you're all lazier than mina edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

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i found the baggage y'all
mystery solved

Attached: 1538453097174.png (653x495, 366K)

Attached: 1553443744836.jpg (901x1200, 168K)

what did she mean by this

Attached: eivbHGk.png (500x414, 272K)

absolute unit

real jisoobro is great, unlike that keklo
thanks for the previous thread pics

cutest girl in the observable three dimensional macrocosm~

Attached: file.png (1080x1350, 1.56M)

Attached: 1562124231135.jpg (644x869, 98K)

she's looking more chink by the day

Attached: 1547022253363.jpg (1920x1080, 306K)

and that's a good thing

Attached: Hiichan my waifu.png (1200x790, 566K)

Looks quite experienced at that.

you don't want her to look like her mother

Attached: douma.jpg (1080x1080, 194K)

plans for today:
get drunk

if she stays natty she won't

Superior Chinafu

Attached: D_f0_KuUEAABO-Q-orig.jpg (1080x1620, 174K)

47 days until Wony is legal

Attached: 1561276821940.jpg (700x1052, 132K)

I had a dream that I was a JYP idol and I saw Stray Kids and Itzy hanging out in a practice room together. I went in and asked if they were doing a collaboration, and Chaeryoung went, “do you want us to?” and I was really excited, so I said “yeah!” enthusiastically, then she went, “good” and tried to kiss me and I woke up.

is that a dildo

pretty based
althought i would urge to consider a somiblast as well

Attached: douma2.jpg (1200x931, 265K)

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Younger sis go mom’s eyes and dad’s length of face.

any sharkman in

i would kill for that pic.

Attached: kfpic.jpg_large.jpg (1365x2048, 301K)

yes friend we are always here ;)

Attached: 1563205826270.webm (640x640, 728K)

only post in this thread if your group has a 2019 grand slam

Attached: D_a-i6HU8AUTnBq.jpg (1280x960, 220K)

Attached: 1540210206624.jpg (1274x1782, 393K)

her mother owns several plastic surgery things
it's inevitable

>tfw not invited

Attached: file.jpg (1500x844, 184K)

Is this what happens when your agency can't find a half-white person?

Attached: lisa3.png (1200x681, 893K)


Attached: D_YOeKyVUAAvgqr.jpg (1125x2000, 338K)

looks like WINNER can sold out a venue nowadays

Attached: D_g9mCZUEAMT2Yd[1].jpg (960x540, 110K)

wtf this can't be right

reasons why white chads love doytoy and vice versa
1 she looks really gooky and opposites attract
2 she doesnt look immature and cute like many other kpops
3 she obviously likes being slutty

Attached: 1540484988774.jpg (2000x3000, 548K)

bringing a seanigger in your big 3 group is unironically genius they will bot your mvs for free

how many groups have that

Attached: D_LkNobVUAEO1nr.jpg (2048x1365, 237K)

Winner has always been the Michaels with IKON being the Jannetty
IKON having Love Scenario was just an outlier

don't y'all me, roastie

e s l

Attached: 1539013329964.jpg (1000x1500, 119K)

Turns 15 on August 3st

Attached: 1562290919392.jpg (1125x1705, 197K)

i only listen to twice

Who's your top 4 izone's out of curiosity

>Rough trans: Mnet’s new girl group battle programme will consists of 6 girl groups rumoured to be AOA, Mamamoo, Lovelyz, Momoland, ITZY and EXID.

Attached: 1539081749481.jpg (800x1200, 126K)

do idols ever bring any lewd objects with them in their baggage?

Attached: 1479969196354.jpg (2759x4139, 2.04M)

same dbh

What country, Spain, Netherlands?

freaking based gfriend

arin doesn't know what that even means

>thinking this is a visual

Attached: 1534920031773.jpg (1049x1073, 167K)

arin always carries her protein extraction tools

lol no

I thought she was already 15.

Sounds like bullshit, EXID pretty much announced disbandment after their last album

yea so now that chewy fell off harder then anyone has ever fallen off before... yeonwoo is the undisputed nr 1 visual in kpop

Attached: 1259939503827.jpg (960x960, 115K)

Attached: D_XrIycUcAA3HXr.jpg (576x1024, 66K)

In stupid Korean years she is.

she should be posted more often.

Wony Minju Eunbi Yena

I thought they disbanded.

mans gay

Attached: FB_IMG_1547066831615.jpg (750x928, 62K)

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basically a top 5 group
can't even stay in the top 100 after a day
is hemorrhaging members and streams
is having a comeback just before the show even starts
announced disbandment after Hani and Junghwa left

wtf is this rumor

lol homo

Attached: eWWqPZshpSM[1].jpg (720x900, 158K)

Attached: 1540546908517.jpg (2048x1365, 573K)

EXID's career is over in Korea but they are contractually still together in Japan

>Yeji: May 26, 2000
>Lia: July 21, 2000
>Ryujin : April 17, 2001
>Chaeryeong: June 5, 2001
>Yuna: December 9, 2003

Attached: 1445972464054.jpg (482x427, 36K)

is this shooped?

Attached: 1540551281538.png (799x1200, 972K)

Post THAT video

lovelyz and momoland are believable

Fucking zoomers.


Attached: 1540551975468.jpg (1200x1800, 401K)

Daily Dubu!

Attached: 1509887029532.jpg (1500x1482, 246K)


my mouth

Attached: 1563162251172.jpg (1000x1333, 62K)

>mfw perfect age for twice

based mnet still trying to make a no visials group

bang tomi


Attached: bigwhite.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: haggy panties.webm (1320x1020, 2.68M)

Attached: Momoland - Nancy.webm (810x1440, 2.79M)

didnt we already have one today? not complaining just wondering whether my memory fails me or not

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who this?

Attached: 1540718599047.jpg (1280x1918, 669K)

It might be someone else trying to do the same in my stead. I don't mind. I'll still be doing it around this time.

Attached: 1563195551398.jpg (1000x1500, 202K)


Attached: D-huf58WwAAtTPB.jpg (800x1200, 139K)

Attached: running doyeon.webm (360x480, 1.74M)

i call bs

Attached: D0C44uvWoAAnF6Y.jpg (1352x2048, 224K)

Attached: D9TrCcLW4AAWsss.jpg (2532x3648, 1.79M)

2/10 would not fuck

10/10 goddess

Attached: D8CMB3eX4AAx2Ae.jpg (3402x2008, 1.07M)

and she looks like a tranny

>"Each of you had multiple wins but who's the real winner when you're pit against one another?"

pretty much excludes Loona and Fromis from getting on Queendom then LMFAO



thats not funny

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

Ty for your contribution

Attached: 20190702_042311.gif (444x250, 2.97M)

only zoomers think being slutty is good

yes it is

Attached: 1541255186886.jpg (2000x1331, 163K)

Attached: DuIyGoNXgAAP7Ew.jpg (2048x1364, 476K)

top word

Attached: slug33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

ugly :/

word doytoy is a better visual than tzuyuggo

I'm gonna kick our candy ass

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)

rip fromis

Attached: haggy choked.webm (640x920, 330K)

meant to quote

Attached: D1_yfKqUgAAsxCy.jpg (1667x2500, 1021K)

>our candy ass
are you okay

>Post THAT video

Attached: image_readtop_2019_114516_15510790333648413.jpg (510x761, 230K)

imaging being this blind

Attached: 1552930823531.jpg (1334x2000, 316K)

since pristin got a win do they have a chance of getting on queendom?


Attached: 1557858853536.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Fromis_9 need to have a special vlive with everyone getting adjustments

>since pristin got a win
They didn't

>candy ass
i knew you loved omg

Attached: 1540867068373.jpg (1366x2048, 343K)

I meant your candy ass

Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

Attached: 1540701792887.jpg (2048x1366, 346K)

I'm out

Attached: DAlMJK-XoAAWFAH.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Attached: candyleader.webm (670x1080, 2.58M)

Attached: VIOLETA_%2851%29.jpg (1600x2400, 2.04M)


you are telling me you don't like candy ass?

Attached: 1550798327223 (2).jpg (2000x3000, 2.77M)



Too soon user, has there been any news about any of the girls joining new agencies. At a minimum I expect Nayoung to move to a new agency prior to IOI.

Attached: D_SCsdUWkAEVRuL-orig.jpg (1080x1080, 118K)

I'm not interested at all

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

It's probably better for Nayoung to not find a new agency so she can pocket the money from the reunion + possible tour without any other cuts

post some kfeet you faggots

Attached: VIOLETA_%2850%29.jpg (1600x2400, 2.45M)

Attached: 1542896192811.jpg (1667x2500, 1.09M)

who let this muppet be in a group?

Attached: D_h-rGXU4AAw1vC.jpg (1500x2250, 721K)

*effortlessly mogs the entire thread*

Attached: file.png (1080x1350, 3.03M)

huge homo

An agency would help cover negotiating rates, paying taxes, etc. There is a reason why not many idols are in one man agencies.

Attached: D_SB0TnWwAUmpJg-orig.jpg (1080x1080, 173K)

this pic makes me depressed

Removed the filler

Attached: D_h-tjQU4AAs4Hx.jpg (1500x2250, 550K)

what candy does her candy ass taste like?

whoops meant to post this

Attached: 1550604448390.jpg (1500x2250, 518K)

you should be happy that I'm not interested

Attached: 1522731260301.jpg (1024x1016, 147K)

don't give them (you)s

Cutest monolids in the game

Attached: 1542626615043.jpg (640x1572, 157K)

Attached: 1542910845059.jpg (2730x4096, 1.11M)

Outside of the one on the right at the start this group is absolutely dog shit at dancing, who's allowing this shit

he said video, no webm you dummies

Good. I don’t want to see my Loona and Fromis engaged in fan wars

Attached: 1537844063044.jpg (2730x4096, 1.11M)

Don't reply to me ever again with that elephant man looking uggo

Attached: file.png (1080x1350, 2.97M)

At least Nayoung seems to actually have a career moving forward not sure if anyone other than her and Pinky have that luxury.

Attached: Dhmw2lMX4AE9PvZ-orig.jpg (1000x1499, 122K)

they honestly remind me of one of those lewd dance groups like laysha or bambino

dude what are you talking about? i accidentally posted some uggo blackstink instead of doyeon the goddess then i corrected my mistake

Attached: 1542201465312.jpg (1364x2048, 357K)

that's true, now I'm even more depressed

I have to agree

Attached: 1563195267962.webm (480x600, 875K)

She's doing just fine

Attached: 1561949330733.jpg (1080x1350, 105K)

mnet (and thus fromis by association) sabotaged our loona
there can never be peace

Pledis suddenly doing vlogs with Pinky speaking Korean while doing Chinese activities pisses me the fuck off
Stupid cunts want to leech all over again

>when your fame is going downhill just activate THOT mode

Attached: NeatVengefulIridescentshark.webm (720x1280, 2.83M)

Why are Nature so terrible? And why do they keep getting comebacks?


Attached: 1546567327280.jpg (1340x2048, 297K)

>1 comment
the most turbonugu group of all time...

Mnet is one of the prime investors



Attached: split.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Twice JP is so underrated

I love her so much...

Attached: 1550218621807.jpg (1080x1346, 273K)

Stop I mean it.

Attached: file.jpg (1996x1332, 408K)

Attached: D67G142U0AAQodU.jpg (1200x1800, 224K)

no they didnt loonatranny. they were too enchanted watching the butterfly fancam on loop, editing our logo in and fixing the yves subs to be perfect. they even left a comment praising us until the fags like you arrived with your entitled whining

you’re always looking for something to seethe at and blame. what’s next? burn kakaom? wah spotify had the wrong name. wah the licenses expired. wah kill BBC. you’re pathetic

anyway gyuri and chuu are friends. that should be enough

>cant beat twice fair and square
>just slut it up since twice will never do it

fuck shes long

Attached: D_gtStRUwAA3tUG.jpg_orig.jpg (1394x2048, 340K)

Eunwoo is pure

Attached: D3y9pieUcAAHRtf-orig.jpg (2048x2048, 525K)

bunny is super cute in this

monolids are fucking gross dude

i'm a huge pussy afraid of virtually everything



Attached: 1559937175821.jpg (1920x1280, 211K)

Attached: kpop lisa jennie.webm (640x360, 2.18M)

mina you bitch get back on stage

saebom is hot and sunshine is cute
I'd sponsor them

Attached: 187_.gif (410x601, 2.2M)


Attached: 1558439680714.webm (640x800, 2.94M)


this is the first time i've ever cared what brand an idol was wearing, what is it


Attached: kang watching.webm (1920x810, 1.21M)

diet slut

if she kisses guys on screen you can only imagine what she does behind the screen

how can you sponsor them

Nature are based actually.

Attached: file.png (1080x1350, 3.09M)

[fucks 50 guys in less than a year]

Attached: 1518960768260.jpg (499x750, 33K)


she was just doing her job though, it doesnt mean anything

Attached: 1553427508570.jpg (1000x1500, 217K)


Gotta get those numbers up. Should ask Yein for some tips

Oops, you're not invited

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Attached: bully_minju.webm (532x800, 923K)

dont worry about that, just believe

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I'm gugu for gugudan

Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

I would do if not for her friend

Attached: 1560131054269.jpg (1024x1024, 108K)

>didnt get invited to twice mina's gang bangs
kpop for this feel?

this isn't seoyeon who is this uggo???

Attached: 1539724723665.jpg (1334x2000, 619K)


Attached: 1559935803908.jpg (1200x1600, 606K)

both ugly so why does it matter?

how cute is this friends

Attached: 1537531005943.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)

Attached: kpop lisa jennie no sound take 1.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

hello there user

Attached: 8kguIvW.jpg (1320x876, 173K)

same girl?

it's siyeon

Attached: DY0QeuQUQAEOXZs.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 238K)

hell no

Attached: 1559499414466.jpg (1365x2048, 428K)

>seeing Twice in 2 days
>Seeing Sana and Dubu
Guys I can’t take the wait anymore


what were they trying to do

Attached: 1542201061228.jpg (2048x1536, 289K)

>no mina
who gives a fuckin shit

Hello Wendyfriend

Attached: 1538759999070.png (2162x1624, 3.91M)

apologize to cub

seulgi is so pretty and her butt is fat

dont you have anything more to do than to spam mina on literally every single post?

Attached: D_gtsaRX4AUXo04.jpg (1001x1500, 159K)

Attached: 1553046454506.jpg .jpg (1314x1700, 343K)

imagine chuu doing this


Attached: file.png (1080x1349, 2.93M)

imagine binnie doing this

Attached: 1539309852948.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)

Attached: 1550970333560.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

low IQ humor

sorry i am new and they look a look alike to me

the real funny part is when flopmis debuted i thought both those manfaces were the same person

Unbreakable alliance

Attached: 89e0aacb21eb50065a9d7e7441d1214f.jpg (800x737, 83K)

girls been girls

Attached: kpop lisajennie.png (2000x1307, 3.26M)

you have no friends here fagget keeek

Attached: GNUcfrARrPA.jpg (608x1080, 149K)

Imagine Gahyeon doing this

Attached: 1557940533274.webm (644x800, 2.91M)

Attached: file.png (1080x1349, 2.14M)

fat calves

>having breakfast is so unusual kpops need to mention it like it's a special occasion

Attached: 1558648432087.jpg (570x697, 71K)

anyone else think lisa looks like a mexican?

Attached: 1551826181176.jpg (1500x1000, 688K)

don't have to imagine arin doing this

Attached: 277a6b72ce.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>comes to kpop to have fun and see new shit
>clicks on thread and its full with mina bullshit

oh yeah coping is the right word


>slapping Gahyeon's ass and watching it jiggle like a pair of water balloons


who would, if impregnated, have the best chances of successfully carrying and delivering the baby? nancy or gahyeon?

is this really arin?

Friendly reminder that kpg has never been and will never be funny

A bit more meat on her and she could pull the latina look

Attached: blackpink lisa.jpg (564x752, 67K)

fuckbaby buttslut

that was painful to watch

no one knows who those are

judge for yourself

Attached: 27c68a93.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Attached: 0M0.jpg (978x1149, 762K)

Attached: D_f93X9UEAE0Bm2.jpg (1364x2048, 307K)

Nayeon after Dr. Kim fixed her face.

how can you compare that thing to nayeon


Attached: 1539041837343.jpg (1080x1322, 264K)

Attached: 1559497666729.jpg (1000x1500, 153K)

I am sorry Jisoo

Stop the lewd photoshops

apologize to nayeon

Attached: 1563086649255.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

I want her slutting it up for me

freaking cute
fugly horse

Attached: 1554026885243.jpg (1536x2048, 521K)

we want ass

actually both are very busted


probably the asian version of come and breed me

very true friend

CANDY ass specifically


cuter than any bp and we all agree


everyone agrees

Good thing he's banned, but I gotta say that I'm starting to like Rose more and more, but also I don't care at all about BP

Oh My Girl Fact #16: Hyojung is called "Candy Leader" because her pink asshole tastes like sweet candy, and because she is the leader of Oh My Girl.

Attached: 1533360473068.jpg (4096x2730, 2.66M)


wtf is going on

can confirm

prove him wrong

He's not even remotely wrong

that post was made by a jap

we are agreeing

unlucky friends

Attached: 1540424488980.jpg (1319x1989, 249K)

Attached: 1554115759110.jpg (1000x1500, 169K)

Attached: 1554866698303.jpg (1504x2000, 939K)

joy you fucking WHORE
I love you

holy fuck joy

last for blackpink

Attached: 1560534741008.jpg (1536x1536, 743K)
