Someone else post the links. Why is this up to me?
/gg/ /ggg/ Guitar is turning you Gay General (bassedbois also welcome)
Do yourself a favor and buy a Gibson
Do yourself a favor and rub kaka on the frets
H O W ' S P O P S
Is there a "best" clip on guitar tuner out there or are they all the same? I've seen many now by Daddario, Planet Waves, Boss, chink ones, etc but can't decide between them.
You guys tried the jcm69?
I tried that with your mom but without the jcm part
I've been using the Donner DT-2. It seems OK to me. I also couldn't find out which one was best but it doesn't really matter too much since they're so cheap.
I swear by the tc polytune, their clip-on version is great too. My dad uses it to tune his lap steels
red pill me on roman gg
He gay
Check out my new Gibson!
Cringiest part of the pic is the nigson Super Gay
Thank you user. Very cool
He's the puppet master. He controls the general by pretending to be multiple people and manipulating the real anons who post here into making fools of themselves for his entertainment
Also this. And the /gg/ discord is a honeypot he's running. To what end I don't know
That sick bastard
Bro, pick up your clothes. Hygiene is not a joke.
charvels for beginner wagie
yes or no?
why is it always squier, fender and ibanez
from what i can gather hes a high IQ jew who runs /gg/ like a boss
What;s wrong with its pickups and wiring scheme?
Not enough kaka
from what i can gather roman™ is a group of indian shills who runs /gg/ like a boss
Why does nobody talk about charvels whatsoever?
Nothing, its just a preference thing. A lot of anons here don't like Seymour Duncan either
I just said i wanted to buy one last thread and like 3 were posted. Are you dumb or just blind?
You’re a nobody asking about them
Nobody from the other end posts about them
I like the distortion set they had on the socal. In terms of wiring I find charvel hsh setups weird. The middle coil is only there for strat split tones and the middle position activates a tele wiring with the outer coils of the humbuckers. No coilsplit on this model absolutely kills it for me though.
Oh so dumb and blind.
>can't install a push pull pot for split
congratulations, you're retarded
I'm not buying a guitar in the 1000 dollar range to start fiddling with it. It's either perfect for that price or I might aswell build a warmoth.
lmao pussy
This tbqhwyfam
What's the most Les Paul sounding guitar that comes with an original floyd rose?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Gibson Guitar Lessons, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Dean, and I have over 300 confirmed litigations. I am trained in dadrock and I'm the top pentatonic blues player in the entire Guitar Center. You are nothing to me but just another poorass. I will Springsteen you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers across the USA and your patents are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, zoomer. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You're fucking poor, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can post embarrassing videos I later delete over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in the blues, but I have access to the entire AC/DC discography and I will use it to its full extent to powerchord your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy Authenticity™ your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the inflated pricetag, you goddamn idiot. I will noodle aimlessly all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking poor, kiddo.
esp copy
What's the most Les Paul sounding guitar that's not a Les Paul?
probably a dean lol
Select Jazzmaster
Suggest me a fun pedal to buy. No delays.
here you go
RIP Randy Rhoads
i want play guitar like a mister chuck berry
how i do this?
i live in lagos
i hear he farted a lot, and loudly. that's probably the secret.
the kaka scent is the guitar secret
i don't want you do poot i want play rock and roll guitar like a mr chuck berry yes?
i live in lagos
i still use dist+
Les paul axcess. Or the alex lifeson sig
no seriously, he farted on hookers and shit.
check it out.
if youve ever heard a sound bite of someone saying "you can smell my fart", thats chuck.
Right here chump
lmao, I searched "Chuck Berry Fart" and this is real, he farted on a hooker
i can fart on the women now i want to play rock and roll guitar like mr chuck berry
i live in lagos
you fart, and also bend the strings. its all interconnected.
>high output pickup
>sounds like a Les Paul
lmfao, you wish
ive gotta ask, why did you take the pic stringless?
its bothering the fuck outta me.
Saddam Hussein never made his best either.
>a paf, the les paul pup,
>he doesnt know how to use the volume knob on his guitar
rofl, this is dean putting out anti-gibson propaganda right? jeezuz
any guitar with a real mahogany fat neck 24.3/4" scale + a PAF, the real sound of the tonewood comes from the neck anyways.
Because i was in the middle of changing strings.
Totally different from using the volume knob lmao, why do you think Slash and countless others use the low output alnico 2 PAFs? Can tell you know nothing about pickups
uh oh
The alnico 2s are smoother sounding. My shawbucker is alnico 2. Fuck off and read guitar world kid
>muh slash
Kek faggot
Thats what I thought, another non-argument which proves you know NOTHING. Lowering the volume loses your high end unless you have a treble bleed (which knowing that shitty Dean, most likely doesn't) so enjoy your shitty muddy tone lmfao. Maybe you should read better articles than Guitar World dumb fuck
Check out the guy who knows how guitars sound by pictures lmfao.
You tell me if i have treble bleed.
>his amp dpesnt have a treble knob
Lmfao keep trying tho.
Just learnt how to play Search and Destroy lads. Feels amazing. God I love guitar.
gj man i remember back when i was you. good times.
lmfao, once again you know nothing. Do you even know what treble bleed is? Its not the same as using the treble knob on the amp. Again, you should really read up on things before talking shit. You do not have a treble bleed installed in that rats nest, you're missing the caps and the proper wiring. Like I said kid you shouldn't drop out of school. Enjoy your muddy tone
u mean dawg
Its so funny seeing jcum get mad and as soon as you present logic its like hes talking to himself lmfao
Go for it.
If it inspires you, it’s worth it.
the solo too?
Keep trying bud. And good job this doesnt have a treble bleed dont need one. But id i wanted i can install one in 2 minutes. Whydya skip the part about adjusting your amps treble?
Who's mad? Perhaps you mean psytone the boy wonder who can hear a guitars tone through images alone
I didn't skip anything. I told you treble bleed and the treble knob are 2 different things. I guess you can't read?
Anyone else practicing to make funk licks?
>rent free
>roman baits jcum
>jcum takes the bait every time because he's so dumb
that's /gg/
Buncha Dumbfucks
>then jcum loses his composure and starts attacking sam
forgot this part
Its funny because this general would 404 without jcum honestly
>roman uses jcums stupidity to keep the general alive
based r
shut up roman
don't you dare
Why is jcum so baitable? And why does he always start spamming non-replying posts as soon as it's pointed out?
he's very very stupid. sub 80 IQ easily
He and Sammy should get married and have dumb tranny children.
why is roman so schizo
This. He is a member of a slave race after all. That's the way you motivate a farm animal though, you dangle a carrot in front of them and they pull the plow.
jews are prone to schizophrenia. they're also prone to behavior like splitting atoms for recreation so you have to be careful not to piss them off
ouch. poor jcum
namefag cheatsheet
sgcuck - 100% bro, owned a gibson, male nurse, cucked to death, will be missed
ebro - really liked isis the band & jihadi terroist group, crashed his motorcycle running from kangaroos breaking both his hand an part of his skull
jcum - solid dude, terrible inauthentic gear, foodie, better shredder than bluejem by way of the soulshredd technique
bluejem - good jazztard, high skill player, potentially a member of pink gang, dyel?, all things floral
sam - posts some great stuff off and on, used to be terrible, persevering dadrocker, sexual deviant and 3rd-worlder
roman - may or may not be cortfag, self scaffolding worthless human shit
italio burrito - top tier photographer, pedal shill, got btfo posting his own playing and quit the internet
>jcum - solid dude
hi jcum
should a noise supressor come before or after an eq pedal
Who is this and why is he being nice.
>no Ace
>no Sas
>no Cabinfat
>no Crying Game
>no Riickenbro
>no Pink Suhr
>no Holdsworthbro
>no Pi/gg/u
>no Dr. Psycholo/gg/ist
>not calling italio burrito Be with a notation
>no Owl
Hello newfag
/gg/ is the only general on 4channel or Yea Forums with lore this deep
crying game and rickenbro are the same persona
same with pink suhr and holdsworthfag
learn your that /gg/uy personae
>crying game and rickenbro are the same persona
rickenbro was the guy with the blue 4003 covered in stickers who killed himself
>edsel got left out
looks like you found your folder with persona profiles fro/gg/man.
>friend asks me to play bass in his band
>guitar player and ive never played bass
>give it a shot
>turns out I like playing bass more than guitar in a band setting
>just get unbelievably fucked up at each show and ride the groove
Bass is objectively the most based instrument
say my name bitch
I suspect all animalfags are in fact one person who is someone else.
I thought Ace was Be. and I've nothing memorable to say.
Gearspammer - gg's true pedal and gear sommelier, always helpful, on the spectrum, rare gg music professional
gearspammer may or may not spam in /prod/ from time to time. if it is really him his heart isn't in it anymore
>music professional
lol no. He's just another hipster trustfunder with more money than sense or talent.
i like to cascade overdrives together i'm looking to replace the mxr microamp. can somebody redpill me on the boss blues driver? looks like an adorable option for me, i'm more interested if it would stack well with my dod 250, or is the digitech blues screamer better option?
i'm sorry but this post didn't come with a name or personality attached so ima have to ignore it
yo what the FUCK is up bros, i'm sitting on my porch rn with my fucking badass motherfucking dog (his name is chuckles and he don't take shit from NO ONE) and i'm wondering "yo what the FUCK is going on with my dudes on /gg/" so i came here to ask you guys how the FUCK you guys are doing and basically i love you guys.
Now that's more like it!
Now kiss and make guitar baby big hoss master jackson.
bro not tryna be gay, but you're my bro guitar master and i'm just saying if you want to FUCK and experience the beauty of conception with me i am 100% down with it. i don't know if you want to like impregnate me or if you want me to like impregnate you but either way i'm cool with it if you are. but to keep it real with you, chuckles might fucking eat the baby once it's born so you know, cuz chuckles does not take shit from NO ONE.
if you insist
oh shit dude, sorry if you couldn't identify me there, i forgot my FUCKING name. FUCK BRO i'm such a fucking IDIOT. FUCK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Just play drums you get to sit down the entire time
>he thinks he's either a man or a cute anime girl but he clearly can't be either since he doesn't own a Gibson
Where do i download free backing tracks. Or how do i just get the audio as an mp3 off a jewtube vid
so i've been practicing and learning bass shit for a few years and never really played with a band before, any tips for an absolute band virgin?
VERY cool.
Learn to brbr DENG
Kys sam
Roasty getting toasty
adjusted my action. get a bit of fret buzz still, but i think that's more me than the bass now.
i think im already getting better. my notes are more notes than static now, i think. I still suck ass, don't get me wrong, but im sure im getting better. cant wait until payday comes and i can get a real amp and a bass guitar with 4 strings.
What models are you considering?
Are you the guy with the pink bass?
I'm sorta new to guitar and I've been borrowing my friend's old guitar (he gave up playing pretty quick) for a while and I want to finally get something for myself. He's offered to sell it to me, but to be honest, I don't think its very good or in good condition. I honestly don't really know where to start on what kind of guitar to get though.
It's not like I'm playing anything advanced yet, (only been playing for a couple months) but my main goal is to play jazz, as that's just what I listen to most. I enjoy Pat Metheny, Julian Lage, and Jim Hall a lot among others. However, I would also want something versatile enough to cover other genres if that's possible, like Neutral Milk Hotel, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix.
I'm sure some of it comes down to pedals and amps, but I don't know much about any of that either. My price ceiling is probably around $1200 or so for everything. Anybody got any suggestions?
Messing around in g ionian.
Sorry it wasnt pentatonic.
We all can play Iron Man you aren't special.
Lets hear it then bigshot
Boss PS-6
Phrasing. Learn it.
Read the first word of the post you quoted.
>dude i wasn't trying so it doesn't matter if it's shit
You can put more effort into it than that.
Can anyone read me some really obnoxiously famous licks to throw into my playing? I use this one all the time because it's a meme now but I want more meme licks.
there's a nice mim fender j bass in my local craigslist going for 350. pic related. ignore the other two basses. if it gets picked up before I can get to it ill probably pick up one of the schecters my local craig is offering. the schecters in question have names like "Diamond Elite-4" that don't seem to be in production any more so if it comes to that ill ask you guys for advice.
i saw the stuff about nut repairs in the last thread, but im basically going to be playing this for like a week anyway. i think ill use it as a modding platform if i ever use it again after this week and in that case ill be replacing the neck anyway so im not too bothered by that sort of damage.
Please help me understand how a preamp FX loop works into my signal chain.
>preamp input
>preamp fx send
>preamp fx return
>preamp out
>amp return
>amp out
>cab in
>preamp input
>preamp out
>amp return
>amp out
>cab in
>preamp input
>preamp fx send
>preamp fx return
>preamp out
>amp return
>amp out
>cab in
Or some other combo?
that last note should be a dotted quarter note, to represent the bitch (quarter) and her dead baby (the eighth)
Charvel, Jackson or ESP?
C > E > J
Ibanez Artcore series and a Roland jazz chorus
J > E > C
C > U > M
Oh shoot, I think I saw a Jazz Chorus 70 at a thrift store for like $200 recently. Maybe I should check that out.
And don't worry at all about pedals and meme shit for now. A decent guitar and amp is all you need in the beginning.
Ok, thanks for the advice!
I looked up Ibanez Artcore and that definitely seems like something I’m interested in. The first video that came up also had some other guitars, Epiphone and Grestch. They all sounded awesome really. I think when I go into a store I’ll try them all out, but anything I should be careful of?
Time to go to bed boo boo.
why did BC rich stop making anything besides customs or 300 buck student instruments? I want a warlock with a floyd because im a fucking retard
Whats tbe easiest and cheapest way to record my electric into a computer?
Whats the easiest to use DAW?
Id like to actially make music. How can i learn to write songs?
ho loud can you get a champion 100 amp to go?
charvel is the only one that stands out because they make everything look like fender meets the 80s
ESP and Jackson make pretty similar guitars
What is Hz on guitar tuners? I'm looking for a tuner and in some of them you can change the Hz from 430 to 450. What does it do?
buy an interface
logic is easiest
learn instruments/theory no shortcut here
This except I think Ableton is easiest.
Also I’d say learn to be a great producer. That’d set you apart from most current independent bands/artists.
I don't post here anymore, it got too boring after the mental breakdown of one of the residents.
Get a used MIM HSS strat.
How do I learn to be this good?
Fender Player SSS Strat, and
Fender Mustang GT200 2x12 Combo Amp.
That makes me want to stop playing all together... ugh
what is this style of guitar playing called?
Go back to playing pentatonic blues
guitar, you mean? go to play drums or recorder.
cus theyre fukin expensive and not that common
Changing the hz determines if it's sharp or flat. Pretty much nobody does this and it's pretty useless. Everyone tunes to 440 unless you're a retard who believes 432hz "resonates with your chakras"
Would there ever be any need to tune to anything other than 440 other than to "resonate with your chakras"? I mean if so many tuners provide the option it must have some practical use.
What's the best way to learn to accompany oneself on the guitar and do both chords and melody?
t. billy no mates with no band to play rock or metal songs with
I have a black and white strat like pic related and I'd like to paint that white plastic part black. I'm thinking of removing it, but I'm not sure how (I don't know how the pick ups and the buttons are fixed there)
get a looper pedal
Gut strings
This is a shill thread
did you guys practice using the circle of fifths today?
Cool stuff. Turn the reverb down a notch though.
There are add-ons for chrome and firefox which makes ripping mp3 files from youtube a one click process.
Who cares about other genres, man? They're all about the effects anyway. Get a nice, semi-cheap Gretsch hollow body. Such bang for your buck, man. Although, someone replied to you telling you to get an used MIM Fender Tele. Pretty good idea. Look into contemporary the Squire telecasters as well; fairly cheap instruments of very high quality.
Quit larpin, pleb.
I liked it.
>why yes, Joe Bonamassa is my favorite guitarist, how could you tell?
Because you bought a nigson kek
You must be new
Just buy a black one, they're like $25. Protip: all you need is a screwdriver.
You are a Jew
Literally google Guitar Backing Tracks. There's a website with like over a hundred free ones you can just play in the browser.
Thanks for sharing mang. Not the worst I've heard on here for just straight fucking around.
You're a self concious faggot who wishes they had balls so they could cut them off and become a tranny, but you don't see me judging people like a little prick.
I have a made in Indonesia jazz bass, no complaints desu. I don't know the nuances of what good bass tone sounds like though. My criteria for buying it were "has bass strings" and "holds tune". I asked around on some forums and stuff and people said it was a great bass for most things.
A Line6 multi-fx interface like the POD HD or whatever today's equivalent is. It can do vocals, bass and guitar with effects and a bunch of options for amps and effects. For recording vocals, get an AT2020 and a phantom power source for it, run that through your POD HD on a vocal preset.
POD connects to your computer via USB as an audio recording device, you record straight into a track in your DAW.
Not shown: 10000 hours of practice.
That is some cool shit though. He's using slap bass techniques on a fucking 12 string lol
Ok, so it seems like the suggestions so far are:
Ibanez Artcore / Gretsch
Stratocaster / Telecaster
and a Jazz Chorus.
Now I have a question of is there any reason I should be getting a hollow body or solid body? Does that make a big difference? I think I’ll go to the store tomorrow to actually try them out. The guitar I’m using right now is a Epiphone Les Paul, and I don’t think like it very much. The problem is I don’t have an amp so I haven’t heard it plugged in.
Just get a jazz box. An Epiphone Dot is probably in your price range.
Hollow bodies have a warmer, deeper sound to them. Better suited for (most) jazz than solid bodies.
fucking whoitoid
that shit is gay and you're a fag
I don't own one, but the Gretsch Streamliner seems incredibly versatile. Seems like basically standard Gretsch stuff but way more capable of playing harder material
then again, come to think of it lots of music from the 80s and 90s that absolutely screamed was on a country gent or something similar, so maybe any is fine
No but how do i actually write songs
>How can i learn to write songs?
By listening to absolutely loads. Been said by some of the best and eclectic writers like Wilson, Lennon McCartney, Thom Yorke that was primarily how they learnt. Paul McCartney said for several years in a cover band he was practically doing an apprenticeship in songwriting.
That can apply whatever genre(s) you're listening too. The more diverse the better, as you'll learn to mix and match effectively
>preamp pedal has noise gate
How do I chain these together: fuzz, compressor, preamp.
>compressor should go after any gain, therefore after preamp
>but this won't gate the compressor
Surely fuzz -> compressor -> preamp makes no sense, ye?
>his lead channel gain isnt permanently at 20
Hows the hormone treatment coming?
I think of them all, The Who are the most cringe-inducing band of the 60s. Some of the music was quite good like Behind Blue Eyes, but talk about a bunch of uncool wannabe hardmen
I think the beatles take the cake. Their whole image was the beginning od the niggerization of the west.
>Hurr durr look at me im a mystical hippie that gets ripped off by swamis hahaha imagine one world run by jews wouldnt that be cool?
why dont you use the best plects?
Not tuttley enough
Based-est post
probably sounds really muddy in a bad way
Understand the ideas and concepts behind classical pieces and jazz standards arranged for solo guitar
Ah, yeah, I think that was one that looked good in the video I saw.
Ok. That does seem like a difference where I could get away with other tones even if it’s not usually played on a hollow body.
That does seem to be in a good price range for me. I’ll be sure to try that out as well. I like the look of those too except for the tailpiece. It might sound silly, but would I be able to get a straight bridge without changing the sound/stability as a replacement?
But it doesnt. In fact my joyo bantamp zombie still has a bit more gain. Imagine a dsl but not as compressed
This but in not sharp
You should try them
To be fair, they seem to have been pretty damn cool before their recording contract. Anyone who was that famous and manufactured would seem like that I bet
>In fact my joyo bantamp zombie
99.9% of musical artists are manufactured. Always has been. Elvis was manufactured.
What makes you prefer them?
How do you access the higher frets on a singlecut guitar?
Put your hand in the gap
The higher frets? are you talking about 22+?
Filth unless you crank the volume.
You move your hand up the neck until your fingers can touch the right frets.
Bigsby guitars for under £600?
Yeah. Honestly, my ring finger can't reach the A string past the 20th fret and my little finger can't reach anything on the low E string past the 14th fret on my strat.
Good god, there really is no hope for tasteless fusion players. Their lack of soul permeates every part of their life.
God all of those are hideous. How hard would it be to release some natural finish guitars without the gaudy veneers. If they made an affordable plain finish mahogany neck through mockingbird I would have bought one a long time ago.
>no cat bro to cheer me up when I suck
I honestly just want a black warlock with a floyd like this one
I only want to kaka on my dad's mouth
PRS convinced people that flame maple veneers improve the tone.
You need to polish it with tone oil to really bring the tone out
Comfortably? Get a bigger cutout.
Most electric guitars aren't designed with the higher frets in mind. Originally you never played past the 12th fret unless you were a rare guitar god. Part of this is they're intonated poorly unless the lower frets are.
I really wish my aids would kill me before him
Trips confirm truest, sincerest Samuel
I hope they bring back Chuck's Stealth model
I missed out on getting one
You're better off buying a genuine Gibson Les Paul
Free Bird is a really deceptive solo. It sounds very easy at first but it's actually a hell of a test for any lead guitarist. Lead guitarists with improper form will probably find their fingers tiring out and becoming sore from playing at this speed for this length. It's ultimately an endurance test of your playing form, one you can only pass with good form.
If there are two guitars that are completely identical but one's HH and the other's HSH, is there any reason ever not to get the HSH?
the individual licks are pretty easy but playing them all correctly one after the other is pretty difficult yeah
There's no reason to ever get anything else than HSH or HHH
No, there isn't. Assuming it's the exact same humbuckers but just with an extra single coil in the middle. And provided you still have the option to use both humbuckers at once without the single coil activated (unless you don't want that)
What are some good guitars with two volume controls and two tone controls besides the LP and the SG?
Guys I'm sorry
Only if it's 22 fret otherwise the middle pickup tone won't be right
With 24 frets you want HH only
Get a guitar with two and install concentric knobs.
>Only if it's 22 fret otherwise the middle pickup tone won't be right
>With 24 frets you want HH only
Why? It's exactly the same guitar but just one single coil between the two humbuckers added.
That wouldn't work because I need 4 knobs to do the Jimmy Page wiring with push pull pots.
more frets requires more kaka
The single coil is in the wrong spot by about an inch so it doesn't sound good. Just like a muddier bridge. Ideally it would be located in the normal position so crammed up against the neck pickup despite the bad aesthetics.
Some would say the neck pickup is all wrong too but the 24 fret neck humbucker tone is fine for metal and jazz fusion. Just not classic rock/country sounds like you'd get out of a les paul with PAFs.
Then only a Gibson is good enough unless you're fine with buying shameless knock-offs
That's partly true, but 2 more frets requieres only 2 more kaka
How much is 2 more kaka?
Actually, how much is 1 kaka?
only a gibson is kaka enough
when do you guys think it's worth getting a new and better instrument?
1kaka is defined exactly as follows:
0.5kaka + 0.3kaka + 0.2kaka
half as much as two kaka
When it sounds better than your current one
Also it sounds like absolute ass.
Ridiculously long solos with a bunch of "licks" are why people started to hate guitar solos
>i can't compose
>but we need a melodic passage in here
>dude, i have an idea
>*fast pentatonic scales for five minutes with a bunch of bends*
>wow this guy is really good at guitar
I thought it was twice as much as 0.25 kaka, dammit wrong again!
When you want it. Do you want it sir? Suits you sir.
>tfw the more you look at your guitar the more the pickups and neck seem too small for the body
I wonder how kaka is outside my country
I installed kaka pickups on my gibson. A rich, creamy fuzz at high gain, and a quacky, crunchy kaka on the middle pickup.
Sounds much more kaka than my Condor
Are steinberger headless guitars good for the price?
>$400 for a meme
No Headstock means less surface to rub kaka on.
Less kaka rubbed on means less sustain and tone, so yeah
I love all this kaka lore, keep it coming
Cheap amp or expensive bluetooth receiver?
the new ones are just epiphones, so i wouldn't recommend it.
Its easier to say you cant solo than to have made this post.
what are some decent cables i can get from amazon? i dont know which brands are good. dont want to get crazy with money though
Is Twitch a viable place to stream live guitar jams?
Will you stream kaka?
What do you guys think about Revstars?
Ever used any?
Maybe for you, based kaka-user...
Original Edge vs Edge Pro vs Edge ZR 2 vs Lo Pro Edge, which is the best? How do they differ?
One has more kaka than the other
>Quit larpin, pleb.
If you objectively listen to that guy's playing and don't think it's shite, then you're obviously just as bad as him. Git gud faggot.
I hate myself for being born here
Planet Waves or Fender
Original Edge is the best. Don't fall for the other memes. Basically its the same shit as all the Floyd Rose versions, anything that isn't the Original is inferior in various ways. Usually in the material quality. The only other one I'd go for is the Edge Pro as its pretty close in quality but the others aren't that good
More magnetic pull on the strings
Deluxe Teles
>play 24 frets for a while
>every guitar with less than that looks like mini version now
this could theoretically lead to less sustain
also, HSH looks ugly as fuck tbqhwymdf
The orange micro dark sounds like shit compared to an actual tube amp
t. bought one, considering returning it and getting a modeling solid state combo
Use EMGs
I've read the only difference in the edge and the lo pro edge is ergonomics, true?
how do singers in loud bands hear themselves over the band?
Yea thats not far from the truth. The lo-pro is just used in the S model I think. Its basically the same thing just more for the smaller body
Composed solos are good, though. Randy Rhodes solos were always the high point of those Ozzy tunes.
stage monitors or in-ear monitors. the sound guys mix it however the singer wants. what you hear out in the audience is completely different to what the musicians are hearing on the stage.