A guilty pleasure. Bad romance is a good song
wrong album my dude
Probably the best of her first few albums. The Fame Monster (the add-on) and Born This Way have a lot of good songs but The Fame is great front to back.
Her PMVs on Pornhub are epic. I have nothing further to add to this conversation.
Basically modern day Madonna.
Hate her "music". The most obnoxious, tacky crap ever and it's not guilty pleasure at all. Also her trans-like appearance is just repulsive. I wonder how many girls are BPD now, because they were raised with her shit.
I still love Poker Face.
Boys Boys Boys
Paper Gangsta
You sound like a closet faggot. I bet your favorite band is shit too
>Anyone who dislikes LGBT is LGBT himself
Wew lad, you really swallowed liberal douche lingo.
I guess your favorite movie scene is in American Beauty, where the Nazi gay hater is revealed to be a fag, right?
Nah, anyone this overtly offended is always a closet homo, basically any right-winger like you just outed yourself as
Meh, she annoys me on levels. She annoys me not because she makes pop music, but because she gets credit for being more than a pop musician even though her music is every bit as formulaic and dimwitted as the bubblegum of the 2000's....why? Because she disingenuously claims to be a metal fan despite that not showing in any of her music, and because she has an "arty" image which is really just wearing weird shit and nothing more, somehow she gets credibility and the same people who would bash Britney Spears are now praising the same exact kind of music because of a clever marketing scheme to make her seem "counter culture" even though she's anything but....
It's like foodies who claim ketchup is disgusting and that Western people who eat it are uncivilized morons, but claim it's genius when Asians use it. It's all disingenuous, she is, her fans are, her marketing was. Total phony crap.
She makes so good tunes, but literally just copied Missing Persons for everything else
>It's like foodies who claim ketchup is disgusting and that Western people who eat it are uncivilized morons, but claim it's genius when Asians use it.
Yes because Amerifats usually bastardize and corrupt anything originally good.
Especially when it comes to food.
>Yes because Amerifats usually bastardize and corrupt anything originally good.
>Especially when it comes to food.
What a laugh. Italian pizza is shit peasant food, America perfected it.
>he thinks ketchup originated in Japan
What a moran.
I hope you are proud in rotting 12 year girl brains with your overt sexualization, narcissism, plastic surgery glorification and gender insecurity. Sure great thing when these girl end up being hypersexual, suicidal BPD patients.
People called your type "useful idiots" for a good reason.
>Italian pizza is shit peasant food,
t. eats mass produced frozen pizzas
You're overanalyzing, especially since you don't really seem all that familiar with her music other than I'm guessing a few singles. There's never been any pretense about what kind of music she writes, I'd say someone like Katy Perry is more of a Britney figure than Gaga is (even had some of Britney's people behind her).
Have sex, incel.
This is scientifically better
Than this.
Not him but have you ever applied that theory in reverse? Everyone who hates gay-bashers is straight, everyone who hates nazis are nazis, everyone who hates racists are racists, everyone who hates cats are cats, etc.
no because it’s retard logic
Even now that I have grown out of my FUCK POP MUSIC ONLY ROCK IS REAL MUSIC \M/ phase and grew up I still have no tolerance for her.
She's terrible at song writing, her pro LGBT gimmick was just that, she's way worse than Madonna.
Her fans are strictly flamboyent Twitter losers who think they're way funnier than they are
I liked what i heard on the radio. Dont have much else to say about her, I never really bother researching pop musicians further
Me too
Lady Gaga is much better than Britney or any other active pop star you can name aside from maybe Marina. And that's the point, yes it's formulaic but it's very good.
6/10, Paparazzi, LoveGame, Eh Eh & Just Dance are all really great songs though
No, it's the same thing, exactly the same thing. You only think Gaga is better because you're a sheep and fall for marketing schemes.
Agree with everything except that the Worst is definitely Money Honey.
Not that user, but I bet you only think Gaga is bad because it was popular to dislike her in the late 00s/early 10s. Her pop compositions are great, but maybe you should listen to her jazz outings to get a better idea of her vocal talent. That way you don't have to say dumb shit like "she's just exactly the same" and expose yourself for not having a musical ear.
She has nice ASSets, geddit
Nah jazz fucking sucks to me, I have no need for that most pretentious of "insta cred" genre.
Lady Gaga has musical talent, her music just sucks and the music she's most well known for would fit perfectly on a B Spears album.
haha yeah epic argument bro
I mean it's not about cred. It's about being willing to listen to more stuff to understand one's ability as a musician.
But feel free to stick to those guns. You're just digging yourself in deeper anyway.