Which one is more pretentious out of the four?
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p4k and is not even a contest
Fantano hasn't been pretentious enough, specially after becoming a poptimist
Scaruffi might be a pseud but at least he never dislikes x album or band by stupid reasons like "lmao their fanbase sucks" or "lmao their lyrics sucks"
Christgau comes close second since his reviews are 90% sarcastic shit that he thinks are funny
but p4k (specially in the 00s) was a pain in the ass, a bunch of annoying nerdy millenials who were porud of being hipster and acting like special snowflakes
I don't know who the fuck is more or less pretentious. The only thing I know, is that Scaruffi is the only reviewer that matters.
dont /thread your own post retard
no reviewers matter you retarded drone
based scaruffi drone
if christgau liked unpretentious rock and all of it's offshoots he would like metal
oh fuck i used the wrong its
Christgau is a literal cuck, scaruffi>>>
>The value of art depends on the values of the art critic.
>Most art is born as imitation, not innovation.
>The critic, not the artist, is the one who defines innovation, and rates it.
>The artist is merely a vehicle for the aesthetic/ideology of the critic.
>The critic is the real artist.
>>The critic is the real artist.
>most of the albums he doesn't like are loved by critics
Based brainlet
All 4 can fuck right off.
Can any of you pricks look for music on your own?
Can any of you pricks think on your own?
Guess not.
Based and correct
Pitchfork. This was their unequivocal So(t)Y for 2018 when it came out.
Scaruffi is clearly just an autist doing his thing. He's like the Chris Chan of music reviewers. The other 3 seem like they know how shit they are and embrace it for hate clicks.
>using the wrong its
anyone that posts that image is illiterate
Pitchfork's a fucking joke these days. I feel like I'm reading the kind of tabloid shit you'd find at the supermarket looking at it now.
You just posted it in order
Scaruffi > Christgau > Fantano > Pitchfork
>white people
>terrible taste
always pick two (2)
PRN = Scaruffi > P4K = Fantano
Fantano > Pitchfork > Scaruffi > Christgau
im on christgau's site does he even write reviews or just puts dumbass ratings next to album titles? what does the scissor symbol mean?
Fantano should kill himself regardless so he's out, boomers have bad taste so left two are gonezo, and pitchfork is for fags so they're out too.
It means he thinks the album is shit, but has a good song or two (he lists the song)
Christgau is the most amusing in a good and bad way. Scaruffi is the contrarian, again sometimes good, sometimes bad. I find Fantano's opinion to be entirely irrelevant, but that still makes him less worse than Pitchfork.
>/thread-ing your own post
Haha I like u
That was so bad. I can’t even clean my ears of that. It was almost....good.
>Not typing out kill yourself
Music reviewers should only be used as a source to find and learn about music that may or may not be new to you.
When they self insert their opinions as objective fact, that is what we call in my country- "cringe".
Scaruffi and Christgau are objectively pretentious seeing as they think they have a right to bestow objective fact on music whilst never ever making an actually interesting musical piece in their lives. Fantano can be cringepilled but he at least puts a kind of disclaimer in his videos "Y'all know this is just my opinion right?" Pitchfork is just cuckpilled and care more about politics and money than anything. Reddit spacing