Songs about being poor and be ok with that in capitalism system?

Songs about being poor and be ok with that in capitalism system?

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the thing about making money is that you always can be making more money, which will make you more productive, at least theoretically. you know it's never good to be making less money

read some marx

what would you recommend specifically?

You know Engels basically wrote everything right? Marx was a trusfund cunt son of rich factory owners who took all the credit.

memes are rotting your brain
wage labor and capital, then value price and profit, then onto capital.
skip the manifesto that’s just some bullshit his teenager ass wrote to get through college

Most country music.

Or, alternately
>use maps to find a grid-based planned suburb with wide open roads and upper middle class people
>take out a small auto loan and purchase a small, zippy, fuel efficient USED vehicle
>cut your living expenses down to next to zero
>get a job as a pizza or sandwich deliverer
>save save save

>memes are rotting your brain
Everything I posted is right. Lefties seethe so hard when people remember them that Marx wasn't part of the working class, instead, he was a gigantic burgeiouse.

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Morrisey is a racist sexist pig

just read a bunch of lenin

lenin is goat

Engels did not “write everything” for Marx. stop believing everything your online surrogate friends tell you.

Morrissey is far smarter than you

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I'd just suck a bunch of dick tßh

Being a racist is a sign of low intelligence.

True but so am I. I used to think he was a twinkle toes faggot and that only greasy hipsters listen to his shit, but I think I'm going to check his music out.

He isn't racist though, just nationalist

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This is one way to make it in a capitalist system.

First part is false, second part is common knowledge. Utopic socialists and materialist socialists were all high class and educated.

morrissey is the perfect embodiment of brexit, little englander, living abroad, bloated gammon wanker

>sincerely, a smiths fan

you just proved his point

Start with Viva Hate and Bona Drag, if those don't capture you try Your Arsenal, or Vauxhall And I

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Same thing, and that's a good thing.

t. nationalist


Not the same thing, nationalism is not wanting people born in other places in your country, racism is not wanting other skin colors and people born in other places in your country, and also (usually) being hateful to them

Attached: british_national_party_fb.jpg (600x469, 48K)

Racism is just a belief in the inherent differences between races. Nationalism stems from racism, which is just a politically charged term for in-group preference. All groups on the planet practice in-group preference. However, if you're white and you do so, then you're a Hitler.

>other skin colors

race is not "SKIN COLOR".

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*racism stems from nationalism
The definition of racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, not just the differences, nationalism is the belief that the self sovereignty of a nation is a good thing and keeping that nations identity unique is important.
You seem pretty ignorant for someone outspoken on the topic

t. nationalist

You don't know what nationality either of those people in that picture are, they could be English, born in England, taught English, and of English nationality, their race and heritage are another matter
Race is not skin color, but race is also not nationality either, that's the point

>The definition of racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, not just the differences
Racism's definition is rather fluid and it seems to change all the time. If racism were merely about discrimination/superiority and not just about difference, then why can't someone in the west comfortably discuss the disproportionate amount of blacks in professional sports, or Jews in entertainment, at a regular volume in public? At least to many, racism's definition includes the mere acknowledgement of difference.

>nationalism is the belief that the self sovereignty of a nation is a good thing and keeping that nations identity unique is important
A nation is not just a location, it is also a people. In order to keep that people and its culture unique, then cultural and genetic intermixing should be discouraged.

No, ethnicity is nationality. Both of those children in that photo are sub-saharan Africans, likely West African.

If they both had British passports they would still not be English.

I think what he was trying to illustrate, with that photo, is that there are other noticeable physiological differences across races, including face and skull shape.

Reading Marx or any other communist writings won't change my personality type. I'm naturally wired towards favoring a capitalistic, non-collectivist system that rewards industriousness and innovation. People's politics are for the most part based on their Gene's and personality profile, they then tend to seek out propaganda that strengthens their existing ideological foundation.

Racism's definition is prejudice against a race, nothing less than that, calling someone or something racist should not be a personal opinion due to the severity of the claim, there are disproportionate amounts of different races in some fields, but pointing that out would indicate you have a problem with that, that's what isn't "ok" with talking about it, since you can't change the fact that certain people are in certain positions more than others

A nation is a people, but people are all from different races, there's not a truly genetically pure-blooded person in the entire world, and thus race should not matter when dealing with nationalism, if someone is born into a nation, grows up around that nation's people, speaks that nation's language, they are of that nationality no matter what race

Gay people on average are more sexist towards the opposite sex than straight people. At least Morrissey wrote some brilliant songs about the perils of thots.

Morrissey is not gay though, he's closer to bi/asexual
He doesn't use sexual identity at all in fact, he's just him, not gay or bi or whatever else
Also for most of those songs against thots, the gender is not defined and can be about either sex

Are there any studies that reinforce this? It seems like an extremely flawed premise on so many levels, first and foremost because the definition of racism has been twisted through western propaganda to fit a very specific way of thinking, when in reality everyone on the planet is at least somewhat predisposed towards judging others based on their skin color and phenotypes. I mean it's inevitable that we judge others based on their looks, and race is one of the biggest factors in how a person looks. Pattern recognition is generally a sign of intelligence, so if you're a person who correctly identifies certain qualities and behaviors in certain groups of people I think you'd possess greater than average intelligence. That doesn't just apply to race of course, but also noticing things like, for example, the fact that old women are more likely than any other group of people to make a fuss at the supermarket and hold up the line.

What about Pretty Girls Make Graves?

>you know it's never good to be making less money
This is definitely untrue

>but pointing that out would indicate you have a problem with that
Not necessarily. Could just be an observation.

>A nation is a people, but people are all from different races, there's not a truly genetically pure-blooded person in the entire world
Culture is inseparable from ethnicity and ethnicity is inseparable from race. Ethnicity is something that can be determined in a lab using a saliva sample. Sure, everyone is a little mixed, but the majority of people on Earth were born to two parents of the same ethnicity. Races and ethnicity are fundamentally divergent.

>tfw marx clicks

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It would indicate that to other people though, that's why they might have a problem with you

as in you can always make more money which will make your life more satisfactory

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racism stems from human incounters you dumb fuck sjw chill not naionalism you cunt, go back too your bubble.

reading your whole post and seeing you put "Gene's" really lets me know that you are helpless

Tim Heidecker - I Am A Cuck