Attached: crying nayuna.jpg (450x394, 17K)
Zachary Hill
Other urls found in this thread:
Charles Cruz
Jason Howard
who is cx
Matthew Gutierrez
Zachary Sanchez
my wife, Momo
Jose Sullivan
Adam Hernandez
prove it
>that hot one from clc
you're gonna have to be more specific
Liam Hill
Gavin Taylor
Zachary Sullivan
Benjamin Gray
literally not human anymore
Grayson Price
Colton Anderson
Thomas Reyes
Julian Lee
Zachary Taylor
Josiah Phillips
Cooper King
Your wife is pretty. This is mine.
Joshua Perry
Wyatt Foster
funny. we have the same wife
Joshua Fisher
looks pretty dbh
Aaron Richardson
my wife
Dominic Sullivan
Is there any video of twice crying in Singapore?
Isaiah Myers
our blackpink girls
Zachary Thomas
I don't really get the hype about AYAYAYAYAY. I mean, it's pretty good but it's basically Rumor 2.0.
Jeremiah Price
Gavin Powell
they're better off not trying to cover that up in this day and age
Xavier Flores
Logan Clark
post her feet
Leo Hill
oh god, i thought this was cub in the thumbnail.
Kevin James
SNSD just cold hearted cunts.
And maybe girls cry so much coz they know that she never gonna comeback.
Jacob Morales
same here
Oliver Walker
westerners go crazy about it because they have shit taste
Brody Gomez
Sebastian Sanchez
Logan Morgan
Mason Thomas
our wife is fit and she likes to stay active, regularly hitting the gym
Hunter Bennett
breedables thread
Andrew Scott
looks like gas safety song is still soty
Asher Jenkins
sex goddess
Michael Mitchell
so its gonna be three of us.
Ian Cook
you sound like the skull guy from banjo kazooie
Carson Bennett
damn it feels good to be a high test clcchad
Lucas Gonzalez
Top animu taste.
Caleb Cruz
>Between Japan and South Korea, a Trade War Lurks
>Last week, Tokyo abruptly placed new restrictions on exports to South Korea of high-tech materials essential to the country’s booming tech industry. Japanese firms now need to apply for a license to sell fluorinated polyimide (critical for making TV and smartphone displays) and etching gas and resists (critical to semiconductor manufacturing) to firms in their longtime frenemy across the Sea of Japan. With the approval process expected to take around three months – an eternity for industries built around lean, “just in time” supply chains – this spells major trouble for South Korean tech titans like Samsung and SK Hynix. These two companies alone account for around 60 percent of global memory chip production, meaning the spat may also create headaches for companies far and wide, including U.S. giants like Dell, HP and Apple. Meanwhile, Tokyo is also considering making South Korea the first country ever to be axed from Japan’s list of 27 “friendly” countries that are exempt from export controls on products that could be used for weapons manufacturing, threatening a wider array of Korean products and potentially the country’s upstart arms sector.
>Tokyo has justified the move on national security grounds, arguing, without providing much evidence, that some of the materials have been making their way to chemical weapons factories in North Korea and elsewhere. Framing the move in national security terms may help Tokyo avoid a World Trade Organization challenge and diminish international opposition more broadly. But Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe admitted that the primary motivation is a series of recent South Korean court decisions requiring Japanese firms to compensate workers conscripted during Imperial Japan’s 35-year occupation of the Korean Peninsula.
Gavin Thompson
Wyatt Barnes
one true mina
Noah Cook
in that case japs must be going nuts over that song.
Ryder Walker
our based wife. she motivates me to be the best i can be
Robert Butler
it's called professionalism unless things are way worse than jyp said they should have kept their composure. they've pulled people out of performances for injuries and shit before
Camden Martin
Zachary Jenkins
i want some c bacon
Ryan Baker
Tyler Ramirez
John Hernandez
Levi King
that gap tho
Hudson Mitchell
Andrew Rivera
>Already, assets belonging to two Japanese firms have been seized and are expected to be sold in the coming months. Seoul has rejected Japan’s request to settle the matter with third-country arbitration.
>Japan, it seems, just can’t convince South Korea to let 80-year-old bygones be bygones. The U.S.-led regional alliance structure, along with the well-oiled regional economic system, may pay the price.
>And there’s no reason to think the dispute will be resolved quickly. Tokyo insists there’s nothing to negotiate, and South Korea’s president has cautioned South Korean firms to prepare for a long fight. A prolonged spat may ultimately hurt Japan as much as South Korea, economically and strategically, and that Japan is digging in anyway reflects the depth and complexity of the historical, cultural and strategic divides shaping East Asia today. It’s yet another illustration of the inherent exposure of the region’s tightly integrated supply chains to geopolitical risk.
What made Japan snap?
>Japan’s move may appear to be out of character. After all, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has spent much of the past two and a half years spearheading multilateral efforts to stabilize regional free trade amid threats from U.S. and Chinese protectionism by, for example, rescuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and signing a landmark free trade agreement with the European Union. At the G-20 summit in Osaka, just two days before he moved against South Korea, Abe pledged again that Japan would lead the charge for “free, fair and indiscriminate” trade. The restrictions also appear out of step with core Japanese geopolitical imperatives. The island nation, famously, is almost wholly bereft of natural resources. It owes its survival to the free flow of commodity imports, and it owes much of its wealth to the free flow of exports of high-tech products. Its very strategy for securing its future is embodied in
Dominic Hernandez
Squid GF
Jace James
Ayayaya is nice but RUMOR is it own class. Seriously if Rumor was performed by anyone else and not a throwaway song, it would be a hit single.
Owen Perry
John Allen
Adam Cook
based, we can finally get rid of those awful japs. thai members will flourish, and kpop will be all the better.
Nolan Ward
they look so short here
Wyatt Wood
Jaxson Reyes
Jason Thompson
Jaxon Morgan
legit 1st time heard this song rn. pretty good
Isaiah Young
>tech industry
it's fine, our girls are safe
inb4 Chewydroid
Jeremiah Johnson
china must be loving this shit
the two american satellite states fighting between themselves
Nathan Ross
heck yeah, she looks great this comeback
Charles Miller
>one mina quits kpop
>one mina can't perform with her group
only one remains
Jeremiah Butler
>Abe’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” concept, which South Korea endorsed at the G-20.
>Yet, here we are. What made Japan snap?
>For one, Japan has never really been able to live down the sins it committed as a colonial power – sins that have routinely dogged bilateral ties with South Korea, even after the two signed a treaty in 1965 in which, according to Tokyo, Seoul agreed to refrain from pursuing reparations. In the 1990s, Japan issued vague admissions of responsibility for past wrongs and has even made repeated (if sometimes token) efforts to right them. Tokyo thought it put the issue to rest for good in 2015, when the two sides resolved in writing “finally and irreversibly” the issue of Japan’s conscription of wartime “comfort women,” with Tokyo agreeing to establish a fund for survivors and Seoul agreeing basically to just shut up about it.
>Yet, powerful political factions in South Korea haven’t been so quick to forgive. Reconciliation has frequently fallen victim to dramatic political swings in Seoul. The 2015 agreement on wartime comfort women, for example, fell apart shortly after the president who signed it, Park Geun-hye, lost her position after a corruption scandal. Meanwhile, nationalist factions of Japan’s own have made it difficult for governments to show the appropriate level of contrition. Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party will be counting on support from some of these factions in Upper House elections later this month.
>In general, strategic and economic necessity has contained tensions to little more than political and diplomatic posturing, particularly during the Cold War.
Luis Phillips
Ryder Gonzalez
That means our RAM and SSD will be expensive again. That shit sucks.
Zachary Cruz
can't have asian politics without copious amounts of butthurt
Sebastian Scott
sana would be an amazing back scratcher
Isaiah Martinez
bro... no one really gives a fuck about korea or japan here. filipinos are the strongest race anyway. now if you'll excuse me im gonna go jerk my brown ding-dong to some korean idols
Lucas Hill
Robert Thompson
post her acting career highlights
Elijah Howard
wow she's looking so weird, what happened?
Jonathan Jackson
made for breeding
Jordan White
Matthew Watson
Dylan Bailey
>More recently, though, it has frustrated U.S. efforts to get its two most important East Asian allies to work more closely together on defense matters. In 2016, for example, the U.S. finally forged a trilateral intelligence-sharing mechanism, which Seoul had resisted for four years for political reasons. But just a year later, Tokyo claimed Seoul was refusing to share intelligence on matters like Chinese activities in the East and South China seas. (The pact was extended for a year in 2018 but will be up for review again this fall.)
With Allies Like These
>It might seem like the time for Japan and South Korea to put the past to rest. Security threats from China and North Korea threaten them both, and both have every reason to insulate global trade from U.S. protectionism and from Chinese state-backed competition. And besides, other countries where Japanese wartime abuses took place – Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan – face the same threats and are nonetheless actively courting Japanese military and economic support. Why not South Korea?
>The answer isn’t so simple. South Korea’s distrust of Japan isn’t just a case of colonial resentment. It’s about South Korean geopolitics. The Korean Peninsula is the proverbial “minnow between whales.” Historically, China, Japan and even Russia repeatedly sought to prevent the peninsula from being used by one power to threaten the others, putting it at constant risk of invasion. Today, South Korea is strong and independent, but still perpetually uncomfortable. It’s certainly wary of China’s ascent – Beijing’s maritime assertiveness, along with its recent attempts to use its economic heft to bully South Korea into relatively minor strategic concessions, have dashed any illusions in Seoul about Beijing’s approach to winning friends. But it’s also wary of another side effect of China’s rise – namely, Japan’s own increasingly urgent remilitarization –
Connor Anderson
what are they doing?
Parker Sullivan
James Smith
Liam Gonzalez
Xavier Jenkins
word, fellow flip
babadong pingding dirckadong, right?
Jack Carter
Any Slugman in?
Cooper Diaz
Luke Lee
pic from 2 days ago lol looks like shit amirite
Liam Wood
Hunter Wood
Landon James
>tfw in 50% of universes yena died of cancer and never became a kpop
we're so lucky
Leo Gutierrez
japan and korea really need to get over their bullshit
Isaac Harris
>almost 400m
Andrew Wood
Isaac Lewis
Daniel Martinez
Connor Baker
>and the rising risk that Korea once again finds itself caught in the middle. No amount of performative penance from Tokyo can overcome Seoul’s inherent need to keep its distance.
>For Japan, two issues besides domestic politics are at play. One is strategic divergence over threats from North Korea and China, with Tokyo feeling sidelined and exposed by the U.S. and South Korean diplomatic detentes with Pyongyang and frustrated with Seoul’s relative passivity over Chinese maritime behavior. The other involves economic changes – and the feeling in Japan that it helped cultivate South Korea’s breakneck industrialization to its own detriment.
>And there’s a case to be made that it did. In the second half of the 20th century, Japanese aid, combined with unfettered exports of high-tech component parts, machinery and materials, contributed to the rise of South Korean sectors like consumer electronics, automobiles and shipbuilding. In the 1990s, Japan looked the other way as South Korea started restricting imports of Japanese finished goods like automobiles and TVs. By the turn of the century, with Japan mired in its “lost decades,” South Korean firms in these sectors had begun to outperform Japan’s own. (Many of them enjoyed considerable state assistance.) Since then, as the dominance of South Korean firms grew, they began to increasingly route supply chains through China, which replaced Japan as the South’s largest trading partner in 2007. Naturally, as South Korea’s dependence on Japanese firms declined, so too did Seoul’s incentives to keep diplomatic spats contained.
>But South Korea’s manufacturing success has not extended to all parts of the supply chain, concentrated instead around a handful of family conglomerates exporting mostly finished products.
Lincoln Richardson
Sana is probably fucking swollen from crying. Leave her alone.
Kayden Stewart
What are the chances of her not fucking her brother? 0.001%?
Hudson Moore
from today
Wyatt Jenkins
Thomas Robinson
i'm fucking swollen too *unzips*
Asher Perry
dude, no one cares. all you needed was the headline and maybe the first paragraph. you're just spamming now.
Connor Wood
>mina attempts suicide after having her 3rd abortion
>hurr why are twice crying
Christian Young
hate this traitor
Aiden Scott
our blackpink girls
Anthony Ward
is it not possible for SK to buy the materials they need from other countries?
Landon Diaz
>As a result, South Korea is in a position similar to China’s, gobbling up market share but still highly dependent on outside, potentially adversarial suppliers.
>Japan is trying to exploit what little leverage it has left over South Korea to try to nudge Seoul into a more mutually beneficial economic and strategic relationship. Doing so may damage Tokyo’s effort to portray itself as a steady champion of free trade. (Japan is arguing that this isn’t a free trade issue, pointing out that South Korean firms will merely face the same import hurdles as Chinese and Taiwanese firms already do.) It may give China’s embattled tech industry a much-needed and timely boost, creating an even bigger long-term problem for Japan. Samsung’s loss could be Huawei’s gain, for example. The problem with weaponizing supply chain dependencies is that it can hurt domestic firms as much as foreign by accelerating the development of alternative suppliers and risking the permanent loss of market share. Japanese firms are claiming that the restrictions may force them to move more production offshore.
>But Tokyo thinks it needs quite a bit more from South Korea as a regional partner – and, at minimum, to make clear that there’s a cost to keeping Japan perpetually at arm’s length. Evidently, it thinks this makes the risks worth taking.
Jaxson White
it's actually a US conspiracy to deploy more military to thailand and vietnam
we're gonna say that japan v. korea has destabilized our bases there
in the end china will be more encircled than ever
i love asia but there is a truth to what you say
after all europeans used to wage near genocidal wars against each other
it's happened to different groups at different times in history
asian nations act like no one else has ever been genocided
cub's disfigured retard sister
Sebastian Morgan
stop making these posts, its getting in the way of me spamming my pics and making cummies
Kayden Sanders
How will Twice deal with Mina leaving? Improve? Start to decline? More members leaving?
John Rogers
Lucas Foster
>pictures taken at the airport right after the concert
Wyatt Russell
i want to pinch her cheeks
Cameron James
>mfw no sana gf
Gavin Nelson
Jason Wood
Parker Garcia
Lincoln Diaz
I'm a slugman and a sharkman
Jayden Phillips
tl;dr Japan and South Korea are two niggers fighting each other instead of China and this is making gooks hate nips and boycott and virulently attack japs in kpop, driving Mina to a mental breakdown and attempted suicide and harming twice
Logan Ramirez
It never gets old to hear an entire stadium chanting RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR
Isaiah Wilson
*slanders mina*
Jack Walker
mina basically was just visuals so
Ryder Johnson
she ugly nice shoop bro
Luke Sullivan
Jaxon Morales
i want to cheech her pinks
William Butler
Why is this guy posting the entire Bible here?
Stop spamming faggot
Daniel Mitchell
Dubu is elite
Ian Young
lolnako in the thumbnail
Logan James
fuck off seanigger
Luis Nelson
they should be working together to strengthen their navies and air-forces to restrain china but it looks like they rather fight between themselves and be raped to death by chinks in a couple of years
Owen Johnson
whats a cheech and whats a pink you possible idiot
Robert Morales
Nathaniel Barnes
sana is better than your waifu. dont hate. its just how it is.
Jacob Sanders
thats the jisoolican girl
Nolan Sanders
She looks like the ugly pale girl in the group/
Owen Morales
Jayden Taylor
Caleb Lewis
John Fisher
no it's just jisoo the cute girl
Benjamin Carter
or sexy?
Easton Adams
visual drop is the only thing, she was always distant anyways so its not like we’ll notice her missing from videos
Jackson Evans
Henry Diaz
>what are they doing?
They're imitating Oh My Girl's 'Banana Allergy Monkey' dance
Brody Walker
Exactly. If they would start work together chinks gonna fear them way more. But i think it never gonna happen.
Logan Morgan
>posts bible passages
>kpg is shaking
the absolute state of these heathens
Mason Stewart
She is smol and fast
Jordan Wright
Aaron Phillips
Blake Brown
a few days ago mina was absent because she was pregnant
now it's because she's depressed and suicidal
you guys need to make up your minds
Aaron Hall
Gavin Jenkins
She looks cute here, how comes?
Robert Gonzalez
Gabriel Taylor
Tyler Morales
my penis is tingling hehe
Carson Williams
>south korea and japan chimping out at each other for scraps while china only gets stronger
John Cook
dude just listen to loona instead
Isaac Perry
posts about trade between two countries that only vaguely relates to kpop is spamming. it's not a case of not liking it.
Robert Thompson
give me some good twice to listen like likey or breakthrough
I need to do some boring shit for 30 minutes and I want to get more into twice
John Martinez
yeah sana is better at being UGLY lmaoo gottem
gimme the (You)s
Lincoln Carter
Zachary Gray
This is so sad, I'm crying
Blake Diaz
no one cares about kpop you underage virgin
Anthony Allen
Jordan Ortiz
Zachary Evans
that's the jisoolican right there
Josiah Moore
Alexander Brooks
i like bible-posting
the bible itself justifies bible-posting in colossians 4:6
christianity + k-pop is the recipe for ultimate happiness
it's as good as earthly life gets
Grayson Smith
this is the kpop thread, dingus
James Allen
this sounds like shit
Justin Stewart
why would you believe anything posted here
Jacob Brown
That's spot-on
Ethan Martin
listen to the fancy mini album
Tyler James
Samuel Fisher
too bad it's fabric of the dress and not her fat belly
Jonathan Adams
fuck off trashnigs
Jaxson Campbell
no she was pregnant, but she got an abortion and now shes depressed and suicidal
stories change all the time when new information is revealed idiot
Dominic Gutierrez
Cameron Lewis
you talking to me?
Hudson Anderson
Thinking about the possibility that Mina may have attempted suicide unironically makes me feel like crying.
Fuck I really hope thats not what happened
Ethan Parker
twicetagram and fancy you
Isaiah Williams
kek the seating capacity is only 2800
Christopher Lewis
She looks beautiful in both, what are you, faggots?
Jace Rodriguez
japan has its own silk road and it's in SEA
Ethan Morales
William Gutierrez
and the only thing we care about is fapping to the gooks, hang yourself you fucking virgin
Ayden Gonzalez
real talk, abortions dont have much downtime, definitely not something to miss a tour over
so she probably did lose her mind at some point
Oliver Nelson
Why would they laugh about that?
Luke Scott
Japan has a monopoly. Fucking nips are mad no one likes jpop
Brandon Rodriguez
unlikely but the way twice was reacting you would think it was what happened
Blake Gonzalez
OTR was playing it safe. They had no idea what was IZ*ONE popularity outside of Korea.
Brayden Diaz
Lincoln Barnes
How long until mina becomes an jonghyun? Wouldn't it be sick if JYP forced her to get an abortion after which she killed herself and then he gets exposed
Joshua Watson
there was zero mention of depression, only anxiety, from JYP
Blake Perry
Jason Reyes
is this a comment from reddit?
William Campbell
who is this angel?
Brayden Gutierrez
schizoboy is at it again
Nicholas Cooper
i know someone whose had several abortions and she just said they were no big deal
Landon Wood
Fromis_9 could sell 2000 seats
prove me wrong
Ethan Wright
that yooa bible guy is weird
instead of reading his stupid ass posts listen to this song instead:
Justin Hill
Nathaniel Robinson
it makes people like jisoo
Owen Perez
happy autistic chink day
Elijah Allen
Luis Parker
will they leave a place for her until she returns?
Gabriel Ramirez
the trade war is fake news instigated by the CIA to make the PRC let down their guard
k-pop itself is part of a vast neocon conspiracy to make chinese complacent
they're gonna laugh themselves to death
Korea is gonna reunify then invade northern China on a pretense of protecting ethnic Koreans in Harbin
the airing of grievances now is just letting idiots blow off steam
as stephen kotkin analyzed Modernity is not cultural or philosophical but geopolitical
China's hisoric weakness comes from thinking of history as a state of mind or the ressult of karmically charged rituals
that's why semi-barbarian nations like japan, mongolia, and even ancient korean kingdoms routinely slap the s--t out of smug self-satisfied chinese with their absurd iefficient language and bizarre instituttions
Bentley Nguyen
yeah not even close to a stadium
Brandon White
i'll check out twicetagram because it sound like happypop but I didn't like fancy (the song)
Nathan Garcia
China has mining in africa which is more important that those SEA projects
Camden Stewart
Ok real talk now, how likely is Mina leaving Twice?
Tyler Morgan
oh god, that cheek
Zachary Garcia
that's still got nothing to do with trade agreements
Jose Nelson
put on your avatar, tinny
Lincoln Phillips
we don't have them forever bro
gotta love them while we can
Cameron Johnson
Jacob Evans
Parker Cruz
CLC could unironically sell more than IZ*ONE in Hong Kong, I know a konger and they say pretty much everyone knows of Elkie and Jackson from Got7 over there so the money is on the table
Nicholas Bell
the only reason she got an abortion because it was probably jyp's kid, if it was any other gaypop twink he would have just kicked her out
Jace Rogers
my tofu is so flexible
Kevin Rogers
twice failed to maintain a good poker face so i'm going with 80%
Nathan Thomas
MSG was chanting rumor. Does that count?
Luke Lewis
Sound like some western shit straight from 2014
Christian Sullivan
I was agreeing with you, you dumbass
"too bad we didn't get to see more"
Jose Gonzalez
90% of what people consider 'autism' is trauma from child abuse
Adrian Green
CLC should just stay dead
Blake Gonzalez
It's the reason gooks are boycotting twice and kpop is korean
Samuel Gonzalez
MSG would have chanted Bon Bon Chocolat
Elijah Campbell
the point is this place isnt meant to be taken seriously but people like you do since you guys are permalosers
Owen Jackson
Zachary Moore
who is byeoli
Jason Rodriguez
thats because elkie is from hong kong idiot
Noah Fisher
Hunter Wood
stretchy tofu
Benjamin Young
was this when everyone thought kd was going to the knicks
John Harris
Lincoln Ross
Samuel Hughes
abortion or cancer or suicide attempt
Jack Roberts
y-yeonwoo? yeonwoo is that you??
Grayson Lee
So you agree with me that CLC would easilly sell 4000 in HK given the opportunity
Connor Baker
Austin Cox
Ian Kelly
Adrian Sanchez
Ethan Hernandez
pretty sure that was the point of their post
Owen Hernandez
she wont
Henry Adams
1 and 3
Angel Young
How do you even chant bon bon chocolat?
Nathaniel Brown
it makes people like jisoo and that's final
Oliver Hill
Lincoln Phillips
wait what did they do to her?
Ryan Murphy
jithot aka jiwhore
Jacob Harris
how are they boycotting twice
Juan Campbell
based white boy
Bentley Wright
you yell it in sync when the line "BON BON CHOCO-LAT" is sung
Carson Gomez
i'm erudite and everyone likes me
yooa would love me if we met IRL
yooa has intellectual aspirations
one day i am gonna share my theory of korean historicity
my theory of the origins of political legitimacy
my theory of ethical knowledge
my theory of the origins of political rights
my theory of meaning itself
my theory of dimensionality
i also have a sweeping argument in favor of plato over aristotle
and i'm an astute biographer of neo-kantian political idealists like Henry Kissinger and John Bolton
Ryan Watson
>that background
it remind me of something
Aaron Kelly
Jaxon Reyes
yooa's mouth?
Joseph Torres
>legit 1st time heard this song rn. pretty good
very rare & based newfag
John Adams
Chungha is unmoggable
Brayden Sanders
Hudson Hill
>I'm a slugman and a sharkman
fully sharked
Levi Scott
Thomas Robinson
I used to like Pcy until I heard about what he did to Sulli. He’s Suga and Vernon tier
Xavier Wright
knew it
Kevin Watson
Ryan Baker
what did he do?
Robert Cook
Parker Sanders
Threw her under the bus (figuratively)
Josiah Gonzalez
that does it, i'm taking action
Jonathan Reyes
Sebastian Cox
i read none of that bro
Robert Jones
psycho mantis girl
based and universally loved pill
Jacob Mitchell
Japanese is far more inefficient than chinese
Cooper Howard
moonbyul, dumb dumb
Owen Diaz
lmao hit pause at 0:02
David Miller
Logan Rodriguez
get his ass
Alexander Cruz
Asher Robinson
Jonathan Garcia
>anxiety intensifies
Andrew Peterson
The real question is how likely is Mina leaving life
Isaiah Allen
Jaxson Barnes
James Lee
Who's the shinji ikari of kpop?
Landon Lopez
Oh it turns out CLC already did a HK show at a stadium.
So congratulations, CLC wins.
Jackson Garcia
Ryan Garcia
>shinji ika
Benjamin Powell
Jose Carter
memes aside, jisoo's ceiling is insanely high. the yeonwoo poster that tried to act like she couldn't compete with yeonwoo is full of shit. I still prefer yeonwoo's body though
Liam Williams
Noah Adams
blasted to CLC for the first time today
Jaxon Miller
shiggy diggy?
Easton Nguyen
Asher Evans
i wrote it for yooa not for you
13 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”
10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:
“Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Christian Roberts
yeah what an idiot and jisoo is prettier honestly
yeonwoo just looks sort of plain and we are not being mean either
Lucas Ross
>Twice finally doing tour in USA
>Get floor seats up close
>Mina on hiatus
>Other members literally breaking down crying during the show, even Tzuyu cried
God damn. This isn't going to be what I was hoping for is it... :(
Ryder Sanchez
That is no a stadium...
Jace Parker
Brayden Johnson
yeonwoo mogs jisoo one hundred times over
Austin Phillips
Wyatt Diaz
Macpherson Stadium, Hong Kong
CLC sold a stadium. When has IZ*ONE.
Camden Lee
philosophy and religion are just incel cope shit sluts dgaf abt that shit unless they use it to justify being sluts
Jonathan Adams
not this again
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man
Cameron Brown
kanji is marginally more screwed up than traditional chinese writing but hiragana and katakana are better than anything chinese use
and korean is an extremely efficient language
chinese are also culturally inferior'
as ai weiwei himself said chinese art has always been pointless
that's why k-pop > j-pop > c-pop
chinese also rekt their own environment while japan and korea have preserved their homelands
japanese and koreans work together better than chinese
Connor Wright
>MacPherson Stadium (Chinese: 麥花臣室內體育館) was an indoor stadium that played an important role to the development of youth recreation in Hong Kong. Located at Yim Po Fong Street, on the edge of Mong Kok, a high population density area, it had a capacity of 1,850.
Daniel Parker
Some guy probably roped her into a would be a long lasting relationship but idol life is hard.
Nicholas Scott
why is this ban-evading fuck wit still here? everybody knows you're just doing this as some pathetic cry for attention because your mommy didn't hug you. you really need to just do yourself a favor and end it
Isaac Sanchez
Juan Collins
well he's kind of an idiot
Xavier Carter
Lincoln Taylor
shut up
Brody Allen
Levi Harris
Having three writting systems is retarded and gay
Joseph Ross
all art is pointless
William Sanders
okay blindbro
Robert Turner
just fap while they cry maybe a twicethot or twicechad will suck it
Jeremiah Garcia
How so? Chinese grammar might be easier than japanese grammar but it is one of the few languages in the word that uses tones for meanings.
Julian Diaz
CLCfag, just give it up. You are going to get BTFO eventually.
Matthew Baker
her body does. face? not really
Aaron Wilson
real men are not subservient to the standards of sluts
i believe the Biblical reply to you is that only a fool seeks the "praise of men" rather than true righteousness
nowadays people seek the praise of sluts
it's still a dead-end life
Alexander Price
did tinny switch to yooa and bible posting?
Xavier Russell
how do chinese people manage to type on computers with their alphabet
Elijah Lee
Liam White