Lords of Chaos

So, what did you think

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>no fenriz


Second half of the movie is shit-tier

It's dogshit but I love how it triggers le epic tr00 black metalheads and "da joos did it" Varg.

I know its not historically accurate, and that it ridiculizes the characters, but it was entertaining.

Dialogue and motivations in the movie weren't fleshed out at all.
Suicide scene was fucking great.
Murder scene was well done minus the chocolate milk.
Nudity and love interest were entirely unnecessary.
>no Fenriz played by Reese Witherspoon


Love & Mercy still reigns supreme as the best fucking biopic movie.

It's bad alright, but I didn't regret watching it. It was.. entertaining.

Also, it triggers Vagfags and their master with the broken car to no end, so that's a yes from me.

Even as someone slightly inclined to Varg, Emory Cohen's portrayal was hilarious

Tried too hard to be a le trendy coming of age movie. You can tell it's a Vice Films movie put it that way

>Sky Ferreira
No thanks

>Suicide scene was fucking great.
I wonder what Necrobutcher thinks of it

Attached: Don't share his suicide picture or fuck off!.jpg (306x320, 25K)


she looks weird

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It’s fucking hilarious to me that they included a scene where sky cuts euronymouses hair and he becomes a stereotypical hipster listening to fucking Tangerine Dream

it was pretty good honestly. Of course it's not accurate like most biopics

he listened to that stuff before and in real life, i remember varg saying that he always annoyed dead with his synthi stuff

and according to the actual police reports, oystein did cut his hair the day/days before he was killed. there's apparently even photos of his body, having short hair.

the girlfriend is made up though, yes, but she's not important to the plot anyways

Don't like BM anymore

i can't even find a link to this film

that's probably on you

watched it just because of this thread, was expecting it to be ass but had a great time watching it. Thought the whole thing with varg being a nazi was overdone as fuck, I doubt he was decorating his room with swastika flags or with pictures of hitler, especially since he didn't start announcing these views until he was in jail and then quickly disavowed them.

>go on YouTube to find Varg’s fucking nine-part series on why he doesn’t like this film
>his channel has been deleted
Well fuck this is a real loss to the internet

As cringey as varg is, those 9 videos were pretty decent responses to alot of what happened according to his account. Per usual he makes his dislike for euronymous known but does defend him on a few topics, mainly the murder scene. He said euronymous wasn't a pussy about it and was fighting to kill/survive, didnt beg for his life and obviously dismisses that chocolate milk scene.

He was also pissed about being portrayed by a jewish actor and the promiscuous sex scenes.

Also, varg has a bitchute account. I'm not aware of the extent of the content available.

I actually really enjoyed it, granted Im deeply in love with all forms of black metal (except nsbm) but as an actual movie I thought it was well shot and written

Haha i think its funny varg got upset about the sex scene when in real life Euronymous and Varg were having sex with the same bitch

what does killing someone feel like

yice (yikes)