Comfy sneedsons thread

comfy sneedsons thread

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wrong board chuck

so this is the guy that was formerly chuck’s?


>banned from Yea Forums
>undocumented migrants clogging up Yea Forums's borders
You have to go back


Yea Forums sneedposting, formerly Yea Forums sneedposting

Yea Forums is a certified sneed board


lets make sneed the 88888888 get

Fuck back off to Yea Forums you losers >:(

someone explain this sneed meme to me i dont get it?? it’s just a signboard.

it used to be called “Chuck’s Feed and Seed”

Worst forced meme of all time.

ok but how is it funny? it’s just a shop name.
is it a forced meme? idk i just want to know bro

t. brainlet

Look in the mirror.

all i see is a based feed and seed poster???

It's a forced meme from Yea Forums about a stupid episode of the Simpsons that these idiots spam. They think it's funny to spam it like because it pisses people off. It's just never been funny and it never will be.

yes but what is the joke in the signboard? if it was formerly chuck’s it would just be chuck’s feed and seed right?

I'm not going to explain it. Stop the bait.

Sneed: Feed and Seed
Chuck: Fuck and auck

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Sneed seed and feed
Chuck fuck and suck

that’s really rude bro
i don’t get it, where does the “fuck and auck” come from when the sign clearly says feed and seed?

It's a based meme from Yea Forums about a genius episode of the Simpsons that these intellectuals spam. They know it's funny to spam it like because it dabs on jannies, city slickers, and comfyfags. It's just always been funny and it always will be.

dude that doesn’t make sense why does “feed and seed” change into “fuck and suck”?

You’re not as funny as you think you are
Based as fuck
It’s a Simpsons joke, one guy kept spamming it on Yea Forums two years ago until it caught on. It’s a very forced meme, but people will comment “sneed” or post words/characters related to the Simpsons scene cause Yea Forums/redditors think repetition is inherently funny

Whatever you say. Keep on keepin' on.
You're not my "bro".

Yea Forums is particularly hostile tonight.

formerly didn’t catch on

yes but why is the word sneed important and why do they focus on the shop sign? why do they call it fuck and suck? is there a joke somewhere?
dude that’s not cool. show a little respect.


>Gets banned from Yea Forums
>Posts shitty forced meme on a music board
What did OP mean by this?

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formerly kpop board

sneed is a brilliant meme that destroyed any possibility of serious discussion ever again of that garbage show. if anything, it was the chemo that cured Yea Forums.


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We were never banned from Yea Forums ya clueless simp