ITT: Favorite Albums to trip to? How does it affect your trip?

ITT: Favorite Albums to trip to? How does it affect your trip?

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it's just really glorious

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First trip I did innerspeaker.
If you haven't tried it I would suggest it.

If you wanna go deep spend some time listening to Pilgrimage by Om.

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I made shroom tea, put this on, and stared at a fire with a friend. I was at a 3-4, but could still tell this was a great album to mix with shrooms.

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Only when you trip

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OP here. Here's mine.

Everything just becomes beautiful. I feel full of child like wonder and joy.

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Daily reminder that drugs are for degenerates and won’t fill the void in your life that you’re looking for.

Makes me feels like I'm floating, slowly drifting away to another world or just this same world, but I can see and understand everything, and I just feel a deep sense of compassion and gratefulness for everything, the good and the bad, it's all part of our unique journey through this crazy, chaotic and beautiful world.

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kinda done with tripping and drugs in general tho desu

Daily reminder that this user is completely not based and absolutely bluepilled. Also likely 14.

Using them recreationally sure.

"Drugs" encompass a large variety of substances. Psychedelics are completely safe and can be used to improve mental health, happiness, and quality of life if you don't turn it into a habit for escapism.

Interested in what drug you took while listening to the album

For innerspeaker it was 125mics of ald-52

big pink pills
and some weed
and a little ket

The frenzied bits (We Tigers) capture the energy that I get at the peak of an acid trip.. and the more ambient songs are just so beautiful and nostalgic

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Music has the right to children is made for tripping

this is for Youssou btw

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I generally prefer to be outside listening to the sounds of nature


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For Gas - Pop was shrooms and weed in the comedown. First time with just 1.5g and second time 3.g

this shit

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friend put this while i was tripping in 25i-nboh (lsd basically). it blew my fucking mind, especially leaf house.
another album that blew my mind during that trip is Tago Mago by Can

Pure Guava and Rubber Soul. Depends on what i'm on but i put those on because they usually chill me out when i'm really fucked up

Especially Echoes. This is far and away Pink Floyd's most E T H E R E A L work.

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that sounds amazing. Hearing an album for the first time (and falling in love with it) tripping is great.

I listened to Ok Computer and Loveless for the first time while tripping (separate trips) and each time i just kept re-listening to them over and over, it was blissful

Life use to be good
Now look what I’ve done
I’ve ruined my temple with drugs
My mind is stunned
Cut down in my man hood
Before my time
Left in my darkness
I’ve lost my mind

I can't even think straight
Nobody knows what I say
Even my guitar
Wonders why I can’t play
No more a smile
I wear on my face
I’ve gone the last mile
And I’ve just lost the race

How did I get this way
Its so unreal
I’m no longer a person
I can’t even feel
Cut down in my manhood
Before my time
Lost in my darkness
I’ve lost my mind

I like to listen to this when I smoke the weed

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Beethoven's 7th or 9th symphonies

I prefer to noodle around with a guitar or piano, rather than listen to recorded stuff.

Don't fall for the "Psychedelics are completely safe meme".

Sure, they cause negligible acute physical damage, even at high doses. However, there is great potential for psychological damage. After having taken 3-4 hits of strong "LSD" in one sitting, I noticed for the following several months my sense of humor and overall speech had declined sharply. I was unable to create good jokes on the spot, my wit had deteriorated, and I would occasionally stutter. This is anecdotal, so take it as it is. From my personal experience (and from other's, read up on Erowid), psychedelics can cause psychological harm on the brain, impairing your social capabilities for months to come (for some people years to come).

This is not even considering the cases of fake psychedelic drugs. If you buy drugs on blotter paper, there is a non-trivial chance that you will be consuming a knock-off version of the drug you think you are consuming. LSD is relatively expensive and challenging to make, compared to other drugs that are similar to LSD (e.g. NMBOME, DOX, etc.). To the inexperienced drug consumer, these drugs will feel very similar to a dose of LSD, however they have very different toxicity ranges. While you could take 10x the normal dose of LSD and have little to no lasting physical damage, if you took 10x the dose of NBOME, you could die.

So, yes, psychedelic drugs are dangerous, and should be taken with caution. You could overdose on something you think is LSD, as it could not be LSD, it could be something very similar in effects.

After this all being said, I still think taking psychedelic drugs is a meaningful experience. I just want people to know to be careful with them. Reckless behavior is what potentiates the criminality of these drugs.

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lol pussy bitch

Anyone who still uses psychedelics past the age of 21 is a loser.

I'm well aware what I am.

I'd dissagree. If you take a trip once every 3-5 years past 21, no prob. If you take a trip once every couple months, wear faggy clothes, go to music festivals, talk about it all the time, past 21, then yep, loser.

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>every 3-5 years
lol what the fuck
>once every couple of months
i trip at least twice a month

Enjoy the holes you’re forming in your brain man. I love acid but it should really only be used to solve problems or commune spiritually. If you take acid for fun you’re really no better than any other drug user

>i trip at least twice a month

i take it since it legitimately helps me with my work as a maths grad student.
if micro-dosing isn't a meme, I'd consider doing that instead.

ITT: im 15 and have done acid once
This board is becoming a parody of itself

How is microdosing a meme? If anything it makes more sense to microdose for that purpose because then you’re not voluntarily messing up your sleep schedule for a day or two every other week and you can still go about your daily life just slightly elevated. All I’m saying is be careful man, frivolous tripping will only lead you to lose yourself in a bad way

Broke: taking acid, ever
Woke: microdosing shrooms

Based and Blankpilled

So do you guys think that you should stop taking drugs at a certain point? The older I get the more I feel that I’m only inhibiting myself by using them, ironically the opposite of how I felt about them in the past. I might still trip every 2 years or so just to keep my ego and such in check, but I genuinely am considering stopping smoking and whatever else. It’s just so repetitive to do drugs Ive already done before


It melted my brain, OP, it's too good to be real

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Campfire Headphase - BoC

Back when I was 18-19 and first dabbling in psychedelics, these were albums I was listening to.

Pic-Related is one of the most majestic things I’ve ever listened to on Psychedelics. Actually the comeback album from Slowdive as well. You can really tell each album took a lifetime of experience to craft

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>Campfire Headphase - BoC

My dude. I tripped at a cottage in the countryside with friends listening to it. Great experience.