Yes i do love Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada, how did you know?

>Yes i do love Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada, how did you know?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus christ wtf

>Yes i do love Morrissey and Moon Man, how did you know?

Attached: lobsterbois.jpg (880x587, 120K)

die in a fire immediately

>tfw you're racist but hate the smiths
truly suffering

based barneytist

Attached: 1536396342393.jpg (546x1080, 63K)

>lefty/pol/ fag can't think of anything past this pathetic "meme"


"Favourite artists? Gotta go for Squarepusher, Aphex, BoC, Sd Laika, Autechre and Brian Eno."

Attached: peak_male_performance.jpg (1504x1119, 181K)

Wait is Aphex bad or something

lurk moar, newfaggot

Me on the left.


Attached: shagjmall.jpg (640x626, 125K)

user NO!

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you didn't answer the question

>leftyfags can't meme
colour me surprised

i feel genuine sympathy for that guy
imagine being a loving accepting father and you raise a son and they turn out to be trans and you don't really understand but you want to love your child anyways. that shit must be difficult to cope with

all he had to do was turn off the internet and his kid wouldn't have turned out an abomination.

it’s his responsibility to raise his kids properly

Attached: tfw your daughter has a penis.png (824x821, 726K)

im assuming yours was an absentee in that case

why because i’m not an abomination like OP’s thing

I can hear you REEEEing from here, user.

Attached: midsommarr.png (498x262, 298K)

This, can't handle kids? Don't have them, simple

no because you're stupid
trannies are mentally ill

nah theyd probably transition in later life and be more of an abomination

he should love her unconditionally like a loving accepting father would

tran bad am i cool now?

not likely. this recent surge in trannies is a modern phenomenon resulting from young boys being exposed to internet pornography early in their development years and becoming fucked in the head as a result

>i feel genuine sympathy for that guy
>virtue-signaling on Yea Forums
You election tourists destroyed Yea Forums with your off-topic bullshit

personally I'd take him to a shrink and have him straightened out. encouraging gender dysphoria is hardly caring at all



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a statement without a shred of evidence

i don't even know what you're trying to say but I'm assuming you're a tranny. seek help brother

explain how gender dysphoria isn't bad

>hurr i misgender people because i'm edgy hurr

jesus christ coasties are weird

it's a working theory. unfortunately due to being a very recent phenomenon with the advent of the internet there's little study done on the effects of omnipresent internet pornography on either the developed or developing mind

Hope you have a funeral fund unless you want your family in debt

Attached: 1562629573445.png (738x669, 186K)

it’s gross to pretend op is a female

>REMINDER: 15 weeks left until you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.
>Wait, nevermind, it looks like China is going through with leaking the rest of the last season early.
>That means you only have 27 days left until your demise.
>And even if you're planning on toughing it out until October, good luck on trying to navigate the Internet without coming across any spoilers between then and when the finale is SUPPOSED to air.
>Tick tock, your time is getting short.

Attached: 1517002668529.png (817x798, 92K)

It's not because i'm edgy it's biologically incorrect to gender this male as a female.

it's good because as long as it exists I can make fun of them

wearing a wig and girl's clothes doesn't make you a female

smell my feet

Mormonism is a shit religion and your theory is shit.

fuck off nigger, the meme doesn't make any sense just like any other "meme" on this atrocious board, you are all fags.

>Mormonism is a shit religion
nice projection fag, no one mentioned your - oops I mean your daddy's religion

Tranies are the ones that misgender themselves.

it makes me happy how miserable tranny faggots are lol. kill yourself like the rest of em.

Based bloatlord

Why are you asking kids this instead of figuring it out yourself?

is there a chart for actual deaths by suicide or only attempts

MODS ban the fucking /pol/ retards already ffs

Ya seethin?

are ya?

Ya boilin

Go back to retards

>anyone who sees through the delusion of trannies is /pol/


are ya?

>u-u mad
oh, you're retarded too

Ya fumin


O: trannies good now

>it's edgy to accept biological reality

not based
based o_o

this is a Yea Forumssic board friend, and also a 18+ website

Attached: 1562446628141.jpg (738x720, 75K)

my bad, I didn't know Yea Forums was full of biologists

Today I'll remind them.
Funny thing - besides Americanised English, I am not aware of any other language in the entire world that differentiates the neo sociopolitical concept of "gender" and what you deranged faggots now refer to as "sex". Funny how that works innit?

Attached: trannies.jpg (1024x482, 73K)

>its a music board so you cant talk about anything else!!!

plenty of adults who are smart enough to see through trannies. normal people make fun of you freaks when you aren't around lol.

Mormonism is a shit religion. They're scrambling to keep their image together as the internet tears open it's virgin asshole.


mormonism is epic cuz they oppress fags and trannies and send those disgusting freaks to live on the streets

hilarious meme user, trans people bad

all trannies are incels

>moooooodssss please ban this thread that i don't like

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>hey mike how's been your family going?
>your so.. mean daughter really growing up
>does he.. sorry her like any sports? football? volleyball? ballet?

wtf i love late stage judeo America.

Attached: zoomer sex ed.jpg (1600x1066, 312K)

what is going on outside my room


this is quintessentially swedish

i wish i got shown real live titties in sex ed class i woulda finna bust a fat one
>that kid's face on the right

those tiddies are the type to completely turn you off women so in a way this might be an effective method for sex education

kkkindness kkkindness kkkindness

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you know what, you sneedfriends are alright

What are better alternatives to Boc, Aphex, Autechre, Squarepusher?

based gay nasa kid

Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Rory Gallagher.

boomer women are fucking disgusting
closest thing to evil on earth

this is why cishet men suck lmao. im glad im a queer woman and dont listen to shitty cis straight man music lmao

Glad to see you're not based and just mentally ill

imagine being black and calling yourself a jigaboo

That's like saying depressed people are bad, or people with eating disorders are bad.
Seriously, what's wrong with you? They can't help it... they need our help, not our criticism. Serious psychological help, and certainly not surgery or laws that enable and perpetuate their illness.

This is true, but they don't deserve respect for having an illness, just casual support

Attached: e0c059a.jpg (1242x1842, 157K)

>I'm Jesus Christ
Into the loony bin you go
>I'm Napoleon
Of course you are sir, now take this pill
>I'm actually a man, but you need to call me a woman
Yes, of course. How wrong of us to say anything else. How about we cut of your junk, and make you a frankengina, dress you in women's clothing, and make it illegal to point out you are mentally ill.

TFW: denying affirmative intercourse to incels in dresses


Boys, dinner's ready! I made macaroni, your favorite! Come down here and stop arguing, or I'm taking the Xbox away!

>I'm Jesus Christ
>I'm Napoleon
These are delusions of grandeur. Unless a delusion lowers ones quality of life or doesn't allow them to function in society then they are treated. You're such a fucking armchair pyschologist. I hate people like you who don't allow nuance such as...most gender dysphoria patients recognize they not biologically the other sex but merely feel it. After all cognitive therapies are attempted the psychologist may or may not diagnosis them. If a diagnosis is reached transition is not always recommended unless a team of psychologists consult and decide on it. Why are you smarter than people who dedicate their lives to imperical evidence and studies that withstand peer review??

irony pro

she's cute


These guys are so fucking seething

>3.6 roentgens

How retarded do you have to believe that there's someone collecting research about an incel suicide rate or that that would be even possible to measure?

>most gender dysphoria patients recognize they not biologically the other sex but merely feel it
That's the word, that's the one that destroys it for me. I don't care what someone thinks they are - Jesus or a woman. I simply don't care... good luck to you and yours.
But make me a party to a delusion, force me by law and social peer pressure to conform to something that is clearly scientifically, morally, psychologically, grammatically, and by all forms of obvious evidence, wrong, and I have a huge fucking problem with it.
It's a mental illness that needs treatment. Not surgery and laws.

>Why are you smarter than people who dedicate their lives to imperical evidence and studies that withstand peer review??
I'm not necessarily, but I am 'empirically' smarter than you. And I don't use multiple question marks to make a point. Or use words I don't understand.

Cancer thred, stop bumping shit threds like this. Anyone that doesn't sage is just as faggy as OP is.

no we gotta talk about tranny penis and a hundred gecks some more it's like really important dude we gotta do it and affirm our position repeatedly even if it shits the board up

So then you negate the existence of phantom pains and other somatic syndromes because you believe that humans can't create neural pathways for inexistent limbs? You don't wanna believe it because you're an inherently bigoted person, that's fine but realize this: it exists and you're choosing to ignore it because you find it unusual.

Also you're a fucking moron because you just made the arguement that I don't understand the word but since my intended meaning was obvious you deflected an entire argument. You admit you understand what I just said but cannot refute it so emphasize a grammatic error, you pretentious pedant

i will murder you, tranny

Psychologist here, transgenders do not have phantom pain syndrome or anything similar to it, that is all

the hair

>phantom pain for a body part they never had
that's not how that works buddy

That's not my point at all. My point is just because it's not a visable or quantifiable disorder doesnt mean it isn't a legitimate diagnosis

you know what dude my boot is about to exist in your face if you don't shut the fuck up and drop it
go get caremad about twans wights on reddit, this is a music discussion board not a medical forum

>bumps a non music thread

ain't me dude blame the other assholes in here

rude mean...

jesus christ how edgy! we got an internet tough guy!
stop hating on people silly


There is no better alternative to Autechre, retard

Imagine caring this much what people think on an anonymous site

>Also you're a fucking moron because you just made the arguement that I don't understand the word but since my intended meaning was obvious you deflected an entire argument. You admit you understand what I just said but cannot refute it so emphasize a grammatic error, you pretentious pedant

No, I think you'll find that I addressed your actual 'argument' perfectly well, and refuted it with ease.
However, I pointed out your "grammatic" (sic) error in order to point out that I am 'imperically' smarter than you.
You say "pretentious pedant", I say "able to write and understand English, and use a spell checker"... lets call the whole thing off.

you do kind of sound pretentious...

i meant in the same genre


Nah, no pretence, just smart. And can't stand the whole trans-apologist, anti-science idiots. Man, fuck the pseudo-science of the Left... lets go get some ear candles and my chakras realigned.
Meanwhile, in Yea Forums town, I'm listening to OM - Pilgrimage, what is everyone else listening to?


I don't mean to nitpick, but your argument seems to be "I'm extremely smart", yet you've missed a couple of apostrophes... "lets"

lurk more bitch
these faggors rlly cant just lurk...

Try harder, portuguese has the words "género" and "sexo", so im guessing Spanish and Italian do too.

Good catch
Not extremely smart, just smarter than chuckles.

Plus transgenderism is not "anti-science", nor "pseudo-science", just something you clearly have a problem with. This doesn't give you the right to be callous and rude to people who are different to you.
And, I'm listening to Creedence.

Transgenders who actually believe their birth-given gender was wrong are anti-science, those who believe it's a mental illness that science will eventually find a cure for that doesn't involve sewing up your vagina/chopping your cock off and getting septic shock, are those who I have no qualms with

I repeat, I don't care about people's thoughts about themselves... just don't pretend it has a basis in science, nor ask me to pretend that it 'real' in any objective or quantifiable way. Pro-tip... "I feel like a woman" is not quantifiable.

And I would certainly never be rude or callous about the mentally ill. They need our help, not our stigmatization. Help, not hate.

No you seem pretentious. You're quite literally arguing with a dude about his grammar without looking at his argument. That seems...uh...really pompous

it's ideology

why the fuck are we encouraging the mentally ill? we should tell them to live in the real world, go to therapy or be sent to the mad house

oof yikers someone sounds like a trumpling lmao yiiikkes

federal government and state governments couldn't support the asylum system which was poorly managed and abusive to begin with
there is no madhouse to be sent to

i'm actually a communist

You see, you misunderstand. Transgenderism isn't a mental illness - Gender dysphoria is, and the cure is transitioning.

ooooooooooffffff yikesssss like thats still authoritarian lmao sheeeesh nice one pops

I'm pompous now? Interesting.
No, I am addressing the dude's arguments. I disagree with him, and am refuting his poorly made points. I'm using his lack of good grammar as a way of showing his lack of education or understanding beyond "muh feels", "muh diversity", and "muh hate of the nazis".

>and the cure is transitioning
do you have decades of medical testing and research to back up this claim?

...And your best argument is a strawman?

>not a mental illness

My great hairy tits it's not.

i can't wait until the world is filled with millions of grotesque, mentally ill men and women running around with their dicks/tits lopped off, pretending to be something they're quite clearly not

The WHO no longer defines it as a mental illness.

what do you mean there's a couple aphex albums on the essentials list. I don't even like SAW8592 but I'm still under the impression that the general consensus is that yeah, AFX good

Just that whatever a person believes they are, particularly through mental illness, I shouldn't be forced by law to go along with.
A man, born a man, will die a man, no matter what they have cut off, what colour dress they wear, which pronouns they use, or whatever laws they pass to force us to 'believe' it.
That's my argument.
Transgenderism - a person of one sex or gender, believing they are the other (there are only two, leaving aside physiological syndromes) is a mental illness. And they need help.

This is your opinion, and it doesn't look like it'll change. But you could show basic human respect to others, regardless of how you view their choices.

Dude, you didn't actually address anything. You're still talking about grammar. You seem to be a douche that doesn't really understand how to discuss...hopefully that's not too few syllables for ya pal

who cares

Exactly, the WHO cares

these guys all look like normal people mate

Whoa great argument
lol'd. nice one

There are medicinal treatments for it, it is an illness

all trannies will spend eternity in hell

who is ran by pedophiles

there are treatments for dysphoria.
Anyway, in the 50's people thought they could "treat" being gay. Didn't make it an illness.

Yes, transitioning.

No, it's just one fag shitposting aphex hate

God isn't real, nor is hell

You still feel like a woman/man after you transition into being one, that's not a cure, that's a placebo

(treatments for dysphoria, i.e., transitioning)

lol still going to hell, tranny


I'm not transgender myself. Anyway, go read your sky man storybooks lmao

Cringe, imagine being so single-minded to believe nothing outside the corporeal realm exists, but so delusional to believe you aren't your biological gender and that you don't have a mental illness telling you you are


it has exactly as much evidence as your assertion that they'd just end up transitioning later anyway you dumb fucking retard

sick burn man christcuck BTFO
btw have you checked out the new richard dawkins book? i heard it's fucking epic, same with the latest sam harris podcast
godspeed or should i say sciencespeed haha

this and it being pushed as "cool" by the jewish owned media

Yep, just as expected from a brainwashed sheep of god

Attached: slayer.png (500x522, 131K)

my psychiatrist listens to sam Harris and told me to listen. She was the same prescriber for my transition lol

conspiracy theory nonsense

Every transgender to ever exist, period, you feel the exact same way about who/what you are after you have a sex change, you feel like a woman when you are a biological male, you go through a sex change, you still feel like a woman, ect.
That's a placebo, not a cure, I hope trannies will find an actual permanent cure in the future

that's p cool user
love a bit of sammy h

what do you mean man i'm an enlightened atheist just like you? science fucking rules, those christcucks are so out of touch it makes me sick lmao why dont they go diddle some more children xD btw epic pic man i added it to my "christpwned" folder, if you don't mind of course

sorry, meant this for

Only a deaf or retarded person would ask this, which one are you?

that's not proof or a source

That's not an argument, prove me wrong

the two of you should have committed group suicide at that very moment
nothing of value would have been lost

what is this post supposed to mean?
was definitely meant for

"prove me wrong"
burden of proof
do you get your kicks from being incredibly rude to people on the Internet?

does anyone know any cool trans guitar songs I can sing with friends

i'm deaf but i can still feel aphex's music violating my soul when i put it on

sorry, meant to reply to


yes, actually i do
i get my kicks from imagining a mentally ill person having a mental breakdown as a result of something i said in passing on an anonymous online imageboard
feels great to know i made some retarded faggot question their pathetic existence

Ok, so only retards have to ask then.

You still aren't saying anything, ignoring me doesn't make you right, nor does it change my feelings,

That's pretty horrible. I hope you find it within yourself to be more kind and polite in the future.

last resort - papa roach

what do you want me to say lmao
you have no arguments and no proof for anything you've said

Tim Heidecker - I Am A Cuck


the amount of seething trannys in this thread is palatable

also rude

You have no proof that sex reassignment surgery isn't a placebo, and that big ol' 41% doesn't go down after the surgery, give an actual answer

we're reaching maximum tranny saturation

The percentage of trans people who commit suicide after having treatment and mental help is much, much lower than you are simply wrong.
And I don't have to prove it isn't a placebo. You have to prove it is. Burden of proof, sucker.

Attached: 1558205105667.webm (400x490, 1.75M)

>feel like a woman
>identify as a woman publicly
>physically alter your body to appear as a woman
>well that's just a placebo because ya just can't change chromosomes

while you're not wrong that chromosomally, biologically yes these folks are still male, the distress they feel in not being able to physically appear as, and publicly be viewed as, a female, is greatly reduced. it's not a "cure" but it is a treatment

>Is more concerned with attacking my argument than finding proof of their own claims
You're a funny, silly fella aren't you? I know how to have an argument and I'll give you a fallacy as well, try this on for size

Attached: 32f.jpg (251x242, 10K)

the cure is receiving the necessary love and care to get rid of the dysphoria

I haven't made any claims! I believe you are arguing with 2 people, believing them to be one.

thanks user

Will you give it to them?

I'm not the same user, but I will

Prove it.

what? prove love? what?

if they're my friend I'll try my best. some people have shitty lives that I can't reach though. it's sad that they feel like mutilating themselves is the only way to feel better but at least it marks them as unstable for me and I can easily avoid them.

Transgender conversion therapy also exists, having far better results at eliminating the source of the problem, rather than just using a placebo, changing nothing and in the long run, harming and ostracizing a person further
Love doesn't cure cancer I'm afraid, same rules apply here
>The percentage of trans people who commit suicide after having treatment and mental help is much, much lower than otherwise
That is a claim, prove it, and if you really are two people, one of them has to prove that claim.

Same user as This is my stance on it as well

>if they're my friend
By this logic, then it shouldn't matter how trans people get treated if they aren't your friend.

So you should stop worrying about it.

I can't instantly find evidence to back this up, but I have found evidence stating that bullying/harassment greatly increases suicide risk. So show basic respect to people regardless of their choices, which is all I was saying.

most of time trannies don't have a functional family or they themselves are severely autistic and thus unfunctional. both lead to a lack of love, the first cause leads to a lack of familial love, the second to the lack of romantic love. it can really fuck you up as most know. when this lacking becomes too great, many people go batshit (understandably) while others go mildly crazy and try to self-harm and/or reinvent themselves as "cool" to attract that love that they so dearly need. just so happens that trannies are the new "in" thing just as being gay was less than 7 years ago. so with one unhealthy outlet, the emotionally vulnerable individual scratches two itches and sets themselves up for pain, dismemberment, dissociation and a statistically earlier death. obviously, if an individual is already a tranny or seriously thinking about becoming one, love will be less effective, but it still might save some unlikely souls while preventing many cases from progressing that far.

you misunderstand several things

>they themselves are severely autistic and thus unfunctional
Are you talking about most people on Yea Forums?

It does matter though, if the world is filled with cancer ridden people with a 41% rate of killing the person, and society deems it normal to cope with it rather than finding a better cure, you can see what the problem is
I treat trans people the same I'd treat anyone with an illness that isn't a friend of mine, with as much respect and care as necessary, and I leave them alone to be treated by a professional, every human being deserves to be respected and transgenders are no different, that being said, bullying is not a scientifically calculable thing, and the point still stands that transgender conversion therapy does nothing to aid the health of a transgender person, in fact it makes things worse for the person because they are visually identifiable as transgender and bigoted/misinformed people will target them

show me one non-autistic tranny

>It does matter though
No, not fi you are willing to put your oney where your mouth is.

Otherwise you are like those conservative idiots who are pro-life and want to prevent fetus deaths, but refuse to help starving/abused children who already exist

Either love ALL trans people, even those you don't know, or just shut the fuck up

>I treat trans people the same I'd treat anyone with an illness
Oh are you a therapist? A doctor maybe?

Transgenders and the LGBTQ community in general love themselves and each other, yet do not support in cognitive research for a cure rather than trans pride parades, gender dysphoria is an illness that has a high rate of death and should not be normalized as it is now

you ok man?

>oney where my mouth is
How exactly would I put my money where my mouth is? I am accepting of trans people as people and I have friends who I am very close to who are LGBT, I just think the way they treat themselves is unhealthy and they're in the wrong mindset
I meant behave in a certain way towards someone rather than a medical professional treating someone, however I am studying for psychotherapy and I intend to get a masters degree in it, I'm not nearly there yet but I fully intend to help trans people to be treated the same as everyone else, and have a normal life expectancy as well

there was one working at the subway off Abbot St but spics chased it out. apparently they had been gluing broken glass under the door handles of its car before it just moved away. Stories like this make me feel so confused.

lol, note the lack of replies

fucking based

agreed. the lgbtq community provides the surrogate familial love that I was talking about

Hey you fucking music board faggots, your boy just cashed in a quarter bitcoin to pay for another night of Thai ladyboys – the good kind. Oh, you think neoChina is for the likes of you? Come on pal, how many times have you read Fanged Noumena? Once? Twice? That book is for faggots you fucking faggots read Eugen Böhm Ritter von Bawerk and Moldbugs latest blog post, maybe you can break a speed limit for once in your life. I've been living on the Outside for nearly 4 years, I've attended over 200 EDM festivals (seen Aphex Twin twice), gone through 7 speed plugs (buying in qp's now), and oh yeah, did I mention the ladyboys? I bet you faggots haven't snorted so much as Ritalin off an erect feminine penis let alone the sort of designer amphetamines I'm snorting tonight, and Sheba is hard as diamonds right now so you know what my plans are. I saw a homeless guy last night begging for cash so I made him try and read A zIIgothIc–==X=coDA==–(CookIng–lobsteRs– wIth–jAke–AnD–DInos) and when he can't do it me and my friends called him a slow-slug and threw ammonia on him then called him a stupid faggot. That's the kind of shit I get off on. I like going fast, and this fucking board is slow, which is why I you LARPERS will never achieve levels of speed like this; I've taken to slicking my hair back to help emphasize the momentum. Me and Nick Land discuss important political issues on twitter REGULARLY. I can hear you whining already, but there's no need in replying, I've already left this shit backwater board. Hit me up on soundcloud if you want a cheap hookup on speed, bitcoin or chainlink only.

Attached: Killy.png (541x402, 111K)

that's pretty horrible

The funny thing was that the cops who showed up the first time were helpful until it started ranting about harassment and threatened to report their badge numbers because "they had clear bias". The reports supposedly just got kicked around after that and the only news that reported it was some niche online site. if this thread is still up when I get home I'll post the link.

Fuck off tourist. This place isn't for you.


why do you think so many trannies flock here now?

You talking about reiko and his robot blackmailing ring or the other discord trannies bribing r9k with axe wound nudes to derail model threads?

give me the rundown user

reiko and his lessers run a honey pot for lonely r9k virgins where they work them into sending crossdressing pics. After they get the pics, the virgin is presented with two options: start taking HRT and convert or their dox and pics get spread to their family, school peers, coworkers, etc.
The other discord trannies are bribing other r9k posters with their own nudes if they prove that they're going into model threads (Meg Turney, Jessica Nigri, Shirogane sama, etc) and derailing the threads. This one came out after someone posted caps of the discord where its run in a Shirogane thread last year, though the Meg threads get hit especially hard.

Lot more complicated than that, sometimes they turn into a freak or jackass for no apparent reason

i genuinely resent you people
thanks for tirelessly shitting up my website

>Sophie is a woman

Attached: 1560905494358.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

I personally know a trans girl that gets more pussy than I do