Big Look Into Industry Rituals & Sacrifice

From another thread.
Do you really need to see a picture mural made of hundreds of entertainers doing the one eye symbol? Are you trying to say that there is absolutely nothing to that and it's coincidence. That there would be stupid.
The way I see it is a combination of whisperings from freemasons in the industry that let on doing that symbol is good for artists without directly saying so. This and photgraphers and project artists that know about these symbols saying to try a pose covering the eye a certain way. The masons are sworn to secrecy and face dire consequences. These artists are NOT part of the real Illuminati structure and if they were smart enough they'd know that. They would also know that using the symbols is death sentence in the long run. They are merely the entertainment at the town square while the real club members are enjoying life in the castles. Sure they use the symbols but will never be real members. The symbols are taken seriously by the freaks in the club. If ever they feel someone using it has met their date with destiny for whatever reason, they kill them. 666 hand sign, the shhh finger on mouth, these are signs these idiots use to grovel to the powers in the industry knowing it is a special belief. It's an open secret essentially. They either don't know the scope of the meanings or are gravely misinformed. More often than not, any entertainer that has used one of these symbols in the past has died under suspicious circumstances in comparison to an entertainer who hasn't. The phenomena is nothing imagined. It is people pointing out obvious weird shit.
The big kicker? Some celebrities are somewhat aware of shady deaths and ritualistic tones in entertainment. Most are stupid and again use symbols not entirely understanding their meaning but some redpilled enough have said themselves that certain celebrities knew what they were getting into. Some know.
>music artist admits talks of sacrifice in industry

Attached: mj489h93ghq9.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:–2003:_Early_life–2003:_Early_life_and_musical_beginnings

I don't think it's a coincidence, i'm well aware that the Illuminati are real, and i know what you deceitful losers are trying to do.
The common triangle and one eye symbol is the Eye of Providence, which represents God's intervention in the universe, it also symbolizes strenght (the triangle) and enlightenment (the eye) and ''the Illuminati'' literally means ''the enlightened''. Most successful artists are Christian or spiritual and had a rough past, a few examples:
>pic related–2003:_Early_life
>the necklace–2003:_Early_life_and_musical_beginnings

They aren't Satanic/evil you asshole.
Meme video btw.

Attached: Captura de Ecrã (1).png (1366x768, 280K)

*or puppets.

why would a secret society insist on public exposure of their secret signals?

Thoughts transmit vibrational frequencies. Symbols, when seen and thought, transmit right back to the source. It's for more power.

>why would a secret society insist on public exposure of their secret signals?

Why do street gangs tag their neighborhoods?

>They aren't Satanic/evil you asshole.
>Meme video btw.

If you knew half as much about what you're talking about as you think, you'd know that there are many different groups involved in these upper class societies, it just so happens that for a long time now there has been a spreading and takeover from the Satanists who are now the dominant force in high society.

Don't know what OP's video is saying, didn't watch.

Great argument.

>wow, that got really dark...
Budden is based

Not trying to argue, but I'll post an interesting video interview for anybody who's interested.

And if you do some research, you'll find this guy is exactly who he says he is. Take that for whatever you will.

Smh, you people are so annoying. Why do i even bother...

It's the only way they can cum.

Is your brain full of cum?

Because they know most people would laugh at the notion of a secret society that puts its symbols in plain sight. See: illuminati confirmed!!!!!!11! XD

Still a better belief system than christianity, judaism or islam (not to mention JW, Scientology, mormons etc)

Attached: your point.png (468x638, 267K)

also it fucking works:
The Rolling Stones' only became truly great after Brian's sacrifice. Same as the Beatles' music after Paul was replaced.

Child fucking is part of that "belief system"

Also, nothing is as black and white as your idiotic mind seems to think it is. Catholics are Satanists and part of it, as are many Jews.

Catholics are not satanists. That's the synogouge of satan trying to infiltrate and destroy their biggest worldly enemy.

Seeing young MJ makes me sad. Beautiful soul

Well, they certainly are child fuckers

The "they" you're talking about are the infiltraitors. No true scotsman.

Dude, their very doctrine us evil.
They believe in priesthood and church doctrines - THAT alone should send them to hell. So do (most of the ) Jews (with rabbis)
and muslims (with Imams).
The very concept of human spiritual authority is an evil, it is a machine made to subdue the people, rule and manipulate, unchallenged.
If the Word of God is true, then you don't need a priest to hear it and explain it to you.
Beware of priests
beware of rabbis
beware of imams
beware of gurus

Don't follow leaders (watch the parking meters)

It's not just about explaination, it's about recieving holy communion just as the diciples did at the last supper.

yes, but you are not a deciple,
and no where in the bible does Jesus say that YOU should do it, but you adhere to the interpretation and symbolism of some dead church elder and run with it, forever more.
Just like Jews - NOWHERE in the bible does it say not to eat meat with milk. It says: Don't cook a calf in his mother's milk. Some rabbis, fucktons of years ago decided that you cannot eat ANY meat with ANY dairy and have to wait 9 hours between them so they don't get mixed in your stomach, and have to separate the dishes, etc.
So, sure, we might look at them and laugh,
but the fact remains, that a human, just like you and me, decided on an interpretation to the bible, made it a religious law, and generations of ppl live by it, like it was the word of God.
Can this NOT be a sin?
Can this NOT be evil?

The point is not everybody believes these things go on in the industry. This was a well surmised short hand perspective on why others should believe it does. You can choose to subscribe to an edgy cultish, pretty gay, belief system all you want. I don't know what the others did to you but your contrarian slant towards them is of no consequence, they're all a bit debilitated. I will say at least most of them have good will towards others as an embodying trait.

>Catholics are not satanists.
Yeah they are

Maybe not initially, but they have been taken over by Satanists like every other major world power, and if you're an average Catholic who just goes to church, you're not in on it anyway, it's secret, Satanism is about lying and inversion

Attached: paul6.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

Catholics have always been dark under the veil. The beast system as some would like to call it accept those claiming themselves catholic as followers. This may not make sense to most, but being catholic to the dark elite is bending the knee for them. This is why Christianity itself is attacked by the system. I'll be even more clear. Catholicism has for the majority of its existence, been a purveyor of pagan and occult symbology. The pine cone stature in Vatican city for example. There are even depictions of demons depicted in chambers underneath the Vatican building. It should be obvious to anyone who has studied their symbols, scandals through the years, their place in the world power system, the true darker group that they are. Look at past popes insane histories if you'd like to do that also. Child fucking is just the cherry on top.

is that a promo for the new season?
Well, they can throw all the Silurians and Weeping Angels they want at me,
I'm done with Doctor Who

Based schizos. Even if Illuminati are real, they are just some rich people larping

Its searingly obvious you're a retarded fag or a dumb kid. Oh they larp alright. They really believe the crap they are into and do their gay rituals while ruling over everyone else.

well, you think you can do a better job?

>Even if Illuminati are real, they are just some rich people larping

There is a reason Atheism is popular right now, it's been pushed. Atheism is the ultimate religion of the ultimate slave, no connection to spirituality whatsoever makes for the most malleable and weak people. Slow process to get here, but now we're here.

You are a deluded cockmuncher. They socialize there. They play pretend. Sure they have political influence, but so do people in an excusive tennis or golf club. Making idiots like you believe in a grand conspiracy, that they are ruling the world or sacrificing people, is part of the game. Take your meds and grow the fuck up.

At ruling the world? I certainly would not be doing weird larp crap thats for sure.

>Atheism is the ultimate religion of the ultimate slave, no connection to spirituality
yeah, see? here's where you got it upside-down.
Monotheism claims: there is only ONE spiritual truth. That's basically spiritual fascism
Atheism frees the individual to search individual spiritualism, through philosophy, art, MUSIC *** and real connection with the world around him.

Also re:music,
Notice how all monotheistic religion tend to try to subdue music and chain in. From "unholy" chords (Christianity) to forbidding women to sing (Judaism) to fatwas against stringed instruments (Islam).

Take your own advice retarded one. The signs are everywhere and should be very obvious to anyone with a decent brain. You should keep quiet after this point being that you think powerful groups ruling the world and sacrificing is just a rouse. A hefty amount of evidence exists for all to see.

There is only ONE spiritual truth, though none of us know here know what it is....most we can do is search for it, and religion is a tool for that.

Religion can also be a tool for a lot of very evil things, and Atheism is no different in that regard. Too early in the morning for this discussion but, to deny spirituality is the act of a spiritually lazy person, religion overall is just a bunch of human cults but there is a lot to be learned from it if you're into trying to find out any spiritual truth, not just the more mainstream religions but also including the dark arts, one should learn about all of these things if you want to understand the spiritual world more because like I said, it's all cults that focus on one or more aspect of a far bigger picture

>but also including the dark arts
>*tips fedora*

I agree that learning about religion is illuminating,
and taken on a symbolistic level they are all a gold-mine of inspiration.
On the other hand from a moral point of view they are like an old WWI trench, full of landmines.

my sister won tickets to a lynyrd skynyrd yesterday and the fucking shriners with their lil fez hats were the ones selling their CD's

Attached: whoare_01.jpg (476x268, 35K)

god damn it, MORE Doctor Who?
I swear to god, this show has gone off the rails

Oh how scary!
Nobody cares

>Satanists who are now the dominant force in high society.
satanists have always been the dominant force in high society

Shriners from what I've gathered are kind of just like the clubhouse of the Masonic system, it's what most people who don't understand how big and deep it all is think the entire thing is, just some average guys in a social club

Their Satanic rituals aren't just about religion, there's also a strong pragmatic reason for it. When you get people involved in child raping for example, you have blackmail on them, and same with snuff, and human sacrifice. It systematically corrupts the individual and molds him into something evil enough where they can trust him with the nefarious plans they have.

You're stupid as fuck. The city planners of Washington DC were occultists who designed the city to make occult symbols. Even the statute of Liberty is an ancient occult deity. There's a million examples of their occult religion that's thrown right in everyone's faces but people like you are too stupid to see it. And that's okay, but don't get on your high horse and try to condescend to people when you're the retard who hasn't even taken 10 minutes to look into something that other more intelligent people have been learning about for years.

Not at all the angle used. Many have given input that took brainpower, respect them.

Much of that is correct, very pragmatic... It would not be out of the question to believe those practices in one form or another are about as old as the beliefs.

heres what they are doing behind sheeples backs

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Your are clearly trying to white knight for pop artists you're obsessed with. I'll simply dismantle your points in short order.
The eye symbolism has many interpretations and has been revered before the creation of Christianity itself moron. It can be dated back to the first relgions of the world seeing planets and the sun as eyes. Much like other patterns in nature, this eye has come to show itself elsewhere such as the pineal gland, the human brain when cut down center for example. It is not an invention of Christianity.
Now I'll give you quick notes of why the stars you listed are as popular as they are.

Rhianna: Promoter of sexual desires, promiscuity. Her name is of Welsh (Illuminati favored) origin that stems from Old Celtic name Rigantona, or "great queen". It is associated with the moon and fertility.

Bruno Mars: Mars is an important planet to astrotheology which is what all pagan religions are based around. Some songs cite pagan themes under a seemingly innocent veil, 24k Magic to name one.

Lady Gaga: Well damn, where to start. I'll leave this up to you to research yourself. She's not a hard one, her whole theme is a constant Halloween musical. Are lightning and checker pattern purely Christian symbols? No, they're not.

Attached: l40hga.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

You are clearly trying to white knight for pop artists you're obsessed with. I'll simply dismantle your points in short order.
The eye symbolism has many interpretations and has been revered before the creation of Christianity itself moron. It can be dated back to the first relgions of the world seeing planets and the sun as eyes. Much like other patterns in nature, this eye has come to show itself elsewhere such as the pineal gland, the human brain when cut down center for example. It is not an invention of Christianity.
Now I'll give you quick notes of why the stars you listed are as popular as they are.

Rhianna: Promoter of sexual desires, promiscuity. Her name is of Welsh (Illuminati favored) origin that stems from Old Celtic name Rigantona, or "great queen". It is associated with the moon and fertility.

Bruno Mars: Mars is an important planet to astrotheology which is what all pagan religions are based around. Some songs cite pagan themes under a seemingly innocent veil, 24k Magic to name one.

Lady Gaga: Well damn, where to start. I'll leave this up to you to research yourself. She's not a hard one, her whole theme is a constant Halloween musical. Are lightning and checker pattern purely Christian symbols? No, they're not.

Attached: l40hga.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

why did you draw all of them shredded? lmao fag
that is what is called a Freudian slip faggot

>Bruno Mars: Mars is an important planet to astrotheology which is what all pagan religions are based around. Some songs cite pagan themes under a seemingly innocent veil, 24k Magic to name one.
Bruno is also the third member of the elite four. 3 is the same number of sides a triangle has in case you forgot.

I never got why people put this much effort in shit posting.

Its not shit like a lot of whats on here. And if a paragraph is effort to you then you should read more and learn to write past twitter length

>Jesuit Pope
It begins, the fire rises you pleb