Got invited to this event, this is the worst I’ve seen for a while.
What are your crappiest local bands called?
Got invited to this event, this is the worst I’ve seen for a while.
What are your crappiest local bands called?
nine inch nails
Rat King
There's a bunch of dad rock cover bands that play at the local pub every other night. Can't remember any of them off the top of my head but they are basically all just awful puns of the names of bands like ACDC and Led Zeppelin, it's epic cringe
Is there a Led Zeppelin cover band that changes the lyrics to be about bread? Bread Zeppelin?
Basically every stoner/doom band (music is still good tho)
>Electric Wizard
All sound like something a 14 year old getting high for the first time would come up with
No, but there's a Led Zeppelin cover band where all the members are fat and it's called Fed Zeppelin
There is The Pizza Underground featuring Macauley Culkin and singing such hits as All Tomorrows Pizza Parties.
car seat headrest
still haven't got over the name. fucking car seat headrest.
theres 2 cringy rappers from my city who go by the name of ''vagina records''
needless to say they have like 40 followers and sound like absolute shit
Danny Dyer’s Chocolate Homonculus
As someone who was into sludge/stoner/doom before growing out of metal and still enjoys alot of stoner/sludge/doom on occasion; here is my stance:
>Electric Wizard
Doesn't count as cringe, is portmanteau of Sabbath's The Wizard and Electric Funeral.
The word bong in the context of a band name is pure cringe so ye.
If in the context of someone who eats weeds (as in nasties that grow in the grass) is totally fine, if in the context of pot it's a bit cringey
Slug in bandname=super duper cringe.
any act that has numbers in its name
I really hate that whenever I see the word Panini my head instantly starts playing the Lil Nas X song instead of thinking of a delicious pressed melty cheese sandwich
Momma's Kumquat
Electric Wizard is a sick name but that might just be b/c I like their music more
My brain stopped dead in its tracks after reading Captain Hornswoggle.
My crappiest is The Band Kidz.
support your local music scene user
>if in the context of pot
obviously that's the context you fucking retard
Señor Lunchbox and the Tijuana Wrestling Association
There's Dread Zeppilin, which is basically Led Zeppilin reggae covers.
Also their singer is an elvis impersonator.
This sentence hurts me physically.
Bongwater was good thou, but it was a different time for music and their lyrics where literal jokes
Are they still around?
At least it has meaning rather than just trying to sound quirky or cool like other bands
Is it weird that I like stoner metal despite never smoking weed?
Of course not, dummy
Jay is that you?
You're the only person I know who comes to this shithole. Way to talk shit about your friends behind their back, AGAIN.
How's that project your working on goung by the way? You're not gonna flake out of the shows next time, right pussy?
Ricky fucked Jen btw.
Fuck you.
Electric Wizard is actually a crazy band live though
Shashimi Panini is an awesome band name.
How about a zeppelin cover band that's entirely on the spectrum? Sped Zeppelin
I do, I fucking play weekly, with my real name as I’m not a pretentious fuck.
The Hair Blair Bunch
Spunk Bubble
Various Artists
Curse These Metal Hands
Man Feelings
I legit like Curse These Metal Hands and Man Feelings
>only playing, not going out to just listen, and calling everybody not going by their legal name pretentious is supporting local music
there's a led zeppelin cover band but they're all made out of lead
they're called "lead zeppelin"
>My Bloody Valentine
Imagine unironically naming your band after a mediocre slasher film.
Oh fuck off, I also listen to other acts, I am telling you I am literally part of the local music scene.
Not everyone who uses a fictitious name is an arse but come on, Shashimi Panini? Captain whatever the fuck it was? These names suck ass.
there's Mac Sabbath that changes Sabbath lyrics to be about fast food
She wouldn't do that to me, I know her. Fuck you for trying to get under my skin. Project is going great man. Be careful when you see me, bitch.
There's a local rapper who goes by Mr. [area code]
>Shit Sex
>Girl Germs
Basically any hipster trash band out of Melbourne has a terrible meme name
The Pink Lemons are the worst (and only) band on my campus
Prince Daddy and the Hyena. Although they do make good music
>Captain Hornswoggle
I can’t breath
Do you know Hex Debt? Cringe band with a cringe name
pizaa underground sounds like some podesta epstein shit lol
>Captain Hornswaggle
Great name. Beat me to it.