ITT: great vocalists who are not good singers

ITT: great vocalists who are not good singers

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>it's bad on purpose

Attached: 923874.jpg (640x480, 42K)


epic reading comprehension

>not good singers
>not good
not good = bad, you mouth-breathing pseuds

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keep digging


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Man this board is full of retards

Dylan, Cohen, Reed and Iggy Pop obv

I think Byrne is a fine singer. Check out his solo work, especially Rei Momo, Grown Backwards,and Everything That Happens Will Happen Today.

Attached: David-Byrne-Talking-Heads.jpg (1200x800, 193K)

"good singers technically" would probably suit your purpose better

shut up retard

based retard

Tommy CaSH

Unironically Billie Eyelash.

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Some of Bowie's work could fit this I think, though it's hard to tell sometimes when he's just putting it on for character. 'It's No Game No. 1' is bad-singing-on-purpose kino.

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Imagine having such a simple mind

Absolute banger of a track

Leonard Cohen

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yeah jerry was always the better singer and even he is pretty lame, I wouldn't want it any other way though.

anyone that screams

What songs does Gerald sing? I thought it was always Mark.

nah, he's both. he hits his notes dead on, THEN distorts them, it's great

most of the hardcore era stuff (I been refused, auto modown, I need a chick etc), after that his voice got deeper so his voice got more distinct compared to mark. as far as the later stuff off the top of my head I know he was on cold war, I can't think of a list of songs right now

I think you mean great vocalists who are not technically skilled singers. a good singer is a good singer. that being said, Henry Rollins, the most based vocalist of all time.

Ozzy Osbourne

Unironically Stu Mackenzie

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>Jeff Mangum not mentioned yet
You all sicken me


nah, he just sucks at singing

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tfw nobody posted Billy Corgan

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Honestly his screams were some of the best of the 90's, like just all out primal rage.