melodeath rules edition
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melodeath sucks
intro edition
Holy fucking shit, is this true? DsO had a human drummer performing on The Synarchy of Molten Bones? That's fucking nuts.
post suicidal black metal
I want to end it all tonight
>not sneeds
this thread deserves chartgod
is solitude aeturnus consistently good? their first album is really good. I like how they sing about dark biblical stuff but not really in a edgy way. in particular I'm nervous about getting to Downfall because their main writer leaves
Sodom sucks
I need more stuff like Speedwolf, songs about doing drugs and drinking while riding a motorcycle at 300 miles per hour
Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, or Triptykon?
Why is melodeath so good?
t. numale
Death to wimps
based techniques
t. nu-male
love burzum
love darkthrone
love immortal
hate faggots
hate trannies
simple as
Formerly Chucks.
Best live metal performances?
Nazi metalheads FUCK OFF
>tfw no big tittied mommy gf
What metal should I listen to?
Pink Floyd was metal?
man I just didnt know
So having 1 song that is kinda metal sounding makes you a metal band?
They were also proto-black metal
meant for
Isn't that just rock?
And that's a good thing. Fuck Cachet.
based Immortal cooperating with honest men and women serving and protecting good kind hearted citizens
New meshuggah album
>tfw you get redpilled on lady gaga so hard you restart your NWOBHM turned prog band
John Mortimer, the most based musician in metal
Is... is he gone? Is it safe to come back?
stop giving him attention and talk about metal
whats your favorite bands
I've been checking out a lot of thrash lately, using Lich King as a starting point
give me your in depth thoughts thus far
I'm glad that most of there albums are speedy riff-fests with a lot of great solos, I've never been into it when a band tries to slow down and soften one song, it really fucks with the pace. Born of the Bomb is definitely my favorite so far, Axe Cop had great riffs and lyrics perfectly fitting to the tone of the comic/series, and the 7 minute closing track manages to stay intense while still staying interesting through the whole thing, plus it has one of the smoothest tempo changes I've ever heard.
what about the vocals, fantano
everyone but varg, mayhem, and darkthrone snitched on each other after euronymous was killed in self-defence
They've a good amount of harsh for the sound they're going for, Tom is pretty good at telling a story through them. It's a bit higher than some other bands, kinda reminds me of Municipal Waste but with better syllable pacing, or a less harsher version of Dave from Revocation. I like that he's got a good range of variety too, he'll add a bit of singing to them for songs like Agnosticism, or he'll almost shriek like in Grindwheel
Reminder that GYZE is the only melodeath band that doesn't suck and they're releasing a new album soon, get HYPE!
Melodeath seeds, GYZE feeds, you chuckhead
off for some brutal death metal this afternoon
im glad you're into it, user. i always appreciate people having an ear for new genres
>ctrl+f BLASTING
>0 results
Why was it so good?
based Auskunts
currently listening to the entire album
thoughtful music for the soul
Just checked and they got a new album this year, neato
>Party Cannon
That's going to be a based from me
Not sure what to feel about the new Opeth song
shit like everything after orchid
shit like everything before orchid
Because John Gossard turns everything he touches into gold. See also Dispirit, Asunder, even the new Consummation is good even though his only contribution is a few solos.
A better question would be why every band that tried to imitate that album sucks ass. You'd think there would be at least one good copycat.
shit like orchid
only death is real
low quality b9 m8
>believing any stories this egomaniac retrospectively makes up
>the last song from the last Bolt Thrower album is the best Bolt Thrower song
what did they mean by this
>Ildjarn? Oh, eksistenses jeger is his only bop
Is the new Faketushka any good?
What little I've heard sounds a bit shit.
hey this is pretty good you should check it out guys
I was expecting complete dogshit but it's just average. Obvious who the real driving sound behind the band really is now. What a mess though.
shit like part of the stuff after orchid
Are there any other bands who try really hard to be good and put effort into their music but end up being boring?
Check out prog metal
The first track off that thing is so fucking good too, but then the rest is so mediocre I don't know how you can go from 100 to 50 so hard.
The other example I think of are most of the projects by Deha. Shit like Imber Luminis clearly has a lot of time and effort put into it, but it's just really bland modern metal that wishes it was post-rock.
Most prog metal I heard ends up being either amazing or absolutely annoying with almost nothing in between
Yeah Colossus is amazing track, but I remember listening to Monolith a first and the first track literallly sounded like metalcore.
They have a new album this year but I don't expect much because the last one bored me.
Every band that has that generic scandinavian artstyle on the cover
I really like Shrouded Divine by them, that was generally consistent and had some really fun tracks. Colossus in particular reminded me of The Black Lodge with those paced heavy guitars. As a result I'd legit recommended that album if you felt like giving them another shot.
I'll keep checking out everything they release as I liked that debut enough, and Colossus shows they can make fucking 10/10 shit sometimes, but I don't expect anything good.
This guy has designed lots of covers
Yeah I don't think they are bad, but when I listen to them I just ask why I am not listening to Opeth or Insomnium who do their style of music better. I definitely like their debut the most.
I feel the same way about Be’lakor, I have no idea why they are so hyped as one of the best modern melodeath bands.
That hype mainly comes from normies I think.
Harakiri definitely do not put in any effort.
I really doubt Norimes listen to Be'lakor and not Metal Blade/Nuclear Blast core like in Flames, CoB, Soilwork, Amon Amarth and Hypocrisy
Give me some of that amazing shit then user. Because for me it's always obnoxious.
Well I really like some Devin Townsend and Pain of Salvation work but I know lot of people here don't because it's so over the top
However this general seems to like Fates Warning with John Arch and his solo work more than Ray Alder whose vocal style is more restrained.
how do you like your black metal, melancholic or misanthropic?
Remedy Lane is one of the two prog metal albums I've kinda enjoyed, along with The Divine Wings of Tragedy. I'll check out Fates Warning
Some doom with extra s()y
Depends on my mood really
Where do I start with Caverncore?
funnel diarrhea and jizz into your earholes twice daily
My jizz or someone else's?
I like it gory and angry and a bit thrashy.... so pretty much mayhem's deathcrush
whats the best stoner doom album? my girlfriend says it's dopethrone but shes a dumb cunt so i dont trust her
>Asking /meal/ whats the best (insert metal genre here) album
come my fanatics is better
It's not even a stoner album but the correct answer is El Mundo Frio
>not even the best corrupted release
Be'lakor's songwriting was good on their debut, and great on Stone's Reach. Their songwriting chops clearly went down the shitter after that though.
I masturbate to Japanese hardcore regularly, but I was never big on Japanese metal. That said, Corrupted might be the best modern metal band on the planet. Top-5 metal bands for sure.
Se Hace por los Suenos Asesinos? I hope I spelled that right. Their best stuff is all splits and EPs anyway.
>dumbfuck boyfriend doesn't think dopethrone is the best stoner doom album
how do people this retarded function in real life?
Fucking Viva is a top tier opener and Mission Convincers is top tier closer.
this is peak corrupted
So my friend's gf got angry because he doesn't think Dopethrone is the best stoner metal album and she's coming over to suck my dick and listen to Electric Wizard and other stoner metal bands, any recs?
Imagine believing anything Varg says.
high on fire
Well no shit.
Pretty much. Even when they were just ripping off Eyehategod they still played it incredible.
This riff rapes souls
shit like everything except orchid
Thanks, just listened to Outre by Portal, I liked it.
>The Red in the Sky Is Ours
Entirely based.
I have no idea how people can call Slaughter of the Soul more musically interesting.
my faggot kid thinks dopethrone isn't the best stoner metal album, should I tell him I've been fucking his gf on the side?
need trap metal gf
>trap metal
wtf is this shit
My limp-dicked husband thinks dopethrone is the best stoner metal album, should I tell him I've been fucking my son's friend on the side?
Saw a pic of Kickback's vocalist hanging out with Peter Sotos awhile back and had to lol. Band gave no fucks.
Is wearing edgy band tees cringe? Do you have to wear camo shorts with them? Whats up?
scarlxrd is trash yeah
t. numale
get some style
>Is wearing edgy band tees cringe?
yes. metalheads are second class citizens in my country, attacked on sight and rightfully so
U have to wear medieval armor with them.
this is trap metal
i rate purrp but this is wack lmao
(in a good way tho)
...for me to POOP ON
So I just had to tow a trailer out of some redneck park because they weren't paying the rent and apparently they were having an argument over dopethrone, what kind of fag listens to stoner metal? lmao
I would if Incantation ever updated their fucking site
*strolls through /metal/*
Holy fucking shit this is good.
The downpitched "spoken word" bits are awful and I wish Kehren would've just stuck to the screams, but the album's still good overall
I have no idea how people can distinguish the two albums.
Triptykon with a healthy dose of Celtic Frost and Hellhammer.
Holy shit is that flyleaf lyricsposting? based
That's a ridiculous thing to say.
>giving him yous
its two seperate genres, hes either trolling or a tourist
I fucking wish SoS was indistinguishable from red in the sky. Sos is mediocre even for melodeth
imagine the smell
Do you also have no idea how people can distinguish onions milk from real milk?
they are so fucking cheesy but damn King motivates the hell out of me
>tfw too depressed to keep working on my BM release
only really go into Blood Incantation recently, really liking it
just start abusing substances until you sink lower and lower, you'll have plenty of creativity then
>getting calls from people other than your mother
shit taste, no wonder you're a sperg
soipeth is shit
>still talking to his breeders
you go with him
i know prog gets shit on here, but I gotta say this:
anyone who defends new Opeth or shits on first two albums is a faggot.
Orchid and Morningrise are god tier prog
If anything, I'm a tourist. Both albums sound like an indecipherable mess to me.
Some of the best DM ever made vs
Chinatown and Renegade get too much hate and honestly you can combine their best tracks to make a pretty high quality album. If you gave it a track list like
>We Will Be Strong
>The Pressure Will Blow
>Sugar Blues
>Killer On The Loose
>Angel of Death
>Mexican Blood
>Having A Good Time
>It's Getting Dangerous
it'd be one of their better releases
Oh, so the trick is to listen to only one track on a given day? Cause I literally zoned out when I was listening to the entire albums. Out of both of them. The latest two I always stop before I get too bored.
Midnight, Wifebeater, and the original two Motorhead and Venom.
Most OSDM are growers not showers. soon you'll be posting KINGDOM FUCKING GONE like the rest of us if you listen to osdm
why the FUCK is she so perfect bros
that's not Belle Delphine
id fuck a female form of Altars over Belle any day
Dungeon synth intro and fast riffs, that's how it's done
>the vsco logo looks like the black sun
metal to combat this feel?
Post an altars of cringe edit
bro i thought this song was about a sundial
Use it man. Try writing some new lyrics or stream of thought type stuff. Channel it bruh. You got this
Based Portuguese Brutal Death Metal!
Did Faust ever snitch?
Listing to this for the first time in years, it really blows my mind that a fucking 19 year-old recorded this album and in quick succession with all the other Burzum records as well.
Is this proto Nattens Madrigal?
What country should I avoid - Iran, Sudan, Armenia?
Get rid of your lazy ideals. Why aren't you waking up at 5:30am everyday and giving it your best shot? You should be bettering yourself, not spending time wallowing in sadness and self pity.
What the fuck are lazy ideals
Your work ethic is shit, you need to get a move on.
Sandoval's drumming
what went wrong
ok wagie
Didn't he record them all at once? Pretty sure that's what he said on his yt channel
>t. Lazy virgin
No, although he said I wrote Hvis Lyset Tar Oss in a matter of a week or two, and that tomhet was improvised at the studio before he recorded the whole track.
Never paid attention to his channel but I was under the impression they were each a few months apart.
>t. Tired virgin
Good try lazy faggot lmao, we all know you jerk off all day and don't do anything productive
>implying there's anything better to do
Ok, but why?
I do for myself, just not for a worthless psychotic society.
So when you say lazy ideals do you mean the ideals themselves are lazy i.e. not thought out, or that laziness is itself the ideal?
Either way not great use of English lad.
Nothing seems worth the effort
maybe you like dis kind of melodeath
>Either way, not a great use of English, lad.
Huffing paint thinner and giving zero fucks. They're all terrible people. Actually.
Answer the question cunt
Took me a long time to realise but Take as needed for pain falls off really hard in the last third or so
>Answer the question, cunt.
Reading some old black metal interviews and these guys were such nihilistic posers
Purposely informal syntax =/= Misusing important words when trying to make point
by far their best shit
>Yfw you realize they were trying to sound like assholes in their interviews instead of being a retard and taking things at face value
>Purposefully being lazy in writing
>B-but it's the internet, bro.
Disregarded even further.
kill yourselves
You are literally a retard who doesn't know what he's saying and is just baiting for replies, kill yourself.
i wish i could
You hate humans and love animals, right?
and yet you keep giving them to him
>g-g-guys i work so hard flipping burgers and spitting in the food
Yikes, it's not my fault if you're too retarded to understand basic English, and need to be spoon-fed like a braindead veggie. Good projection/damage control though, kiddo lmfao.
That must be a rough life user. I imagine posting greentexts on 4channel and doing nothing with your life makes the pain go away.
>The rash of death
Last night I had some crazy dream where I was fighting some kind of big monster in the desert with a group of people while I dual-wielded a machete and a claw hammer. Metal for this feel?
If you're so hardworking why are you on Yea Forums
if I wake up at 5:30 am every day, how will I still be awake enough to go to concerts at night?
You always get your ass whouped in your dreams pussy dont lie
anyone like comedy metal?
I didn't win but I was hitting it
Suddenly a wild thrash appears
I think too much onions has melted your brain.
Cringe at your use of @ symbol. Pretty faggy response you gave user, I'd be embarrassed if I were you.
Not even that good
This shit slaps
you're wrong, it's the best death metal album ever.
In case anyone cares, HHH went on stream a couple minutes ago. I was the only viewer, he said that he was going to talk about humanism or some shit like that. After I commented on the stream he clapped twice (don't know why), he looked around the screen for two minutes and then he closed it and deleted it. The streaming was 4 minutes long.
literally who
One of Hendrix's sons
>have woman in your band
>do soi music
Big surprise
my life is empty of love friends and accomplishments and i just feel very angry about it
gib metal for that feel
I think he has Asperger's
/r/ing the proto metal charts
There were 4 of them and each one had a title taken from a certain song and I know one of the charts was titled "Sorcerer of Death's Construction."
It had off-the-wall bands like Icecross and Fresh Blueberry Pancake and I was wondering if I might have overlooked any other gems
>There's no such thing as the perfect alb-
you didn't post a picture of panzerfaust though
Perfect taste user, runemagick is great
Uruk-Hai >>> Bumbum
I can't read any of these band names.
Must be a based show.
Why do so many normies love Rammstein?
based as fuck
So what's the deal with shartanon, did he get banned or is he a functional poster of this general now?
They carry the raw attractive power off RIFFZ but all shined up in a sleek coat of electronics, which appeals to normies
Because Laibach is too edgy for them
Cute trap
damn triple h looks like a pussy now
Its obvious Sabaton is more or less releasing the same songs over and over but I still can't help but play their songs on repeat.
Well he knew Varg had killed Euronymous so he threatened to kill him but he was already in jail for his own crimes by the time that happened
He only "snitched" on himself by breaking down and confessing his own crimes
>euronymous was killed in self-defence
as a proper metalhead i like em cause of 1. nostalgia and 2. cause they can be operatic. If you speak german some of the lyrics can also be poetic
Do you have a source for him threatening to kill Varg?
I love how Darkthrone managed to stay away from all that shit despite being pretty much at the center of it and kept releasing albums consistently
Fenriz is such a redditor though
Cute trap
hey, no talking shit about daddy Fenriz
Damn, exceptionally shit take
Yeah, there were multiple, but the one which just came to my head is a liner note on the Nordic Metal compilation in which Faust is quoted as saying "I live and breathe for the day I will meet Euronymous murderer!"; you can look it up yourself
I talked to the guy behind The True Mayhem Collection about it and asked if Faust still felt that way towards Varg nowadays and he said it's all in the past now
Was it a mistake
Do you have a source stating he didn't?
>Louder than hell
>all songs sound the same
>Trading epic feelings for generic tough guy attitude
>drum machine
>pedo guitarrist
>gayest than Ffxv
Immagine likin it
It seems like he was just saying those things for Publicity than actually hating Varg.
Do you have a source saying you didn't suck my dick?
Everything after Warning was a mistake
Fenriz is the most based man in metal.
There's no reason anyone in the scene should have liked Varg for what he did or thought that it was a good thing. He irreparably damaged the Norwegian scene and probably BM as a whole. That doesn't take away from his significant contributions through his music, of course.
Don't cry faggot
Incantation is cringe
get better tastes pleb
He effectively and permanently put an end to the most popular black metal scene while also making it the most infamous one simultaneously
>STILL talking about varg drama in 2019
leave the hall tourists
>Incantation is cringe
>get better tastes pleb
>still listening to metal in 2019
Come one now my man
I've tried to listen to Disturbed maybe twice in my life, and both times were so fucking bad that I literally started to feel dizzy and nauseous
>still listening in 2019
You ableist motherfucker
>leave the hall tourists
But varg, I thought you wanted us all in the great hall of valhalla
0/10 bait
Everyone who hates varg is typically a self hating, porn addicted, MGTOW s o y b o y
When will the metal community address its hostile overtones against women and people of color?
Never, niggers and holes deserve to be second class
Can't get mad at Fenfen even if he posts cringy cat pics and rehashes the same punkshit for the umpteenth time.
I hate myself and watch porn every day and still like Burzum
the supreme force is one my favorite albums of all time but that one's good too
Commie "metalheads" FUCK OFF
Im enjoying the hell out of this. thanks user
How much time has to pass before people acknowledge Korn as a metal band
Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
boring like all rock Opeth
I like how the first single outed retards thinking it was a 17 minute song