Which board has the worst taste in music? Apart from Yea Forums, of course.
Which board has the worst taste in music? Apart from Yea Forums, of course
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Yea Forums obviously
Yea Forums
mainly cause they have video game soundtracks like silent hill and earthbound but they instead listen to nightcore remixes of final fantasy songs
Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>nightcore remixes
god damn why is it so popular.
Probably Yea Forums.
[insert a board you hate here]
Yea Forums
Fucking /pol/, they're the definition of poser. "Hurr I'm so cultured, I'm an intellectual, I love classical music." Do you asshole, or do you just listen to the same twenty pieces by the most popular names that get tossed around on this website, most of which aren't even those composers' best works? Do you have any fucking idea about different periods of the music, or is literally everything from the 1000s to the 1900s """classical"""?
Definitely /bant/. They get K-Pop General there. the one and only generals that exist.
Explain this. Just sounds like typical bit music to me. Nothing original.
all of them
This or /vg/
/pol/ the Nazi anthem gets tiring after 2000 listens
does /pol/ even likes classical? I can't imagine them listening to anything but Sabaton
/fit has to be. Their lifting music general is just beyond bad taste, it's not even music.
>tiring after 2000 listens
That's actually pretty good. Most music gets tiring after 3.
i don't think i've listened to it once
the battle themes are dope, everything else is kinda meh. also, strong one masked man is up there as one of the best video game songs ever, even tho that's mother 3.
i listen to lil texas mixes while working out
all of the /pol/ nazis and libertarian epic kek dank memers don't give a shit about art in general, the AuthRight kids listen to war songs and soldier marches because they think it makes them seem cool and the LibRight kids listen to Shadilay metal cover as a joke and literally nothing else. the few leftists on the board probably don't listen to music at all.
>it's not even music
thanks for letting us know that your opinion doesn't count, I almost listened to what you had to say for a minute.
these are both fucking sick, thx. cave of the past sounds like a fucked up vaporwave or house song.
/fit/ eurotrance shit
/pol/ definitely would not be a fan of Steve Reich, dispite his name.
Not that far off, actually. It sampled The Beach Boys.
/fa/ easily
/fa/ has the greatest awareness of cultivating an aesthetic so they have to have music to match. They probably all listen to fucking Post-Punk
As a leftist (ancom) who's sole passion im life is music, you're wrong.
Yea Forums is basically he worst board for everything related to taste on any single subject, including vidya.
/trash/ unless ear rape is good music.
They also hold their own "Yea Forums the musical" to high regard when its absolute garbage. No matter where you stood on gamergate, I dont think it's possible to watch one of those musicals from 2014 and not feel ashamed of sharing a website with them