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wtf I love Kanye now

What an absolute legend.

lol he so silly

this christian phase he's going through is so banal

>this christian phase he's going through
what phase? you never heard jesus walks?

people can't go through old phases?

he's been christian his entire career. he's literally never stopped talking about it

LOL based leviticus still btfoing faggots in current year

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Based, fuck sodomites and fuck kikes

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Y'all niggas can't fuck with Ye

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I’m joining his church

Lol hes defended gay people since 2005 not all christians are homophobes

this is bottom-tier clickbait
plenty of people refer to the bible, and incidentally the bible is anti-gay

t. basic bitch leftist

they're just forcing outrage, it's dull

Kanye can't be homophobic. He has a gay cousin.

he knows it's a sin

Leviticus is a kike book you fucking tool.

says the fag, I hope that I ascend to godhood so I can make fags like you experience true agony.

they're exploiting your hate, it's genius.

>you must be gay to point out how retarded I am
Oh yes, fuck the jews. I hate them so much I can't stop going on about how based the one book only jews give a shit about is. I hate the fucking jews so much I think I'll go spin my dradle to calm down.

he created a trend of accepting everyone and their quirks, not mocking pink clothes, being yourself and loving yourself. what the fuck happened

>they're exploiting your hate, it's genius.
They're exploiting my hate with boring clickbait? A gay website can literally bitch about the Bible until the end of time. It will never be interesting, and fags will still be sinners.

>fails at satire

go back to plebbit if you hate opposing opinions.


I wish you could report a poster for being braindead but I guess you can't

fucking samefagging yourself, shameful

What opposing opinions? What the fuck are you talking about? You don't have an opposing opinion. You think the old testament is some sort of anti-jewish book and you're calling me gay for informing you just how retarded you are. This isn't an opinion. You're lashing out due to your stupidity being confronted.

Modern Jews aren't ancient Jews.

Why is Leviticus used to often to attack Christians when it's essentially a Jewish book? Most of its rules were made null by Christianity (the laws about ritual impurity and diet)

>The Book of Leviticus (/lJˈvJtJkəs/) is the third book of the Torah

fascinating wisdom

more like you want to report me because I upset your feelings, tough shit nigger go lynch yourself.

True. The Roman province known as Judea is a lot like modern-day Ukraine in terms of its ontology.

How exactly is this an argument? Modern Jews are not ancient Jews. They are talmudic. They follow texts that were written after Christ.

>Judaism (originally from Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah";[1][2] via Latin and Greek) is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people. It is an ancient, monotheistic, Abrahamic religion with the Torah as its foundational text.
Go on, tell me more about how the Torah and the books that it is made up of are totally the foundation of christianity.

Once again, you're not arguing against what I said at all. The religion has changed. I know that the Torah is the foundation of Judaism, but more texts have been added.

what a fucking retard holy shit

he grew up

not an argument

You (or the OP, I don't really give a shit. You're both morons) implied that somehow the book of Leviticus is a "fuck you" to the jews, despite the jews being the only ethno-religious group that holds said book as part of their beliefs in the first place. Whatever the fuck you're trying to say here is irrelevant. How about you fuck off instead, you scummy fucking hebe.

I never claimed that Leviticus is fuck you to jews, and I'm not Jewish, however a lot of jews push homosexuality so in a sense they are btfo by their own traditions. Jews are so dumb.

based kanye owning the libtards yet again

and your virulent atheist leftist phase is a plague on society. fuck off

Atheism in the west is merely the result of Christianity not being able to support its wild claims and collapsing under its own weight.

>not being able to support its wild claims
What claims? Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about.

The claims of divine revelation of course, what else would it be?


(((Who))) is doing the attacking?

More people than you think

Matt 5:17

>it's another "dumb animals argue over supernatural shit which they have no information on to draw from with which to discuss it rationally and not based on blind faith or blind incredulity" episode

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Wtf based

lmfao journalists are such a plague on this earth

Except every single Christian has his own hotline with God, heathen. Where the fuck do you think we take our information from? Some old ass religious texts that contradict each other and are subject to varying interpretations with no indication of ever having any supernatural source?

based post. The children of Judah are false Israelites

This post is so enlightened, it has inspired me to move all the bibles and books on the holocaust at my local library to the fiction section.

well, yes
if otherwise provide citation

Nigga I LITERALLY commune with the omnipotent creator of the universe on a daily basis and you ask me for fucking citations? Do you have any idea how important I am as a Christian and close acquaintance of God Almighty Himself? Clearly you don't.

>believing in god at any point after the age of 18

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>i think both sides are unreasonable
very unique and interesting viewpoint thank you for sharing it


bad phrasing, but you're right to the extent people are gonna stop believing in education and secular enlightenment in the same way

based ascended-user

Why isnt kanye a saint yet?

Bless da lawd

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>He denies my "supernatural" "spiritual" first hand experiences
Absolute plebian

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Lol you should get your head checked if you're seeing shit


>Man of God cites Biblical book as inspiration


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There's no answer that's observable to us, so feeling the need to argue for one side is unreasonable

except the holocaust doesn't defy any natural laws and there's masses of physical evidence and still living survivors today who all attest to it having happened. it's basically proven.

now if you wanna bring up the moon landing, I'll agree with you.

That's just a gay way to say you're an agnostic atheist user

>Makes 0 effort to follow the bible

moon landing is definitely fake but not for the reasons you think it is

The last Christian who followed the bible died at the cross.

What reasons do you think he thinks what what reasons do you think are the actual reasons? Because I also have my reasons but I don't think they're the same reasons as your reasons or his reasons.

contemporary jews are the synagogue of satan. christians are the true chosen people

the moon is a hologram

Fuck off, schizoposter.

Sorry, but THEY sent me this !!
Hi, my name is Samara, I'm 14 years old (or would have been if I was still alive), I died when I was 13 while crossing the US border. I could not get away from the barbed wire. And the worst is that an ICE employee watched the whole thing and didn't move a finger to help me! I could hear the laughs coming from the watch tower. After agonizing for 2 hours coiled in the wire I died, through this message I ask you to fulfill my last wish so I can finally rest in peace. Copy and paste this message on 20 other threads and my soul will be saved by you and the other 20 people who read it. Ignore this message and I'm going to visit you tonight and you will get to inspect the wire I mentioned very closely. July 15 Mariana decided to laugh at this message, a night later she disappeared without leaving a trace. The same thing happened to Sonia on October 18th. Please, do not break this chain, unless, of course, you want to feel my presence

Oh okay yours is the same as mine then.

Rap has been socially conservative since the 90's. Its themes include the American Dream (upward mobility through hard work), running your criminal enterprise as a business, cultivating your personal brand, competing with other rappers, and sexism and homophobia. So it's not surprising that Kanye identifies with Trump and Christianity. It would be more subversive if he was liberal.

I'd love to feel your presence. I bet you're super cute. We should totally hook up.

Book of Leviticus is from Torah, you fucking idiot. You supposed to hate jews, don't you remember what /pol/ tells you, deadbrain? Otherwise feminist sjw would win.

>No one told him the beginning of the bible is just the Torah

Get a load of this ignorant faggot who thinks he's smart.

> And I’ll never let my son have an ego
> He’ll be nice to everyone, wherever we go
> I mean, I might even make him be Republican
> So everybody know he love white people

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I lol'd

Kanye raps about his sins all the time

Kanye still thinking about fish dicks

signaling your epic and big brained disbelief of God at any point after the age of 15

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Just because you're inspired by something doesn't mean you agree with it, dummies

great news

now my friends will stop telling me to listen to fucking Kanye

So you got gay friends huh? kek

I guarantee that if he hadn't said anything about Trump they wouldn't even have brought this up.

>posting cat reaction images at any point after being born male

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>unironically believing empiricism matters when you can’t even prove that your senses accurately depict reality or that reality isn’t just a spook
Physical evidence is irrelevant

At least he's not posting stupid ironic shit you fucking teen.

>duude drugs lmaoo
very intelligent user, very cool!

Said every "enlightened" philosophy freshman while still looking both ways before crossing the street.


they are exploiting gay's bitterness here obviously.

imagine being this stupid.

Not really, he's always under the constant scrutiny of the media.



out of topic but reminded me if that facebook screencap of that guy who compliments his friend in every post she makes and she replies to him every fucking time. can't remember the names of either one but i'd appreciate if someone could share it.

lori and bill

black christians talking about oppression is the most cringe thing i've seen

>epic and big brained disbelief of God
said the guy with the epic and bigbrained belief in god (assuming you are past the age of 15, but i cant be sure)
look at it this way, its the same thing that you think about muslims and hindus.

leviticus is old testament though so not christian

Lol (reddit reaction meme)

I'm so late but this post fucking REEKS of someone that came here past 2016.
>>fails at satire
hahah, what? do you really talk like this?
>go back to plebbit if you hate opposing opinions.
>just debate me
>these are the people that call atheists "fedoras"
nu-4ch is legitimately the worst place on the internet, and not in the same way old Yea Forums was

>using crying laughing emoji after age ten

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Shut up fucking teen stop being so cringe

>this christian phase he's going through is so banal
You're clearly a zoomer. This isn't exactly new territory.

education and secular enlightenment ends with panentheism
atheists are literally midwits


the torah is based and redpilled as fuck tho. way more based than the (((new testament))) and even more based than the quran.

the jews always had the right idea. it was their europeanization that ruined them.


"Fruits into Vegetables" ft. Vice President Mike Pence


Wee-ouu retard alert

>Kanye cherrypicks parts of Leviticus to support his beliefs
>he chooses the part about clothing manufacture
Based contrarian Kanye
Wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly went homophobic now after being accepting of it in a time when almost nobody in rap was because it’s normal to be accepting of it

>physical evidence is irrelevant
You’re still a man no matter what you believe
Now dilate

I mean, he has always been influenced by religion. And citing Leviticus doesn't implies that you want to stone gays to death.


just off yourself already

Why is this dogshit thread still up?

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Why does Kanye keep getting cooler every year? Can’t believe I used to hate this guy

you should kill yourself

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>look at it this way, its the same thing that you think about muslims and hindus.
not at all actually, Christianity is the successor religion to the oldest Abrahamic religion. Islam is relatively new and barbaric and I don't know enough about Hinduism to make a proper comment about it, those Hindi gods look cool though.

this. dude is killin it.

>no civilization has ever been created by athiests
>athiest keep pretending theyre the smart people because they trust that their 5 senses tell them the truth.
>athiests also believe in shit like big bangs and quantum mechanics that exist soley in the minds of brainlets like themselves that cant apply philosophy like chadtheists


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stop acting like you're anything but an ape that's raging.
