>Rebecca Black is now a cute mommy
Bros, when did this happen?
Rebecca Black is now a cute mommy
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time passes, asshat.
0 for 2 try again
Wait, she had a kid? Do you mean like an actual mother or is this some dumbass slang?
>shows her tits to the camera
>is a "cute mommy"
Choose one buddy
Dawg she's fine
>only 22
>looks like she's early 30's
She's gonna age like milk
Im not sure how it makes me feel. Aged pretty well.
Why are jewesses so fucking hot lads?
Great. I'm pleased for her
Damn, she is really hot.
fucking kill yourselves mommyfags
Imagine how good she’ll look in 10 years as an actual mommy.
I bet you like asian women (young boys)
Shes hispanic
It's just autistic to call any girl with big tits mommy and shows you have major issues, fag
>pretending you don’t want to fuck your mom
never gonna make it stop denying biology
shes jewish....
This is making me wonder how her friend turned out.
Her mother is Mexican m8
more like a meme perpetuated by Freud in between writing medicinal cocaine prescriptions for his friends
>suck on milkers as a baby
>somehow not supposed to want to suck on them anymore
seems ok
im so hard for some reason
If by ok you mean she looks 30 something, then sure
>what is attachment theory
who is this?
kids being attached to their caregivers doesn't make it normal for adults to want to fuck their moms
>22 year olds are now referred to as mommy's
getting too old for this place tbache
other people’s moms
why would you have a caregiver attachment to someone else's mom
I think my new fetish is young women having a MILF aesthetic.
That's sometimes just white women
I'm not your bro, faggot.
Oh dear
does this make me a daddy?
Average age people start having kids is 24 iirc.
imagine making her a mommy now
damn right, bitch looks at least 40
if you wouldn’t fuck this bitch you’re honestly just a fag
She has big boobs but she looks just slightly above average. She wouldn't be getting famous off those looks if she was a nobody music industry wise. Not that she's getting clout again.
And Ahmed is Swedish, so what's your point?
ru fucking blind