>allowing kpop
>talking about obvious industry plants
>talking about anything other than music
sticky pls
this board has gone down a
low barrier of entry + high amount of newfriends. We should've done more earlier to get them out.
Surefire way to fix Yea Forums by banning OP's topics in order:
>3 day ban
>3 day ban
>thread moved to trash and and anyone posting in the Yea Forums part of the thread gets a 7-30 day ban
>3 day ban
>7 day ban
>3 day ban
>3 day ban
>Warn and then 3 day ban
yes please
only way to save the board
Saddens me how much the jannies have allowed this board to go in the complete shitter by doing absolutely nothing and allowing all this garbage
jannies please
we're in time to save this board, pls do this
i'm willing to bet anything you reply to all the aforementioned threads but ignore any thread that tries to discuss non-Yea Forumscore bands. the reason Yea Forums is garbage is because you let the types of threads you claim to want just 404 and die every single time
>*resets router and clears cookies*
lol no. I've got 5 threads open right now and that's a whole lot for me considering most of the board is shit. I post in any and all threads pertaining to shoegaze, singular albums i've listened to, most collages, and pretty much anything music related i'm interested in.
>many people agree with him and there's many IPs, must be a router reset!
>trying to save Yea Forums
>varg the anti-immigrant terrible immigrant posting
Critics know more about music than the whole of Yea Forums.
>doing nothing instead in any year
this board is dead, the future is discord or whatever the kids are using
4chins as a whole has gone down the shitter starting with gamergate, and the /pol/tards finished up the job
No-one likes a gatekeeper. Especially a hypocritical one - see
we dont have mods that shit aint happening
You are retarded. Have sex.
listen to 1000 gecs
even death posts take forever nowadays to get a sticky
Example of a buzzphrase that should be filtered and avoiding the wordfilter should be a 7-day ban
>didn't mention kpop general threads
>what is the third line in the post
Can someone tell me what's wrong frog and wojak posting? I'm out of the loop here.
It's current version of rage comic faces
>many people agree with him and there's many IPs, must be a router reset!
he wasn't talking about that retard
It's an obvious way to out yourself as a redditor who arrived to this site in 2016.
>>allowing kpop
still music
still music
politic is not art but musician have political opinions so is okay
>>talking about obvious industry plants
still music
still music
>>talking about anything other than music
Nothing wrong with a little outside chat
more like kpoop! amirite guys?
>Kpop still music
The Kpop general does not talk about music and this has been the case for a long time. There is no redeeming it either.
>baitposting still music
No, that is wrong.
>/pol/posting from musicians is ok
No, that belongs on /pol/
>talking about industry plants is still music
Only thing I'll even give a chance to discuss. Their music is not genuinely made but if you want to discuss obvious plants, sure. The threads need to be limited to 1 per artist though. Oftentimes there are more.
>criticposting is still music
No, it is not. celeb shit belongs elsewhere, and these threads very rarely discuss the music and oftentimes discuss the e-celeb himself. Again, not music.
>outside chat is ok
>The Kpop general does not talk about music and this has been the case for a long time. There is no redeeming it either.
It looks like you dont visited Kpop threads. They talk about the music, just because they talk about the cute girls too doesnt mean they ignore the music
>No, that belongs on /pol/
It doesnt. Just like philosophy threads on Yea Forums are okay. We should able to talk about their political opinions since it affects their music.
>Their music is not genuinely made
Irrelevant desu but you should able to discuss it
>The threads need to be limited to 1 per artist though. Oftentimes there are more.
Agreed. Im sick of seeing Tyler threads.
>No, it is not. celeb shit belongs elsewhere, and these threads very rarely discuss the music and oftentimes discuss the e-celeb himself. Again, not music.
All about the world of music should stay on Yea Forums.
The board shouldnt be so rigurous with the rules, if I want to know what my hiphopbros are drinking i should be able to ask.
based bumped and stickied
>implying Yea Forums users have any influence on Yea Forums rules
Go circlejerk about post-punk on Reddit.
I agree with everything except critics. Threads about Fantano or Scaruffi saying something against Trump is not part of the 'world of music'. It doesn't belong here.
That's because music has gone down the shitter
A..user... You're not criticizing the m..mods, right? Everyone knows that could result in a ban!
I'd say kpg is about 50% musicians, 25% music, 25% shitposting
it's a decent ratio dbh
>a majority of talking about plastics with a minority of music discussion means it's relevant to Yea Forums
"no". if al/ck/oholic threads get moved to /r9k/ for content, then Kpop should as well. They are much worse offenders of the off-topic tightrope.
>their political opinions relate to their music so we should talk about them
If the original topic is the music then ehh sure but if you're gonna start off the thread with some Morrissey quote or some Idles quote that's outside of their music, then yes that belongs on /pol/. Just because it comes from the mouth of the musician does not make it discussion relevant to music.
>Irrelevant about the plant topic
Sure but limit it to 1 thread. We seem to agree on this.
>e-celebs are ok since they're in the world of music
I disagree and I'm not sure what else I need to say to argue my point. Anything pertaining to the actual music should be ok but some Fandago tweet to a musician or some nobody regarding politics belongs on /pol/. The music discussion these e-celebs have that DO pertain to direct critiques should be capped at 1 thread, and when the melon releases an album review it should be 1 thread max (I repeat myself basically)
>I should be able to ask what my hiphopbros are drinking
Blogging should be done elsewhere.
ok but who got the 8s get
>unironically being a rulesfag
>unironically sitting back and criticizing anyone that wants to do something and watching the board get shittier over years because mods do nothing
wew lad
Yea Forums sure is super serious for you
please don't associate that faggotry with kpg
you are seriously getting the wrong idea
we are not about that, we do not stand for that
yeah right? Why isn't every board just Yea Forums?
what a fucking nonsensical redirect, /pol/ treats Yea Forums posting like it's an existential struggle against the international jewish SJW pedophile conspiracy
and I'm sure you speak for the whole general that just happens to get very active around gets for no particular reason at all.
What a load of bullshit your post is, you're not going to save any face here.
sounds like you know an awful lot about it
gecposting should be an automatic Yea Forums gold pass
I have never posted on this board before, I'm here only to congratulate k-popfags for dabbing on the rest of Yea Forums in such a glorious way.
Cheers, faggots.
please add
>nu-maleposting (if that doesn't fall under wojakspamming)
seriously, the nu male shit is so tiring. you add fucking nothing to the discussion by just greentexting somebody's opinion next to a haha epic kek nu male face.
yeah if you have any more to add I'll keep a list. I knew I was missing some.
Gatekeeping is quality control, you'll realise one day.
what is actually funny is kpop is way more than just a meme these last couple of years. used to be songs so shit you'd watch your waifus on mute, literally. but those days long gone. open your eyes and stop discriminating just because you don't understand something
>body-of-work posting
that shit needs to go, too.
>music for this feel/what do they listen to
these are on thin ice, they're usually just blog posts and nobody responds with actual music
also, I would ask that industry plants are allowed, since even the "obvious" ones are only obvious to some delusionals who think they aren't. plus, some of the bands that get accused of it, like black midi, are actually worth discussing, even if you think they're shit.
also, let the Kpop general stay, so long as the k pop idol shit stays in its thread, they aren't harming anyone. plus, im sure that there's at least ONE redeeming k pop album out there... right?
meant to say "only obvious to some delusional who think they are," as in, what some people declare an obvious industry plant is usually not an industry plant, or at least an obvious one.
k-chads absolutely
basedboy Yea Forumstants, rap "music" posting niggers and the r*dditroaches infesting this board
>music for this feel/what do they listen to
what do they listen to is 95% just /pol/posting in a shitty disguise
music for this feel is often ok, not annoying to the point where it has to be generally disregarded imo
music for this feel should be thread-by-thread basis
>implying the mods would even consider doing this
As for the industry plants, I'm talking about Eilish, Clairo, Brockhampton and that whole level of plant. The questionables like Lana Del Ray and the like can stay
there really needs to be a kpop board already
>we must fiercly regulate and censor this board
>people who say things i disagree with should be banned
Oddly left leaning, dare i say, communistic views you guys are displaying.
varg dog
i'd love it. let them have their own green board so they can have it all since that's clearly what it's about. they'd be fairly active too
you spelled 'bump' wrong
That shit was a literally black twitter normalfag tier status dead meme until reddit popularized it again and doubled Yea Forums's userbase
>making a meta thread instead of actually talking about music
take your own advice, faggot
There is no fix to Yea Forums. This board is only as good as the people that post on it, and I've become convinced the average age of posters on here is below 18. The average poster here browses on their phone and uses this place for /trash/ shitposting and trying to diversify their music tastes by making recommendation threads. Everyone on here is a total normalfag, listens to hip hop, and has lots of friends. Maybe the rules in OP would incentivize these people to go somewhere else but I don't think most people here are actually autistic about music.
That's the point. A majority of people here aren't autistic about music but if these simple rules were enforced and low quality posting was actually punished, people would go shitpost elsewhere about something else since they don't actually care to discuss music.
I'm just skeptical is all. The average thread on here is like an image of a dog reaction image with "What does he listen to?" and 17 replies before it inevitably dies. Yea Forums's culture is more than just pepe and wojak, it's just someplace to sperg about pop culture and pop politics and fish for recommendations to make their music tastes seem cooler to their friends. That stuff is probably not gonna go away for a long time.
>but musician have political opinions so is okay
That still goes in /pol/.
Well then we should make a push for more rec threads or populate them more, which I already do my best at. Also getting rid of low quality posts is easily done with proper mods.
Kpop so special we deserve our own board. Western cucks btfo'ed again
If I could buy Yea Forums from gookmoot I'd make a /pop/ - Pop Culture board and probably some kind of various generals board. /vag/ would be very fitting but wouldn't go over well.
fuck you you're banned from youtube.
This please mods.
>trans hate threads
>lgbtq+ hate threads
>woman hate threads
>ethnic minority hate threads
I appreciate having /kpg/ around to unironically infuriate the teens on here who thought they had any chance at the 8s
the majority of Yea Forums's userbase has always been underage but the pressure to lurk long enough to not make an ass out of yourself when you first started posting has long since died so now every new influx of kids just dilutes the boards with wherever they came from
You're the only autist on here that would even bother
based "i can't share the board with people which have other interests" posters
Shut the hell up. You lot are spamming this board with literally who shitty bands and musicians and their shitty music only a couple of you think they like just because you're contrarian autists.
ebin.......fug the kpop......
Filtered, there has never been a more filtered comment on this entire board than generalizing all unknown artists as bad, and posting a Skrillex image as well