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last.fm collage thread.
do your thing
gib recs

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do you like uuuh
hermeto pascoal
thats it bye

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love me some ymo
you should listen to towa tei futher listening

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I need post-rock and albums like white light that comes from the mouth of infinity

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Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon


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's a solid album. I think he might like it.

Man, thunder lightning strike is one of the greatest indie releases of all time.
>Ashley o
Is this you pop?
Well I've never listened to either of those but you might like MONO - Gone

How'd you like the new boy harsher? If you like the boo radleys check out the lemonheads
Never listened to royskopp but I'll check it out! You should check out tiger trap too if you havent listened to them
Nice collage. Your dad was wrong though. The whole album is pretty solid. Listened to it bc either the guy who produced/mastered it worked on elemental by tears for fears
+john fahey, cleaners from Venus
Man, I really didn't like that porches release. Did you know math rock drummer Cameron whisch is the drummer for porches? That's what made me check them out

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serpentwithfeet - soil
show me the body - body war
end - from the unforgiving arms of god
the gault - even as all before us
yo-yo ma, mark o'connor, edgar meyer - appalachia waltz

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songs for a blue guitar is kind of weak bro ngl bro

sade I like
here check this out

rec faust





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tarantella - esqueletos
this has been on my list of things to check out for a long time, thanks for getting me to dl it

>tarantella - esqueletos
I second this. Great album.

okay thanks

I never know what to recommend and i keep listening to the same albums

Any songs/albums are highly appreciated

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boogarins - manual

vulfpeck - thrill of arts

mike & rich - expert knob twiddlers

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dax riggs - if this is hell then im lucky
lilacs and champagne - s/t

lazy post
hope everyone's having a good one
hit me up with your favorite albums if you're willing to

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capricorns - ruder forms survive
seer - vol 6
swallow the sun - when a shadow is forced into the light
>hit me up with your favorite albums if you're willing to
dalek - untitled

shit taste
have a good one

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Sick taste.
Have you listened to Spires that in the Sunset Rise?

i loved that pinegrove record

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no one cares
I shouldn't have even responded to this post but I just had to let you know

>seer - vol 6
know that one
>swallow the sun - when a shadow is forced into the light
that too
will check out the rest, thank you

trappist afterland - burrowing to light in the land of nod
tarantella - esqueletos
>Have you listened to Spires that in the Sunset Rise?
I have not but they look interesting. i dl'd four winds the walker, is that a good place to start?
simon wickham-smith - a hidden life and other works
bruit noir - I/III

>I have not but they look interesting. i dl'd four winds the walker, is that a good place to start?
Four Winds and both Ancient Patience's are their strongest records imo. After Four Winds the project shed members and their sound becomes a bit more stripped down and atmospheric. Curse the Traced Bird is also a favorite of mine.
Thanks for the recs!

