Who are your favorite and/or least favorite Yea Forums posters?
Who are your favorite and/or least favorite Yea Forums posters?
people born after the year 2000
i liked bowieposter a lot. where did she go?
Asuka poster
i like you, friend. 9/10 poster
sneed posters
>least favorite
kpop posters
i like that one called Anonymous
aphex twin hater and alex turner poster are the best
kpopfags are the worst
steely dan poster is a riot and a half ha.
The Gusic guy, god I love that cat
Gwenposter disappeared.
Gwenposter was the worst.
ooo massa is an american hero
at least he left his mark on this world
I like MKULTRA CHAD. I think it’s nice how helpful they are when it comes to drums. If you see this MK I love you..
Most Potential: Fairly large, uncut penis poster
Destined to Fail: “_______? Is that you and your gay boyfriend’s safe word?” poster
i think he's fuckin dead from liver disease, dude.
he kinda got me to cut back on my drinking tho. kinda.
i kind of liked him
i hope he's okay
schizo poster, bowie earthling posters, aphex twin hater, mike love
kpop, post-musked grimes posters, MGMT posters
shoutout to "does anyone think animal collective sounds like twenty-one pilots" poster from a few years ago, thanks for the memories.
favorites: MASSA-poster, sneed posters, boku, OP
worst: kpop fags, every form of stan (especially clairo), kanye fags, the gwenposter
what happened to schizo-poster?
Hmm.. there’s a lot I like and then there’s some I absolutely despise
favorites : massaposter, schizo poster, drain gang posters, selly-ester watts field poster, myself
worst : MKULTRA CHAD, Avant-Math God, God, chartanon, fairly large, uncut penis poster
it's me isn't it? i'm not gonna stop.
I like this thread. It’s like being in school and gossiping about everyone, very fun
do we have any cute tripfags?
inxy sounds like he might be cute :3
massa poster, sneed posters, bitch got a penis posters, fairly large uncut penis poster, lewis and his band poster, soiphex twin spammer, mkultra chad, stay, and inxy
grimes posters, billie posters, kpop just in general, gusic posters, women, blacks, and anyone who actually cares about music and wants to have a serious discussion
Maybe? What do you usually post?
James Dean is the most based tripfag of them all.
I like we got It from here poster (me)
I dislike frogposters
Based schizoposter
he's posted pictures before
very unattractive
The Yea Forums poster reading this :)
Favorite poster: Me
Worst poster: me
also forgot to put crazy frog poster at the top
Are you the guy with posts the same 8bit zombie pic? I’m still following you
I can beat up anyone on Yea Forums
see there you go
perfectly normal looking boy
that's fucking funny. i have many pictures.
his phone bigger than his head
is this bootleg young sam hyde
I love the Watersposter
If you're reading this, don't leave ever
anyone who posts shitcore
This nigga looks like he’s missing some skin
>tfw done nothing to be forever enshrined in the annals of Yea Forums lore
why am i so forgettable
this what a cunt, he started posting on Yea Forums too
hahah don't try me bitchass nigga
>why am i not obnoxious enough to spam a personal gimmick or adopt a trip?
you might be anonymous, but people like you are literally the lifeblood of this website, let alone this board.
probably tylo be chillin
sal AKA Xusosis is currently winning the attractive tripfag game by a longshot
Billie posters, sneed posters, fairly large uncut penis poster, massaposter, bowieposter
Frogposters, MKULTRA CHAD, the kpop legion, aphex soi dude, bitch got a penis posters, shitcore chart poster
>billie posters
hang yourself
>bitch got a penis
fuck you
i don’t want to believe he’s a chad but he has all the features of a chad
bruh he's got tits
looks like an incel that went to boot camp
holy shit gross
put your trip back on and apologize
Those are pecs, not tits.
A word that has clearly lost all meaning
He’s like 5 feet tall lmao
look closely at the puffy-ass area around his left nipple
love all my friends here who call out fascism and general /pol/ trash when they see it
fight the good fight comrades
can it, skinnyfat
>analyzing a guy's nipples
go to if you want to be so gay
You fren :)
nah man, that's gyno.
you know it's gyno.
look at that perk.
it's gyno.
marxist-leninist/stalinist here
no problem friendo
Gynofag here, that’s not what gyno looks like.
thanks user im glad we're on the same team
black metal poster, yui poster, selly ester watts field poster, gwenposter
>least favorite
I hate /pol/ and also fucking commies
People who like rock and metal, and eminem, are my favorite
People who like anything else are my least favorite
seriously just google “mild gyno”, he doesn’t have it. you guys act like you’ve never seen a well developed chest on a male before.
I miss the Christian and the Hedgehog Boys poster
sorry man, centrists go straight to gulag. historically speaking they’re just closet right-wingers who’d support fascists in a heartbeat if it meant deterring any vague hint of communism.
nice larp
this is why I hate you cringelords
it's a nice thread boys let's not do this here
google isn't supporting you on this
just put your trip back on
it's the puffy nipples, man. they're suspect.
not an argument
explain how i’m “larping” exactly.
S(need) tier: sneedposters
A tier: actual discussion
B tier: DG/AnCo/RDJ posters
C tier: bgap posters
D tier: boomers
E tier: anti-queer posters
F tier: dubbi
>being neither a /pol/tard or a gommie makes you a centrist
okay reddit
you nerds aren't sending anyone to gulag or ever having any actual impact on real-world politics
it’s always weird little tidbit insecurities like gyno and hairlines that people like you two love to think everybody’s super self-concerned about, and never about the full picture (which is the physique)
none of my friends who actually lift on a regular basis care about this petty shit; which begs the question, do either of you actually take care of yourselves?
>sent on my iPhone
Retarded zoomer
yeah i do
I don't lift but do calisthenics and bust out at least 20 pull-ups with various grips a day to keep the slim yet toned physique the chicks dig boi
stop projecting and go lift with your gay bear friends
hm yes that’s why socialist parties have major seats all around the world, that’s why the communist parties of nepal and india are seen as high-level, genuine threats, that’s why anti-communist propaganda is still deeply entrenched in the minds of hundreds of millions of westerners, maybe even a billion.
capitalism’s destruction is simply inevitable; it’s an unstable system that will always collapse in on itself. can’t wait till wall street crashes again and thousands of rich people commit suicide like last time.
20 pull ups a day? yeah you’re a real superstar user!
>politics posters
>he isn’t aware of how the iphone developed
consider getting an education — the iphone’s components were created by the US military; it was state-funded, had nothing to do with the glorious free market.
also, this idea that you can’t criticize capitalism even though you use products from said system is just incredibly lazy. capitalism surrounds us, it is all-encompassing, we simply have no choice but to exist under it. what’s your point exactly?
okay, i believe you :)
>slim yet toned physique
utterly meaningless language that describes nothing. of course you don’t lift, nobody who lifts actually talks like this.
based and apoliti-pilled
My favorite Yea Forums poster is named "Anonymous"!
I use 4chanX to block any user that uses a different name or tripcode to appear on any board.
It's the only correct choice.
I love my Stribros
haven't seen brandon in a while. is he ok?
i can’t get over what you said here. 20 fucking pushups a day? holy shit i’m dying over here
bet they aren’t even done with a backpack full of free weights L M A O
people like you truly have no choice but to focus on petty, not-as-universal-as-you-think-they-are insecurities such as gyno, hairlines, jawbones, and whatever other shit internet addicts love complaining about. have a nice night user
>worst: post ironic 9fags and pol tards
rageposting is kino
i only come back to this board about once a week just to see how shit it is
i miss that post rock poster that posted with the name yui back in 2012-2014
god this board is fucking terrible now
what boards do you frequent now
i feel you, i miss 2010-2012 Yea Forums.
why does it matter. they are all shit.
i was just wondering where i should migrate to.
depends what your interests are
eart hl i ng bowie guy
fuck off back to work tony
i'm your dad (me)
tylo be chillin
go loaf!
giga chad
late night schizonon
yup that's my penis guy
self promoters that stay in their area
friends of carles
sex havers
share thread true believers
jazz in forward slashes
least faves bengi boy
100 gecs cast & crew
morrissey fan
le boyboy
twitter poasters all kinds
politics poasters all kinds
bleep radio rap guy
wandering lit shitters i see you bitch
grimes' fanclub
chart derail guy (doesn't sage)
becky ass kpop dudes
hiphop heads errant
juggalo chaplet
Self-Identified Sophie St*n
content farm repost crew
critiques of critics
rateyourmusic cinematic universe
chris ott poster relax bro
oh my god aphex twin radio head :o !!!
react gang
based cringers
bucky elvish publicist
tyler's secretary
That is quite a list.
it is
honorable mention to she's ugly
>least favorite
>got mentioned
nice to know i am liked. thank you
My favorite was the based skaposter from a few years ago
why is a troon lecturing people about bodies? you're an osteoporotic freak
the retards who frogpost
Patrician choice. All of you sucking tripcodes dicks itt should go back to whatever shitty social media you came from cause that's fucking cancerous.
Favourite: Archers of Loaf -poster
Least favourite: clam
I am schizo poster, and I'm also the creator of "Who killed the Kennedys?" AMA
That position makes me wonder if he has a gigantic chin.
Awww, what a good boy.
schizoposter is the only good one. everyone else here sucks
matpat's gf stephanieposter can die in a fire
that's all
>all this talk has me wondering.....
>maybe i'm the schizoposter, and i just don't know it
People who hate kpop because they tend to listen to shit music but unironically think its good.
I'm not schizophrenic, I'm just a real motherfucker, running on lots of chemicals
>Well developed chest
He looks like he worked out 2 years ago, but stopped, and has been eating chips since and doing nothing since.
crazyaga is by far the worst, he spammed this board with Devin Townshend threads for days on end and always derailed threads where he posted in. im glad he disappeared and hope he an hero'd
Schizo poster is the best poster by far
Fuck you half chan cancer,,,,,, eat my shit!
Been wondering the same thing. Wouldn't be surprised if he just offed himself based on how some of the last posts I saw from him looked
When the fuck did that happen?
i assume you’ll supplement this analysis with a pic of your own chest?
not an argument