretty well below the threshold of human hearing with their distortion and noise levels. I wouldn't sweat it.
Just a cleaner dedicated output for your headphones. If you are satisfied with your current sound quality I wouldn't worry too much. But if you are interested in seeing some improvements the stack I listed should run around $170 before shipping.
The Shure SRH1540 are my favorite and main headphones. They’re about $500 (at least they were when I got them in 2015). Would definitely recommend.
Pretty cute desu
not gonna lie if they made some of these with comparable hifi quality i'd get em, for now i'm jsut cutting cat ears out of cardboard and gluing em on
Where do you guys go for your info and gear reviews? I'm finally about to get a job where I can afford a good setup, and I want to upgrade wisely without feeling the need tor replace anything for a few years.
Every site has its biases and there is no replacement for listening to things yourself.
But you can hit up /g/
/r/audiophile (generally objectivist and measurement focused, highly detailed reviews over a limited range of equipment) (leans objectivist, kinda culty user base, banhammer happy) (heavily subjectivist, often plagued with shills and banhammer happy mods) (decent combo of objective measurements and subjective options, their lead guy retired so reliability may be questionable)
Objectivism means if it measures good it will sound good, if it measures shit its shit, if it can't be measured it doesn't matter
Subjectivism means ears over measurements if it sounds good to you then fuck it. Be aware that subjectivist viewpoints often include snake oil bullshit like $1000 cables that legitimately do not make any fucking difference.
I tend to use a mixture of YouTube reviews and forums. Metal571 is a good headphone reviewer. Z reviews does amps, dacs and speakers as well, but he rambles and doesn't go into as much detail about the technical side of things, so I watch him more for entertainment. There's also Tyll from Innerfidelity (who's now retired), DMS and Joshua Valour. I trust metal571 the most and Joshua Valour the least, but if I'm trying to decide what to buy I watch as many as I can and make a decision based on that. There's also a website called audiosciencereview that provides measurements of audio equipment. It's a useful website to use alongside YouTube reviews when measurements are available. There's also hifiguides which is a headphone and speaker buyers guide. On hifiguides you can select your preferences, for example whether you want closed or open back headphones, what sound signature you're interested in, and what your budget is. It will then recommend you equipment based on that. Link to both websites:
Sorry for long post lmao
useful post, thanks user
No problem, glad you found it helpful.
Damn this hifi guides site is ass, it literally does not have any IEMs over a thousand bucks that can be classified as V-shaped, Mid-forward or bass boosted. And it misspells the word category. Beyond embarrassing.
I forgot to mention Z reviews has a subreddit with a bunch of audio equipment buying guides, but I don't think it's been updated in a while.
Holy fuck, this site classifies the LCD-X as neutral and the LCD-4 as warm despite both having the same target curve. What the shit? And apparently the HD800S and Utopia are V-shaped despite having no bass. This site is amazingly bad, basically misinformation.
these are some great sources, thanks fellas
The Utopia's bass extension is almost a flat line down to 20 Hz from the graphs I've seen. Obviously not V-shaped but good for an open back dynamic driver. I've only ever used the site for trying to find headphones with a neutral sound signature and it's recommendations seemed to fit that criteria. Maybe using hifiguides isn't such a good idea after all though.
They should, because fidelity is important in conveying artistic intention. If you're listening to music where there's a lot subbass going on, youre not getting the full breadth of that content on speakers/headphones that only do down to 60hz.
I don’t know what you consider flat but a rolloff from 100hz down isn’t what I consider flat. This site is dogshit.
That’s really cool but it’s still not relevant to music.
Speakers: Selah Tempestas
Subs: Rhytmik F12, SVS 12 inch.
Power Amp: Adcom GFA 555
Marantz 6900 Receiver for pre.
Yamaha Universal Blu Ray player that plays all formats, SACD, etc.
Marantz TT.
Looks pretty flat to me. Especially considering it's only 5 dB bellow 0 at 10 Hz. How familiar are you with frequency response graphs?
You retarded fuck, a 5dB rolloff is audible as fuck. And that’s in the best case scenario, in the worst case that 5dB rolloff is already visible at 20hz (see: the topmost measurement of the raw graph. only the bottommost rolls off at 5dB at 10hz). The fact that you don’t know this makes me think maybe you’re the one who knows fuck all about graphs.
The fact that you’re disputing this as well shows that you’ve never heard the Utopia in person. Yet another armchair objectivist who’s not even competent at being objective. Show yourself out.
Got these before they stopped making them. Pretty good
Yea Forums memed me into these like 10 years ago, and I've used them every since.
d-do you guys even own headphones?
it doesnt even depart 0db until like 40hz its down like maybe -2 at 30, and then gently slopes to -5 by 10hz thats super respectable. enough with the autism
If you're talking about objectivity then I don't need to have heard the Utopia to look at a graph and discern it has good bass extension for a dynamic driver. Literally anyone who knows anything about FR graphs and the tendency for open back dynamic headphones to roll-off would say the Utopia has good bass extension just by glancing at that graph. I never said the sub bass was slightly elevated so as to perfectly match your preference, I just said it has good extension for a dynamic driver. And it certainly doesn't have "no bass". If you want to talk about a headphone with no bass then the HD600 drops by something like 15 dB by the time it reaches 10 Hz. A 5 dB drop is very good, for a dynamic driver. I'm willing to bet the Utopia's also response really well to EQ without distorting at all in the low end.
Why is this forum filled with people like this in every board from A to Z.
>Person makes salient point
>You retard! (said when the person who said this doesn't know what he's talking about)
Not him, but you don't what you're talking about. A 5db rolloff from 20hz to 10hz is irrelevant, since the absolutely best frequency range of human hearing is 20hz-20khz, which starts to decline as early as your teen years. Bass below 20hz is infrabass that is more felt than heard and isn't really a concern for headphones to reproduce that range since deep bass like that is a full body experience. Furthermore, not much musical content even goes that low. Mostly movies.
Also learn about psychoacoustics. A ruler flat frequency response doesn't sound pleasing, often harsh, because of the Fletcher-Munson curve, which illustrates how humans perceive the mid and high frequencies to be louder than the lower frequencies, so often times a curve like this employed with EQ.
If you want to criticize the Utopia's high frequency response (or any headphone's, since the comb filtering is always a mess for headphones at the higher frequencies due to those short waves bouncing into each other in the ear cups), that's a legit bone to pick, and is why I dislike headphone's music presentation (along with the inability of headphones to convey 3D holography anywhere near the level of speakers), but that poster was right. The bass response on that headphone is great.
You’re a disingenuous retard. The downslope clearly begins at 100hz (read: the midbass region, aka what most people listen for when they look for bass). The fact it drops 2-3dB from 20-30hz means it has 0 subbass. This is a fucking trash tier bass response. Trying to justify it with “b-b-but it’s an open back dynamic!” isn’t how it works, it fucking rolls off whether or not it’s a planar or an electrostat or a dynamic or a fucking ribbon headphone.
And just to corroborate my point, look at Tyll’s own article on this.
>Okay, enough with the romance—because I sure do have one with the Utopia—time to get picky. There's only two places in which I can fault these headphones. First, I could use a bit more bass under 200Hz.
Pic related is his EQ for it. What does this look like... oh right, compensating for a fucking rolloff!
Quit arguing, you’re done.
Objectively speaking there is less subbass than midbass, therefore there is a rolloff. This is basic fucking logic. Quit justifying it with your “b-but it’s a driver type that sucks at reproducing subbass so it’s ok!”. I don’t give a fuck. A drop is a drop and is therefore not flat. You stupid disingenuous retard.
Nobody as of yet has claimed that it doesn't roll off. What we are saying is that "- 5db by 10hz" and "no bass" are in fact mutually exclusive statements.
Except the 5dB drop is from 100Hz to 20Hz, dumbass. You don’t even know what the argument is about.
>Furthermore, not much musical content even goes that low. Mostly movies.
We get it, you listen to boomer rock music. Keep it to yourself.
>A ruler flat frequency response doesn't sound pleasing, often harsh, because of the Fletcher-Munson curve
Not relevant. If anything it exacerbates my point because it shows how an already upsloping frequency response is perceived to be even brighter than it is on paper.
>What we are saying is that "- 5db by 10hz" and "no bass" are in fact mutually exclusive statements.
No, what you’re saying is that the bass response is flat, which it clearly fucking isn’t. It rolls off. That’s not flat. What kind of mental gymnastics are you pulling to be physically unable to compute this?
>First, I could use a bit more bass under 200Hz.
Related to my post above, EVERYONE will say a flat bass response within +/- 3db "lacks bass" because of how we perceive bass. The goal of wanting a ruler flat response in headphone/speaker is because it's easier to employ your preferred house curves. Additionally, headphones are much less linear listener to listener due to everyone's unique HRTF, so having a flat headphone that can be versatilely EQ'ed is a plus.
Just to prove my point, read >The Utopia's bass extension is almost a flat line down to 20 Hz from the graphs I've seen.
And fuck off. Moving the goalposts doesn’t work here.
>EVERYONE will say a flat bass response within +/- 3db "lacks bass" because of how we perceive bass.
It’s not flat in the first place so it doesn’t matter.
Also I don’t know about you but if I drop 4 grand on some shitty french headphone it better fit my preferred frequency response out of the box. If not it can fuck off.
these have lasted a while for me, pretty good
A 5db drop from 100 to 10 isn't the whole story, see Its down by 2 fuckin DB when humans begin to not hear it anymore. If your standard is to have ruler flat bass you are basically stuck with audeze and are completely precluded from stereos without subwoofers. Lurk more.
pls rec some iems for a poorfag
It’s a 5dB drop from 100-20. If we want to talk about 100-10 it’s 7dB. Something tells me you didn’t even glance at the graph for 2 seconds.
>If your standard is to have ruler flat bass you are basically stuck with audeze
Not really, any front volumed sealed planar function (magnetics and electrostatics) will have a flat bass to 10Hz. Your knowledge is laughably lacking.
Like I said they probably response very well to EQ, but luckily no one is forcing you to buy the headphones.
I don’t care about EQ, it’s not relevant. Stop trying to flex your entry level audio knowledge because it’s embarrassingly lacking.
JVC marshmallows
>Except the 5dB drop is from 100Hz to 20Hz,
It's not drop, it's a smooth rolloff, which will not be psychoacoustically objectionable. And the rolloff to 20hz is about -2.5db, which is studio standard flatness.
Lol. Being so concerned about the 20hz-10hz region on fuckin headphones. You'll barely perceive that infrabass on headphones of your shitty trap or whatever digs that deep (again, infrabass is felt over the ENTIRE BODY, this is why Pipe Organ listeners have subwoofers the size of a small car in their systems, to feel their insides getting sloshed and whatnot). Judging by the way you speak, you probably can't afford a subwoofer(s) that reaches to 10hz, so why even argue?
EQ is very relevant. And why would you consider me talking about EQ "flexing"? That's retarded.
>It's not drop, it's a smooth rolloff, which will not be psychoacoustically objectionable.
It will still be audible, big guy. You’re really desperate to find reasons to argue aren’t you?
>And the rolloff to 20hz is about -2.5db, which is studio standard flatness.
“Studio standard flatness” isn’t a thing. It’s either flat or it’s not, and it’s not.
>Being so concerned about the 20hz-10hz region on fuckin headphones.
Only you are really. I haven’t complained about the 10hz region at all.
>Judging by the way you speak, you probably can't afford a subwoofer(s) that reaches to 10hz
That’s really cute. Judging by your nonexistent reading comprehension you couldn’t even afford airpods if you wanted. I’m gonna keep enjoying my $5000 portable setup and then go home and enjoy my $3000 desktop setup. You keep being retarded for me, ok?
The conversation has nothing to do with EQ. You’re bringing in irrelevant arguments to try and defend a shitty headphone.
>And why would you consider me talking about EQ "flexing"? That's retarded.
You’re retarded so it’s certainly not beyond you.
>“Studio standard flatness” isn’t a thing. It’s either flat or it’s not, and it’s not.
Perfect flatness is impossible, on any system, headphone, speaker, measured in anechoic chamber and otherwise. Speakers obviously have rooms to deal with while headphones have earcups to deal with. Then on headphones, you further encounter the problem of the headphone interacts with your individual HRTF. Do you know what that is? By the time the sound enters your eardrum, it will have been altered by your chest, shoulders, head, ear shape, bone density, and such. Ironically, this is a good thing, since we've evolved over millennia to hear this way. Sound from headphones can't fully illuminate the pinnae in the same way as free field sound. Tl;dr is that you will not hear the headphone identically to its measurements.
Yes, studios like to be within +/-3b across the range. It's impossible to have a ruler flat response, so this target was felt to be transparent enough.
You are picking bones for the sake of what I'm not sure. That bass response is fine by any measure and if you need more, you can EQ it.
Your initial point was that Utopia's have "no bass". EQ could fix that, therefore it's relevant. If you don't like using EQ then like I said luckily no one is forcing you to buy the headphone. At the end of the day all that matters is your claim that the Utopia's have no bass is completely wrong.
>you further encounter the problem of the headphone interacts
encounter the problem of how the headphone interacts
Holy fucking shit, we get it, you browsed /ag/ a couple times. Stop pretending like you’re the only person in the whole world who has ever heard of audio science or engineering you obnoxious piece of shit.
>Your initial point was that Utopia's have "no bass". EQ could fix that, therefore it's relevant
We’re talking about the stock response, you dumbfuck. No one fucking cares about the response with EQ.
>At the end of the day all that matters is your claim that the Utopia's have no bass is completely wrong.
It isn’t because it audibly rolls off from 100Hz. We can do this all day.
Campfire Audio Andromeda’s
>Your initial point was that Utopia's have "no bass".
And his point on that was retarded as they clearly have flat +/- 3db bass to 20hz. Yeah, it will probably sound lacking because of how we perceive sound, but a relatively flat speaker/headphone is preferred over boosted and cut house sound garbage, because the flatter response is easier to EQ.
>they clearly have flat +/- 3db bass
Which isn’t flat. End of story. Adding arbitrary requirements and prerequisites isn’t how the world works.
But the issues was never whether they're completely flat to 10 Hz. You said they have no bass, and they do. How much goalpost shifting can you do?
>Holy fucking shit, we get it, you browsed /ag/ a couple times. Stop pretending like you’re the only person in the whole world who has ever heard of audio science or engineering you obnoxious piece of shit.
Not an argument.
>We’re talking about the stock response, you dumbfuck. No one fucking cares about the response with EQ.
Everyone who is actually into audio and is not just a child who thinks he's a HI-FI expert because he just his first pair of veiled Sennheisers and some discounted JBL305 monitors will tell you that how a system responds to EQ is very important.
You obviously never EQ'ed a system and then measured it afterward. The hardest thing to EQ are narrow spikes and dips, since if the Q on your filter is too narrow, you get ringing. This headphone has a smooth response from 1000hz on, no sharp peaks and dips. You need more bass, you can use a wide filter from 400hz on down and you're set. There won't be any ringing to worry about over that broad a range.
>You said they have no bass, and they do.
They roll off under 100Hz, so no, they don’t. End story. No goalposts were shifted here, that has always been my definition of it.
It's not a significant roll-off, and it would respond well to EQ.
>Not an argument.
Neither is your astonishingly elementary understanding of HRTF.
>blah blah blah muh EQ
Not important, because I buy transducers that don’t need to be fixed. Sucks to suck.
>It's not a significant roll-off
It’s still a roll off and therefore fits my definition.
>it would respond well to EQ.
Not relevant once again. Is running around in circles fun to you?
>Which isn’t flat.
Flatness is impossible. Smoothness isn't, which is what these headphones achieve from 1000hz and below.
>Flatness is impossible
You’re telling me flat bass response from 10Hz to 500Hz is impossible? Hahahahah holy shit the fucking audacity of this guy.
No, you said they have no bass. Having no bass would imply a very significant roll-off. EQ is relevant because it can fix the little roll-off that does happen.
>Is running around in circles fun to you?
I could ask you the same thing
>Having no bass would imply a very significant roll-off.
I consider a rolloff at 100Hz to be significant. Anything roll off that’s not under 40Hz or less than 2-3dB is significant.
>EQ is relevant because it can fix the little roll-off that does happen.
It’s not because we’re not discussing what it sounds like with EQ. You’re so fucking dull, you know that?
>Neither is your astonishingly elementary understanding of HRTF.
More Yea Forums shitposter handwaving. I understand it perfectly and defined it perfectly to you.
>As sound strikes the listener, the size and shape of the head, ears, ear canal, density of the head, size and shape of nasal and oral cavities, all transform the sound and affect how it is perceived, boosting some frequencies and attenuating others.
>Boosting some frequencies
>Attenuating others
Didn't I just get done in that post telling you you're handwringing for nothing over the response of lab tested, microphone measured gear when (on headphones) the shape, size, density of your ear anatomy will change the nature of that response? Why do you think headphones and headphone products that attempt to measure HRTF (and they all do it badly anyhow, since you need to measure deep inside the ear drum) are being promoted right now?
>Not important, because I buy transducers that don’t need to be fixed. Sucks to suck.
Lol. ALL headphones go apeshit after around 2000hz. ALL speakers are subject to room effects. No, you don't buy transducers that can't be fixed because they don't exist.
Cite system. I'll wait.
>Tennmak Pro Dual Driver In-ears - $15USD
>MEEaudio BTX2 wireless MMCX adapter with APTX - $60USD
Yeah I know I'm a poorfag but this is honestly 8.5/10 and works perfectly.
>I understand it perfectly and defined it perfectly to you.
You have a baby’s understanding and defined it in baby talk. You’re a retard.
>blah blah blah muh HRTF
Again not relevant because we’re discussing a measurement.
>Lol. ALL headphones go apeshit after around 2000hz.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you’re one of the “you must EQ the entire FR to be perfectly flat to your HRTF or it’s shit REEEEE” autists, guess what, I’m not interested.
>It’s not because we’re not discussing what it sounds like with EQ
We're discussing to what degree the bass rolls off. It does, but not significantly. EQ can fix the little bass roll-off that does happen if the stock frequency response isn't to your liking. You're moving the goalpost again.
>We're discussing to what degree the bass rolls off.
We’re not. You’re talking about it to nobody, because no one is reciprocating.
>EQ can fix the little bass roll-off that does happen if the stock frequency response isn't to your liking.
Which isn’t relevant because again, we’re not talking about whether or not EQ can fix it. Again, we can repeat this all day.
>You have a baby’s understanding and defined it in baby talk. You’re a retard.
Shitpost handwaving again!
>Again not relevant because we’re discussing a measurement.
That measurement is fine, and it is flat within realism.
>What the fuck are you talking about? If you’re one of the “you must EQ the entire FR to be perfectly flat to your HRTF or it’s shit REEEEE” autists, guess what, I’m not interested.
You said you buy transducers that don't need to be fixed. If you're talking about a headphone product you've bought, it'll need to be "fixed" if your primary concern is flatness from 20-20khz (and you seem to be, since you're niggling over a +/-2.5db bass response). All headphones are a roller coaster in the higher frequencies, with huge 15-20db fluctuations being the norm. It sounds decent enough because our brain is great at naturally EQ'ing.
So what's this magical headphone/speaker you bought that "doesn't need to be fixed?"
>Which isn’t relevant because again, we’re not talking about whether or not EQ can fix it
Even if we pretend EQ doesn't exist, the bass roll-off is still insignificant. If you want elevated sub bass buy another headphone.
>Shitpost handwaving again!
It’s not handwaving, it’s pointing out that you’re bringing up irrelevant topics.
>That measurement is fine, and it is flat within realism.
Creating an arbitrary tolerance doesn’t make something magically fine.
>If you're talking about a headphone product you've bought, it'll need to be "fixed" if your primary concern is flatness from 20-20khz
It’s not. My concern here is a flat bass from 20-100Hz. That is the minimum bass response I require. My ideal boost is around 5dB centered on the subbass region. The rest of it can be as colored as I fucking care as long as I like how it sounds. Clearly this whole argument exists because you walked into it assuming everything and knowing nothing.
>the bass roll-off is still insignificant
It’s above 40Hz and it’s a 5dB rolloff at 20Hz so it is significant. End story.
>You’re telling me flat bass response from 10Hz to 500Hz is impossible?
Do you think the soundwaves are just shot into your ear and don't comb filter when they hit walls, earcups, ear, body, etc?
There's no product in the world that is +/- 0db flat in that range (or any range). Also realize many measurements are compensated, smoothed, etc.
>There's no product in the world that is +/- 0db flat in that range (or any range).
There are products that measure to my already given specifications of flat. So you’re talking to nobody, again.
I’d rec these
>It’s not. My concern here is a flat bass from 20-100Hz.
See my below post. There's no product that will be 0db flat from 20-100hz. A 2.5db gradient roll off is absolutely nothing (it doesn't crash nor dip but rolls off in about .5 db increments). And the -5dfb roll off to 10hz is so insignificant, it's not worth mentioning. If you "hear" 10hz on your headphones, you have shitty headphones, because what you're hearing isn't bass, but the rattle of the earcups, plastic, or other components. Worrying about bass response that deep is only viable if you're building a speaker/sub system.
Again, what's your magically 20-100hz flat headphone?
Do you make these posts with some sort of third party website or software that prevents you from seeing existing posts? All of this could have been skipped if you just read .
Still not naming these flat headphones. And what's your given specifications of flat (10hz-500hz)? Scrolling the thread now, and haven't seen you cite a +/-db range.
Ah, see you mention Audeze products as providing ruler flat response. Lol.
I actually don’t like Audeze at all, I just brought up how the website’s classification of them is trash. But hey, glad that you’re so fond of making tangential connections.
I did cite a +/-dB range of 2dB under 40Hz. So you’re wrong.
If you want to know what headphones I actually use, you obtuse cunt, my daily earphone is the IER-Z1R (bass boosted to 40Hz where it rolls off by about 2dB at 20Hz) and my daily headphone is a port modded SR-L700, which you won’t find measurements of because again, it’s modded to have a linear bass response.
>I did cite a +/-dB range of 2dB under 40Hz. So you’re wrong.
You're that obsessed with an extra .5 db, which can often be measurement noise (if you actually measured a system, you know they don't measure IDENTICAL every time, and these small db fluctuations can be due to anything).
No wonder you were reluctant to cite your gear. Those monitors measure worse if your primary concern is just flatness (I get this is probably Sony's house curve, and yes, can be EQ'ed) than the Focals.
Personally, I find that curve garbage. The typical V-shape curve that cuts out the mids to emphasize the bass and treble in order to make the system sound "flashier," (car audio tier curve). It's cool if you like this, but don't try to claim you buy products that "don't need to be fixed."
>port modded SR-L700
So you bought another product that needed to be fixed?
>No wonder you were reluctant to cite your gear.
I never was, I just didn’t care.
>Those monitors measure worse if your primary concern is just flatness
Thank god it isn’t.
>The typical V-shape curve that cuts out the mids to emphasize the bass and treble in order to make the system sound "flashier,"
Actually the only recession here is in the lower mids, to ensure a lack of bass bloat. The upper mids are, if you compensate to DF or Crin’s own curve (to compensate for the outer ear) fairly flat. It’s V shaped but hardly so.
>So you bought another product that needed to be fixed?
I modified it because I felt like it. Unlike the Fecals which can’t even be fixed through physical modification.
Pic related is the Z1R compensated to Crinacle’s target curve. The only recession is the lower mids (which is audible on the actual thing, but doesn’t sound bad like it does on other IEMs achieving a similar goal).
>Unlike the Fecals
So it really seems like the bone to pick is you hate the Focal product. I don't really care, since I think every headphone belongs in the trash, but what brought me in was you thinking 2.5db roll off from 100hz-20hz is bad performance. The Sony response is boosted from 100hz to 30hz by about the same. What you're really saying is you just like boosted bass. The Sony isn't a better on paper performer, just slightly different sound signature. What probably makes the Focal sound thinner is because it's flat to a 1000khz, and the 800khz-1000khz can sound harsh. A cut there is can make the bass standout more.
Yeah, that's a much more psychoacoustically pleasing response than the Focals un-eq'd. Flat from 20hz-1000hz will sound thin.
>So it really seems like the bone to pick is you hate the Focal product
Yeah, because the bass on it is ass.
>what brought me in was you thinking 2.5db roll off from 100hz-20hz is bad performance
It’s more than 2.5dB and yes, that is bad bass.
>The Sony response is boosted from 100hz to 30hz by about the same.
It’s boosted by about 5dB, which is about how much the Focals roll off by.
>What you're really saying is you just like boosted bass.
I do, and my minimum is as I specified earlier, a flat bass response from about 100Hz down. The L700 definitely isn’t boosted in any shape or form.
>What probably makes the Focal sound thinner is because it's flat to a 1000khz
Bitch nigger what kind of FR chart are you reading where it’s flat to 1kHz? It’s not even flat under 100Hz.
>Bitch nigger what kind of FR chart are you reading where it’s flat to 1kHz? It’s not even flat under 100Hz.
Hope you can see the extra +/-2b lines I added, showing the Focals within that range from 20hz-1000hz. If you take issue with this, please make another graph.
That’s a compensated graph big guy. The one underneath is the raws.
The middle measurement (which I assume is perfectly on-axis) looks to have the same contour. And why not put stock in the averaged graph? Do you think you're going to be able to put the headphone precisely on-axis every time? You can't even do this with in-ears, since it's unlikely you're getting a perfectly equal seal for both buds.
>And why not put stock in the averaged graph
Because it’s not just averaged, it’s compensated. My argument all along either way was that the bottom and top measurements in the raws clearly roll off way more than 3dB. Also, your lines are clearly drawn at 2.5dB (midway through the 5dB marker), not 2dB.
>it's unlikely you're getting a perfectly equal seal for both buds.
Actually it is, especially if your earphone is a custom or is front vent sealed.
>under 500$
Literally anything you fucking retard. You're super autistic if you buy headphones that cost more than that.
>Also, your lines are clearly drawn at 2.5dB (midway through the 5dB marker), not 2dB.
I'm a hair below/above the midpoint. Get out the calipers and take a look. In any event, these graphs really need 1db hash lines.
>My argument all along either way was that the bottom and top measurements in the raws clearly roll off way more than 3dB.
Yes, which I presume are the off-axis measurements. That's to be expected. This graph is poorly presented where I can't clearly see the on-axis measurement, but it looks to match the compensated graph.
This is solid performance. They will sound bass shy because it should start rolling off at around 500hz (Harman Curve). But I'd rather work with a flat system since they're easier to EQ than have to try and correct house curves, which can require boosting, something that isn't recommended for higher frequencies.
>But I'd rather work with a flat system since they're easier to EQ than have to try and correct house curves
I’d rather buy something with a house curve that I like.
help me am so used to the niche sound of my current bluetooth headphones(JVC HA-S90BN) that i cant switch, have tried whatever i had the option to try, only thing that i kinda liked were audio technica sr50bt but again kinda dont want bluetooth killing sound quality, tried a couple IEMs all dogshit
they are top tier for electronic music(especially ambient) but dogshit for anything else
but they are dying slowly and id like to listen to some non electronic music at once
they are pretty amazing at more athmospheric/acoustic music
so any pair that is good at acoustic music?