What kind of music is she into Yea Forums?

What kind of music is she into Yea Forums?

Attached: Heather Sanders Longbeach CA.jpg (768x768, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Enhance 234 to 376.
Move in, stop.
Pull out, track right, stop.
Center in, pull back.
Stop. Track 65 right.
Center and stop.
Enhance 14 to 26.
Pan right and pull back.
Enhance 24 to 56.
Pull back.
Wait a minute, go right, stop.
Enhance 87 to 29.
Track 65 left.
Enhance 25 to 43.

Give me a hard copy right there.

Attached: not sure.jpg (700x618, 64K)

Attached: bossadellic.png (750x475, 659K)


okay i've seen this same image for fucking months

who the fuck is this hoe you keep fucking spamming

Attached: IMG_20190530_113201.jpg (548x640, 38K)

>he user, whatcha boppin' lately?

Attached: art ho.jpg (735x747, 296K)

Based blade runner

>come on user, you know my favorite band... right?

Attached: 1549814909532.jpg (960x948, 69K)

ooo she a cute

>i'm bored user, give me something new to listen to

Attached: 1547263450631.jpg (640x1138, 93K)

I'd like to slaughter all these low-tier arthoes

Attached: nxz1wx4cio911.jpg (768x1024, 76K)

why are you wasting your life roleplaying random thots when you could go outside and talk to real women

Attached: 1563071867938.png (322x322, 144K)

>come on user, hop in bed with me and lets space out to _____________________


Attached: 1549578514698.jpg (1080x1350, 93K)

>hey user, you like my kurt cobain shirt? You DO like Nirvana, right??

Attached: 1547263115364.jpg (685x708, 111K)

Attached: 51LIRk3oZVL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 22K)

this is sad user

really sad

perform sexual intercourse

Attached: 1563130151453.png (593x629, 180K)

>is sex all you want user? Cause you know what I want? I want to listen to ___________

what did she say Yea Forums?

Attached: 43204.59999999912_1547599640013.jpg (640x800, 78K)

art hos are beyond NPC tier

Of course! Nirvana are a great band, plus Kurt Cobain had great taste. Have you ever heard Wipers? They were one of his favs. *Proceeds to play her Mystery*

>OMG user its a bop!

in your dreams bro

>hey user, we're headed over to see Drab Majesty... wanna come?

Attached: drab majesty.jpg (3035x3932, 2.78M)

We get it, OP. You fucked her once and now you want to dox her forever because you're secretly terribly depressed about her not falling in love with you and wanting to start a family. Just get past it, user. It's your fault for allowing whores like this into your life. In the immortal words of Paramore's Misery Business, "Once a whore, you're nothing more."

what does she listen to?

Attached: 51cZY4KjYcL._UX679_.jpg (679x679, 24K)

>you fucked her once
>implying these aren't just women he found online
>implying op has fucked anyone


Attached: 411a7515d92f1a308078c93c87462a05.jpg (500x774, 39K)

Based Naang Naang

But he keeps posting this extremely unremarkable art ho and he's been doing it for like a year, so it seems personal.


>hey user, u seem to listen to a lot of music, got any suggestions?

Attached: 1547438927171.jpg (2137x1931, 509K)


Attached: MAI.jpg (1200x960, 115K)


Mac Demarco

>Tuning Circuits
Based art hoe

your beauty can't hide your sadness, sweetheart

>hey user, play me something to cheer me up

Attached: 1549750229126.png (889x882, 1.72M)

Attached: aid610834-v4-1200px-Vomit-While-Driving-Step-10.jpg (1200x900, 101K)


It's a meme retard newfag larper

Attached: images.jpg (591x519, 40K)

idk comes off as personal

anal nosorog

Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282. Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Boyd Rice, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Half Japanese,Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krusi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Loren Mazzacane Connors, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, The Red Krayola, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Gong, cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze, the list goes on

>Googled it
>It's a real doctor's name

She just plays a copy of Steely Dan's greatest hits she got from a thrift store all day.

who gives a shit she's hot

Who are some essential arthoes I should follow?

I'm convinced Yea Forums has the worst taste in women of any board on this site.

just hooked up with a girl that looked like this off tinder. it was fucking amazing and made life worth living again

Probably some degenerate hip hop music, so she can she fantasize about being blacked.

Based reddit newfag discovering autistic waifufags

she obviously listens to pity party (girls club)

Attached: a1734665912_10.jpg (1170x1200, 206K)

i'm not a newfag or a r*dditor. user has been posting this same basic bitch for a long time

/pol/ has the best

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 3.31.00 AM.png (760x1196, 1.65M)

who is this?

Severe ego and a dash of daddy issues

Thinks she's hot shit because she was valedictorian at her suburb high school and did nothing since then.

Unironically watches Varg and dreams of sleeping with Jon Nodtveidt (sex before he died and actually sleeping in his coffin after).

Thinks Neutral Milk Hotel and Sleater-Kinney are underground. Also likes Poppy's edgy imagery.

Wants to be Lorde so SO bad.

Still buys her clothes at Hot Topic but sticks to the "classic designs." Hates capitalism but owns a two year old iPhone.

Sex-positive Tumblrite that had nowhere to go after the purge. Has an Instagram that does okay but nothing special.

Only the left one showers. She's had a cutting phase in middle school. The right one wants to be Pagan but doesn't commit to it.

Unironically believes the wage gap exists and probably supervises several men at her job. Keeps in contact with her black boyfriend that left her after knocking her up.

Likes pictures of nature on social media and loves getting used as a literal sex doll. She probably liked Arctic Monkeys in high school.

Is one Trump tweet away from shaving her head and wearing green eyeshadow.

lauren southern's hot sister


Any arthoes you recommend?

>Heather Sanders Longbeach CA.jpg

no man, i prefer the trad aesthetic. although i did have a sort of gf who went the art hoe route

More tradthots?

none come to mind

please don’t post my wife

How do I become an arthoe bf???

Attached: 1552236146439.png (970x545, 504K)

>Enhance 234 to 376.
>Move in, stop.
>Pull out, track right, stop.
>Center in, pull back.
>Stop. Track 65 right.
>Center and stop.
>Enhance 14 to 26.
>Pan right and pull back.
>Enhance 24 to 56.
>Pull back.
>Wait a minute, go right, stop.
>Enhance 87 to 29.
>Track 65 left.
>Enhance 25 to 43.
>Give me a hard copy right there.