Empire Strikes Back OST

This is the greatest piece of music ever written, change my mind.

Protip: You can't.

(2:15 to end especially)


Attached: cloud city.jpg (1024x585, 66K)

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I can't lol


Every Hans Zimmer score is better

If you literally take it up the ass, maybe

its pretty good, but not the best.

Name a better one then

>Empire Strikes Back OST
>This is the greatest piece of music ever written, change my mind.

>Protip: You can't.

Attached: image.jpg (400x400, 114K)

The scores to
Blade Runner
A Clockwork Orange
There Will Be Blood
First Man
there are more I can think of but I think these scores are better than ESB's score. John Williams is definitely great, but others are better.

It's not even the best score ever written for a space opera.

I could beat the fuck out of you.

try The Planets by Gustav Holst


Blade Runner and TWBB OSTs are really good but don't come close imo.

Listened to the full thing on mushrooms, really good but not as good as ESB OST

söy wars is such fucking garbage goddamn

You're a fucking moron

sure keep jerking off to your subpar science fantasy movie for children like every real intellectual should.

If you can't recognize quality when you see it you're a moron. If you refuse to recognize it because of its genre you're an insecure pussy.

I literally grew up listening to this score and it's still stunning even now. There's so much nuance and subtlety in it that was not in the New Hope score (which is also great, don't get me wrong). It will always be known for the Imperial March but there are so many beautiful little moments that get lost unless you listen to the full expanded score closely.

The best score ever written.

I always forget when I rewatch Star Wars that the Imperial March didn't show up until Empire

Yeah agreed I'm convinced that 60% of the success of the Star Wars movies is based on the score. ESB is absolutely impeccable.

I like to assume it's the anthem for the Imperial Fleet, which we don't get to see until Empire. The Death Star has it's own themes.