Now that the dust is settled, what did we think of it?
Now that the dust is settled, what did we think of it?
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I really like it. It grew on me. Really solid all the way through
We think you're a faggot.
it's fine. some cool tracks like jacquard causeway and cold earth and the ARG hype thing was really fun. but overall it's ok
Their reclusiveness ended up fucking this album over. It's a concept album with a structure, but you might now know that unless you read some random interview snippets where they have spell it out for you, otherwise you could be forgiven for just taking it as "Geogaddi 2: Not as Good Edition". But it is good. Jacquard Causeway in particular is fucking wonderful.
Their early stuff had a lot of stuff to say about cults, and it's clear they were playing with the idea of making themselves cult-like, and it worked. As they've gone on though, that cult shit has faded into the background, leaving their fans perpetually unable to be pleased.
I like it, always have. Nice cold vibes.
Not bad, but not as good as their other albums.
That mix they put out has to be a good sign
hopefully. i enjoyed the shit out of that mix
The mix was great. Had the side effect of making me want a new Avalanches album though.
i don't get it
I haven't come back to it that much, but it's decent. Better than Campfire Headphase. On later listens, I realized that the closer is really, REALLY good. I also like Telepath. Beyond that it's just them doing their usual shtick. 6.9/10.
One thing that was in some review (prob. Pitchfork) that I do agree with, is that it sounds more like John Carpenter than anything else they've done. Once this mental association is made, listening to the album becomes even more pleasurable-you can imagine people with bad hair running around in some un-made, fictional Carpenter film, with this music playing. Halloween III in particular comes to mind (shot through with the Carpenter aesthetic for obvious reasons, though not officially directed by him). In this interpretation, the counting in "Telepath" becomes a simple test of telepathic abilities, conducted in a controlled, scientific environment-evoking the set in the Exorcist II, or The Shining, or the dream message of Prince of Darkness, or the Midnight City video.
I continue to prefer Music has the Right and the earlier, better-known EPs (Twoism, Beautiful Place, . I never FULLY got into Geogaddi, either (my first album of theirs).
Avalanches "accidentally" posted on instagram a meeting they had with some record exec where they talked about having a new single out later this year with a new album sometime next year. So, you get that wish.
Yeah, that was their concept behind it. A kind of video-nasty, John Carpenteresque take on apocalypse, reformation of society and then the eventual collapse of that as well.
Like the music equivalent of
My favorite BoC album. When I first heard it I thought it was just okay.
I came back to it this year after I started paying more attention and noticing everything is actually collapsing and we're living in the end times.
It clicked immediately, and I listened to it daily for a long time.
I wish there was more like it.
Only track that sounds like Boc quality to me is Nothing is Real. The rest could be bandcamp tier for all I care.
Holy fug
100% disagree. There was no context needed for this album. I listened to it by myself on an ipod the day it came out and I loved it and still enjoy it today and honestly have not read any of their interviews. I think this is a highly subjective opinion you have there user.
I wish the video for Reach for the Dead looked more like that and less like they just paid some random film student to drive around Salton Sea for a few hours.
Pretty much all BOC albums are the ultimate slow burn. You can't possibly digest them in one sitting. Their albums don't click until 10+ years after they're released.
Good overall and had some memorable tracks like New Seeds and Nothing is Real, but doesn't measure up to their other stuff. Maybe I just need to listen to it more, though.
I liked it
Reckon we'll ever get that early stuff boxset?
They've been teasing it for 18 years now so it should be just around the corner, right?
good. i want a new album asap though
idk why reach for the dead was the promo track, Very meh track
Love it.
>boc will NEVER make a new album
everything good is short lived lads.
Speak for yourself.