Screaming/Growling in Metal

Why does every newer metal band do this?
How did this become popular, and more importantly how did it become acceptable?
You find a great, or rather, a song that would otherwise be great, and then the retarded faggot vocalist comes in with his bullshit.
Perfect example
Just why?
Recommend me some good metal bands that don't growl/scream like a bunch of autists, or better yet, metal bands without vocalists.

Attached: screaming-vocal-cords.jpg (1000x500, 287K)

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Dis gon be gud

listener error

For comparison, listen to the instrumental version of descending.
Tell me that's not better.

No, don't listen to metal.

Why not?
The drums and riffs are pretty awesome most of the time.

Why is there a newborn chick in his throat

I agree with you but you're still going to get shit on if you ever try to genuinely discuss this with most people

Its not though. Randy Blythe is (or was - i haven't listened to that band in a long long time) an integral part of the band. Obviously the record label agreed and so did the fans. They made some cool music, cool cash, and became famous for what they were doing.

You don't like harsh vocals like screams, growls, etc and thats fine but that doesn't mean that its inherently "bad" or less superior than a different kind of vocal style.

Also these types of vocals are difficult to do properly and in my opinion, when done well, can really showcase the talent of a singer. For reference, check out Opeth's middle years material, Devin Townsend, or Mike Patton.

actually here i'll do the work for you - check this out

Growling is controlled use of distortion, which adds harmonic depth. So if anything, it's inherently more musically interesting than clean singing, as a technique.

I just wish more metal bands realized they can combine that approach with melodic vocal lines (rather than just growling 2 or 3 notes) and get the best of both worlds. See: louis armstrong, lemmy, a shitload of punk vocalists, etc

It doesn't convey the same energy and emotions. After a while you just learn to love them.

>I like this heavily chromatic, dissonant, rhythmically aggressive instrumental part, but why is there a guy shouting over it? yikes.

Listen I'm not saying vocalists who growl don't have talent and can't sing well.
It's just that whenever they do growl they sound like retards.
>well that's just like your opinion man
Yes dickhead, I get that the vocalists are trying to match the aggressiveness of the instrumentals. My point is it doesn't work.

Whenever I hear growling in songs, the songs are 100% of the time better as instrumentals.
Prove me wrong Yea Forums brainlets.

well, Lamb of God sucks, so bad example to start with.
pure death metal and black metal tend to have vocals that are a lot less angsty aggro-toughguy and lend themselves to more nuanced emotional interpretations. try Mayhem's DMDS/Live in Leipzig, Bathory's Blood Fire Death, or whatever

Coming from the metalcore hype back in like 2007-2010 I still love screaming vocals. I hate when clean vocals show up in a heavy song. Glad to see bands like Knocked Loose bringing it back.


Attached: 1563109659376.jpg (480x480, 107K)

Yeah, and I like pop punk too. Go cry about it.

Death is a nice entry into getting used to growled vocals

>Lamb of God sucks
no u (their earlier stuff is good)

No one can, "prove you wrong," you fucking moron. It's an opinion. You like melodic vocals that counter the dissonant instrumental? Okay, cool! Why waste the time to argue the opposite when you're clearly not going to change your mind even slightly?

Singing is for nerds.

I agree alot of extreme metal would be better without vocals. Also dont listen to metal; it sucks.

I agree with you OP. I hate it when vocals sound like the singer is gargling on a pack of lit cigarettes.

This is still harsh, but it at least sounds like a human being.

OP, I like extreme metal and hardcore punk. If you don't, that's okay. But please stop feigning outrage.

h8 when cleans ruin a decent song

>i like growling shit
Yea Forums's taste in music has always been shit

It's an acquired taste, I know what you mean though. A lot of metal bands are completely ruined by the vocalist. Still though, there a those that are completely based with a vocalist, and even some where the vocalist carries.

>Muh it doesn't require an instrument so it's not technical or masterful in any way

Instrumental fags really believe this

Who said that brainlet? Stop taking shit out of context.
I don't particularly care for clean singing either in metal, but it's a shit ton better than the growling screaming stuff.
And a lot of metal vocalists who do clean singing have amazing talent and voices.
I honestly do wish I could say the same for the growlers. It just seems like edgy teen music.

For me it's much the opposite, i've been listening to extreme metal almost exclusively for so much time now that singing sounds a bit cringy to me, especially in metal. It just sounds completely out place.
Having that said, i would like a lot of metal better if it were instrumentals only, not because of growling necessarily, but because the vocals are always too loud on the mix.

>Go cry about it.
metalcore and pop punk are the musical embodiment of crying like a baby and you know it

Nah dog, nothing can beat that feeling for me when a sick riff starts a song off and makes you want to take someone’s head off, and then some Cookie Monster shit gets on the mic it just amps me up in a way clean vocals can’t. It’s brutish, as it should be. Clean singing often just sounds wrong over proper dm riffs... check out bolt thrower, they are the best.

Death to falses and toutists. Kys

True, but that’s me crying about my own stuff. You are crying about what music that dude listens to.

Also shrieks>growls>pig squeals.

Neurosis are one of the few who do it the right way.

>less superior
Learn English you stupid nigger. Jesus fucking Christ.
The less human it sounds the better