I need the upgraded version of the synthwave lads. i know you have it

i need the upgraded version of the synthwave lads. i know you have it.

Attached: mmmmmmmMmMmM.png (1080x1350, 2.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck I am so horny and lonely I can't take it anymore.

Tinder, if you're gonna be a degenerate.

Whatever the stuff Carpenter Brut makes. Think it's called darksynth but too lazy to google it.

Dude, you forgot Ryan Gosling!

I'm fucking dying inside I don't care about memes.

Who is this?

we're all gonna make it lad


You're cute

Attached: ahhh.jpg (970x545, 64K)

She cute, but what dat mouf do?

It Gives soft sweet kisses :3

>reverse google image
>result: girl


Give me a name bros

lower your standards until you get fuck

> :3

That's how I know you're lying, dude.



Attached: 1557083916588.gif (191x200, 1.13M)


her name is diana apparently and she likes entrance from behind sex


Attached: 6551F021-DA23-4229-B736-40B7CE321510.jpg (225x400, 46K)

me too man...me too.........

Attached: 1536311960431.jpg (482x427, 58K)

that small ass picture, but thank you user.

I can't. Constant exposure to idealised nedia has resulted in me having unrealistically high standards in other people as well as a sense of extreme worthlessness in myself, to the point where I am incapable of pursuing any social contact that isn't made necessary through circumstance such as work. I have ruined my mind as a person and thrown away my youth.

sarameikasai on r*ddit

are you me?

A fatherless millennial raised by the internet? Yes.

Stop being such a melodramatic faggot will you