Attached: D8wMQovUwAA_BB9.jpg (1200x1800, 224K)

Other urls found in this thread:씨엘씨


Attached: Furher Yena.png (867x441, 691K)

Attached: sweaty joy.webm (762x800, 2.95M)

slutty uggo thread I see

i have nothing to look forward to anymore

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milktruck has arrived

Attached: D8MjyjqV4AAHV-C-orig.jpg (1200x1800, 632K)


Attached: 5dq492fld91.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

when the heck are they coming back
give me a date

light hair doesn't suit them

Attached: D_Hs5ybVAAAp7pJ.jpg (2000x3000, 1.2M)

Attached: D_QBL0DU4AMkj-D.jpg (1440x2161, 267K)

Attached: [ Red Velvet tvn 300X2 Teaser ].webm (930x514, 1.87M)

this is what iz*chads look like irl

Attached: D_A6_ASUYAUAD83.jpg (1200x960, 222K)

Attached: 47581239_1941796532586349_6599160851052888005_n.jpg (960x639, 56K)

i love yeji so much...

yuqibros nooooooooooooooo

Attached: D_Ut5X2WsAAA_gy.jpg (1000x500, 105K)

Attached: 1230959459.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

Mina is freaking boring and she shouldn't be an idol.

Attached: D_RGqBWUEAYKsW_.jpg (960x960, 174K)

new blackpink diaries

stray kids...

Deep raw anal with Yeonwoo ...

Attached: 280E8C00-2D13-4870-8D60-E4228B1351ED.jpg (450x745, 53K)

she fits in well with twice at least

delete this nephew

Attached: D334illVUAAWV6c[1].jpg (1200x1800, 136K)

Attached: Do0xTuyUYAImKO0.jpg (1080x1080, 93K)

half of twice is boring

Attached: 1555043262881.png (503x590, 513K)

its 11 11

missed it

got damn now this is my kind of jisoo

It's yet another cloudless summer night in Los Angeles. You never thought you'd be spending it with Dahyun. But here she is, by your side, holding your hand, walking with you through the busy city streets, under the soft glow of the moon.

Suddenly, she stops. Her nose twitches as her eyes widen.


The tofu-skinned girl runs off in another direction, leaving you alone. You follow frantically, desperate not to lose another moment with your favorite idol.

You find her by an open dumpster. Clawing through the trash like a feral animal, her hunt yields a bulging plastic bag slick with garbage slime. You are smacked by the smell of putrid decay, the taste of spoiled eggs and rotten milk lingering on your tongue.

A slurry of half-digested cabbage and coagulated, pus-pimpled ketchup begin to splosh out of a rip in the thin plastic onto the concrete below. Dubu can only look at it with wonder and delight. She raises the bag right over her mouth, and lets the rotting cascade of bloodied, juice-stewed vegetable matter indiscriminately coat her tongue, teeth, and painted mouth, most of it gliding directly into the darkest recesses of her throat. She then affixes her mouth to the corrupted nipple, and nurses like a baby on the sulfurous ketchup-cabbage rot. A probiotic benefit.

For about five minutes, the macabre display continues. You can only watch in disbelief. Is this a prank? Is this reality? Dubu places the bag back just as a gaggle of Korean girls approaches. She bids them goodnight as they too begin to scour the Burger King backwash for their own 'gimchi delight'.

What is it about Jo Yuri

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Attached: D_UvJDgUIAAkKCe.jpg (960x721, 158K)

skip to the part where a bunch of black guys beat you up and fuck her while you watch

Attached: aaae9056272c5f2b680d9b57347f8fea69de97ce.jpg (961x961, 168K)

time for this serious qt

Attached: jiho 5th c.jpg (201x251, 14K)

that busan style

Attached: 1533337365984.webm (490x720, 1.12M)

Is Jihyo seriously Korean? She looks like half Chinese half Iranian or something

how nice of blackpink to dance with this guy


Article: JYP reps, "Twice Mina feels huge anxiety on stage... she won't be attending world tour"

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,153, -108] There's something about her facial expression that always looks desk.. you can sense her anxiety in her face. I guess she really does feel anxious on stage. She must feel so upset to have finally achieved her dream of becoming an idol and being successful in her home country but to not be able to realize that dream on stage...

2. [+1,021, -262] She's probably tired of all the flights day and night, wants to go out with her friends, get a boyfriend... she's made enough money now so she's tired of the locked up idol life. I'd understand feeling anxiety on stage if you're a rookie but she's been doing this for years... she's been on thousands of stages already that she should feel used to it by now.

3. [+200, -8] Looks like she's trying to slowly leave the group and start working in Japan

4. [+182, -15] When JYP puts out a statement like this, it's usually a different reason that they're hiding. They were like this with Sunmi and Hyuna too.

5. [+127, -16] Train all the Japanese kids you want, they're just going to leave you later. They're probably going to start claiming that K-Pop belongs to them too. They're already trying to claim that kimchi belongs to them.

6. [+124, -22] Just leave the group and go back to your country

7. [+105, -41] Honestly, Mina doesn't really have a position in the group and her personality is so quiet that she doesn't have a presence either...

Which Kpops give the best blowjobs?

So this is the power of necromancy ...

you don't deserve k-pop

Attached: bgs 1.jpg (1920x1281, 338K)


just ask coachella-nim

8. [+102, -10] Looks like she's slowly making the prep work to go back to our country. Always gotta be careful for the Chinese and Japanese to betray us.

9. [+66, -49] Too many haters on Nate;;;;; aigoo, fighting

10. [+55, -13] Go back to Japan

11. [+52, -4] Next step is a panic disorder

12. [+50, -9] Sounds a lot like she's on track to leave the group

12. [+48, -16] Please make groups with only Koreans now

13. [+46, -12] Congratulations on leaving the group

14. [+44, -9] I think she's leaving because of worsening Korean-Japanese relations. This sounds a lot like she just wants to leave and work in Japan. I feel bad for the fans who are leaving comments like "find strength and come back".

15. [+38, -4] I remember Mina was supposed to sit out a year-end festival last year for health reasons but she actually ended up showing up looking just fine. I guess she's mentally very weak. She seems exhausted of the idol life. They should just let her go if she wants. No point in holding on to her when she's tired.

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lol amber

Attached: DzvAnvUXgAMIGzf.jpg (683x753, 41K)

Come on girls!
Get on the floor!
Fromis, get, set, ready

ok, we have a funny guy here...

Twice breaking down. Just a year or two more and we'll finally be free of this cancer.

fun song

Attached: 6316d670abfcaed268e465d259176105.jpg (1080x1080, 120K)

Attached: 1555935683272.jpg (798x767, 96K)

koreans don't look any different from other asians, you've just been memed by kpop paleness and plastic surgery

Attached: naky ariana.webm (820x1080, 2.78M)

the shark of my life

k-netizens are truly a rabble of nasty little lemmings

i guess that's what happens when you can't get into seoul national university, you ust spend the rest of your life seething while the chad koreans enjoy all the fruits of civilization

>2. [+1,021, -262] She's probably tired of all the flights day and night, wants to go out with her friends, get a boyfriend... she's made enough money now so she's tired of the locked up idol life. I'd understand feeling anxiety on stage if you're a rookie but she's been doing this for years... she's been on thousands of stages already that she should feel used to it by now.
mina cucks cucked once again

Attached: D9be1btVAAAC7B4.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)


And this is the moment they lift their skirts to reveal their genitals to the sponsors.

did jiheon ever do this

not that i've seen

Attached: jiheon + nakyung.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

dont even

Attached: 1562037792304.jpg (1333x2000, 288K)

shark elegance

God I wish

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Remember that this is what Korea would be like without Japan.

Attached: love-huts-cambodia.jpg (600x600, 98K)

i love her with all of my heart

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she doesn't look korean at all

she's beautiful

Attached: 201907130840770360_5d291aebc31b0.jpg (2245x2698, 1.19M)

whats momo doing there?

Attached: IMG_20190712_161101.jpg (1365x2048, 178K)

yes she does, she looks like an asian

Attached: D_UtX1HU8Ac9p0d.jpg (1152x2048, 280K)

Attached: BLACKPINK - 'BLACKPINK DIARIES' EP.11.mp4_snapshot_08.38.758.jpg (1920x1080, 705K)

koreans introduced japanese vampire-dwarves to all chinese civilization

japs in return gave them terror, massive rape, and attempted cultural genocide

if you like modern korea you should thank the United States military and Park Chunghee

Attached: yoohyeon jiu 1.jpg (960x960, 114K)

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Attached: D_UtY0dU0AAGLwE.jpg (1152x2048, 295K)

seems like yeeun gained just enough weight to get a really nice donk

You're seething

Attached: D2-f890UkAAVFp7.jpg (1080x1080, 103K)

Attached: 15628762678300.webm (540x756, 499K)

MBC Show! Music Core
4:55 – 6:15 PM KST

Ha Sungwoon
Chung Ha
Parc Jae Jung
Jang Jane
Kim Bo Hyung
Seung Guk Lee


someone phoyoshopshop her jawline out

Attached: D_SZw-EUcAAes2a.jpg (2298x3442, 2.04M)

there's our girl

she has those tiny hidden folds that aren't considered double eyelids

Attached: 1524693402158.webm (664x640, 2.02M)

Attached: Hyuna's omos.webm (406x720, 1.95M)

Do Idols fart?

sounds right but i'm no lid expert

Attached: 1537167403719.jpg (1000x1555, 463K)

Attached: D7uSLNEUEAAUkol.jpg (1332x2000, 455K)

Nana does and Dahyun smelled them.

Attached: 1556220241228.png (2228x1276, 3.45M)

Attached: 1557013520523.jpg (2048x1364, 259K)

only after intense anal

i'm a responsible and serious leader

you won't understand me and my ways for a long long time

Attached: cry freedom 3.jpg (640x953, 108K)

no there's pills for that

Confirmed that SNSD fart very much.

where did you get these pictures?

Attached: nasty nana.webm (960x540, 1.96M)


Attached: tzugorj.jpg (1950x1536, 2.44M)

heil izone


Attached: 201907130835771018_5d29196e31d13.jpg (1877x3206, 1.31M)

How would you comfort her?

Attached: nooo.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

guang bae

Attached: DpeoziqUUAEyjAf.jpg (1334x2000, 298K)

Attached: 5 to 18.webm (720x720, 1.27M)


Attached: 1529819661819.jpg (1333x2000, 220K)

Gotta Go is kind of a banger

Attached: Human Toilet.webm (1000x818, 2.96M)

cant wait to hear her take all of mina's lines

how do you get the bigger resolution


Can you believe all these beautiful dolls shit and fart multiple times a day?

my waifu doesn't of course

Fucking dirty pigslut

>Kazakhs look like Taiwanese people

Why don't they make girls shave their heads when they do their service, the industry needs more Pixie cuties

my waifu does, and i wish to see it happen! imagine the smell....

Attached: 1558447617904.webm (450x800, 2.9M)

i will wrap her in an afghan blanket and take her for pet-therapy with cats, rabbits, dogs, sheep, and dolphins

then i will write her a classical english pastoral elegy

then take her to my church

then sing "the voice within" for her

you guys dno't understand my love for yrm

i would happily lop off my hand or d--k if tat would make her smile

I imagine all the time

Attached: 1549433140633.webm (578x1080, 1.15M)

is this hyunjin?

tfw no qt heej gf

Attached: Dg3DKhYUYAEnW9m.jpg (2000x1333, 277K)

whose this bitch

do girls like murphy beds?

Shanghai stripper.

Attached: D_QjqQxUYAUjaag.jpg (1830x1220, 384K)

Chaewon my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me unresistibly on with all these chains to the battle field.

The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them for so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when, God willing, we might still have lived and loved together, and seen our sons grown up to honorable manhood, around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me — perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar, that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not my dear Chaewon, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battle field, it will whisper your name. Forgive my many faults and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have often times been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness …

Attached: 069bb2df3813e8e300895c0f6cbdada9_11184884833.jpg (682x1024, 113K)

my slutfu

Attached: 1562007158062.gif (478x800, 2.68M)

Attached: 15600250615450.webm (1392x900, 2.7M)

who died?

add original/ after article/ and remove _1024x


Attached: 1538856820754.jpg (1365x2048, 356K)

cute Vietnamese chimp

Attached: 1541918384951.webm (743x1001, 1.56M)


Attached: eunhyuk.jpg (1920x1080, 808K)

i'm not getting anything when i search for 씨엘씨

big Y

mijoo no!

Attached: 1532274739426.webm (1422x800, 2.9M)

based greatest generation bro; i wish i could die in battle

my cousin was in iraq

he lived though he just got cucked by his jgf

Attached: sana fat 2.jpg (1200x1200, 208K)

I liked when sakura had the long blonde hair tied up


Attached: 1532473856021.jpg (2000x3171, 658K)

she's unstoppable

Attached: mijoo bathroom quickie _ fanmeet.webm (640x800, 2.8M)

Attached: 15558557122090-2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

yikes wtf


Attached: D_U3tKxUwAATDrX.jpg (2048x1365, 541K)

rate my whore/wife

Attached: D_Rqts0UcAInK1P.jpg orig.jpg (768x1024, 60K)

is this correct? i'm not seeing anything.씨엘씨

omo wish i was in that washroom....

But, O Chaewon. If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the gladdest days and in the darkest nights … always, always, and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath, as the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by. Chaewon do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again …

Attached: D-9VBx8U8AEGo7X.jpg (1800x2520, 513K)

wow what a slut

damn heechul what happened.....

Attached: IMG_20190711_143121.jpg (811x810, 68K)


we flippin love that here

Attached: mijoothighs.webm (1280x1440, 2.96M)

Their search is broken

and thats a good thing!

Attached: 1561920733475.webm (490x1080, 2.59M)

fat free pits / 10

BASED paratrooper chad

Attached: sana fat.jpg (1999x1818, 491K)

Attached: bully (1333).jpg (2048x1365, 193K)

Fat sana was hideous. Fat dubu is the real fluffy qt

Attached: gahspin.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

I love that bitch

Attached: 2222.jpg (5284x2600, 3.09M)

only if i can't choose

Is Mina gone? I hope she is so she can finally form the best twitch channel in history

don't shave your legs guys

Mina is _____

Attached: 1490150802205.jpg (800x1200, 119K)


>stop crying when I hit you

Attached: 789t87956897.jpg (959x959, 60K)

*gook gook gook gook* bat-like follower

Attached: D_Cdgz4W4AQWQeE.jpg (721x961, 92K)

zooming in was a mistake


shescan sing, did you hear her thing with oogie?

the imperial princess of nihon

who was born 100 times nobler and greater than her haters will ever be

thanks to the pure blood of the sun emperor


Attached: 1531698227096.jpg (3840x2160, 571K)


Im sure brazilian wax is readily available for kpops. Why do they make the girls shave their own legs? Pretty stupid desu

Gone / preggo

its shopped but yeah
its rv

Attached: 1543701851301.jpg (5284x2600, 1.67M)


Attached: D-71bC9VAAE8TDy.jpg (2048x1536, 210K)


A twitch streamer


i'd imagine with her it would be absolutely wild

Attached: 1541038537313.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

love smug mommy hair wendy

you say it's shopped but honestly it's more likely that one's the real one and yours is shopped rather than some anti making their legs look worse. idk tho

already dead....

Nah, the contrast was just upped so the details are more apparent.

Does SM not have a budget for waxing?


yeah and its sharpened too
that's the definition of shopped

sana and mina

Attached: 1539201389358.jpg (1237x1188, 1.35M)


i love the feet fetishists that are always looming

we're on the verge of losing mina f**t forever...


Attached: haggy feet.png (407x689, 277K)

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Attached: 1561485421267.webm (974x720, 2.85M)

yeri eyelashes tho omo

Attached: Red Velvet Joo Hyun.jpg (2001x3000, 2.47M)

i'm reporting anyone who slanders mina btw
you fags are going down

story time?


Attached: 1556255684070.webm (449x1080, 2.69M)

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Attached: Real Visuals 1.webm (1000x562, 2.66M)

Attached: D2bp79jU0AEZ_RN.jpg (1364x2048, 156K)

Gonna chant REFUND at the concert later. Fuck the jew JYP

Attached: yua mikami.jpg (3624x3624, 2.05M)

Attached: 201907061938777007_5d207a43c99d4.jpg (3085x4079, 2.15M)

will they have what?

based blindbro

How else are we supposed to see their poor shaving technique?

Attached: 201907061953775459_5d207e06b3162.jpg (3255x4209, 2.43M)

cute summer dress


Yeah id rather see Mina having a nervous breakdown onstage and nuke twice's career.

Attached: 1561987098139.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

does she know

Attached: 1556350129660.webm (1440x1080, 1.65M)

mina is the least significant member. her not being there will not be noticed.

Attached: BLACKPINK - 'BLACKPINK DIARIES' EP.11.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

yes, shes been in the game long enough

imagine getting through life being this fucking stupid

Attached: 1539201389358.jpg (1000x821, 879K)

has there been a single decent gaypop song since tempo?

I'm sure that's Sana

she knows even more than bona


Attached: gwte5ete for 6shsye.jpg (748x748, 70K)



meant for


jisoo told she wants it blacked

Attached: 1543604291894.jpg (463x724, 388K)

now fuck you somi

>has there been a single decent gaypop song since mirotic?

I paid for this. I deserve to see Mina.

imagine not having silky smooth legs

Attached: 1547361791193.jpg (2334x3822, 1.73M)

imagine thinking photoshop wasn't involved in this

its a press pic retard

Attached: 1532159693833.jpg (1400x2193, 2.02M)

holy shit is she clapped

cub is my spicy latina

absolute state of koreaboo roasties

nice one scammer

a benefit of having so many members is that 1 or 2 could be absent and no one will care. none of them are even important like a taeyeon.

>silky smooth

Attached: 15559550854922.jpg (702x540, 379K)

Gaon Physicals for GGs 1st Half 2019
1. Twice
2. Blackpink
3. Iz One
4. Red Velvet
5. Gfriend
7. Mamamoo
9. Lovelyz
>10. Fromis_9
listen to this banger my dude

the press doesn't edit pictures now?

Attached: 1562582864710.webm (1430x1044, 2.28M)

imagine thinking press pics arent photoshopped

are you actually retarded?

I was right you know
It really is their year

Attached: .png (428x77, 8K)

this sounds pretty good

fuck no they don't
they just turn flash on and point and shoot
thats not cub

Attached: 1536239936628.jpg (800x1186, 233K)

Attached: haggy cutie.webm (450x800, 2.92M)

>6. WJSN
>8. WJSN

dubu, youre fired!

gwsn > wjsn

WJ Stay and For The Summer both made top 10 in terms of gg releases, they are the only one to have two comebacks in 2019 so far

imagine thinking

come on now

i'm surprised you know how to work a computer

based and word

Attached: 477asasypp931.jpg (1535x1920, 312K)

why is everyone talking about mina? did jackson release another photo of her with a got7?

you like trannies or something?

is this the yooj?

why does he keep touching him wtf this is assault

Attached: 98d63c4022bb.gif (600x600, 2.94M)

Attached: 1557350170812.jpg (1500x2250, 2.62M)

imagine imagining

Attached: Jisoo 13.jpg (1278x1920, 1.69M)

since when does sm have rappers


she has to get an abortion

That's Dahyun.

Attached: 155889344934402.jpg (1269x540, 414K)


Jo Yuri

Attached: 1559002273802.jpg (1500x2250, 2.63M)

all that stubble is so hot

wow that gap

twice already?

since sm been quietly buying up smaller hip hop labels

Attached: 1552903761237.jpg (1500x2250, 2.73M)

>worst selling girl groups Gaon 2019

1. PURPLEBECK - Crystal Ball (500 copies)
2. NeonPunch - Watch Out (582 copies)
3. HASHTAG - Aeji Passion (598 copies)
4. Berry Good - Fantastic (944 copies)
5. Favorite - LOCA (1,022 copies)
6. S.I.S - Always Be Your Girl (1,496 copies)
7. DreamNote - Dream:Us (4,253 copies)
8. GWSN - Park In The Night Part 2 (8,720 copies)
9. Momoland - Show Me (10,418 copies)
10. DIA - Newtro (10,562 copies)

Attached: ks73usu3uahe.webm (720x832, 2.02M)

love this thot, built for late nights in the back seat of your car

Attached: 1562131015519.jpg (1200x1920, 513K)

we are at minimum at thrice

where is clc?

just wait for my girls honey popcorn to take over the top spot here

13,000 shipped so they just miss the bottom 10

Attached: 1556787567172.jpg (1600x2482, 2.55M)

oh no no no no no no this is all cathys fault

gib her benis :-----DDd

Berry Good deserves better

Attached: 1543283208580.jpg (1120x1680, 364K)

>leader leaves the day the album comes out
it wasn't going to end well


prostitution is the only reason berry good is still around

>take over the top spot here
what did he mean

Attached: 1560213617433.jpg (1333x2000, 334K)

Attached: haggy juice.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

This makes me so sad.

Jonghyun from Shinee