/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:
Should I buy a Chinese guitar?

Previous thread:

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Walking around in Toyosato for K-On Fans

any prog bands with a focus on guitar?

Are there any 'weird tricks' to be able to visualise the fretboard and see it as logically as a piano keyboard?

Don't want to use weird tunings.

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Nearly all of them. Yes, Genesis, King Crimson etc

Does anyone else here not give the slightest shit about owning multiple expensive guitars?
I bought pic related for £120 new and I love it. Nice stained wood finish, no gaudy embellishments, just a nice looking piece of wood with hardware on it.
And I can throw it around without caring, any dinks and scratches just add to the character of it rather than "oh no the resale value of my £3000 guitar!!!!!".
I honestly prefer the raw look of this thing to the shiny, tacky looking high end les pauls that everyone gear whores over. And this isn't poor fag cope, I have enough saved up that I could buy 50 of them right now if I really wanted.

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An expensive amp is more important than the guitar. As long as the guitar is set up properly, feels good in your hands, the only thing holding it back is you

thanks for the recs never heard of obscure bands such as king crimson or genesis

all that matters is that it sounds good. gearheads will drone on and on about muh tonewood and muh toobz but if it sounds good who the fuck cares what country it was made in? there's hobbyists, enthusiasts, and musicians and it's not hard to tell who's who based on what they talk about

Now imagine that one day you go into the guitar store for stings. Something catches your eye, you try it out and it sounds beautiful. You get that feeling again and you also know that you can afford it. Some people just have enough money to do that with the expensive guitars too.

Just watched the first episode of K-On and that Yui girl has some room temperature IQ

So double yours then.

appropriate for its audience

She represents LP users perfectly


Recon the luthiers there are going to be ok?

Fox and grapes

He said he can afford 50 of them, you retarded subhuman.

ya it's called practice & repetition

yeah but the thing is these guitars actually are worse. if you play with any kind of actual quality instrument you'll notice a difference in every single aspect- a Gibson 335 will feel, play, and sound better in every way than whatever Indonesian plank you find hanging up in the pawn shop. You don't want to be a gigging adult on stage with your band fighting against a janky knurled up tuning key.

Who here Plays Authentic

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Oh hi mark

Learn the A Minor Scale.

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I've been flushing my farty kaka down the toilet my whole life and I just started sharting assy shitlogs straight onto my tele. Yesterday I played a super fast arpeggio! Is this what guitarists have been doing since the 80's?

When did farting cakey shartplops onto your guitar become the secret?

Yet he can't, which is why he made the post to begin with. Its obvious poorfag bait

Reminder that an expensive guitar is the same shit as a midtier one, invest in an amp and pedals

Any piece of equipment can be improved by farting kaka into it.

Poop in the soundhole of your acoustic, kaka into the pickup cavity of your electric, remove the back of your pedals and kaka into that, it's quite simple.

you're a fucking punk dude

Reminder that a good guitar is as good as another good guitar, go to a store and try some out

One P90 and a good tone and volume knob. Taught you that you don't need no superstrat with a floyd and three humbuckers with coilsplit and boy howdy do these old guys run circles around them flashy spandex fags. Beware of the man that has only one gun ;)


Don't need no stinking pedals when reverb's on the amp

God damn, this poorfag cope is sad. If you can't afford expensive gear, you can't. Don't try and come up with some scenario in your head. I can't afford a custom Aristides, you don't see me talking shit.

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Of course he can. Thats why he's posting a picture of a basic bitch epiphone.

You're partly right. I would definitely put more emphasis on having a really good amp over a really good guitar. A shit guitar will decent through a great amp. An expensive guitar will sound like everything else through a cheap micro cube practice amp.

>he doesn't see pedals as an extension of his own musicality
basic bitch

>it's another poorfag cope thread

Once I can play this I'm done with this place. I'll have officially made it. This is total "impress your friends who know fuck all about guitar" level.

>really regrets spent sooo much money in a fucking guitar

Where did he say he regretted anything? You're not making any sense

>It's another low impulse control consumers can't comprehend the idea that someone can afford something yet be content with what they already have thread

That's what you get for asking a dumb question

>If you can afford a top of the line product then you absolutely have to buy it
Good goy

If that's the case, why do you feel the need to tell the world? It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that you don't need nice things because you can't afford it. If you can't have it, then it must suck, and everyone must adhere to your mindset.

>he likes buying the same amp and guitar 4 times due to it being a low quality piece of shit that doesn't last
good goy

yeah maybe if you're playing a $50 shitplank made of chinesium. everything else is preference and to purport that muh gibson or muh fendies sound "better" instead of different then you're a retard with more money than neurons

>I don't know any bands but wanted to seem smart anyways
thanks for the input genius

john williams is too patrician for this shit general delete this image

Nice projection
Maybe I'm just old enough to have learnt that consumerism doesn't make you happy and I get annoyed by all the gear whoring that goes on where every guitar hobbyist seems to "need" to own 50 different guitars.
Although I should add this infects most other hobbies too.

Any guitar that isn't complete chinkshit will last you a lifetime if you take good care of it, but nice consumerfag cope

I don't advocate owning a ton of guitars since obviously you can only play 1 at a time anyway. But personally I would sooner own 2-3 nice guitars than 10 shitplanks. Same with amps, I'd much sooner own a really nice amp than multiple amps or a closet full of pedals with an average amp

>Any guitar that isn't complete chinkshit will last you a lifetime
Exactly, which was my whole point retard

This. Just seriously lol at any sucker who spends over 500 usd on an electric guitar. Acoustics are a different story.

Thanks, I'm fine without bitcrushers and granular delays

Who the fuck owns "50 different guitars"? Congratulations, you discovered that people are materialistic. Most people that play guitar only do so as a hobby. People like to spend a lot of money on their hobbies. Get the fuck over it.

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This is true and guitar is literally one of the cheapest hobbies. People spend 10s of thousands golfing and fishing and doing all kinds of other shit that can be way more expensive than guitar will ever be. Not to mention most guitar gear can be still sold off much easier as well if necessary

Why are Les Pauls so expensive? What’s so special about them?

I don't know of any actual gigging musician irl who would agree with you, besides maybe punks or noise rock people or something. A $300 Austin brand semi-hollowbody from the bargain rack is going to sound or play nowhere near as well as a 335 studio, no one I know who plays in any kind of band would prefer a rando branded pawn shop guitar over the real one. It's a weird point to keep harping on and indicates you don't have a lot of irl contact with real musicians besides maybe your friend circle.

OK fuckall with this poorfag/richfag shit.
I own both cheap and expensive guitars, here's my opinions:
_cheap guitars got increasingly better around past year 2000
_by cheap I mean guitars in the $400-$600 range new, not $150 aliexpress garbage
_the difference between a cheap guitar and an expensive one might be not huge, basic ROI law the more you spend the smaller is the improvement
_where cheap guitar usually lack is not hardware, usually it works well, but rather the electronics (cheap switches and pots, not great pickups albeit they are better than in the past)
_fixing the electronics might cost you half the cost of the whole guitar, might feel a bit stupid
_setup is also usually poor, if you're lucky you can get by spending time dialing in things right, if you're not so lucky you need to get your frets leveled
_an expensive electric guitar is absolutely not a necessity to achieve a good sound
_the most stupid shit you could do in the guitar realm is buying a $1000 "vintage" made in Japan '80s Squier. Can't think of something more retarded than that.

nothing, just boomers throwing money at them

They aren't really any more expensive than any other guitars in that price bracket. You don't have to buy a Standard to get a Les Paul made by Gibson. The Tribute models are cheap and go through the exact same build process they just don't have any binding or fancy maple top. If you actually start comparing Fender/Gibson/PRS models in the USA range they're actually all the same prices believe it or not

i don't care what your friends think because if they associate with you they're likely just as stupid as you are. past a certain pricepoint sound is preference and denying this just reveals how dumb you are. different guitars sound different and certain tones lend themselves to certain playstyles, if this is an outlandish concept to you you're probably pretty garbage at the instrument

>they aren't any more expensive than other guitars that are as expensive
I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post, you're fucking retarded lol

I know people who smoked that said 'think of all the things they could afford if they didn't smoke'. Then they quit smoking, and still no money for cool things. People don't know how to budget.

>They key to a happy life is to spend 80 hours a week working in an office so you can come home and blow $10,000 on guitars and golf gear at the weekend

>lol why is the ford fiesta so expensive
it doesn't cost much more than other similar cars
>lol retard thanks for nothing

user, are you okay? The fact that people are spending their own money on things they like shouldn't anally annihilate you like it is.

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Are you sure about that? Because here I'll lay it out for you right fucking now:

Les Paul $2000:
Strat $2000:
PRS $2000:

Strat $1500:

Les Paul $1500:

PRS $1500:

I could go on and on but this whole meme of 'Gibson is more expensive than everyone else' needs to stop.

Their manufacturer is clinging to dear life just like the 60 year olds still buying their stuff before they're all forgotten by history

Are you still so naive that you think consumerism actually makes anyone happy?
It just saddens me when I see people caught inside of it, constantly buying more and more useless shit because "I'll just buy this one last guitar and THEN I'll be happy".
Buying 10k worth of guitars doesn't make you feel happy, it just makes you want to buy another 10k worth of guitars.

You are really projecting here user.

Japs will always buy Gibson over non-authentic shitplanks though

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Saying that consumerism doesn't satisfy anything and instead just makes you want more stuff is projecting?
This isn't even an edgy opinion user, most people realise this pretty early on in life.

Nice cherry pick. You’re comparing lower end les pauls with high end fender and prs guitars. Try comparing lp standards and customs and you’ll see that the meme is real

Yes, you are projecting. I don't know what happened to you in life for you to come into a guitar general and start preaching this shit. Im sorry you suck with money and got into credit card debt.

You literally just defined cherry picking lmao. It goes both ways at every price point so the point is you can still own a Gibson made guitar without paying a fortune which everyone like to jack off about

Wow, this is just like K-On

Also the custom shop is a totally different thing and the prices vary widely.

Strat $7900:

Les Paul $7500:

So like I said everything is within the same price range and the meme isn't real. All the brands are within the same range, but you can keep dreaming otherwise

>7900 is what you need to pay to get a non poop ferro board at fender now
>7500 is not enough to get a dark fretboard at gibson, it looks like any cheap epiphone fretboard and they can't stain it for that price
Very nice

>Lee Roy Parnell
literally who

Probably knows someone that played in a grateful dead coverband. Those are the only kind of artists gibson has. That and green day and I don't think he's from green day.

I've spent a total of $3,000 between two guitars and I'm content with both of them. My mental health has improved since I started playing again, and I have no plans to buy any more in the immediate future because I have all that I need.
So tell us again how buying guitars doesn't make people happy. I'm happier than I've been in a decade.

Holy fuck your peasant ass is still going.

You've bought 2 guitars and then you stopped, you're not a consumerist

>high end fender and prs
>high end
>S2 and CE
those are essentially korean guitars assembled in the US
high end PRS is Hollowbody IIs and 594s
then you have paul's guitars and wood library guitars going for 10k+

Chappers has a wood library guitar that he bought for his son he will give it to his son when he is old enough to play it is charcoal cherrybirst

heeey tsundere-kun~ are u there?? pls play some bass for me~~


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yes, we are all subbed to andertons, user

How do you read these things? Are all the selected notes on the scale? How are those notes different from the ones lightly highlighted?

Chappers is the best on andertons second best is danish pet he plays a purple custom shop tele that is heaverly reliced third best is rabear he plays a 1973 gisbon les paul custom black beauty that he bought from norman rare guitars four best is the captain he plays a 58 gibson les paul standard in honey burst

Dark blue is the scale and follows the pattern while staying between the 5th to 8th fret.

Light blue is also the same scale but changes the pattern so you can play outside those 4 frets mentioned earlier.

All highlighted notes within the 8 note pattern of the A minor scale

its all of the notes in the key of C major/ A minor
a key is essentially a scale that a song is written around

minor scale is the aeolian mode or a scale played starting on the 6th note of a major scale

the captain is a fender boi

Ah, thank you both. That clicked everything into place for me.

Danish petes also has a 1956 gisbon les paul gold topped taht he reliced using a hairdrier
And compressed air can.pEte has his overdriver pedal called thorpy the dane it is a over driver with also a boost and it can be,give a high gain or mids gain sound,it is purple like danish petes purple tele

I'm 22 taking a two year music business/sound engineering course at the local community college. another guy the same age as me and in the same program is currently sponsored by gibson for playing dad rock covers with a singer at the school

Mick from that pedals show has a sonic blue fender strat called blue.dan from the pedal
Show has a red custom shop tele called red,


Mick and dan took blue and red guitars to a man called johnny kinkaids to
Get it refreted dan had jumbo frets but said it change the tone became more thinner tone so johnny kinkades put medium jumbo fret in,and dans blue strat had to have some wood scraped off the fretbored because truss rod was turned as far as it will go but the neck didnt go straight .

wehn danish pete went on the pedal
Show dan helped him program his quartermaster and set up his pedalboard,pete has his purple cutsom shop telecarster

>takes pedals like a champ
>plays like butter

Danish Pete and Mick are based. Dan is a soiboi. Andertons needs to bring back Guitar Paridiso so the bros can jam.

Chappers is r*ddit neckbeard incarnate. Can't stand him playing his same Dorje riffs on every video. Danish Pete bootyblasts him with tasteful licks and comps.

Practice and more practice.

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>ditched my electric bass
>started playing violin
>actually having fun
why the fuck did i waste a year on bass lmao

Um, no, sweetie. You fell for the tonewood meme. The PRS CE24 is all made in the same shop as the more expensive models except for the bridge. The tradeoffs to keep costs down include a thinner, less carved top body, bolt on neck, and scarf joint at the headstock. Same picksups and electronics. Flamed maple top, etc. Buying anything above PRS CE24 is just vanity.

I need something Pod like for home recording with headphones. What should I get?

The sad part is that zoomers don't even realize that Gibson uses based nitro finishes while these other shitplanks are all some sort of polyester or urethane gloss.

That Mick dude is such a corksniffer boomer and seems a bit autistic

Unpowered Kemper

>bell like
>fast neck
>beautiful finish
>with the maple neck giving the humbuckers just that bit of treble

Are locking trems different from non locking ones in terms of feel, or do they feel the same? What causes non locking trems to go out of tune?

Postan my American Special Tele. Been thinking about getting a used Gibson ES-335 studio at the local guitar shop. What do y'all think?

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pic related

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Yeah, really love that grimy dull shine of old nitro guitars and half the finish plastering off, disgusting.
>but it ages with me
It probably has never seen a stage outside of live footage on youtube that you play along with

Attached: nitro.jpg (1280x720, 182K)


>not E330

>Unpowered Kemper
Anything cheaper?

Get a floyd rose original and call it a day. Friction when the string moves in a non lubricated bridge can shift the string or catch it and make it out of tune.

It's a hell of a lot better than that shitplank you got.

Prove him wrong.

>he doesn’t know that nitro allows the tone wood to breathe
That’s gonna be a turbo yikes from me dawg

They're good, hard to go wrong. They're basically the same as the regular ES just without the fancy inlays and binding. Playability and sound is pretty much the same

Oh please please play some quirky little triangle lines with vibrato for us. Moog is so kawaii!!!

What's better on the 330, user?

>his wood was improperly dried so it still shifts and releases pitch so he needs nitro to let it "breathe"
Thats a mega oof buddy

Prove what wrong? Yeah, if you're low IQ and expose your instrument to extreme heat changes, it will crack. If that's the case, stick to your polyester encasement. I'll be enjoying the patrician nitro finish.

Used POD HD bean, or POD X3.

>chinese guitars are superior because of poly finish
the absolute state of gg

t. 3rd world brown """person""" without a thermostat

Yeah, I guess you should stay away from nitro if you live in a yurt.

Tone is all in the big chunky neck, kid

I think you quoted the wrong person bud. That post you quoted says none nor does it imply any of what you wrote. If thats your argument. Try harder.

It has two P90s and grant green played it

>tfw took an emergency day’s holiday from work by lying the boiler was leaking
>have sat around playing guitar and wanking
>fucking great day

I love Grant Green. If I see an es330, I'll definitely check it out.

>scheduled to work on a sunday
Do yuros really do this? Based post btw

Does a Floyd Rose Original.feel the same as a strat trem?

I opted to work weekends, I get time and a third for it.

why that shit is not patched ?

are you posting the image of your facebook marketplace sale or what ?

Its not worth it unless you are doing insane stuff with the bridge. You'll hate changing strings and setting it up. A well setup and lubricated Strat does more than enough

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How fast should you be able to play to be considered "fast"?

What do you mean, user? If your talking about the synth, it's semi-modular so you don't have to patch anything in order for it to work.

If your talking about everything being unplugged it's because I wanted an aesthetic pic for my /gg/ dudes.

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This girl has a good heart, but she is clumsy and intellectually challenged. It's a tough choice between Mio and Ritsu.

>dinky body
fender corporation should sue

yeah its semi modular but you still need to patch it to use the main attraction of that shit.

quavers at 240 bpm

How do I setup my strat trem well and lubricate it? Do you know a good video?

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No one knows what you're talking about you brit retard.

Watch the whole series youtube.com/watch?v=UgfMyJ76p4o

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Cool dinosaur sticker


Yeah, you said that last time.

Cool tits and undies.

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And I will say it again

Fender Bassocaster

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My two favorite things......chicks and giutars.......

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She looks jewish

jews are white

mm sara underwood

is this supposed to be serious or a joke? how to play 8th notes?

every single time i come to this thread you've posted a picture of your faggy little pedalboard, why the fuck do you post it every single thread? are you mentally ill?


Depends on what benefits them most at that moment

i don't get it. she's white. she looks white. she looks jewish. jews aren't white. how can she look white and jewish then?

at least he posted something other than an empty wallet or jcum's dining room


Too bad Yea Forums is full of literal hoodrats that would go into debt or spend all their cash to flash their jordans and chains to their fellow projects-dwellers and pretend to be rich.

I will say tough that I fucking hate those epi LPs and prefer the actual ones for the necks and contoured bodies. I don't give a fuck about resale either because I don't sell guitars, only amps.

>the American brain is incapable of understanding anything unless all tradition and class is stripped away and it is presented in it's most simplistic form

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That guy is a retard. A 10.min setup once a year isnt much. Floyd rose does what a strat trem can do plus more and will hold tune for much longer.
T. Has mia strat and a floyd rose guitar.

>rent free
Hows pops? Still have kaka up his ass

If you knew how to setup your Strat it works almost the same as a Floyd. You just tap the bar to reset the tuning, thats how all the pros do it. You only need a Floyd if you're doing like Steve Vai type shit, otherwise they're a meme


Cookiezi should've been a guitar virtuoso 2bh

have you seen the price tags on ESPs website? parker fly? mayones? strandberg? PRS?

gibsons are not expensive, their price is normal for guitars that aren't made in overseas factories or explicitly designed to be cheap like a telecaster. what they are is expensive for what you get. most other guitars in that price range have some gimmick. gibson just says "well, uh, heritage. this is made to 50s specs. #playauthentic" and then charges you the same amount of money as a hand crafted neck-thru or a headless strandberg with an original double locking tremolo. they also don't offer a one piece body until they cost more than a lot of other high end guitars that do. that's something. /gg/ says its justified because fender doesn't either. i don't care what fender does, fender sucks and single coil bridge pickups sound like shit.

Why does a 1 piece body even matter when 95% of the guitar bodies are 2 or 3 piece? A neck thru is minimum 2 piece, basically every Fender is 2-3 piece. It makes more structural sense to use a 2 piece especially if the top is 2 pieces which I suspect is why Gibson/PRS moved to that and the only reason someone would want a 1 piece is just for the absolute tradition of a true 50s re-issue. Anyway you're right though, to me all this shit doesn't matter as much if you still like the guitar at whatever price you decide to pay

>the american doesn't use as much terminology derived from italian because italians are assholes


Nah they go out of tune more often than hardtails and the older the strings the worst they get

Got bad news for you (but I'm pretty sure you know already)

I just did this with my ukelele and made it a dook-elele

The good old days of Guitar World

Because using multiple pieces for the body or back in the case of a top is a cost cutting measure typical of low end guitars and if you get that on an expensive guitar it feels like being ripped. I give gibson $2000, unbox my LP, and well, what do we have here. You look at the grain on the back and there's a big fat seam. So what the fuck did you just pay for? Didn't a lot of the cost come from selecting a rare quality piece of wood large enough to be used for a guitar body? Because an LP sure as hell doesn't play that much nicer and they're machine made and hand finished by black wimmen, and then ran through another machine for the fretwork so gibson doesn't have to hire luthiers.

Where does the price come from?

>uh, authenticity? it's a gibson dude! slash played one!

Strandberg is made in korea or indonesia isn't it? Good goy buying a headless chinkplank for $3000.

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Plek machine is based.
>b-but I don't like precision measurements of every single aspect of my fretboard!!!
>i'd m-m-much rather have a 60 year old luthier with bad eyesight and arthritis dick around with my frets!!
That's you.

So what about if PRS or Fender does it? Do you feel insulted with that too if you paid $2000? Some LPs are still 1 piece but its rare, pic related is a 2019

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do you guys think he posts here?

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Yeah, i would actually.

They sell a headless gimmick with an asymmetrical neck profile and a body with even more ergonomic cutouts. Their value comes from few other guitars being like those.

Everyone makes a les paul and many of them are better than gibson's. Gibson doesn't sell a gimmick, they don't sell raw quality. They sell the right to say you own a guitar from the same brand some boomer role model preferred.

I have mine setup to act like a floyd. Have to dip the bar down to go back in tune is not necessary with a floyd.
Floyd>strat trem.
Let it go dude.

PRS uses one piece backs and if anyone has an example of a 2-piece PRS back paul is in for a roasting

>uh, it has, uh, TOAN GLUE

Why is my acoustic making these harsh high mids on the high strings?

To be frank, you'd have to be retarded in the first place in order to buy a guitar that has the grain visible instead of a nice solid color finish

That wasn't hard to find

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He's the kakaposter

Yeah but what's the point of having a good les paul if every time you mention it /gg/ will say you don't own a les paul simply because it doesnt have a Gibson brand logo

Why? Whats wrong with liking a certain aesthetic? I don't see how that makes someone a retard

>He doesn't have different tonewoods for the bass and treble strings with harmonic resonance managed by toneglue

No but really post the headstock

Why don't you take up pops spot and die?

solid color guitars look like toys.

It's not an SE

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What are you, Christ?

I bet you retards dont even know why hide glue is used in nice guitars with set necks.

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I really hope Sammy stops shoving frozen kaka up his dad's ass


Flame maple and burst look like toys

Stupid ass.

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Let me guess... To glue the neck?

Tradition. There's much easier to work with products out there today that are just as good. Not saying hide glue sucks, because it doesn't. Just that it's difficult.

It's a Korina McCarty then. Looks like everyone knows they used two piece bodies on these models.

And boomers still ate it up.

PRS justified it by saying the trees were skinny.

Kek, worth the money.

You're both correct. Natural finish is the only good one.

He has an addiction and theres no end in sight.

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>PRS uses one piece backs and if anyone has an example of a 2-piece PRS back paul is in for a roasting

I don't even care what they use to build these things

I really hope Samuel's dad reincarnate as a kaka worm and lives inside Sammy's colon

>he doesn't own a 3 piece British made $4000 Rob Chapman custom shop
What the fuck is your excuse, seriously? Don't be one of those fags

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I need to take care of my dying dad

Figured maple looks stupid on anything but a superstrat. On a superstrat it's just what you expect from flashy metal/jazz fusion shredder guitars.

Yeah, he's officially a hack now.

>why couldn't you guarantee high quality wood on every guitar? isn't this a premium brand?
>t-the trees were skinny

Never pay more than about $1000 for a guitar with more than one piece of wood for the back. The price is coming out of the luthier's ass.

I hate his stupid fucking middle age ruddy fase.

Yeah Sam, like that's the only excuse why you can't afford one, I bet you wouldn't be able to afford it even if you sold your dying dad's organs

>The Brit thinks that using abstract, archaic terminology makes him appear more intelligent and sophisticated

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Is this the best EQ pedal?

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thats not me. i dont need a gay chapman meme guitar, i have a condor les paul

You couldn't afford anything better than a condor unless you saved for 20 years

Its used because you can unadhere it with steam. Makes it easier to replace necks if the headstock happens to break.
The more you know

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That's not a les paul
It's a Brazilian kakaplank shaped like a les paul

>Americans in charge of understanding tradition and class

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a gibson traditional is 9 brazilian minimum wages

Thanks for helping us!!!!

it makes you wonder why multi-piece neck thrus aren't cheaper

>don't have to find one long, wide, flawless piece of wood for the neck
>can take a bunch of thin strips without flaws from otherwise flawed pieces of wood that could never be used for a one piece neck, let alone a quartersawn one, and glue them together
>cut two pieces of wood for the body, again don't have to find a rare plank that has a flawless area large enough to use for a whole guitar body
>glue them to the sides of your new neck
>guitar is basically hardwood plywood
>"ESP NT-II 5.0 turbo metal, with just EMG 81 pickup in bridge, that wirr be $3000"

all that means is acting so that the poor and rich are culturally different

very unamerican

Next-level coping.

Lake Placid Blue or Red

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>So I can save up for it in 9 months no biggie.
>Because I can save exsctly a wage, a month
>I don't need food or services or anything like that
>No biggie I can save for it in 9 months, its just that I don't want to, I prefer my shitplank
No wonder you're at the bottom of the earning scale, literally zero thinking ability

Blue if I didn't have any other choice

tough call but I'm gonna go with blue

Oh, as if i havent done that before. If i dont buy burgers and snacks every day my wage gets through the end of the month pretty much intact. My acoustic guitar costed one entire wage and i bought it in one sight, no credit card. So my computer, which costed 2k brl and my wage is 918

lake placid blue has mellower, smoother highs and slightly scooped mids.

red is a more divisive tone color with tight bass, strong mids and piercing highs that cut through the mix. ideal for solos but terrible for rhythm guitar.

Was thinking white too but it just looks like a big tooth

Nice coping

See guys? The guy with a black strat and a hybrid marshall amp is a nice guy and likes to help us.

Also the tone neck plates make a big impact on sound

Just don't get a black one. You'll look like a mexican kid that only wears vans and loves pop punk.

don't forget the tone-bridge


Get yourself a good contoured superstrat or a les paul and you'll never go back to plank guitars.

Contoured body, flatter neck = peak guitar. superstrats, despite their name, actually have more in common with gibsons
>arched tops
>often set neck
>flatter, wider fretboards
>mahogany is a common tonewood
>two humbuckers is the standard configuration
>tune-o-matic bridges are also stupid common, albeit without tailpieces
So they're more like strat-pauls

Flat body, rounded neck = leo never could admit that he was recycling baseball bats and barn doors with the first run of telecasters.

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Don't forget lace sensors for peak performance.

Tilted headstocks too

The superstrat industry was paid off by gibson to convert strat players into LP players

I have been using a 15w tube amp as a practice/rehearsal tool. In a live context, should I hook a mic on it or take the DI box route?

Yeah, fuck off Sammy
Go blow up a fuse on that meteoro or sth

is there a difference between yelling and screaming?

15w is loud enough for modern guitar players.

Higher wattages were so the back row could hear you in old stadiums before the advent of decent PA systems. These days they're just for clean headroom, which you don't need again because you don't have to turn it up that loud.

>playing electric guitar below 110db

get an acoustic

how do I learn to play without looking at the fretboard?

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You can rub kaka on the fretboard

lol retard i dont have questions about where to plug my guitar live, and the meteoro is a bass amp

literally git good
practice makes perfect


>Calls me a retard
>Admits to earning minimum wage
>Admits to spending said wage on a shitty computer and a crap acoustic instead of investing it so he can actually get out of the shit hole he's in
Why even live when you're a faggot like this?

lol thanks for giving me the real talk bro!

I think of yelling as being cleaner and dryer and screaming as having more wetness and gristle to the timbre. That's just the personal vibe I get from those words.

Mics are boomer tech

Run it into a loadbox

this is good youtu.be/qHM57oXJFqw

is this yelling or screaming instaud.io/3WHK

I like to look at scale charts like this one while I play, so you are still visualizing the notes and the fretboard, but you're not looking at it directly. Also adopt a logical fingering approach with the foundation of "one finger per fret" on a span of 4 adjacent frets. Figure out which fingers are comfortable for you to use in wider stretches, and try to adhere to those choices.

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This. If 10w doesn't cut it, you need more efficient speakers and a cab that isn't made of chinkboard.

>Fuck you mum and dad I can play as loud as I want now!!!!
Being an angsty teen and playing at a tinnitus inducing volume doesn't make your music any better user.

This is screaming, btw:


Just practice, eventually its like typing on a keyboard or anything else

I'm looking to get better at singing and playing guitar simultaneously. Anyone have any song recs to start with?

I can play guitar well enough, its just holding down the rhythm while singing that is giving me trouble

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2,000 man
punk songs

Get a better amp

this is a serious question and they won't answer me on reddit.com.. how much kaka is too much? like sometimes it snakes around the farty toilet, do i chop a bit off the end and manually apply it to my guitar or shart it straight from my asshole onto the fretboard? I don't want to get it wrong.

Mic is commonly used unless the room has a really good PA system (most do, but not all). So it just depends really, neither option is always the right way as it totally depends on other circumstances

The intro to "A Tout Le Monde" is probably good for practicing singing and playing simultaneously. It's a little tricky but not TOO difficult.

>giving even 1 shekel to this r*ddit-tier soimale
He's dead to me since he lost his unironic dreads

Grrrreeetings incels
*high gain blues shred*

you're just jealous man, you gotta one of those 3 piece Chapman Specials. Embrace the authentic British Chappers tone and play the same scale every day

*makes snarky quip that only he laughs at while making a soiboi gaping mouth face while Lee continues that video introduction*

I just started watching K On today to get the true /gg/ experience and I'm already on episode 9 while practicing my arpeggios

Have you actually played actual band-based gigs in actual venues?

>shoots comparison video
>noodle aimlessly with half the guitars in E standard
>picks up anything made by WMI
>gives neck a few squeezes; thats a nice neck
>tunes to drop D and does main riff for Catalyst
>yeah it's way different

n00b here, trying to transpose this easy tune
but even when slowed down big time I haven't got a clue how the trill after the E D# B in the intro is supposed to go. Anyone willing to help?

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Yeah. I hand the FOH the cabclone output from my Boogie.


So, the tinny, tiny sound of a quiet 15w amp was just amplified to be a lout tinny, tiny sound?

Where do independent music teachers tend to advertise? I've been watching craigslist for a couple months now and haven't seen even one.

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Why is it that every single thread Samuel appears on goes to shit?

What about when you rehearse as a band? Do you tell everyone else to play really quietly so they don't instantaneously drown you out?

Because faggots like you insist on mentioning him or even replying to him

post reddit thread where you asked that

>he doesn't understand headroom
>he doesn't understand logarithmic scale

Also, you poorfags need to invest in more efficient speakers and cabs that are not made out of chinkboard.

Everybody has in-ears because we're not a pre-teen garage band of poorfags.

Really dig the clay inlays on the blue

You guys have any guitar recommendations for a complete beginner?

Squier bullet astrat.

Pacifica 120H

post god tier pedals
>inb4 shitstorm
fuck off it's a great pedal currently my overdrive

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let him learn how to set up a trem while he's still with a cheap guitar.

whatever you can afford lol there aren't guitars easier to play than others you can start with a $200 one and an $8000 one what fucking difference does it make


>not cranking everything and sticking your ear to the guitar speaker
go to the grandpa thread

>classical guitar in the OP
i'm pretty sure i'm the only person here owning a classical guitar

a lot of practice

>>he doesn't understand headroom
Non sequitur
>he doesn't understand logarithmic scale
Non sequitur

>Also, you poorfags
Fairly certain the net value of my gear is more than yours, but you didn't really address my questions

>has in-ears
>but plays through 15w amps

>surely, I, must be the only one to be in possession of an ubiquitous and convenient instrument with a wide repertoire of fun and challenging pieces written for it

>Non sequitur
>Non sequitur
Yeah, as I said, you don't understand those concepts. If you did, you'd know how they apply to the issue at hand. I hope you didn't pay a lot for whatever chinkboard cabs you have.


no, i'm not the only one, just probably the only one here because all you ever see here are e-guitars.

Guys, quick question: can somebody explain to me the relationship between loudness of an amp in dB and output of amp in Watts? My homework is due by monday morning. thx

>you don't understand those concepts
Explain it.

I predict you won't, because it's not an actual valid argument

Other people are interested in doing more than just playing covers I guess.

I have a Ramirez E1 puto
I don't play it however because I don't want to grow those nasty nails

Oh, that's easy.

If you compare the maximum volume of a 50-watt amplifier with a 100-watt amplifier, the difference is only 3 dB, barely greater than the ability of the human ear to hear the difference. It would take an amplifier with 10 times more power (500 watts!) to be perceived as being twice as loud—a 10 dB increase.

I just play renaissance pieces on a clean electric

you have to double the power to just gain 3dB.
A 100w amp is 6dB louder than a 25w.

Hällas, Wishbone Ash
not 100% prog but might interest you

my nigga
Nothing like popping some bwv1009 during warmups

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You wanna do this for fiverr?

if someone needs it sure

Is this guy a known instructor in brazil? Looks like he corrects their counting

I think you mean "transcribe."

How do I make my Capo stop sounding like shit anywhere near the first frets

It doesnt grab some strings

It is the most bland color unless it's all black

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I do yeah. I am sorry for my mistake.

wdym they're dominican niggers

Same shit as a brazilian.

>murican geography

I dont hear a trill in there, can you timestamp which notes you want transcibed?

The ones after the first three. 0:05/0:06. Between the B and the C# D# C# D# C# run

What about tortoise shell pickguards?

Its the same note (B) but just played two more times rapidly.

eh all black looks way better

Attached: fernandes-the-revival-black-70s-strat-copy.jpg (800x1254, 278K)

fuck off with your anime song bullshit already

gonna say it's not anime music again?

Depends on size of venue and the quality of PA

I'm hearing three notes in rapid succession after the B. Would the third one after the two Bs be G#? As in "E D# B B B G# G# B C# D# C# D# C#" if going from the start?

So Yui's gibson is vintage apparently. 250.000 yen seems pretty cheap for that.

Just buy any epiphone or squier you like the look of. None of the differences between them will matter to a beginner, the hardest challenge you're going to have as a beginner is getting through the early stages without quitting, so pick a guitar that is going to make you want to pick up and play it whenever you see it.

E D# B B B G# B C# D# C# D# C#

So you pretty much got it except theres no second G#

Also I went with a les paul because I love the look of them but if you're feel completely indifferent between a les paul and strat then get a strat because they're supposed to be more comfortable / ergonomic to play.

>no second G#
That movement feels awkward for me without a note in there. Guess I gotta work on the rhythm.

Hmm... really makes me think...

I did lots of research before buying my first and had a pretty good idea of what I wanted based on internet opinions etc but all of it went out the window once I sat down with them at the local store. For whatever reason I couldnt jive with the LTD's or RG's but as soon as I picked up a reassuringly weighty mexi Strat and sat down with it I knew it was the one for me right away.

I'm sure there's a guitar waiting for you out there aswell user

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rate bass singing instaud.io/3WLY

new thread, come here new thread, come here new thread, come here new thread, come here new thread, come here