6 minutes is the optimal song length. Prove me wrong

6 minutes is the optimal song length. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

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there is no optimal song length fag

30 minutes is the optimal song length

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as long as the artist does something with the time allotted, then the length should not matter

Off yourself weeb

>it's four minutes, exactly

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6 inches is the optimal penis length.
Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

Optimal song length depends on the style of music tomato weeb OP.

album length matters more in the end


penis tip: you cum

t. swans

That was the joke you nigger

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browsing in text mode, sorry user

there is, but only in context

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Kill yourself animefaggot

> tfw just barely eked into the “very satisfying” category
Feels goodman

Yea Forums is an anime site. If you don't like it, feel free to leave.

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Yea Forums is part of Yea Forums, an anime site. And OP didn't even say anything about anime, all he did was use an incidental anime image.

Who cares, animeposters usually have terrible opinions. They are free to post and I am free to call them faggots

"Animeposter" doesn't mean anything on an anime site, and if you are so easily traumatized by the sight of anime then maybe you shouldn't come to an anime site.


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Yea Forums started as an anime site and still has a highly disproportionate number of boards dedicated to anime, 2D, otaku and Japan topics. Generic communities do not have this many boards dedicated to those topics. Almost all the banners are also dedicated to those topics.

We've been over this hundreds of times.

Y'all lets stay on topic. 6 minutes is optimal is a plebian opinion if you like underage futa cock or not

These pics would be valid if he was trying to discuss anime. He isn't. He's discussing music. I wouldn't be told to go back to Yea Forums for using this image, or to go back to Yea Forums for using a Costanza pic, or to /vp/ for using that 'Oh shit nigger what are you doing' Feraligatr pic, etc., as long as what my post was actually ABOUT was on topic, like the OP is


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read it wrong, satisfying

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83 minutes and 15 seconds is the optimal song length

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barely enjoyable


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