Prince > Michael Jackson
Chuck Berry > Elvis Presley
Blur > Oasis
Queen isn't overrated
ABBA isn't overrated
Nirvana IS overrated
Unpopular Yea Forums Opinion Thread
loveless is fucking shit
Nas is an industry plant
like two of these arent even unpopular opinions, even on Yea Forums
chinese democracy is the only good guns n roses album
*all of these
95% of Gorillaz songs are cheesy as fuck and unironically for redditors.
Room on Fire > Comedown Machine > Is This It
The Angelic Process is just noise.
>drum machine starts up
I unironically believe some of his best work was from this period
Storm and Stress was a better band than Don Caballero
I kind of agree with most of these except for Oasis and Nirvana.
I agree
Thats not an unpopular opinion. Half the people on this board agree, the problem is the other half are obsessed with that album.
I think I’ve written many songs just as good as Bob Dylan, but I will never be famous as it’s a nightmare as a solo artist in today’s music scene.
>inb4 post music
dont care
probably yes
i guess
no balls
>it’s a nightmare as a solo artist in today’s music scene.
You mean the scene where literally anyone can post anything online and easily gain an international audience? What the fuck are you talking about? Not even a cop-out, you're just a pussy.
Weezer was always garbage. Yes even your beloved Blue and Pinkerton.
That’s the thing, there is so much music online these days you can’t easily get anyone to listen to anything.
even the whiniest screamo/scene/emo is better than indie.
What do you classify as indie? Cause there's a fucking shitload of indie screamo/scene/emo ect.
Also fucking shitty take either way
Anything with indie in the name of the genre/sub-genre, including screamo indie. When I said screamo/scene/emo i generally meant more mainstream stuff. The point of my post was less about how good I think scene shit is and more about how much I hate indie music as a whole.
Billie Elish and Clario are really good artists.
They’re both fucking garbage.
you're never going to go anywhere with music because you don't want to. you're scared to post your music. you're scared to put yourself out there.
I’m not, I play live a lot and I post my music here too, I just don’t want to be known as “that faggot who thinks he’s as good as Bob Dylan”.
Pet Sounds is shit
Mariah Carey has 5 albums better than Pet Sounds.
Agreed. I remember listening to the nirvana catalog with my friend in highschool and we both kind of agreed that we didn't need to listen to them any more. If I hear them on the radio I won't throw a fit, but I haven't listened to them on purpose for years
Death Grips are overrated on this board, and only regarded because they're edgy, thus catering to the nu-Yea Forums drones.
J cole is overrated, not that he is a bad artist, but he is very overrated imo.
These bands are all overrated
>The Smiths
>Rolling Stones
>The Clash
>Eric Clapton
>Pearl Jam
>Arcade Fire
Half of that list is actually underrated and often trashed here. Ex:
No objections to this
AC/DC is probably the worst mainstream rock band of all time
>pearl jam
not that popular here anyway
nirvana, clash, arcade fire, radiohead, weezer, smiths, motherfucking fishmans...yeah, all very overrated here
I Agree with everything except the stones desu.
i'll be the one to say it
sonic youth is bullshit wank that people like for image reasons primarily
It's pretty good but m b v, You Made Me Realise, Going Blank Again, Nowhere, and every Slowdive album are better
I'll wring your fucking neck, pleb.
>I’ll wring your fucking neck, pleb
Spiderland sucks
The Doors s/t has aged better than any other 60s album
This is just facts though.
Oasis and Nirvana have a lot of fanboys here, they have haters but they always have people defending them too and threads made all the time 20+ years later. U2 is more hated here.
What is that thing? It’s adorable
Have a Nice Life sucks and so does Car Seat Headrest
lou reed hasnt really done anything worth listening to, this includes TVU
ranking things is retarded
">" and "
Joy Division is meh. New Order is better.
IGOR is a 7/10
A majority of garage rock revival is trash
People shouldn't come on here to get their opinions validated
Get to fuck, the Velvet Underground’s first album is a 10/10 and some of Lou Reed’s songs are sublime, Street Hassle and Perfect Day for example.
>Prince > Michael Jackson
>Chuck Berry > Elvis Presley
>Blur > Oasis
who cares
>Queen isn't overrated
>ABBA isn't overrated
>Nirvana IS overrated
>loveless is fucking shit
>Nas is an industry plant
who cares
>chinese democracy is the only good guns n roses album
>95% of Gorillaz songs are cheesy as fuck and unironically for redditors.
>Room on Fire > Comedown Machine > Is This It
>The Angelic Process is just noise.
who cares
>I unironically believe some of his best work was from this period
>Storm and Stress was a better band than Don Caballero
who cares
>I think I’ve written many songs just as good as Bob Dylan
>Weezer was always garbage.
>even the whiniest screamo/scene/emo is better than indie.
>Billie Elish and Clario are really good artists.
who cares
>Pet Sounds is shit
>Mariah Carey has 5 albums better than Pet Sounds.
>Death Grips are overrated on this board
who cares
>J cole is overrated
who cares
>These bands are all overrated
>AC/DC is probably the worst mainstream rock band of all time
>sonic youth is bullshit wank that people like for image reasons primarily
>Spiderland sucks
>The Doors s/t has aged better than any other 60s album
>Have a Nice Life sucks and so does Car Seat Headrest
who cares
>lou reed hasnt really done anything worth listening to, this includes TVU
>Joy Division is meh. New Order is better.
>IGOR is a 7/10
who cares
>A majority of garage rock revival is trash
>People shouldn't come on here to get their opinions validated
oh wow this post sucks dude
>oh wow this post sucks dude
who cares