This female-led screamo noise depression-core shit is gonna blow up in the following decade, mark my words. Artists like Puce Mary, Uboa, Lingua Ignota, and Pharmakon are gonna be seen as the first-wave of something huge.
This female-led screamo noise depression-core shit is gonna blow up in the following decade, mark my words...
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remove the name and it's really great subtle bait
This is bait, but it's true.
You mean my name?
truth tho
i agree, op.
i feel that way about this dude too.
he gets a lot of hate but he is like the male version of what you just posted.
its unlike anything ive ever heard, but it fucking grooves.
>why yes, I like Puce Mary, Uboa, Lingua Ignota, and Pharmakon
>what gave it away?
Women have never created a genre let alone a genre anyone cares about.
this namefag is really terrible bait
i know im trying to start a band with a cutie and do this. like a zoomer crystal castles without all the rape
>zoomer crystal castles
i regret having googled this horrendous shit
"noise" my ass. this is painfully goofy
Uboa is not biologically female LOL
*not a girl LEL
yeah I wasn't expecting harsh noise of all things to get gentrified into the white art hoe experience. i assume people into this do not know the history of the genre beyond le wacky pulse demon meme
these artists are actually power electronics and not harsh noise, which makes it even weirder.
>how to spot a tourist
except she's already highly respected in the scene and on many collabs, some not even credited.
>in the scene
'the scene' is trash, you have no surveys on what people really think, who cares what 'the scene' thinks, make your own judgements, you're a peasant, another comma,
like whitehouse and ramleh? wew, although a lot of that genre has always been over the top histrionics.
>harsh noise
eartheater > these hoes
>a tourist knows "the scene"
sup melon
>doesn't notice air quotes
>thinks getting his opinions from group conventions like a teenager makes him an insider
>wasn't expecting harsh noise
and you didn't get it
then please enlighten me to the history of harsh noise, or link something about to it
you mean what jarboe has been doing for years? cool
tourists BTFO
i'm but why would he have to do that
google it yaself
That would be pretty cool tbhonest
billie elish already covered the depression-core female artist, my man. The new trend is mixing pop with trap and latin music and that's gonna last a while
she a based MtF transsexual and you're a cringe bitter repressor
>Ivy League education
How fucking gullible are you all
Is there anything like this but with a bit more pop sensibility? I'm not talking SUPER accessible but something with a bit of structure to it rather than screaming over noise
So trannies are stealing the “homophobes are in the closet” card from fags now huh?
Is this one of the most touristcore posts of 2019? It's the perfect storm of ignorance and trying to use memes to appear knowledgeable
awful. enjoy the dopamine hit you get from my acknowledging your shill post at all
Fuck off. No one cares shill.
Thanks to and for already posting good recs. Also Amnesia Scanner, King Woman, and potentially Chelsea Wolfe.
But then again, that's also the thing - someone's still yet to make this style bop as much as like Crystal Castles
who havent released a song since 2016? yeah ok
have sex
Don't lump in Puce Mary with these shitters.
You know she's a feminist, right?
I don't give a fuck.
Screamo noise? Where did you get that, Lingua Ignota and especially Uboa is an extremely pop power electronics. Pharmakon and Puce Mary are closer to their parent genre but still much easier to listen to. Death Industrial is a depression-core in this genre, your suggestions are more like teen angst-core (especially Uboa with albums like The Origin Of My Depression).
And you know she's singing about killing males and her first album is about rape?
if someone raped me, I might make music about it user.
>art hoes
>listening to PE and noise
>any form of rock
>blowing up at any point in the future
yeah, no
Lingua Ignota is the very definition of art hoe.
white [x]
upper class [x]
degree in art [x]
entire existence as an artist is based around her bad choice in men- sorry i mean in MISOGYNY [x]
looks like she walked out of an IG art hoe factory [x]
it doesn't get any more art hoe than this
There's honestly nothing she's doing that Diamanda Galas hasn't already done much earlier, and with much less fearlessness and experimentation.
I'm not impressed with whatever PR gimmick they're pushing about her.
lmao zoomers