Best Tame Impala album? for me Lonerism, what y’all think

Best Tame Impala album? for me Lonerism, what y’all think

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easily innerspeaker

Why won't they talk to me is secretly the song of our generation.

More like lame impala because they fucking suck

Out of the zone
Trying to see~

Attached: Suicide girl.png (326x535, 227K)

I love listening to Todd Rundgren ripoffs too

if I hear brand new person one more god damn time I will kill

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Just don’t listen to it again bud. It’s that easy.

feel like a brand new person, but you'll make the same old mistakes, I dont care I'm in love

After playing Lonerism and Currents to death I just revisit these albums to listen to Endors Toi and Disciples. Those songs are evergreen.


>tfw Daft Punk introduced me to him

>Discount MGMT and Ariel Pink tracks are the only ones worth coming back for

I personally think they're better, but it's fine that you feel that way.

Stg can't stand any of their shit besides Currents which I love dearly, but anyone else here stan Deadmau5? I'm trying to figure out how to say his name.

currents, easily
it's the only one that's not overtly derivative of 60s psych

Currents is just overtly derivative of 80s pop though which is way worse

It still blows my mind that he want from gold like the material on Lonerism and Innerspeaker to absolutely shitting the bed on Currents and the new singles.

i guess that's where personal preference comes in, i was raised on lots of cheesy 80s shit, so maybe i'm just more inclined to like that
but currents' impeccable production definitely doesn't hurt. some of the drum tones on there are goddamn perfection

Hey fuck you that's my line

Although lonerism ain’t far behind
Innerspeaker is pretty great too

Of the two new singles, patience has grown on me to being around innerspeaker in terms of how much I like it.

Borderline I haven’t even wanted to revisit tho


>band is good
>art hoes and normies began to like it
this whole board is pathetic
