How am I supposed to enjoy this shit

how am I supposed to enjoy this shit

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You ever tried DMT dude?

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2 albums back is how.

what do you usually like? i dont like tool either but maybe i can suggest similar bands that you might like

You're not.
You're supposed to, like, feel the music, maaaan.

also this

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>used to hate tool
>listen to their music
>hate them even more

listen to lateralus or undertow, the other 2 are bad in different ways

Liar lawyer wat da difference??

Tool's for fucking nerds lmao

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enjoy the album vicariously

Get a time machine, go back to when you were 14 and just discovered atheism, smoke some dirt weed, grow your hair out, and blast this shit while playing Halo 3

unironically would love to do that

get really stoned first then listen to it

imagine thinking undertow is better than ænima

>grow your hair out
I miss having long hair. Was a pain, but looked cool.

adorable meme fuckface

watch out we have a grown up here

I still listen to them, less these days though

They have some great songs

>No H.
>No The Patient
>No Reflection
>No Wings for Marie
Shit taste desu senpai.

>no Hooker with a Penis
Literally their only good song.

>No Maynard's Dick

Wings pt 2 tho

>no ticks and leeches
>no opiate
>no jerkoff
>no hooker with a penis
I mean I guess it's okay if you only like radio spammed singles, normie desu.

>not a single mention of Third Eye

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using your ears to listen, of course

Just listened to most of these, I'd rather listen to Deftones