Rebecca Black is now a cute mommy

>Rebecca Black is now a cute mommy
Bros, when did this happen?

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time passes, asshat.

0 for 2 try again


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Wait, she had a kid? Do you mean like an actual mother or is this some dumbass slang?

>shows her tits to the camera
>is a "cute mommy"
Choose one buddy

Dawg she's fine

>only 22
>looks like she's early 30's
She's gonna age like milk

Im not sure how it makes me feel. Aged pretty well.

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Why are jewesses so fucking hot lads?

Great. I'm pleased for her

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Damn, she is really hot.

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fucking kill yourselves mommyfags

Imagine how good she’ll look in 10 years as an actual mommy.

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I bet you like asian women (young boys)

Shes hispanic

It's just autistic to call any girl with big tits mommy and shows you have major issues, fag

>pretending you don’t want to fuck your mom
never gonna make it stop denying biology

shes jewish....

This is making me wonder how her friend turned out.

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Her mother is Mexican m8

more like a meme perpetuated by Freud in between writing medicinal cocaine prescriptions for his friends

>suck on milkers as a baby
>somehow not supposed to want to suck on them anymore

seems ok

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im so hard for some reason

If by ok you mean she looks 30 something, then sure

>what is attachment theory

who is this?

kids being attached to their caregivers doesn't make it normal for adults to want to fuck their moms

>22 year olds are now referred to as mommy's
getting too old for this place tbache

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other people’s moms


why would you have a caregiver attachment to someone else's mom

I think my new fetish is young women having a MILF aesthetic.

That's sometimes just white women

I'm not your bro, faggot.

Oh dear

does this make me a daddy?

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Average age people start having kids is 24 iirc.


imagine making her a mommy now

damn right, bitch looks at least 40

if you wouldn’t fuck this bitch you’re honestly just a fag

She has big boobs but she looks just slightly above average. She wouldn't be getting famous off those looks if she was a nobody music industry wise. Not that she's getting clout again.

And Ahmed is Swedish, so what's your point?

ru fucking blind

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