Most Shoegaze albums don't even compete with this album. This should be a shoegaze album honestly

Most Shoegaze albums don't even compete with this album. This should be a shoegaze album honestly.

>More Textures
>Better Layering
>Better production
>Better songwriting

Attached: shoegaze.jpg (2831x2821, 1.55M)

I want you to know that I am 18 or 14 and there is implicit meaning and significance in that fact, ergo I spurn your older music

Trips speak the truth

fuck loveless



Fucking undeniably great production and songwriting on this album. Gives me so many feels

checked and based OP

Dad overplayed this album when I was a kid and I cant stop listening to it to this day. Fuck Loveless

your dad was a good dad

Get off my board boomer.

Just listened to this today and thought the same thing

>tfw i was wearing my hysteria shirt today

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I used to listen to this album so much when I was 12 on my mp3 player

kek. it's so cute when little zoomers think they have power and clout

But wait Deaf Leopards are the worst of all time, except for Jon Bovi

While your opinion on Bon Jovi is respectable, your opinion on Def Leppard is trash.

Attached: sawngs.jpg (480x360, 17K)


Kevin Shields wishes he made an album like this.

they were pretty fucking cheesy for sure. their earlier stuff was better. bringing on the heartbreak is their best single by far imo

Early Def Lepp is NWOBHM kino on the more fun "rock n roll" side of things. Superstar megaband Def Lepp is pure made for radio pop metal/cock rock but even at that it's unmatched in quality. To hate Def Leppard is to have no soul or be an edgy fedora collector.

This should be Yea Forumscore