ITT: post your favourite movie, get an album rec
ITT: post your favourite movie, get an album rec
Other urls found in this thread:
I only watch short structuralist movies
the dark side of the moog
James Ferraro - Human Story 3
The Eagles - Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975)
Fanisk - Noontide
>Portishead- Dummy
Since you like surface shit
>The new Daughter
Since you obviously started watching movies in 2017
Forgot to tag the second one
Herbie Hancock - Sextant
Women - Public Strain
zenjin - pseudoscorpion
haha, no.
damn, Yea Forums has awful taste in film
- Yea Forums
Goreshit - Tomboyish love for daughter
P-Model - Scuba
Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1
that sucked so fucking bad i dislike Thank You For Smoking now because it lead to me having to listen to some of that album. My new favorite movie is pic related
Holy shit that 8 minute synth intro was based, thanks for the rec user.
>A music board doesn't have good taste in movies
What a realization, did you recently exit the womb perchance?
Hateful Eight
A lot better than Yea Forums. You guys don't even discuss movies there, just shitposts.
Ariel Kalma - An Evolutionary Music
Kiki the witch? More like Kiki the bitch.