I don't know about anyone else but I think after 3 years I'm finally gonna leave Yea Forums. I do remember at one point there being some degree of conversation about music but it's really just vitriol and basedboy posting in entirety now. Any decent recommendations out of a thread are few and far between, waifu posting takes up like half of the threads, threads actually about music only try and generate conversation through saying '______ is shit', the same 'I don't get Trout Mask Replica' thread is here almost every day and I feel even mildly shilling my favourite albums and artists has run its course. I might return to see how things are once in a while but I'm gonna try and give up with this now shithole.
If you had been here for 3 years, you'd know Yea Forums has never been any different.
Austin Rivera
already in the process of leaving I know more about music than most of the zoomers on here and I don't need their input to continue my interest in music I honestly have more fun on fucking Yea Forums or Yea Forums than I do here
Matthew Ortiz
yeah I kinda feel the same. Last year I got told this would help me discover music lmao. This is just a wojakposting shithole
Tyler Wright
That’s a very rosy view of the past. The waifus rotate, but this place has always been inundated with waifufagging.
Jason Ward
See you tomorrow
Samuel Gutierrez
yeah Yea Forums actually talks about literature. Probably the coolest board on this fucking website
Josiah Peterson
it seems to somehow resist dilettantes so fucking well as a board, of course there's the occasional retard but usually the discourse is not toxic whatsoever
David Gomez
In ancient times that would have been true. Not anymore
Brayden Jackson
yeah but the mods are pussyfags. I once got banned because I made a thread asking if they think pic related would say the n word
to be fair to them that isn't a great thread worth a ban? probably not however on this board you can post anything as imaginably ridiculous as you like and it will most likely end up in the politically charged boxing matches we see in most threads
Sebastian Mitchell
naw man I still get good recommends. maybe two serious ones a year
Logan Sanchez
>not having posted prior to 2010
You have no idea of the golden age on Yea Forums. Sharethreads as far as the eye could see. I'm talking 50 active threads of Yea Forumsutants sharing specific genres of music that would range from shoegaze, math rock, japanese noise, death metal and everything in between.
after a while you'll notice the trends. Yea Forums just does what the kids tell it to.
Julian James
I still have shit tons of discographies of different bands from all the fucking share threads. The takedown of megashare and mediafire really ruined Yea Forums culture, and I just dont have the energy to go through my backlogs knowing its finite.
this the nerve of underage anons who say shit like and the demonstrable difference in thought and effort that was put into the average post makes me so glad I don't spend as much time here as I used to
William King
I get the exact opposite impression there. Seems more toxic. Fewer people derailing toxic shit. Need derailers. Just as much measuring on the taste axis there as here--half of on-topic posts are ultimately measurement comparison theads and calls to dub people x-lets. Definitely no better toxicity wise than the majority of boards.
Owen Miller
>shoegaze, math rock, japanese noise, death metal Wow so nothing but shit genres
Cameron Collins
Cooper Jenkins
This. If you were here 3 years ago I don't know how you missed all the rapey shit that used to be posted about Chvrches.
Jack Long
you literally have to go back
Grayson Martinez
spotify and pandora give me better music recs than Yea Forums im here for the memes and finding big titty musicians. nothing more.