>read pic
i like slowthai
Read pic
stop reposting this
>reads pic
not this shit again
Not this shit, again
shoegaze nigga you can fantasize about what you incorrectly assume relationships are like AND not use literal or even audable language to make your sad assumptions even more vague and obtuse (and gay)
That really struck a chord with you huh?
try steely dan
How can you read a picture lol
weatherday come in
slowthai kind of sucks and is hella corny
naw man u cant have a rainbow with out a little rain tho u get me
>How can you read lol
slowthai is the fucking worst, always on about living on a shit council estate like nobody else in the country has it shit, well fuck you because everywhere else in the country is just as miserable
>cynical generalizations about people are wrong
>wanting to get to know normalfags better
nah just that ill informed autism is wrong
why is this still here
maybe try steely dan
oh god
hmm hes kinda good
whoever made the post in this image was extremely butthurt
listen to pic related and learn to appreciate life
2bh "no butthurt posts" should be the only enforced rule, all the fucking redditors invading this site are all so whiny
>walking to the xtravaganza
>you hear xtravaganza play
>and you are still inside the car
>you get out and walk away
>and just before sunset it stops
>you see the light from the street and you are out of it in the street
>and you walk out your car
>you see two cars drive by
>they have lights on, then you see a bunch of people
>all of you leave your cars and people are walking
>people get out
>they all stare at xtravaganza
>as the light is going off, they all start walking toward xtravaganza
>they are all like, "oh shit"
>they are walking in a circle
>you see them walking right behind you
>you see them take off their hats and beards and go
>your mind goes in a whole different direction
>you start taking notes in your head
>your ears start picking up notes
>you start wondering about why all the lights out on the road all turn green