Attached: a0842194b28489974f704aba2e94a1c6_11178550009.png (636x1016, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:우아하게/


Attached: 0004049058_005_20190713133216988.jpg (530x808, 98K) we're in here

1st for tinny

now i'm glad they aren't even coming here or i would've bought tickets and had to miss out on mina

Attached: 201801232031772633_5a671d2f8b8dc.jpg (1792x2880, 1.31M)

Attached: DxrdX0oVYAAoqbv.jpg (2048x1980, 1.13M)

I love her

Attached: D_Bp8rMVUAUpp4s.jpg (961x961, 173K)

did the other post get nuked?

Attached: 201803061946777790_5a9e71cf3e278.jpg (1992x3088, 1.64M)

pretty good streams. thanks bros

return him to us
he is our fearless leader
the one who ventures into the dangerous world in order to tell us stories of the unknown

Attached: 20190711205343_P_00_C_1_559.jpg (600x932, 262K)

who was that doing the YoY intro?우아하게/

audio only but at least the quality is good


Attached: 201801312109770153_5a71b1f7915cf.jpg (2620x3783, 1.13M)

Her iq is small
She's clearly a homo
You guessed right
It is twice's momo

Attached: IMG_3576.jpg (1133x1700, 256K)

this is the better one by far. great camera angle


Attached: 1552602227563.png (640x1136, 620K)


Attached: 1561616183867.png (1000x1500, 1.04M)

Attached: D_Sbja3UIAAf1nH.jpg (2048x1366, 260K)

minju gang

Attached: hd73hs7akwoeeo.jpg (960x960, 205K)

love chuu

Attached: 1526932794402.jpg (856x856, 71K)

did Twiceboy say the "HEY BOY" part?

stop oppressing the gamers

Attached: D_VIUrIUEAEXO9g.jpg (2000x1333, 490K)

they should just put the phone up their sleeve with an elastic and then hold their hand to their chin the whole time

because music doesnt matter in this music industry

>Mina is on "hiatus" just so that they can do soppy speeches and cry at the concert, gaining sympathy points and going viral on SnS and korean media

JYP is a genius

Attached: D_RwWWCU4AgsXr7.jpg (1365x2048, 370K)

considering it's singapore they'll probably take them into a backroom and beat the shit outta them if they get caught

>i want you back
dear god never perform this again twice

chewy looking tasty even at 240p

their wardrobes are lewd af

in honour of that faggot tinny, can we post gaypops

Attached: sub-buzz-11709-1536746117-1.jpg (1600x2400, 1.67M)

>cry at the concert, gaining sympathy points and going viral on SnS and korean media
pfft, they cry anyway
at least when they're in KR/JP

who the fuck asked you

Attached: D9BaxWvU0AEIpNS-orig.jpg (2000x2800, 936K)


wouldnt it be epic if mina came on stage in a wheelchair to perform one in a million

Attached: tranny.jpg (2475x3712, 1.9M)

Attached: 1562878075851.jpg (1386x720, 562K)

post sooboy

give me link pls

kang hyewon

Attached: hye 48.jpg (1800x2700, 593K)

Attached: D_Sbja3VUAEMQhx.jpg (2048x1364, 354K)

did they get caught kek

Attached: 1563002510362.jpg (846x1098, 930K)

Attached: 1556180155257.jpg (1200x1800, 296K)


I love Fromis9

I wanna impregnate every member and start a big fun family

Attached: 1546246608606.jpg (1333x2000, 259K)


Attached: 15615657983530.jpg (460x259, 58K)


Attached: 160iq.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

Me on the right

media and playpilled

Attached: D_VArqIX4AIvn-s.jpg (2048x1536, 336K)


my operatorfu

Attached: DlZ8Q_6U0AEmnNB.jpg (2000x1333, 312K)

poor man's Kyungri.

this is the crazy cut your dick off one

This thread's so catty lol

>SEA onces didn't turn their candybong to green for Mina

are they even trying?

>i wonder what kind of pictures you have

Attached: wet shark bum.webm (500x557, 1.45M)

if jyp knew how to mediaplay even a little bit theyd be raking in even more money

aren't they center controlled?

Attached: D00tCbQUYAAEWpC.jpg (1365x2048, 213K)


i think you can set it manually

Gahyeon is a fat pig

Attached: 1555339144648.webm (1280x720, 960K)

i wish she was my fat pig

Attached: D_T0F7BWkAA1sIH.jpg (2305x4096, 1.42M)

(and that's a good thing)

Attached: 1547423303031.webm (644x800, 2.91M)

Mina is getting the loudest cheer by far

Attached: 20190713_175330.jpg (4032x3024, 2.2M)


looks like there's about 60-80% mint

They are brigading their page too soon. I haven't gotten in yet, I wish I could have archived the content goldmine.

Attached: D_R5uJXUEAAxGbx.jpg orig.jpg (473x1024, 102K)

Attached: 4ccbddfb20feea7b6a6b86ae99e1bff5602a0e.jpg (1400x1929, 565K)


>only 1/3 of them have the lightstick

cutest girl in the game
groups from smaller labels should adapt this kind of fanservice

>U.S. tour is coming up soon
>still using a KOR > ENG translator
our girls aren't gonna make it bros

Attached: file.jpg (1079x2017, 152K)

gahyeon in a bikini... omo !

why is there so much dreamcatcher posting lately?

Attached: 201906210853777441_5d0c1d4fa2761.jpg (3039x4238, 1.98M)


Attached: 1562878075851.jpg (1500x2250, 719K)

So they have english translators for them.

They could just put Mina on some xanax and sit her in a chair looking pretty for the rest of the tour. If it was actually the bum leg and anxiety.

I hope she's actually OK with whatever is actually wrong with her.

we finally got a firm date on the next comeback

>talking about candybong colors for 3+ minutes

g-girls i just wanna listen to Sunset and go make lunch

kpg is well-known for its shit taste

Attached: 201906251951775918_5d11fd10a561d.jpg (3436x2274, 1.73M)


Attached: znnziajqiq8.jpg (1280x2048, 347K)


Attached: 1563002510362.jpg (2692x4566, 3.16M)

you know it

Attached: wr7idf5yt1m11.jpg (2048x1365, 273K)

wait so tinny finally had sex with a female but couldn't keep it up? what a fag

>screaming into the mic
some things never change

she's just heart meltingly cute

yea that's why he's asking

Attached: 1557126495415.jpg (1924x2048, 282K)

so many bros on tonight finally some good content

Attached: gahbug.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

they're kpg's backup group if anything happens to twice

and also we've been growing in power.

Attached: 1561000158593.jpg (1366x2048, 411K)

Attached: D_T0F7KW4AITRph.jpg (2305x4096, 1.4M)

Is this your first day in kpop?

Attached: me as dog.jpg (1000x667, 118K)

no i've definitely been around for a long time and gahyeon is my favorite qt in the game

Attached: Dawn0203AM-1027465850939301888-20180809_040522-img2.jpg (640x852, 146K)

remember like a year and a half ago when we were all worried mina was gonna leave the group because she hadn't been seen on vlive for like 8 months? this has always been a thing with her

let's f*cking go!


Attached: tumblr_pmm94umWtw1v6knav_540.jpg (504x504, 48K)
the cutest

Attached: 1562799605450.jpg (1024x1443, 234K)

Attached: 1562611146513.jpg (2048x1365, 351K)

Attached: thighs.jpg (10000x5983, 3.87M)

Damn, jeongyeon is STRUGGLING tonight

>long time
>3rd gen waifu


Attached: gahyeonCuteDance.webm (394x522, 621K)

Attached: 201903080841770067_5c81ac49e58c4.jpg (2926x3813, 1.53M)

YG is probably head of the media play department for JYP now that’d explain the mina thing



Attached: 201902131816779133_5c63e0865cac2.jpg (2644x4212, 2.8M)

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Attached: gqvRiOx.png (765x461, 394K)

Attached: siyeon(29).jpg (682x1024, 99K)

it's still yebinday

Attached: D_SNa32U4AM2_zz.jpg (3000x2000, 691K)

not a clue
Those are very small hands.

kcon europe when?

9/11 can't come soon enough

Attached: 1546844881753.jpg (1080x1350, 114K)


Attached: 1563012550237.jpg (615x1079, 77K)

is this stream choppy as fuck for you guys?


Attached: siybite.webm (268x350, 553K)


Attached: suapartition.webm (1280x518, 1.1M)

You're the man. Sliced right through his lies like a 1000° knife through butter.



Attached: 1532398236607.gif (500x240, 1.87M)

oh no no no, im getting cringe goosebumps. switch to prerecorded now or i sell my cangybong

this but it's the tip of my nose instead of a mandarine

Attached: D_Sbja5UwAAuynG.jpg (1364x2048, 286K)

Attached: nakommld.webm (400x224, 918K)

Attached: 1554865490897.jpg (640x852, 136K)

nice dimensions fag



what if you made a fursuit except it's a suit of your waifu

omo !

Attached: C1IUc80UQAA8e2L.jpg (768x1024, 97K)

9/11 is The Beginning Of The End

Attached: 1550079964949.webm (540x960, 2.9M)

Attached: 1513000257098.webm (1067x600, 1021K)

>come inside me

what if you got a job

smol dimension for smol ido

Attached: D6c2qRrUIAA3E3l.jpg (961x961, 156K)


Attached: thighs thighs thighs.jpg (1700x1000, 1.64M)

badass name

Attached: 25431C3D5882BD5F2DDD55.jpg (1000x1491, 448K)

making waifu suits could be a job

Attached: 1527899691432.jpg (1000x750, 133K)

Attached: 1538122401925.jpg (895x895, 97K)

Attached: eyebrows.webm (720x702, 2.97M)

you can't fool me gahyeon

Attached: gahgun.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

Attached: 1541725726528.jpg (2000x1600, 565K)

i bet jype wanted to make a concert blu ray but it'd be weird without mina

They've been ending the nightmare for almost a year straight now

Attached: 1561006820821.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: file.jpg (1996x1332, 408K)


Attached: 1561308297019.png (535x600, 318K)


he'll make one anyway

Attached: 1551202619615.jpg (576x1024, 112K)

lol i noticed that. every comeback since what has been the new start after the end of the nightmare

Attached: DjCQE0eUcAA7A0d.jpg (1365x2048, 298K)

he can just use the seoul footage

Attached: 1562508219508.jpg (600x621, 218K)

it's Minjoo idiot

d d d dalla dalla


the ride never ends

Attached: if yoo only knew how bad things really are.jpg (1800x1110, 120K)

Attached: KidCannabiz-1034101898788229120-20180827_113440-img1.jpg (1000x1000, 183K)

what song is this?

>Jihyo & Chewy cried already

Attached: 1562926798736.jpg (750x693, 32K)

*since you and i

Attached: 1555570701184.jpg (800x1200, 127K)

i thought chewy couldnt cry

This song is top lewd

>try to avoid listening to wpop
>your waifu(s) do a wpop cover

Attached: 17.jpg (1200x800, 88K)

>periscope starts dying as soon as sana starts to lewd it up
fuck off

she cries the most

software update

Attached: D_Sbja6VAAAAtyc.jpg (1364x2048, 237K)

it was an inclusive clause of course

Attached: hoangluclam-1041008877838331904-20180915_130032-img3.jpg (827x1600, 207K)


the outfits for the lady gaga cover arent to my liking

twice crying over mina at every show is gonna get old

i hate it when momo gets artsy

Attached: gahyeonpictures-1046108870173761537-20180929_144605-img1.jpg (800x1200, 147K)

is there a periscope that doesn't lag like shit?

Attached: autismo.webm (1280x720, 829K)

>implying you can ever escape the nightmare

Attached: D5E6vUKU8AAG9-Z.jpg (1042x1559, 202K)

this special stage is so wack lol

what did she do

Attached: 1534858465115.webm (664x720, 2.82M)

Nope, not Sana. Not even Twice.


its what shes doing right now

Anyone feel like posting some Elkie

Attached: DCDD__0113-1041612973272260608-20180917_050059-img1.jpg (1333x2000, 338K)

I am the the twice concert and I must say, blackpink is better

is this acting or is she actually a psychopath?

busters girl..

so now that we've been taught how to fetch pics from osen, does anybody know how to do the same in I know there are higher res of those without logo as well but no idea how to modify this link to give me the original:

>try to avoid listening to g*ypop
>your waifu(s) do a g*ypop cover

Attached: jungmitzu_rememver_vlive.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)


Attached: D_T02ljW4AEj8B5.jpg (2734x4096, 1.33M)

link the page with the image

Attached: 49558_76742_5358.jpg (1000x1500, 352K)


the latter

Attached: DobbC11UUAI8Y2J.jpg (1200x1800, 295K)

tzuyu crying

Attached: DFweg12XUAAsyfd.jpg (1200x675, 136K)

hopefully gahyeon is eating right now

how do you know there is a bigger version

they should have done Alejandro instead

Attached: D_V8gNkUwAAHACd.jpg (1200x1800, 495K)

It was IU. She never shaves her legs just like Dahyun.

Attached: 1561308297019.jpg (1000x1500, 653K)

it's likely

Attached: paleplum_-1056556959686488064-20181028_104303-img1.jpg (1800x1200, 195K)

you bamboozled me user

Attached: misc_1519976244_1.png (330x318, 147K)

Attached: 77566c4bef19c7bee894ecf84e893541.jpg (889x1280, 171K)


why are women so emotional? did mina get hit by a bus or something?

of course she is

Attached: Capture.jpg (1009x692, 59K)

Attached: Raina silver play button.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

reminder: those white dresses are lined with onion extract

she too skinny compared to the rest of them.

Attached: GAHYEONAcom8-1056197035727024128-20181027_105251-img4.jpg (1364x2048, 596K)

yandere tzuyugf

Attached: 1540048336874.webm (394x352, 781K)

for fucks sake she's not dying

Attached: 1521405313607.jpg (4774x3248, 1.02M)

She needs to stay up to her daily calorie intake

i'd shave dubu's legs by individually biting off each and every single hair coming out of her legs

Attached: 1541692070592.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Attached: D_T02lkX4AARe9M.jpg (2734x4096, 1.38M)

she senses the group dying tho

i like this pic because of her ass but i wish she wasn't wearing socks

she knows that mina is never coming back

Attached: 1553035210522.jpg (958x1200, 187K)

she just jealous she didn't find a bf yet

Used to think Tzuyu would be a starfish in bed but she might actually be hardcore as fuck.

Attached: 1562417962487.webm (830x800, 2.93M)

because I used to get them higher res and no logo from this website
but lately it has been unreliable, pics always 404 and stuff
and pic related you can see how there's no watermark despite this link having it

Attached: no_logo.png (608x455, 270K)

It would take a long long time because she's a very hairy girl. Abnormally high testosterone levels.

Attached: 15559550854922.jpg (702x540, 379K)

Attached: 1511238528981.jpg (800x1200, 143K)

god, looks like uncooked chicken legs

so fucking succulent

can this bitch shut the fuck up?

dubu is disgusting

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

yes, eat more

Mr. tvN executive, please let me win survival show V-1 so I could center ioi reunion. I'll even do closed door auditions for a week to showcase you my talents.

Attached: yoojung.jpg (925x1098, 479K)

yea she may be a bit sticc compared to the rest but i always thought she was about perfect

Attached: jiuyoochoke.webm (536x1080, 2.89M)

She's a sex robot of coruse she's good in bed.

Attached: 1558903228534.webm (700x640, 2.39M)

Attached: gahthief2.webm (1067x600, 1.65M)

yikes do better user

Attached: 155889344934402.jpg (1269x540, 414K)

good, she needs to keep herself cute and healthy


Attached: D_WKARBVUAES_Vu.jpg (1536x2048, 365K)



Attached: gahtongue.webm (1280x720, 552K)

just noticed on their russian wiki page its literally said
>The group consists of seven goddesses


holy fuck momo

no one is going to give a shit about that sign unless they start taking peoples phones

I'm trying to impress [spoiler]my new gf[/spoiler]
redpill me on Kpop.

poor guy

kang mina

>these damned kids and their candybongs

Attached: D_V5DgoVUAMx2yK.jpg (1024x498, 91K)

she is great mid-tour but always very thin at the beginning because of the visual role meme. also having muscles helps

makes sense

Attached: 1532818168240.jpg (1200x804, 232K)

Attached: chewy identity crisis.jpg (882x499, 58K)

i was just watching a vlive with her and the rest of the cast of this drama the other day. i didn't realize they did so much 'promotion' for these things

has she told you which groups she likes

kdramas are a big deal

I'm more impressed that gahyeon keeps all the crap fans give her

cumming inside irene's vagina


cumming inside seulgi's vagina


cumming inside wendy's vagina


cumming inside jisoo's vagina


cumming inside nayeon's vagina


cumming inside jennie's vagina


cumming inside joy's vagina


cumming inside jeongyeon's vagina


cumming inside momo's vagina


cumming inside sana's vagina


cumming inside jihyo's vagina


cumming inside rose's vagina


cumming inside mina's vagina


cumming inside lisa's vagina


cumming inside dahyun's vagina


cumming inside yeri's vagina


cumming inside chaeyoung's vagina


cumming inside tzuyu's vagina

apparently so. i haven't actually watched any of them yet but kangz + iu has me tempted to follow this new one

>he dates girls that like kpop

Attached: army.jpg (749x1069, 57K)

corrupt hard drive?

Attached: 1559820909767.jpg (2431x3404, 964K)

removing mina, sana and cubuggo will improve twice exponentially

this one seems pretty hype so if it's a hit it could take mina's acting career to a new level

was the gaga stage only 3 people or did they add in another member

Attached: D7fiMSFUwAAn1es.jpg (1200x1800, 223K)

this is disgusting holy shit I'm seriously considering becoming gay rn

doesn't seem to work for me, who did mina's intro part from yes or yes?

more like koreas little slut

just 3

Ew, vomit inducing.

who's this

we only like girl pop here and twice is the best group. everything else varies from person to person

Attached: 1537630941945.jpg (1724x2298, 766K)

it doesn't load for me in firefox so i had to load it in chrome

nobody does mina's parts, the backing track just plays

this suck
how am I supposed to get new kang mina fancams like this

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

wonder if jiu gets jealous of gahyeon while she's dieting for the comeback and the company is fattening gahyeon up


Attached: D-2I340UIAARlW1.jpg (1440x2014, 975K)

you know ioi is coming back soon right?

i tried in vivaldi, then chrome, neither of them work, ahh well. thx

Attached: D_U3KnAXYAAQXL-.jpg (1280x2048, 240K)

wow minas killing her parts

oh yeah
but fuck ioi
I want gugudan
and pristin

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

let em go bro

Attached: 1561355890499.jpg (1124x1402, 175K)


Attached: IMG_7871.jpg (1000x1500, 825K)


Attached: 1467449294319.jpg (1422x1061, 263K)

i admire the passion

Attached: 1549099338883.jpg (1080x1080, 49K)

honestly I've rarely seen them together probably because they have biggest age gap, different IRL friends and stuff

legs too long

>no Hime bodyroll
T_T indeed


very nice lets see more of your work

i feel bad for the cute girls that were in pristin. i dont care about the rest though

The good stuff right here